Wednesday 3 April 2024

Soldier Of Gods 8.

Disputed Lands. 

The runner looks around and in the early morning light just as dawn breaks on what feels like it's going to be a cold autumn day, he spots someone who can help him. 
The young teen makes his way across the street, and when he gets to the edge of a house, he pauses as he doesn't want to disrupt the person he's found. 
"Yes?" quietly asks Shur Kee the monk who hears and feels the presence of someone close by. 
"Uh honoured councilor" says the runner in the Fifth Army of Farque, who continues with "I wonder if you could assist me" he briefly pauses, before adding "With something". 
The short statured monk, who hails from the country of Wah Lee, which is on the other side of the world, on the far east coast of the continent. 
Opens his eyes, and turns his head to look at the youngster, and quietly says "And what is this something?". 
The runner winces, then says "It's the general" he pauses before adding "Warleader Dorc" quickly followed by "The field commander wishes to speak to him". 
The monk, who is an acolyte in the order of Bru Li, a philosophical order based in his homeland of Wah Lee, refrains from smiling, before he says to the young teen "I assume he is asleep?" followed by "And difficult to awaken?". 
"Yes honoured councilor" says the runner in the Armies of Farque, who breathes a sigh of relief when the honorary member of Lord Farque's personal council tells him "Lead the way". 
Shur Kee the monk who had just finished his early morning exercises, and was starting to meditate before finding something for breakfast. 
Gets up from the patch of grass, where he was kneeling, and makes his way to the runner, who is standing at the corner of the house to the left of where the short, statured monk was meditating. 
They're in a town in the disputed lands between the city-states of Tuledare and Phamal. Technically it's unruled lands, but you can't tell that to the two warring nations. 
This town is more towards the northern border of the city-state of Phamal, and is where field commander Tamric Drubine has set up base. Where he's conducting the war on behalf of the Phamalians who have hired the Fifth Army of Farque. 
The honorary member of Lord Farque's personal council, who happens to be the living incarnation, or conduit of the Jade Warrior, Bru Li. 
Follows the young runner, who makes his way across town, on this cold start to a clear and sunny autumn day. 
Shur Kee clears his throat after thinking of something, then he asks the teenager "Friend Dorc, I mean the general is not near that barn is he?". 
That is a relief, the acolyte in the order of Bru Li thinks to himself after the runner tells him "No honoured councilor". 
"He's behind one of the inn's" continues the youngster who is in the second division, the scouts and rangers division of the Fifth Army of Farque. 
The foreign born monk, who has now been in the Southlands longer than he was ever in his homeland, rolls his eyes and quietly says in a dry tone of voice "That sounds about right". 
In response to the runner saying "I think he pretty much drank everything they had in that inn". 
Soldiers, both black clad Farqian soldiers, and soldiers from the city-state of Phamal are up and about, heading to and fro here in town. 
They make way for the honorary member of Lord Farque's personal council, who wears strange white clothing, and an even stranger looking conical shaped hat. 
The runner leads the short statured monk around an inn, to the back courtyard. Shur Kee who could already hear the loud snoring from the street out front. 
Just shakes his head when he catches sight of the large, green figure that's lying in the courtyard near the back door of the inn. 
There's a couple of empty, not to mention broken barrels near the large ork lying prostrate on the ground. Infact he's lying on top of the broken remains of one. 
And from what Shur Kee can see, it looks like someone from the inn has cleaned up even more broken barrels and bottles surrounding the ork warleader. 
But they didn't want to get any closer, for the simple reason the big, burly ork fair reeks of alcohol, and the general permeating stink that he exudes. 
The acolyte in the order of Bru Li, who is a physical adept, is glad that there's a slight breeze this cold morning, and that it's blowing away from him. So that he doesn't have to fully endure the pong that's emanating from the ork who is also a weaponsmith. 
"Hmmm" murmurs councilor Kee who rubs his chin as he contemplates the problem of the sleeping ork warleader. 
He glances at his staff he's carrying and quickly forgets about using that, as it'll certainly break. He then looks at what weapons the young runner has. Shur Kee instantly dismisses them, as the youngsters shortsword and dagger will be even more useless than his own staff. 
The member of the personal council of Lord Farque then looks around the courtyard and the back of the inn for something to use, preferably something heavy. 
The short, statured monk is just contemplating if there's anything inside the inn, while the runner stands nervously beside him, wondering how they'll wake the sleeping ork warleader. 
When voices can be heard coming around from the side of the inn. The physical adept faintly smiles as he recognizes who it is. 
"By the gods, would you look at that filthy demon" exclaims sir Percavelle Le Dic in an offensive tone of voice when he spots the big, burly ork who is his arch enemy. 
Next to the large, heavily armoured knight, the cleric Beldane faintly similes and shakes his head. 
"We should forget about the ugly green demon spawn" declares the nobel born former paladin, who then says "And tell young Tam that the stinking cesspit of a monster ran away like the cowardly jackanapes he is" the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che briefly pauses before he adds "Wot". 
The cleric in the half plate armour standing next to the taller, heavily armoured knight rolls his eyes. While Shur Kee the monk just shakes his head. 
Beldane who hails from the kingdom of Nastell looks at the short, statured monk and asks him '"Having trouble waking him up?". 
After nodding his head, the honorary member of Lord Farque's personal council says "We are" followed by "I was just looking around for something to use" he then adds "There does not seem to be anything appropriate". 
Sir Percavelle, a former Earl of Le Dic, which is located in his homeland of Druvic. Who would rather be anywhere else than near the ork warleader who is his mortal enemy. Well, he is in the mind of the former paladin. 
Realizes he has an opportunity here that's way too good to pass up. The noble born knight who is around fifty years old. Not that you'd know it from looking at him. Clears his throat a couple of times to cover the chuckle that almost escapes. 
Then sir Percavelle or Percy as everyone else in the group calls him, much to his chagrin, quickly says "I'll wake the filthy beast". 
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic is wearing his full helm with the visor up, he quickly slaps it shut so Beldane the cleric and Shur Kee the monk are unable to see him grinning like a madman. 
He walks to where the big, burly ork is lying fast asleep and snoring like crazy. As he does, the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che goes to take a weapon from his belt. 
Seeing what weapon the tall knight in the full plate armour is going for, Shur Kee the monk quickly says "Friend Percy not that one" followed by "Maybe the actual hammer instead". 
"Drats" mutters the former paladin who is of the opinion that the short, statured monk is far too smart and observant of some things than he ought not to be. 
Sir Percavelle Le Dic let's go of the pick axe he was going to use. As he thought that weapon, straight to the closed eyes of the ork warleader would make a vast improvement to the ugly visage of the big, burly ork who is a general in the Armies of Farque. 
Instead he takes one of his hammers from a loop on his belt, and the grin returns to his face under the faceplate of his full helm. 
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic when he gets closer to the heavily snoring ork weaponsmith goes to chuckle, but instead gags, and almost dry retches. 
"By Narille" mutters the former paladin invoking the god he worships "You stink beyond belief" adds the former Earl of Le Dic. 
Then after taking a step closer as he holds his breath, sir Percavelle swings his hammer down as hard as he can, right onto the forehead of the sleeping ork warleader. 
The large, heavily armoured knight hits the snoring general, a second, then a third time, directly in the forehead, as hard as possible. 
Which would normally shatter and cave in the skull of anyone else. Not so the large ork. The only reaction of Dorc da Orc was a brief pause in his snoring. Which started back up after a snort. 
And a lazy lifting of a hand in his sleep, in the direction of his forehead, like someone slowly trying to swat away a fly. 
Sir Percavelle Le Dic sourly smiles, then looks over to where Shur Kee the monk and Beldane the cleric are standing with a runner in the Fifth Army of Farque. 
The noble born knight who hails from the kingdom of Druvic just shrugs his heavily armoured shoulders as he looks at them. 
The former paladin shakes his head in disgust, then as he looks at the ork warleader he mutters "You filthy beast from the pits of hell". 
Then after returning his hammer to the loop on his belt, the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che looks around for something else that he can use to wake up his arch rival and enemy. 
"Hmmm I wonder how we shall wake him?" says Shur Kee the monk when an annoyed looking sir Percavelle Le Dic wanders away after he's unable to wake the sleeping ork weaponsmith. 
As the former paladin disappears around the other side of the inn, Beldane the cleric says in a skeptical tone of voice "I could cast something I guess". 
Then as the powerful spellcaster originally from the kingdom of Nastell is thinking of something to cast that could actually wake the sleeping general. They hear sir Percavelle Le Dic exclaim in triumph. 
The short, statured monk and the cleric in the half plate armour share a look at they wonder what the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic is up to. 
They don't have to wonder long, as the large, heavily armoured knight walks back around from the other side of the inn. 
"Oh shit" quietly says Beldane the cleric, while next to him, Shur Kee the monk murmurs "Uh oh". The two of them wince. While the young runner is backing away, as he wants to get out of here as quickly as possible. 
For sir Percavelle Le Dic, who has opened the visor of his full helm is grinning from ear to ear. As he's holding a bucket. A bucket full of water from the well he found on the other side of the inn. A bucket of water he then proceeds, with much glee, to throw at his arch rival and enemy, the sleeping ork warleader, Dorc da Orc . . . . . .

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