Sunday 2 April 2017

Wonderful 48.

Belinswae. The City Of Falnic...

"That's definitely the two of them" says commander Galbin, who pauses for a moment, before he adds "Though what that other thing is, i have no idea". "Nor do i" says justifier Sammacin, who as they look at the trio on the road approaching the main east gates of Falnic, adds "It's not a troll is it?".
"No i don't think so" says the guard commander who is the older of the two cousins, he continues on with "Not as tall as any troll that I've seen".
Over the years there's been trolls in the port city, mostly working in the ship yards, helping to build the fishing boats that are prevalent in the city's fleet. Though there isn't any trolls in the city at the moment, and there hasn't been one seen in or near Falnic in half a dozen years.
"It's also beefier looking than any troll I've seen" says commander Galbin, who then turns and yells at the wyvern that's brought them here to shut up, as it's squawking in the typical fractious way that wyverns tend to do.
"Not to mention I've never seen, or heard of a troll carrying so many weapons" says the older of the two cousins as he continues their conversation when the wyvern settles down after it lets out a final squawk.
"That thing could equip our entire garrison" dryly says the commander, and though the justifier knows his cousin is exaggerating, he isn't half wrong. For the large green creature that's on the road approaching the city is fair bristling with weapons.
The wizard Sammacin looks away to their right, where the justifier Parquet El has come down from the wall, where the wyvern he arrived on, has landed. The other justifier who is accompanied by his own guard commander, is making his way towards them.
"That's them alright" says Parquet El the justifier when he joins them on the side of the road, to one side of the open gates "Though what that other thing is, i have absolutely no damn clue" adds the older justifier, who then continues with "If that's a goblin, then that's the biggest damn goblin in existence".
The wizard nods his head in agreement with the older justifier, then Sammacin asks the sorcerer El "Can that elf be trusted with what she said?" Parquet El tells the wizard "She wasn't lying, that's for certain" he continues with "She's adamant that those two attacked Kaellin and the elven lord he was visiting in Maladimbáh".
"And no one has heard from the mage since he left" quietly says the wizard Sammacin as they discuss one of their fellow justifiers who journeyed to the east and north, to the elven principality of Maladimbáh, to see if he could station some of his guards there, where it would be easier to raid down into the nomads plains. Certainly far more easier than it is to launch a raid from here on the coast of Belinswae.
"Take them in?" quietly asks Sammacin "Would be best" is the quiet reply of his fellow justifier, then the younger of two members of the authority here in Falnic adds "And that big green fellow?".
After a moment's consideration, the sorcerer Parquet El says "Might as well let it enter the city freely" the justifier who is seen as stickler for the laws of the city of Falnic, continues with "After he's been given the usual talking to like all visitors".
The wizard Sammacin nods to that, as does his cousin, commander Galbin, as well as justifier El's own guard commander. As they along with their guards they've brought with them, and the guards on gate duty, wait for the trio of travelers on the road to reach the gates of the city.
"Looks like we're going to get arrested" says lord Farque, Dorc da Orc growls at hearing that, and the undead warlord dryly says to him "Not you, you big fucking idiot" the heavily armoured deathlord then adds "Mira and i are".
The large ork who could've listened to the same conversation the lord and ruler of the lands Farque has been listening to, but he couldn't be bothered to do so. Grunts when he hears that, while next to him, Mira Reinholt the mage rolls his eyes, then sourly murmurs "Great".
"Don't worry about it" says the lord of the death realm who is taking his sword from across his back, Draugadrottin as he's also known by, to the people of his lands, says to the ork warleader "Here take this".
"Nah get fucked" says Dorc da Orc who quickly puts his hands behind his back "Dorc" quietly says lord Farque in a cool tone of voice. The ork weaponsmith grimaces, then holds out a large hand, he doesn't take the weapon as such, the undead warlord slaps the hilt of the Sword of Power into the open hand of Dorkindle, who winces as it touches him.
The warleader of the ork race sighs in relief as he's still in one piece, and as he puts the large sword onto the back of his weapon harness. Next to him, the mage Reinholt says to the heavily armoured deathlord "I take it we're going to let them arrest us?". "We  are" replies the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
The once powerful mage and the ork weaponsmith are not in the least surprised at this, as they've been arrested, or apprehended by the authorities in cities, city-states, regions, principalities, kingdoms on purpose a number of times over the years. All with a purpose or reason for doing so, as is the case here.
As the exiled Vexilian mage hands the ork warleader his two swords, his unique double bladed air elemental designed weapon that was made in the lands Farque by a master swordsmith. And his newer sword, the one touched by dragon fire.
The lord of the death realm quietly says in the elven language to the mage Reinholt "One of those justifiers is in for a bit of a shock" the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster lifts an enquiring eyebrow as he looks at the undead warlord. Who for a reply, slightly nods his full helmed head at Dorc da Orc.
Mira Reinholt can't help but grin at that as the three of them approach the east gates of the city of Falnic. As they do, the Vexilian mage in exile sees out of the corner of his eye, sees the deathlord of Farque give a few subtle hand signals to the ork weaponsmith, as well as murmuring something in the totally incomprehensible ork language.
Whatever the lord and ruler says and signals to the ork warleader, it causes Dorkindle to grunt in reply.
"You lot halt!" calls out a justifier's guard on gate duty after a horse and wagon and the two farmers who have brought it to Falnic, are allowed to enter the city. The trio from south of the equator come to a stop about a dozen paces short of the guards on gate duty, and the one who called out to them to stop, looks over at the nearby justifiers, who along with their guard commanders, and the other guards with them, make their way over.
"A moment of your time" says justifier Sammacin, who points at the large figure in the heavy plate armour, and the one in the black hooded cloak, and says "We've heard allegations concerning the two of you, we would like to get to the bottom of them" the wizard who is the youngest justifier in Falnic at this time adds "If all is well then you shall be let go, but if not".
The two in question glance at one another, then the one in the black hooded cloak says "Sure, no problem" the wizard Sammacin slightly frowns at that, and continues to do so when the traveler in black adds "You want us to come along with you then?".
After a moments hesitation where he glances at his fellow justifier Parquet El, the young wizard says "That would be appreciated" then justifier Sammacin says to the third traveler, the big green one, who rather stinks from a dozen paces away "My colleague here would like a word with you" he just gets a grunt from the large green creature.
As the two to be taken into questioning are lead off the road, and a combined squad of guards surround them, and their weapons are taken from them. In the case of the one in the black hooded cloak, that's a quartet of daggers. And for the one covered from head to toe in steel plate armour, that's a heavy plain mace. Which is far heavier than it looks, for the guard who it's handed to, drops it because it's so heavy. Dropping it on his foot, breaking it, and dropping him to the ground screaming in pain.
As two other justifier's guards pick up the weapon to carry it, and the wizard Sammacin heals his injured guard, while the traveler in the dark blue, black heavy plate armour says in slightly dry tone of voice "Should of mentioned it's heavier than it looks".
Near the road, justifier Parquet El is saying to the third traveler "Do you have any magical weapons?" the sorcerer has sensed for any, and the large green creature who is at least seven and half feet tall, and well in excess of seven hundred pounds in weight, doesn't have one, though he's virtually covered with every other type of weapon you could think of.
Justifier El frowns as he's sure the big green fellow after saying "Nah" follows it up with what sounds like "Cunt" but his voice is so deep and growling, with a thick accent, that it's difficult to tell.
Parquet El slightly shrugs, then continues on with his talk, basically a lecture, that he gives to all travelers visiting the city of Falnic, concerning the laws that must strictly be adhered to. As he does, the sorcerer El decides to read the mind of the big, green individual, to see what his intentions are here in the port city of Falnic.
The justifier Parquet El projectile vomits with force, then clutches at his head before toppling over onto the ground, completely unconscious. Some of the other guards rush over to his aid, as does his fellow justifier, the wizard Sammacin who has just healed his injured guard's broken foot by way of a spell.
"Must of been something he ate" says Mira Reinholt the mage in a completely normal tone of voice, even though he's laughing on the inside "Must of been" adds lord Farque as they're surrounded by justifier's guards, who are watching what's going on concerning the wizard who threw up and collapsed.
"What happened?" demands justifier Sammacin as he looks at the big green traveler, the young wizard slightly frowns as he's sure that the large green creature tells him "The silly cunt just blew chunks, then fell over like a drunk fucker". Though he's not sure as it's more than a little difficult to understand his strong accent, not to mention his deep, growling voice.
The younger of the two justifiers casts to see if the large creature is telling the truth, and finds out that he is. Sammacin is lucky that's all he casts, for if he had tried to read the mind of the big green traveler, he would of suffered the same fate as his fellow justifier, the sorcerer El.
As the young wizard sees to his unconscious colleague, lord Farque slightly nudges Mira Reinholt, then looks at the nearby wyvern. The once powerful mage looks that way too, and he hears the undead warlord in a normal, conversational way, say something in what the Vexilian mage in exile recognises as the dragon language.
The wyvern snaps it's head around, looks at the two of them and the guards surrounding them. Let out a loud squawk, then lift off in one powerful movement, and head away in the sky to the northeast.
As justifier's guards yell at it to return, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque looks at the other wyvern up on the city wall, it heard what he said, and is watching him with intent. Draugadrottin slightly nods his full helmed head in the direction the first wyvern took off in. The large winged creature perched upon the east wall of the city of Falnic lets out a loud squawk of it's own, then takes off. Knocking over it's rider, who was leaning against it, dozing in the morning sunshine.
As that wyvern wings it's way to the northeast, and the rider who was knocked over, clings onto a crenalation on top of the wall, yelling for help as he holds on for dear life. The mage Reinholt who runs a hand across his mouth to conceal a grin, murmurs in the elven language "What did you tell them to do?".
"To return home, to their hatching grounds" is the quiet reply of the death lord of Farque in the same language, he falls silent as the young justifier who is a wizard, who has just waved for Dorc da Orc to enter the city. Calls out for guards to try and retrieve the two wyverns, which is never going to happen.
And calls out that the two travelers who have been detained, to be taken to his main garrison.
Lord Farque and Mira Reinholt surrounded by a large squad of justifier's guards, enter the city of Falnic . . . . . .

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