Sunday 6 October 2024

Soldier Of Gods 61.

The City Of Tuledare. 

The day dawned clear and sunny. Though without a doubt the coldest day of autumn so far. So cold, one would think it's already winter here in the city of Tuledare. 
During the early morning, builders and carpenters are busy at work in Foundation Square, building a platform and gallows for what's to take place later in the morning. 
Word spread throughout the city yesterday as to what was to take place. And already this morning, a small crowd has gathered to watch the busy builders and carpenters. 
Throughout the morning more and more people make their way from their homes, and places of work. Making their way to the city center, and Foundation Square. 
One of those heading there on this cold Autumn morning, is Jovan Garney the cleric, and a number of others from his church, the church of Kaēvin. 
With a cloak wrapped tightly around his half plate armour, to help ward off the chill this morning. The powerful young spellcaster as he walks amongst his fellow church members. 
Can't help but remember what happened yesterday. After the meeting took place, which saw those who had gathered, decide that a public execution was the most apt way for the punishment that the members of the ruling council of Tuledare shall receive, for starting the war against the city-state of Phamal. Which they planned to capitalize upon. 
After the meeting broke up, the cleric Garney had a brief, but private meeting with his lord, Lord Farque himself. 
Once again, since it happened. The powerful young cleric originally from the Lands Farque, shakes his head at what took place. 
If there was any other proof that Jovan needed that he would of been killed any number of times recently, if it wasn't for the fact he was a born Farqian. 
It was yesterday in the meeting when Lord Farque or Draugodrottin as he's also known as to the people of his lands. 
Straight out told the fighting cleric in the church of Kaēvin that's the only reason he's alive. After all, no matter how you look at it. 
Jovan Garney, though very briefly, fought on the side of the city-state of Tuledare, in the very recent war against the city-state of Phamal. Who the Fifth Army of Farque was fighting for. In fact the Fifth Army, commanded by Tamric Drubine the field commander. 
Took control of the Phamalian forces and war effort. And it's the reason the city-state of Phamal victory was so quick and dominant. 
Much to the surprise off the Phamalians themselves, and even more surprised were the Tuledarians. As they thought the war was going in their favour. 
The powerful young cleric originally from the Lands Farque is quiet he as walks beside the priestess Saleane, behind the two guards Oldham and Sammit. 
While others from their church, are following behind the Farqian born practitioner of magic, and the attractive young priestess. 
As they head along a lane adjacent to a street that heads directly towards Foundation Square. The cleric Garney looks up as he sees movement on the rooftops above. 
The young fighting cleric in the church of Kaēvin sees the black clad figures of soldiers in the Fifth Army of Farque up there. 
He slightly nods to himself as he realizes that Tamric Drubine the field commander, and probably most likely Lord Farque himself. 
Is having his forces keep a close eye upon the public execution, and the crowd that's gathering to watch it. 
From her position upon a rooftop that looks out over Foundation Square, here in the center of the city of Tuledare. 
The lead scout Maiya Garney watches the crowd that's gathering in the middle of the massive square, where the platform and gallows is located. 
The lead scout glances at the company sergeant Blufont, who nudges her with a elbow. The scout Garney looks to where the experienced sergeant nods to. 
It takes a moment, then Maiya Garney sees her younger brother Jovan, along with others from his church, the church of Kaēvin. 
Make their way from a lane on the east side of massive square, here in the center of the capital city of Tuledare. 
Tightening up her cloak to ward of the cold, and the wind up here on the fourth storey of the building, her and her squad are on top of. 
The lead scout of one of the infiltration squads in the Fifth Army of Farque, watches her younger brother for a little bit, before she goes back to watching the crowd down in the square. 
"Heard your little brother met with our lord yesterday afternoon" quietly says sergeant Blufont as he and the lead scout, along with the rest of their squad, closely watch the crowd that's come to watch today's public execution. 
"Any idea what they spoke about?" continues the experience company sergeant, who like the rest of the infiltration squad, serve in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Fifth Army of Farque. 
With a shake of her head, Maiya Garney the lead scout says "No idea" followed by "He didn't say anything about it" after a brief pause, she continues with "And I wasn't going to ask about it, considering it was a private conversation between him and our lord". 
The scout Garney, who had dinner last night with her younger brother Jovan, who invited her to the cathedral of Kaēvin for a meal. 
Looks over at the sorcerer Carnid who says "Another one" he pauses for a few moments, before he continues with "He's from the magic order". 
The lead scout nods, then says "Keep an eye on him all the same" after the squad's spellcaster says "He's not planning anything". 
Then Maiya Garney looks to her left, where Halindrelle the elven ranger stands, who says "Small group just entered from the southwest corner". 
The elf, who originally comes from the forest city of Quinthain, which lies to the east of the Lands Farque, continues with "Four of them, one is obviously the leader, the other three offsiders look like his guards". 
Looking that way, Maiya Garney says "Carnid" and the sorcerer replies with "I'm on it" he briefly pauses after casting a spell, then he says "Well, well, well". 
Lifting an eyebrow as she turns and looks at the practitioner of magic, the lead scout says to him "Well, what?". 
"They're not happy with what's about to happen" says the sorcerer Carnid, who continues with "In fact they're totally pissed off with the whole situation". 
The squad's spellcaster then explains why, and after hearing about it, the scout Garney says to the sorcerer "You better inform them". Referring to field commander Tamric Drubine's staff. 
After the practitioner of magic does so, the lead scout nods when the sorcerer tells her "That's four groups now" followed by "As well as eighteen individuals". 
The squad's spellcaster then says "A larger group has been stopped and detained a couple streets over, to the west" he then adds "A dozen of them, who were determined to stop the executions". 
"If there ever was something to flush them out, it's a public execution" quietly says the lead scout Maiya Garney to the experienced sergeant beside her, who nods in agreement with her. 
Then the two of them, look over at the elven ranger Halindrelle, who says "I think that's councilor Reinholt down there" followed by "Yeah that's him, he's with that young fellow Zam". 
Maiya Garney and sergeant Blufont look to where the elven ranger points, and they spot the two of them, Mira Reinholt the mage and Zam the ex mercenary down in the massive square, amongst the ever growing crowd. 
"Where exactly?" asks Zam the ex mercenary as they make their way through the crowd that's getting larger and larger all the time. 
"Towards the platform" says Mira Reinholt the mage, who pauses for a moment, then continues with "To the right of it" quickly followed by "Our right". 
The ex mercenary who hails from The City Of Ruins, rolls his eyes, as next tob him the mage Reinholt mutters "You could give us better directions you thieving bastard". 
Seeing the sour look upon the face of the once powerful mage, the ex mercenary beside him, quietly says "Glad he's talking to you, and not me" followed by "Rather not have his highness in my head, chattering away at me". 
"Lucky you" sourly says the mage from the city-state of Vexil, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster. 
The two of them push their way through some people, then the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage to be found anywhere in the Southlands, quietly tells the ex mercenary "More to the right". 
Zam nods, pushing his way through a small group of people, who complain about him and the mage Reinholt, both of whom ignore them. 
Then the ex mercenary, who is the most recent member of the group that travels with Lord Farque, quietly says to the Vexilian born spellcaster "There, in the dark woolly cloak". 
"That's the one" quietly says Mira Reinholt, who along with Zam have been directed here by Helbe the elven thief, who is who knows where. And is communicating with the Vexilian mage in exile via a mindspeech spell. 
"I think we should" says the mage who is also a member of the personal council to Lord Farque, who before he can continue, saying anything young Zam tells him "I've got it". 
The ex mercenary approaches the man in the woolly cloak from behind and says "Hey mate" followed by "A word with you". 
The fellow in the woolly cloak, turns around and is met with a punch in the guts from Zam the ex mercenary, who as the fellow bends over, gasping for breath. Knees the man in the face. 
Which causes the mage Reinholt to wince then mutter "Hell" as the individual in the woolly cloak drops to the ground, clutching at the bloody and broken face. 
"Poor fellow, he's had too much to drink" says Zam the ex mercenary to some nearby onlookers who have turned to see what's happening. 
"Not even mid morning, and he's going at it," adds the ex mercenary from The City Of Ruins, who along with Mira Reinholt each grab an arm of the individual on the ground, and haul him up, so that he stands. 
"We'll take care of him" says Zam the ex mercenary, who slightly nods in agreement with the mage Reinholt, who quietly tells him "Let's go". 
The two of them walk away, with the fellow in the woolly cloak between the two of them, barely standing upright, as he's dazed after that knee to the face. 
"Now we can't have you doing what you were planning, now can we" says Mira Reinholt the mage to the fellow he and Zam are marching away, towards the main building of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
"Trying to kill them before they're actually executed" adds the once powerful mage from the city-state of Vexil, who follows that with "Now where's all the fun in that" . . . . . .

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