Wednesday 10 April 2024

Soldier Of Gods 10.

Disputed Lands. 

"I don't know why it had to be this?" demands Malisse as she gestures at herself, followed by "Without doubt the worst one I've been in". 
"Worse than Jarjin?" asks Tamric Drubine the field commander, who follows that with "Or that dwarf". 
The nobleman originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin briefly pauses before he adds "Or that other dwarf". 
"Well, maybe not worse than those two" mutters the fat woman who is almost as tall as the field commander who is in charge of the Fifth Army of Farque. 
"Though I liked Jarjin" continues the rather large woman, who then mutters "What I wouldn't give to be that hobbit right now". 
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, just shrugs his shoulders as to say, what can I do about it? 
The early morning meeting has broken up, and the field commander is followed by a number of people. All keeping back, as alongside him walks Malisse. A rather rotund woman, who ordinarily wouldn't be anywhere near the Armies of Farque. 
But she is not what she seems. For though the body of the rather large woman is indeed a woman by the name of Malisse. 
It's a body, that's been taken over by another. That other being Zubutai the barbarian hordesman. 
The young field commander refrains from rolling his eyes as Malisse tells him "Why didn't he pick someone else?". 
It's a constant question the rather large woman has asked over the last few weeks. A question that Tam always answers with "Because that was the only body around that was suitable". 
Malisse aka Zubutai Timaginson sourly smiles, and does so again when field commander Drubine tells her "I don't know why you keep asking me, I wasn't around when it happened". 
The rather fat woman who is from a region of unruled lands further to the south, let's out an exaggerated sigh. Then she looks back, and spots the undead wardog handler Jessup with Hammer, who are following behind the others. 
"Maybe the senior wardog handler could put me in someone else who dies?" muses the heavyset woman, who until a few weeks ago ran a tavern when she died. 
Walking alongside the fat woman, who the soul of the barbarian hordesman Zubutai occupies. The overall commander of the Fifth Army of Farque blinks in surprise, then says "You know, I've never thought of that" followed by "Maybe he could". 
The large rotund woman, who easily weighs over two hundred and fifty pounds, nods then says "I've never thought of it before either" she continues on with "I'll ask him soon". 
Then she winces, and mutters "Anything to fucking help me from dealing with that all the time". 
As behind them, Dorc da Orc who briefly wondered off to take a shit, has rejoined the group. And as he's want to do of late, he's burst out into laughter at catching sight of Malisse the former tavern owner. 
"Of course the giant psycho wants to fuck me then eat me" Malisse aka Zubutai the son of Timagin sourly says in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra to the noble born field commander walking beside her. 
She briefly pauses as she contemplates something before adding "Or is it eat me then fuck me?". 
The former tavern owner, who wears a traditional black cloth of the hordes barbarians of the southern tundra wrapped around her neck, shrugs then says "Anyway it's one of those". 
"Let me guess" says the young field commander who is the son of a former Knight of Castle Drubine, which can be found in the forested north of the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. 
"He tell you" adds Tamric Drubine, who then does an impression of the ork warleader as he continues with "Dorc not a sick cunt or anything, me waits until you fucken dead before me fucks you and eats you". 
Malisse aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman can't help but grin when she hears that, and even chuckles after Tam doing his Dorc impression, adds "If you likes, me could fucken kills you to make it fucken easier so ya don't have to waits around to get fucken killed". 
The former tavern owner shakes her head, as they continue through the town, here in the disputed lands between the city-states of Phamal and Tuledare on this cold autumn morning. 
Changing the subject so that Malisse or to be precise, Zubutai Timaginson doesn't dwell on the situation he finds himself in at this time. 
The field commander in his early twenties tells the former tavern owner, who is infact a member of the personal council to Lord Farque "We'll check on the Phamalian regulars who have come in lately". 
Tam then adds "With what Zam has said about them, probably best if I assess how things are". 
Malisse nods, then she says "And their irregulars?". Referring to the mercenary companies and bands the Phamalians hired for their war effort, before they hired on the Fifth Army of Farque. 
"I've kept them away from town" quietly says field commander Drubine who is conversing in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra with the former tavern owner. 
"Not that they're trouble" continues the overall commander of the Fifth Army of Farque, who then adds "Infact far from it, they're better behaved than quite a lot of the army of Phamal". 
The young nobleman from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin pauses for a moment as a number of wagons go along the street, they're about to cross. Then once they're underway again, he tells the member of Lord Farque's personal council walking beside him "Discipline is sorely lacking in some of the regular companies". 
Malisse who doesn't even know her last name, nods her head as they continue on their way through town. Heading to where the bulk of the Phamalian army in this area of the disputed lands, are camped just outside of town. 
"Dorc head that way" says Tamric Drubine who gestures away to the right, the young field commander continues with "See how Tovis is getting along with things" followed by "And the preparation of his war machines". 
The big, burly ork who has quickly forgotten about what sir Percavelle Le Dic did to him earlier. For the simple reason he finds the presence of Malisse absolutely hilarious. 
Grunts, and with a shrug of his shoulders heads off in the direction Tam indicated. Where the engineering corp in the Fifth Army of Farque have sent up base. 
After a look from field commander Drubine, Shur Kee the monk, then Beldane the cleric follow after the ork warleader who is a general in the Armies of Farque. 
Sir Percavelle Le Dic, who is never one to pass up an opportunity to antagonize his arch rival the ork weaponsmith from the southern polar region of the world. 
Goes to follow after the short statured monk and the heavily armoured cleric, but he grunts and mutters in disappointment with "Drats, wot". 
After the overall commander of the Fifth Army of Farque tells him "Percy with me and the others". 
The young noble originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin who doesn't want anymore distractions, decides it's better to keep the large ork and the former paladin apart for the rest of the morning. 
As Tam along with Percy, and Saanea the witch, commander Zam, and Lisell Maera the scout commander. As well as field commander Drubine's adjunct, and a number of senior Farqian officers head off to where the Phamalian regulars are camped. 
The former tavern owner Malisse stops, and waits for the senior wardog handler Jessup who has the wardog Hammer with him to approach. 
It's only a few moments before the two undead beings reach her, and when they do, Malisse aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman says "A word with you handler Jessup". 
"Of course" says the senior wardog handler Jessup, who like the rotund woman speaks in the dialect of the hordes barbarians of the southern tundra. 
"I was wondering if you could help me with something" says the former tavern owner after the undead wardog Hammer flops down on the ground nearby. 
"And what would that be?" says the undead being who is near five hundred years old, having died in the same battle that his lord and ruler died in. 
Malisse aka Zubutai Timaginson clears her throat, in slight nervousness if she's honest with herself. The rather fat woman, who happens to be a member of the personal council to Lord Farque, then says "I was wondering if you could put me into another body" the former tavern owner who is really an outrider from the Pony Archers horde, then quickly adds "That's if you want to of course". 
Jessup looks around, then says "Well, the most recent person who died is over there in the town graveyard". 
After pointing in the direction of the graveyard, the undead wardog handler continues with "Though he died at the end of summer, and his body is a bit ripe to say the least". 
Jessup who isn't particularly tall, can't help but grin when Malisse who is taller than him, grimaces in disgust after hearing what he just said. 
The senior wardog handler briefly chuckles before saying "Just teasing you a bit there hordesman" followed by "Though there's some more recently dead about who would be better suited for your ah purposes, I can't help you". 
"Fuck" Malisse aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman mutters to herself after Jessup tells her "I don't have the ability to put you into another body". 
Followed by "Only my lord can do that" he briefly pauses as nearby, Hammer looks at him and barks a few times, before adding "Or an unscrupulous necromancer" he continues with "Trust me you don't want one of them handling your soul". 
The rotund woman who is member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque, sourly smiles at hearing that. 
"Cheer up hordesman" says the undead being, who continues on with "At least you're a human this time" followed by "I don't know if my lord has told you this, but whenever you occupy a non human, it's far more difficult for him to retrieve you from the between life than it is than when you're in a human body". 
Malisse aka Zubutai the son of Timagin pauses when she hears that, then thinks to herself. Fucking hell, by the tundra gods he's never mentioned that. 
"No, he's never told me that" says the former tavern owner who is a member of the personal council to Lord Farque. 
With a shrug of his shoulders, Jessup says "Think it has something to do with you actually being human, and how it's way more difficult for you to occupy the body of a non human" followed "Well something like that, I'm not sure about the in's and out's of it". 
Malisse nods then she says "Makes sense I guess" the council member then frowns before saying "Wait a moment, you said between life, don't you mean afterlife?". 
The undead being chuckles, then says "No it's the between life" followed by "Tell me, when my lord finds you everytime you die, is it on the beach?". 
The being who is really Zubutai Timaginson, nods then says "It is" followed by "Though I take a while to get there". 
"Understandable" dryly says Jessup who continues with "Lucky me, I've only died the once, and it felt like a lifetime getting there". 
The undead wardog handler follows that with "That place is a construct of my lord" he then adds "Did you go into the water?". 
"No, he's told me not to go into the ocean, or across the tundra that sometimes appears" says Malisse aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman. 
"Good thing you don't" says Jessup who continues with "That way leads to the afterlife proper, and if you come back from there, you'll come back like me" he gestures over at the nearby wardog, and adds "Or like Hammer". 
The member of Lord Farque's personal council winces, then silently thinks to herself. Undead. 
"I understand" says the former tavern owner, then nods when the undead being tells her "Remember, my lord is the master of the death realm, not even the gods can match his powers and abilities there". 
After a brief pause, the senior wardog handler says "But even he has his limitations, and there's only one way back from the true afterlife, and that's to be undead" he gestures at the rotund woman, and tells her "You're living again after the last person you were died, so that's something". 
Malisse aka Zubutai Timaginson can only nod to that. And she remains silent when they head off after the undead wardog gets up and starts walking away in the direction the others went, and Jessup says "Come along, seems Hammer wants to keep an eye on the young field commander". 
The former tavern owner who is a member of Lord Farque's personal council remains silent as they walk, as she contemplates what the undead senior wardog handler has just told her . . . . . .

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