Sunday 14 April 2024

Soldier Of Gods 11.


"Elmithé Aweden ild somå tilmîlt sathindél" quietly says Maiya Garney the lead scout to Halindrelle the elven ranger as a couple of the local soldiers wander by. 
The elven ranger originally from the forest city of Quinthain nods, then he heads off across the street. 
After a look from the lead scout Garney, Reynolds follows after the elven ranger who has gone to check on something. 
Then glancing at sergeant Blufont, Maiya Garney continues along the street they're on. Here in a town within the city-state of Tuledare, about thirty miles north of the southern border. 
"Something's happened" quietly says sergeant Blufont in the elven language as he walks alongside the lead scout. 
"Us most likely" is the quiet reply in the same language from Maiya Garney, who continues with "That lot who flew in early this morning were from the capital". 
She briefly pauses as they make their way into a lane after letting a pony drawn cart come out of it. 
Then the company lead scout in the second division of the Fifth Army of Farque, says "They're definitely reinforcing the border region" Maiya Garney continues with "Hope to hell they don't send us back south to the border". 
The company sergeant nods his head in agreement as they head down the lane that leads to their accommodation here in town. 
The squad led by the lead scout Garney have joined the Tuledarian army, the enemy army. They were hired yesterday afternoon. Having told the recruiting officer that they come from the unruled lands to the northeast of Tuledare looking for work after hearing that war had broken out between the city-states of Tuledare and Phamal. 
Getting into the enemy army was easy enough. Considering they're basically hiring every mercenary company, no matter how small. In their war against the city-state of Phamal. 
Maiya Garney wasn't worried about joining up. As infiltrating the Tuledarian army was always going to be easy. 
What the lead scout is worried about, is getting to go where they want to go. And by the looks of things. The Tuledarians are sending a lot of their forces. In particular the hired mercenary companies. To the southern border. 
A place Maiya Garney and her squad have just come from. And a place they definitely don't want to go back to. As they have a rough idea what's soon to take place along the southern border region of the city-state of Tuledare. 
Besides their orders are to head further north into the city-state, to the capital city itself, the city of Tuledare. 
The lead scout in the Fifth Army of Farque has learnt that the Tuledarian army is stingy to say the least. 
Making most of the mercenary companies pay for their own accommodation whilst in town. While the larger companies are forced to camp outside of town. 
Maiya Garney is just glad her squad is small enough to get some rooms in one of the boarding houses here in town. And not at an exorbitant price like some of the companies are paying to stay at the various inn's that the Tuledarian army having taken over for their officers and senior staff. 
The lead scout and the company sergeant get to the boarding house the squad are staying at. And once inside, and up in one of their rooms. 
One of the squad members, Samiss tells them in the elven language "One of their officers wants to see you" he continues with "A runner came looking for you, saying they've got new orders for us". 
Maiya Garney shares a look with sergeant Blufont, then she asks Samiss "Who's the officer?". 
After the youngest member of the squad informs her who the Tuledarian officer is, and where to meet him. 
The lead scout looks over at the sorcerer Carnid who is on one of the beds, reading a book. And after she thinks of something, Maiya Garney asks the practitioner of magic "Carnid have they got any other spellcasters in town apart from that drunken wizard?". 
"A sorcerer came in with that airship" replies Carnid the sorcerer who continues with "But since that just took off, that wizard is still the only one they've got here in town". 
The lead scout nods, then asks the Farqian spellcaster "What's he doing now?". 
The sorcerer who wears similar garb and armour as the rest of the squad, pauses for a moment, then he says "Sleeping" followed by "He's hungover by the feel of things". 
Maiya Garney murmurs "Good" then she tells the sorcerer "Come along with us" as she indicates herself and sergeant Blufont. 
A short while later and the three of them have left the boarding house, and a making their way to the center of town. Where the Tuledarian army have taken over one of the inn's, where they've set up their headquarters for this area of the city-state. 
As they walk through the town which is getting increasingly more busy with the amount of people coming in. Both mercenary companies and Tuledarian army companies mainly from the capital city. 
The lead scout Maiya Garney quietly tells the squad spellcaster what she wants done when they meet the army officer who will give them their new orders. 
The sorcerer who listens in silence, nods in understanding once the lead scout has explained things to him. 
Then the Farqian practitioner of magic, quietly asks Maiya Garney "Where's Halindrelle and Reynolds?". 
"Going to check on something" is the reply from the lead scout, who then adds "With what we're going to do when we leave town". 
Carnid the sorcerer nods, then falls silent as the three of them near the center of town, and the inn they're making their way to. 
The Deadly Boar is one of the trio of inn's in the center of town that the Tuledarian army have taken over. And it's the one they're using as their headquarters for this area of the city-state. 
People are going in and out of the front doors of the inn, which are guarded by a pair of soldiers. When Maiya, Carnid and sergeant Blufont get to the front doors, the lead scout tells the Tuledarian soldiers "Captain Morsea to see commander Fessa". 
One of the solders waves them inside after telling them "Back of the common room, table near the fireplace". 
Seems Maiya Garney or the alias she's going by, captain Morsea. Isn't the only mercenary captain to see commander Fessa. 
As two other merc captains and their offsiders are making their way out of the common room and inn, as the lead scout, the company sergeant and the sorcerer in the second division of the Fifth Army of Farque, enter the common room. 
After making their way across the common room, where most of the tables have been pushed up against the walls. 
Maiya Garney, sergeant Blufont and Carnid the sorcerer stop in front of the table, behind which sits one of the area commanders of the Tuledarian army, commander Fessa. 
The lead scout knows he's not in overall command of this area of the city-state. For the simple reason, he looks out of shape, and he's obviously a political appointment by a member, or members of the ruling council of Tuledare. 
The commander seems to be in charge of logistics and deployment. Passing on orders given by the other area commanders above him in rank. 
The area commander Fessa, who has an adjunct beside him, looks the tall young, blonde haired woman from the Lands Farque up and down. With obvious intent in his eyes. 
Maiya Garney refrains from jumping up on the table and kicking the enemy army commander in the face, instead she says "You were wanting to see me?". 
Nodding after looking at a sheet of paper that his adjunct shows him, area commander Fessa says "Captain Morsea?". 
The lead scout in the second division of the Fifth Army of Farque nods in reply to that, and the enemy army commander tells her "You and your squad are to report to the south square here in town". 
He briefly pauses before continuing with "There you'll meet up with some of the other mercenary companies, from there you will march south to the border". 
The area commander then informs to which village along the southern border they're going to, and he then tells them "You'll be under the command of our forces already there" followed by "You'll be involved in the defence of the border if the Phamalians make an attempt to cross it". 
Commander Fessa then mutters "That's if anymore of the bastards make it across the disputed lands". 
Maiya Garney nods, then she quickly glances to her right at the sorcerer Carnid, who slightly nods when he sees her looking his way. 
"Interesting" says the lead scout who has no intention whatsoever in her and her squad following those orders. 
She then asks the rather portly area commander sitting down on the other side of the table "There wouldn't be anything else we can do?" followed by "Say, like take messages to the capital?. 
"Er?" says commander Fessa with a confused look upon his pudgy face, while next to him, his adjunct frowns. 
"I don't think" says the area commander, who pauses for a moment or two as if he's thinking things through. He is, just that he doesn't know what, or why. Just that he is. 
"You know what" says commander Fessa, who then adds "Maybe there is". 
His adjunct blinks in surprise, then says "Huh?" followed by "Sir I don't think". The adjunct suddenly falls silent, as he wonders what he was just about to say. 
Then he shrugs his shoulders, and nods his head, and writes out the new orders commander Fessa gives to the mercenaries standing in front of the table. 
Orders to send them north, to the capital city, with important messages that need to be delivered to army headquarters in the heart of the capital. 
"You'll go to the stables on Carters Way" says commander Fessa, who follows that with "You and your squad will be given mounts by the quartermaster" he then adds "Can't have you marching to the capital on foot, not with these messages that need to be delivered". 
"Very well" says Maiya Garney who out of the corner of her eye, sees Carnid the sorcerer refraining from grinning. 
The lead scout takes a packet of messages from the area commander, and her orders to go north to the capital city. 
Then she, along with sergeant Blufont and Carnid the sorcerer make their way out of the common room, and out of the inn, and they head back to boarding house the squad are staying at. 
At the boarding house, they inform the rest of the squad what's happening. And they wait for Halindrelle the elven ranger, and Reynolds to return. 
They don't wait long, as the two of them get back from where Maiya Garney sent them to find out something. 
As the squad makes their way to the stables to get their army supplied horses, the lead scout quietly asks the elven ranger "And?". 
"It's not that busy" replies Halindrelle the elven ranger, who like his squad commander, is quietly speaking in elven. 
"Looks like they'll be flying more things in now" quietly adds the ranger originally from the forest city of Quinthain, who continues with "Both troops and supplies". "Good" quietly says Maiya Garney who follows that with "The less on the road north the better". 
When they get to the stables on Carters Way, the lead scout gives the written orders to the quartermaster. 
Who gives each member of the squad a horse, as well as supplies, mainly travel rations. 
And it's not long after that, and the Farqian infiltration squad who have joined the enemy army. Are riding north towards the capital city, on what's a cool, but clear autumn day here in the city-state of Tuledare . . . . . .

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