Thursday 27 May 2021

The Find 45.


Northern central region of the Southlands. The pit. The ancient city of Dalphene. Also known as The City of Ruins.
Gilvanéllé the elven magic user slightly pauses, then frowns. The elven noble from the principality of Alínlae then ducks down and enters the tunnel.
He takes a couple of steps then grabs the mercenary Bracniss who is infront of him.
The mercenary freezes, almost in fright when the elven spellcaster takes a hold of him by the right arm.
No one wants to be touched by the elven mercenary, who is a well known pariah down here in the City of Ruins.
"Hurry ahead and get my brother Lolm" quietly and quickly says Gilvanéllé the elven magic user who continues on with "We're being followed".
In the darkness of the tunnel, the eyes of the mercenary Bracniss open wide in surprise.
"Tell Maygam too" quietly says the powerful practitioner of magic, who along with his twin brother Lolmildíll.
Was sent into exile at a fairly young age, when they were a little over a hundred years old to be exact. Sent into exile due to their depraved behaviour.
"We'll need others to stop whoever it is that's out there" quietly says Gilvanéllé or Gil as he's more commonly called by the others in the company.
"You four stay with me" says the elven noble from the principality of Alínlae, as Bracniss hurries forward through the dark tunnel.
"Move back" angrily hisses the powerful elven magic user, who then adds "If they get by me, it'll be up to you to stop them".
Gil or Gilvan as he's called by his twin brother Lolmildíll. Is pretty sure he heard quite a few people out there, not far from the tunnel entrance.
The elven magic user, who is pretty safe in the knowledge he can't be sensed by any other spellcaster, no matter how powerful they are.
Senses away again as he looks out of the mouth of the tunnel, slightly frowning as he does so.
The powerful elven magic user doesn't sense any other spellcaster nearby. But that doesn't mean there isn't anyone.
As he's sure he sensed something a little bit ago. As he and the others were walking towards the tunnel. After returning from the northern end of the giant hole in the ground, which contains the City of Ruins.
Looking out of the tunnel, Gil spots movement, and faintly smiles as he senses once more. This time for anything magical, and not specifically spellcasters.
He slightly nods, then murmurs "Gotcha". As this time he does sense something.
It takes him a few moments, as the practitioner of magic from house Jilenthàl in Alínlae casts an identification spell.
He sneers when he finds out there's someone out there who has a cast a heatball to keep themselves warm on this cold autumn evening.
He doesn't know who it is, but they're moving with that heatball. So he knows where they exactly are. And assumes they're holding their power within themselves so that they don't get sensed.
Gilvanéllé the elven magic user continues to look out of the mouth of the tunnel.
And spots movement again, not that far from the tunnel. This time he actually sees the person. A human, who definitely can't see into the tunnel entrance because of the darkness, even with a second moon of Volunell rising into the night sky.
Gil quickly casts a spell, and reads the mind of the man he's spotted.
The elven magic user slightly nods, then quietly says to those in the tunnel with him "Jarnok's lot" followed by "There's more than fifty of them, and they intend to enter the tunnel and attack the chamber our company uses".
Gil knows it's one of Jarnok's pet wizards out there. Either Greason or Lopaphil.
He doesn't care which one it is. But he knows whoever it is, has made a mistake with casting that heatball to keep themselves warm this evening.
The elven noble from the principality of Alínlae wouldn't be surprised if both are out there.
As he knows Greason and Lopaphil work in tandem quite often as Jarnok the mercenary captain likes them to do.
The pale looking elven mercenary with the near white hair, sneers in derision as he prepares a spell, that will take whatever wizard it is that's out there by surprise.
After running through the tunnel, which isn't illuminated at all as Maygam doesn't want them to be found in anyway.
And nearly getting skewered on the sword of one of his fellow company members who is on guard in the tunnel.
Bracniss the mercenary, breathing heavily from running, makes his way into the underground chamber the company is using.
He looks around, glad that the chamber is lit by some touches, and spots Lolmildíll the elven magic user across the chamber with Maygam himself, and the mercenary captain's second in command, Uren.
"Who knows if we'll find anymore of them" says Maygam the mercenary company, who is losing hope in finding any of the others in the company who got separated in the battle when Jorkamin's company entered the fray.
The captain of one of the more successful mercenary companies living and working down here in the pit.
Is just about to say something else, when he hears his and Lolm's names being called out from the otherside of the chamber.
He along with the elven magic user, and Maygam's second in command, Uren.
Turn, and spot one of the company hurrying this way. They see it's Bracniss, who went off with Gilvanéllé and some others late in the afternoon.
To try and find some of the company at the very northern end of the pit. Who Gil had run across earlier in the day.
"Wonder what it is?" muses Maygam the mercenary captain, who then glances to his right at the elven mercenary Lolmildíll.
"Lolm?" quietly asks the captain of one of the midsized mercenary companies down here in the City of Ruins.
The elven spellcaster must of read the mind of Bracniss before the mercenary gets to them.
Because Lolmildíll the elven magic user quickly says to Maygam and Uren "We're going to be attacked".
"Habbane is certain there's another tunnel a bit further away to the right" quietly says Chamiss the mercenary as he looks at the pair of wizards who are in charge of the group of about sixty of them from Jarnok's mercenary company.
The two spellcasters share a look, then Greason the wizard quietly says "Might as well" followed by "Beats us all trying to go into that one tunnel over there".
With a shrug of his shoulders, Lopaphil the wizard quietly says "Fine" he then adds "You want to go around there?".
The wizard in the fiery red robes nods, then says "Sure" Greason continues with "Be careful in there".
Then he moves off, taking some of the company with him. A little bit disappointed as he's no longer standing next to Lopaphil.
Who is still radiating warmth with that heatball he's got underneath his green coloured robes.
Watching all of this is Helbe the elven thief, who along with the rest of the group. Doesn't particularly want Maygam's company attacked by those in Jarnok's company.
True, the one they're searching for here in the City of Ruins isn't in the nearby underground chamber that Maygam and some of his company are using.
That doesn't mean they won't turn up there at anytime during the night. As some of Maygam's company have done during the afternoon.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel is on top of the ruins that one of the wizards in Jarnok's company is in with the bulk of the mercs they've brought along with them.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user looks away to the right and watches the other wizard.
The one in the red robes, who has taken about twenty of the company with him.
As they go in search of another tunnel that goes down to the underground chamber where Maygam's company are taking shelter.
The elven masterthief who hears the thud of an explosion away in the distance to the east.
As the battle continues this night for supremacy in the City of Ruins. With Jorkamin's company hoping to wipe out any of the other mercenary companies. Especially Jarnok's and Hamblett's.
Decides to follow the wizard in the red robes, who is heading to the right, or northwards.
Helbe the elven thief who knows he has to be careful of the elven twins in Maygam's company. As he's unable to sense them.
And he'll have to trust in Narladene the ground pixie who is on his right shoulder. To tell him what they're doing.
As he follows one of the wizards in Jarnok's mercenary company. Who still have no idea who it is that they're going to attack on this cold, autumn night in the City of Ruins.
"These mercs sure are hell bent on wiping one another out" murmurs Narladene the ground pixie to the elven masterthief she's attached to.
The young elven noble from the principality of Laerel, who is a member of the royal family that rules that island nation.
Nods his hooded head in agreement with the naturally magical creature from the Sunreach Mountains.
"It's why it's so damn difficult to find the one we're looking for" murmurs Helbe the elven thief.
The tiny winged creature preached on his right shoulder, nods her head in agreement.
As the blurred and shielded elven magic user floats about thirty feet off the ground.
Following behind the mercenaries from Jarnok's company, who are led by the wizard in the fiery red robes.
Meanwhile, further east in the City of Ruins. Though still a couple of miles to the north of the neutral zone.
Another wizard, this one in blue coloured robes. More rumpled and unkempt looking compared to the red robbed wizard, who happens to be his former friend.
Winces as Jorkamin the mercenary captain yells at one of his subordinates.
The mercenary captain has been in a foul mood since earlier in the day. Ever since one of his wyverns took off north, and didn't return.
Jorkamin's mood got even worse, when later in the afternoon, one of his warships was destroyed.
Brought down further to the west in the pit, where it slammed into the ground. And spent most of the rest of the afternoon burning away to near nothing.
The wizard Darmos suspects that the eight magetubes that were onboard may be salvaged.
That's if some of them weren't destroyed during the explosion, that was caused by a mageglobe of all things.
Darmos, who is essentially the second in command of the company. Still has no idea who brought down the airship. One of two warships that Jorkamin has.
The wizard only knows of one mage down here in the City of Ruins. A young one down towards the southern end of the pit.
Who even now, Darmos is just able to sense, as he's at the limit of the range the wizard in the blue robes can sense.
And the mageglobe that destroyed their airship, did not come from that mage down in the southern half of the giant hole in the ground.
Darmos who has just blown up an ancient ruin, shakes his head to one of the company who wants to speak to Jorkamin.
The mercenary nods then hurries away, as the mercenary captain continues to berate one of the others.
As the ancient building that Darmos just hit with a fairly destructive spell, burns behind them. Lighting up the cold autumn night, here in this part of the ancient city of Dalphene.
After chewing out one of the company, Jorkamin the mercenary captain walks over to Darmos, and tells him "Hamblett's".
"That's good" says Darmos the wizard, who continues with "That's less and less of his company now".
As the burning building about fifty feet infront of them, had members of Hamblett's mercenary company in it.
"He didn't bring down my ship" loudly mutters the mercenary captain. Who is usually a calm and collected individual. Just not when things aren't going his way.
Jorkamin lets out a sigh as they continue to watch the ancient building burn.
He shakes his head at the thought of how a spell can make stone thousands of years old burn.
But there it is, just fifty feet infront of him. As flames flick up into the air, on what's a cold autumn night in the ancient city of Dalphene, which is more widely known as, the City of Ruins.
The mercenary captain grunts when the overweight wizard in the frumpy looking blue robes tells him "The other ship should be up here sometime in the middle of the night" followed by "Or early in the morning".
Darmos continues with "We've wiped out a fair few of a lot of the other companies up here, including both Hamblett's and Jarnok's, especially Hamblett's".
The wizard who is the second in command of the company, then adds "We'll have the advantage in the air again soon enough, and we'll start wiping out anyone we spot down here on the ground".
Jorkamin's mood and temper somewhat lightens at the prospect of that.
True he's lost one of his wyverns, and one of his airships. But in little over a day his company has decimated a number of his rivals companies.
"You're right, well have the advantage in the air again soon" says Jorkamin the mercenary captain, who then faintly smiles as he adds "And we'll take out anyone else we find scrambling around down here".
"Get back you big fucking idiot" says lord Farque to Dorc da Orc, who has just muttered "Fucken hots" as he's tried to pick one up.
The large ork backs away from the smoldering and charred remains of the airship that Mira Reinholt the mage brought down in the afternoon.
The undead warlord stands amongst the brunt timbers, with one of the magetubes over his right shoulder.
The large, heavily armoured deathlord looks over at the ork warleader.
And once again wonders if he should let the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world have one.
"I'm probably going to regret this" mutters the lord of the death realm in a language that only he and the massive sword strapped to his back understands.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque then uses his right steel booted foot, to roll another of the magetubes through the charred wreckage.
Rolling the near thousand pound magical weapon to where the ork general is standing.
"Don't pick it up yet, it's still warm" says lord Farque, who is also known by the name of Draugadrottin to the people of his lands.
"Fucken sweet" murmurs Dorc da Orc, while nearby his bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic has a sour looking smile on his face as he thinks of the large ork using that magetube.
The deathlord of Farque is just about to tell the others to get ready to move out.
When he looks away to the north, and lifts an eyebrow as he senses what's about to happen.
Then the next moment, they all hear the thud of an explosion about a third of a mile away to the north.
"What was that?" asks Mira Reinholt the mage, who looks at lord Farque, and he adds "Or i should say, who was that?".
"One of those elves" is the reply from Draugadrottin, who continues with "Looks like one of those wizards from Jarnok's company and that lot have tried to attack Maygam's company".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque briefly pauses before adding "A bit of a fight has broken out up there" . . . . . .

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