Sunday 30 May 2021

The Find 46.


The ancient city of Dalphene. More commonly called The City of Ruins. In the north, of the central region of the Southlands.
Gilvanéllé the elven magic user casts. He doesn't cast out of the tunnel he's in.
But outside, towards some of the nearby ruins, just across from the mouth of the tunnel.
The elven noble from the principality of Alínlae doesn't target any of those he's spotted out there this evening.
Instead he targets a spell that he knows one of the wizards in Jarnok's mercenary company has cast.
Gilvanéllé or Gil as he's more commonly called by the others in the company.
Casts his spell directly beneath that spell, a heatball spell cast by the wizard. To be exact, underground.
Gilvanéllé the elven magic user sneers as he casts, knowing he's about to kill that wizard, and anyone close to them.
Not quite, for just as Gil casts his spell. He suddenly senses the wizard, and another spell that they're casting.
Lopaphil the wizard quickly casts a ward around him. You never know, there might an enemy spellcaster in the nearby underground chamber.
Just then, the wizard in the fiery red robes, who nods to one of the men. Who has just asked if they should proceed. Is lifted upwards as the ground beneath him explodes.
Dirt, sand, bits of debris and flames shoot up all around Lopaphil as he's tossed up into the air.
As an underground explosion rocks the night, here in this part of the giant hole in the ground, within which is the ancient city of Dalphene.
Greason the wizard, and some of those with him. Spin around when an explosion rocks the night. Back in the direction they've just come from.
They see flames about forty yards back, amongst the ruins they left the bulk of the others behind in.
Knowing that in all likelihood that those they've targeted, has probably just attacked them.
Greason the wizard quickly says "Keep moving" followed by "We don't want to get hit too".
The mercenary spellcaster, who hopes his fellow wizard Lopaphil is okay.
Keeps holding his power within himself, hoping to keep himself from being a target to any unfriendly spellcaster who is out and about in this part of the pit tonight.
Running through one of the tunnels that leads from the underground chamber they're using.
Lolmildíll the elven magic user briefly stops when he hears and feels the nearby explosion.
Moving again, the elven noble from the principality of Alínlae. Knows that was his twin brother Gilvanéllé who has just cast.
As he recognises that spell anywhere. As it's one of his brother's favourite spells.
Caught up in the midst of that particular spell is one of the wizards in Jarnok's company, Lopaphil.
He's flung up a good fifteen feet in the air, narrowly missing part of the ruins, he and the others were in.
He falls back to the ground with a thud amongst the dirt and sand. Where he groans as his ward, in this instance a barrier spell. Barely kept him alive, as it was shredded to pieces by whatever it was that just hit him.
With the flames dying down around him, the red robbed wizard whose heatball spell has also disappeared.
Gathers his wits, and keeps his power within himself. As he realises an enemy spellcaster must of sensed him and his spells.
Lopaphil takes a deep breath, as he sees half a charred body just a few feet away amongst the dying flames, while the air around him is still thick with dirt.
The wizard sourly smiles, and though badly winded, he tries to think of something that might save his life.
Narrowing his eyes as he senses, Gilvanéllé the elven magic user hisses "Shut up".
As one of the mercenaries in the tunnel has just asked him "What's going on out there?".
The elven mercenary from the principality of Alínlae, senses his brother Lolmildíll hurrying down one of the other nearby tunnels.
Heading more or less in this direction, to the east of the underground chamber that Maygam's company have been using in this part of the pit.
Gil who can no longer sense the wizard outside, or the heatball spell, and the ward he briefly sensed.
Knows that doesn't necessarily mean the wizard in Jarnok's company, either Lopaphil or Greason is dead.
The elven magic user who is a well known pariah down here in the City of Ruins.
Knows that both of the wizards are at least somewhat competent. Especially Greason, who Gilvanéllé has meet with in the past.
When things between the mercenary companies down here in the ancient city of Dalphene, were a bit more cordial.
The elven noble from Alínlae, looks out of the tunnel entrance, to the ruin across the way, that still has flames licking at it from the recent explosion.
As he does, Gilvanéllé the elven magic user gets ready to cast once more, this time a different spell.
"Getting ready to cast again" Narladene the ground pixie murmurs to Helbe the elven thief.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel nods, then he waits for what the elven spellcaster from Alínlae will do next.
On his right shoulder, where she perches, Narladene points then quietly says to him "The other one is coming from a tunnel there".
"The other twin?" quietly asks Helbe the elven thief, the naturally magical creature from the Sunreach Mountains nods her head in reply to that.
The highly talented elven magic user who has been following the wizard Greason, and those from Jarnok's company with the wizard in the green robes.
Drops down to the ground, as he's been floating along just behind them.
The elven masterthief looks back in the direction they've come from, to see what the elven magic user Gilvanéllé will do next.
Gil glances back along the tunnel when he hears others approaching.
It's the second in command of the company, Uren. Who has brought some of the others along with her.
She works her way forward to where the elven noble from the principality of Alínlae is near the entrance to the tunnel.
"Who?" quietly asks Uren in her no nonsense attitude, expecting an answer.
Which she gets from Gilvanéllé, who quietly tells her "Jarnok's" then he adds "Not sure".
In response to the female mercenary asking him "How many?".
Uren then slightly grunts when Gil quietly says "One of his pet wizards is out there with them" followed by "I just hit him, don't know if he's dead or not".
"The other one might be around" quietly says the second in command of the company as she looks out of the tunnel entrance, to one of the nearby ruins that has a few flames licking at it.
Uren who spots someone injured trying to crawl from the spot that Gil exploded from beneath the ground, then adds "Jarnok likes those two working as a team".
"I know" says the elven noble from house Jilenthàl of Alínlae, who follows that with "Lets see if i get a response from them".
The elven magic user who is a well known pariah throughout the City of Ruins casts again.
Since he can't sense the wizard he previously targeted. And not knowing if he killed him not.
Gilvanéllé casts in the same area, this time making his spell a bit bigger, to affect a larger area.
First on his hands and knees, then stumbling to his feet. Lopaphil the wizard moves away.
Staggering away from where he just was. Waving a hand infront of him, as the air is thick with dirt and sand.
He bumps into one of the company, who is doing the exact same thing. Getting away from what just happened.
"Move" says Lopaphil the wizard, who has only just got his breath back after being badly winded.
The spellcaster in Jarnok's company, who is doing his best to keep his power within himself.
Points, and is just about to tell the mercenary with him, to go that way. When all around them, the night lights up in a fiery explosion. This time, Lopaphil doesn't have any wards to protect him.
As first he, then the merc beside him. And some of the others who survived the last explosion. Go up in flames, their lives snuffed out pretty quickly from the fiery explosion that lights up the night for quite some distance all around.
Looking out one of the tunnels that leads to the underground chamber that the company is using.
Lolmildíll the elven magic user looks away to the right, and in the distance spots the ball of fire and flames roll up into the night sky from the explosion about sixty or seventy yards further to the south.
"Gil again?" quietly asks Maygam the mercenary company who has brought along some of the company as they've followed Lolmildíll or Lolm as those in the company usually call him.
"I would say so" is the quiet reply of Lolmildíll the elven magic user, who senses but is unable to locate any enemy spellcasters close by
He then spots movement opposite the tunnel that they're in, and he quietly tells Maygam the mercenary captain "More of them across the way there".
Greason the wizard grimaces as he looks back as he watches the rolling ball of flames, and smoke rise up into the night sky from the latest explosion.
The spellcaster in Jarnok's mercenary company knows that if his fellow wizard, Lopaphil was caught up in that explosion without any wards, then he's a dead man.
The wizard in the green robes thinks about putting up wards of his own. When he hears one of the others up ahead, quietly say "The next tunnel is just up here".
"He's dead" quietly says Narladene the ground pixie as she stands upon the right shoulder of the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel she's attached to.
"That other wizard?" quietly asks Helbe the elven thief, who has moved a bit away from the wizard and the Jarnok's mercenaries he's been following.
"Yeah" is the reply of the tiny winged creature who is from the Sunreach Mountains.
Narladene points, then quietly tells the elven masterthief "A tunnel just there" followed by "You should just be able to see it".
The naturally magical creature continues with "That other twin is just in there".
The young elven noble who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel, nods his hooded head.
Then the blurred and shielded elven magic user moves further away from the wizard and the mercenaries he's been following.
As he's seen what one of the elven twin brothers is capable of. And he figures the other can do just as much damage when he wants to.
With a sideways glance at Uren the mercenary, Gilvanéllé the elven magic user quietly says "Probably".
In response to her dryly asking him "Get whoever it was that was out there?".
As they continue to watch the ball of flames and smoke rise hundreds of feet into the night sky above this part of the City of Ruins.
Uren grunts, then turns to some of the others in the tunnel with them, and quietly says to them "When those flames die down, get out there and kill any of those bastards who might of survived that".
Gilvanéllé the elven magic user nods his head, when the second in command of the company quietly tells him "Good work Gil".
In the next tunnel to the north, about seventy yards away from the one his twin brother Gilvanéllé is in.
Lolmildíll gestures and quietly says to Maygam "You see them".
"Yeah" murmurs Maygam the mercenary captain who spots movement about twenty yards opposite the tunnel entrance, in the tumbled down ruins out there.
"How many?" whispers Maygam with a glance at the elven magic user from the principality of Alínlae.
"I've spotted at least six" is the quietly reply of Lolm, who follows that with "But i hear more than that".
The mercenary captain grunts, then he quietly says to one of the two elven brothers serving in his company "Hit them".
Lolmildíll goes to casts a spell, as he does, he suddenly senses a spellcaster out there putting up wards.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae grins in anticipation, wondering if his spell will destroy the wards of the wizard out there and kill him.
Not taking any chances, and not caring if he's sensed or not. Greason the wizard slams up some wards around him when he gives the go head to the others to move out, and cross to the tunnel entrance nearby.
Just after he does, the tumbled down ruins that they're in, and in the case of him, and a few others, are just outside, around the back.
Explodes in an ear shattering blast, that sends stonework, dirt and sand flying in all directions.
Greason's barrier and protection spells are peppered by flying debris, that tears and rips apart the mercenaries with him.
But his wards remain intact, even though he's knocked sideways, and stubbles over.
"Fuck" mutters Greason the wizard, who stumbles upright, and looks around as the night is suddenly darker due to the air now being thick with dirt and swirling sand thanks to the large, and very loud explosion.
Greason, unlike most other practitioners of magic. Finds it fairly easy to cast two or three spells at once.
Casts a night vision spell upon himself. And grimaces when he sees the dead body on the ground to his left that's been torn to shreds.
He glances over his shoulder, and sees what's left of the tumbled down ruins is now gone.
Then he looks eastwards again, and not bothering to stick around, as this attack is now a lost cause, Greason the wizard teleports away into the night.
"Gone" says Lolmildíll the elven magic user, followed by "I'm pretty sure it was that wizard Greason" he then adds "He just took off".
Maygam the mercenary captain grunts, then murmurs "Good" he then asks "The others with him?".
"Dead I'd say" is the reply of the elven noble from the principality of Alínlae, who then adds "Some of them might of survived".
Maygam nods, then the mercenary captain says to those in the tunnel with them "Get out there, and kill any of them who might of survived that blast".
"Well that lot can look after themselves" quietly says Narladene the ground pixie.
After nodding his hooded head in agreement, Helbe the elven thief quietly says "Keep an eye out" followed by "Who knows, the one we're looking for might of returned" . . . . . .

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