Tuesday 1 October 2024

Soldier Of Gods 60.

The City-State Of Tuledare. 

They've gathered in one of the larger rooms of what's essentially an empty warehouse in the north of the city. 
They've from all walks of life, representatives of various businesses, such as merchants, shop owners, innkeepers, street vendors, shipping and trading companies. You name it, they all have representatives present. 
Along with them are members of various guilds, societies, and the like, such as the magic order. There's even members of the criminal fraternity to be found in the city. 
And amongst them, the powerful young cleric Jovan Garney sees that he's the only representative from any church or temple that he can see. 
Until the experienced guardsman Oldham quietly tells him that there's a couple of members of the Sisters of Mercy and Compassion here in the large room. 
Though they belong to one of the handful of philosophical orders that can be found in the capital city of Tuledare. 
The teenage cleric is clearly the only representative from one of churches or temples of the gods of Volunell to be present here in the meeting. 
The powerful young spellcaster in the church of Kaēvin nods to himself, as that's no surprise if he thinks about it. 
After all, any powerful cleric or magic user in any of the other churches and temples. Could sense what the senior wardog handler Jessup is. 
As well as Lord Farque himself, who the cleric Garney expects to turn up pretty soon. 
As it looks like every part of society here in the city of Tuledare who is represented, is here now in the large room in the warehouse. 
One of the other doors, not the one everyone else entered through, opens. And a quartet of black clad Farqian guards enter. 
The cleric Garney recognizes them as personal guards to the young field commander Tamric Drubine. He also senses that the four of them are all practitioners of magic. Even though they're armed and armoured. 
A few moments later, and a number of people enter through the open doorway, members of field commander Drubine's staff. 
Then the young field commander himself makes his way into the room, followed by those in the group who travel with him. 
Jovan Garney faintly smiles to himself at the reaction at the appearance of Dorc da Orc. Which are gasps and frightened murmurs. 
As it takes a few moments of many of those present to realize that he is definitely not a troll, and because of his size, and just general all around crazed appearance, can mean he's only one thing. An ork. 
One of the rarest of all the races upon the world of Volunell. Which to be fair is a good thing. As too many orks would be catastrophic for just about all societies across the world. 
It's a good thing that they're basically confined to the southern polar region of the world. As the warmer temperatures north of there, is highly uncomfortable for them. 
Even though Dorc da Orc has been out of his home range for nearly three decades. The non winter months are unbearable to him. 
Even the winter in the Southlands isn't cold enough for him. But at least it's tolerable compared to the other seasons found outside the southern polar region. 
The cleric Garney then sees two more figures make their way through the open doorway. The first is all in black, wearing a hooded cloak. 
The powerful young spellcaster in the church of Kaēvin immediately recognizes them as the mage Mira Reinholt. Following the mage, who Jovan Garney knows is originally from the city-state of Vexil. 
Is the large, heavily armoured figure of Lord Farque himself. The teenager who hails from the Lands Farque, instinctively feels like dropping to his knees, and bowing his head to the floor at the presence of his lord. 
But he refrains from doing so, as the lord and ruler of Lands Farque goes and stands near the young field commander Tamric Drubine. 
"We're all here then?" quietly asks Tamric Drubine the field commander, who looks at both Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, and Helbe the elven thief. 
Both of whom nod in response to the young field commander, who is in command of the Fifth Army of Farque. 
"Good" says field commander Drubine, who after a brief pause as he looks at all of those who have been summoned to the meeting, then says "So let's get underway then". 
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, starts by talking about a number of things. 
Many of which, the cleric Garney spoke to field commander Drubine about, when they met at the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare. 
The day that the Tuledarian forces, surrendered to the young field commander and the Farqian forces, who were fighting on behalf of the city-state of Phamal. 
The powerful young cleric in the church of Kaēvin looks around at the others in attendance, gauging their reactions to what's being said. 
The practitioner of magic who originally hails from the Lands Farque, is just wondering what the members of the magic order thinks about all this. 
Jovan Garney suspects they're pretty indifferent to what's being discussed at the moment. 
Though that's about to change, as Tamric Drubine turns and looks at the door he came in through, which is still open. 
The young field commander briefly beckons someone forward, then he looks ahead again, as he does, the senior officer in the Armies of Farque says "Concerning those who took your country into war". 
He briefly pauses before continuing with "They have all been apprehended, and are being held by my staff". 
Just then, a pair of black clad Farqian soldiers, lead a bound and gagged prisoner through the open door, and into the large room. 
Jovan Garney who has a slight frown upon his face, then nods in understating when the experienced guardsman Oldham quietly tells him "A member of the ruling council". 
He briefly pauses as the prisoner is brought to a stop beside field commander Tamric Drubine and Lord Farque. 
Then the experienced church guard quietly tells the powerful practitioner of magic "Owin Falmist" followed by "Been on the council for well over two decades". 
"This if you don't know, is Owin Falmist" states field commander Drubine, gesturing at the bound and gagged prisoner, he continues with "A member of your ruling council, and one of the key figures in starting the war against the city-state of Phamal". 
Tamric Drubine pauses for a moment, then says "If you're wondering why your nation went to war against your southern neighbours, even though in the recent past you were close allies". 
On the looks of quite a few faces in the gathered crowd, Jovan Garney can see a lot of them have been wondering this, probably since the sudden build up to the war. 
"It's because he" says field commander Drubine who points at the city councilor and adds "Was to benefit from it immensely" followed by "And in benefit from it, I mean receive more coin than you could possibly imagine". 
The commander of the Fifth Army of Farque then goes into detail what Owin Falmist and a number of others did to bring about the war with the city-state of Phamal, and how they were going to capitalize upon it. 
As the young field commander from the Lands Farque explains more and more of it, the crowd is in complete silence, stunned at what they hear. 
All the while, the prisoner stands there between his two guards, looking thoroughly defeated, and dejected. 
After explaining why the war came about, and the benefits to those who instigated it. Field commander Drubine looks around at the crowd, then calls out the name of a member of the magic order, followed by "And cleric Garney from the church of Kaēvin". 
Tamric Drubine continues with "If the two of you would like to read the mind of the prisoner, and make sure everything I've said is true, I would appreciate it". 
The two spellcasters in question do so, then one after the other, they confirm what the young field commander just explained was in fact true. 
Jovan Garney who has rarely ever used a mind read spell, is even more surprised after reading the mind of the city councilor that field commander Drubine didn't go into more detail of what Owin Falmist and others did to start the war, that they hoped would bring them riches beyond belief. 
The powerful young spellcaster in the church of Kaēvin knows what's coming, as it's been talked about in front of Owin Falmist. 
So he's not at all surprised when Tamric Drubine says "Now there's only one punishment for the councilor Falmist and the other members of the ruling council" followed by "And that's up for you to decide". 
The young field commander continues with "You can put it to a vote amongst you lot" followed by "You can publicly execute them, or you can have us do it" after a brief pause, he adds "It's up to you". 
In the end, those gathered, with the exception of the Sisters of Mercy and Compassion, who are against anyone being put to death, no matter what the crime. Vote to have the members of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare to be put to death, publicly. 
Jovan Garney who voted on behalf of all the churches and temples in the capital city of Tuledare. 
Looks over at Lord Farque after field commander Drubine says "Very well, public execution it will be" followed "Mid morning tomorrow then, in Foundation Square". 
As the undead warlord has remained silent throughout proceedings, with exception of saying something to Dorc da Orc in the ork language. 
Which saw the rather bored looking ork warleader go and sit in a corner, and stick his head in a number of canvas sacks that he carries around with him. 
As the meeting breaks up, the practitioner of magic in the church of Kaēvin sees his lord look in his direction after field commander have a quick word with the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque. 
Jovan Garney then sees the large heavily armoured deathlord have a quiet word with the figure in the white hooded cloak, who the powerful young cleric knows to be the elven envoy, prince Helbenthril Raendril. 
The next instant, he hears a voice in his mind, he recognizes as the elven princeling, also known as Helbe the elven thief say Your lord wishes to speak with you . . . . . .

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