Sunday 23 April 2017

Wonderful 57.

The Nomads Plains...

The wyvern drops down quickly, as it does lord Farque says to the other two "Hold on" the undead warlord glances back to where Dorc da Orc is sitting behind Mira Reinholt the mage, and he repeats what he just said, but in the ork language, with a fair few swear words added in as the large ork tends to sit in a too relaxed manner on the back of the wyvern.
As the ork warleader grunts, Mira Reinholt the mage says "Think some of them on that first one have spotted us" as he looks at the five wyverns from Belinswae that are below them.
The deathlord of Farque nods his full helmed head, then says in the elven language to the Vexilian mage in exile "When i give the command, attack the dark blue wyvern, the justifier on it is a wizard".
The mage Reinholt who as usual is holding his limited power within himself, nods in understanding, then he along with ork weaponsmith listen as the lord and ruler of the lands Farque tells them in the common language "We're going to dive straight down" he pauses for a moment, then he adds "And so are they".
The undead warlord who is also known as Draugadrottin to the people of his lands, has the large, glossy green black wyvern level out a bit as it sweeps down towards the other tame wyverns. Who, along with some of their riders, has spotted the one the trio from south of the equator are flying on.
The five wyverns from Belinswae are flying in a traditional V formation, with the lead wyvern, instinctively slowing up a bit, bunching up the others behind it, as the wyvern the three from the Southlands are on, sweeps down upon them.
The others in the formation slow up too, as they all think that the wyvern lord Farque, Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt the mage are upon, is also a raider from Belinswae. They don't realize it isn't until the last moment, when they finally spot the large form of the ork warleader sitting at the back of the saddle, and before the pair of justifiers in the raiding party of townsmen can cast to communicate with those they think are from Belinswae.
As the large glossy green, black wyvern sweeps down infront of the lead wyvern in the flight, lord Farque shouts out a command in the dragon language. The wyvern the trio from south of the equator, tucks in it's wings, and dives head first, straight down to the ground a little over five hundred feet below.
So do the first three wyverns in the formation from Belinswae, much to the surprise of those onboard them. While the two wyverns at the back of the V formation, screech and squawk, and come to a halt in midair, as they wonder what's happened to their flight mates, as they were too far back to clearly hear the command in the dragon language from the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
As he tries not to throw up his lunch, as well as not get squashed by Dorc behind him, who is laughing maniacally and hollering away in the ork language as they dive straight down at the ground.
The mage Reinholt stops holding his power within himself, and looks back behind the grinning ork warleader. And as the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster sees a number of riders falling from the trio of the wyverns from Belinswae that are diving head first at the ground, as they were unprepared as to what just happened.
He quickly creates a mageglobe, which he sends shooting back up into the sky, towards the dark blue wyvern, which is one of the three wyverns from Belinswae diving towards the ground.
The five hundred feet or so to the ground quickly disappears, and just twenty feet above the surface of the dry, arid plains the large glossy green, black wyvern the trio from the Southlands are flying on, levels out after lord Farque gives it a command, it sweeps away to the left, gaining altitude as it does so.
The three other wyverns diving towards the ground, pull up too, though in varying degrees of success.
One barely levels out and heads away to the right, while another clips it's right wing upon the ground, and tumbles in the air just above the ground, just keeping itself aloft as it struggles away from the ground.
Of those two wyverns, they've lost at least half of their riders, who have fallen to their deaths, after being thrown, or to be more precise, fallen from the backs of the wyverns they were riding upon.
The third wyvern isn't so lucky, it's the dark blue one, that a justifier, a wizard is upon. As he was busy trying to keep the other eight riders on the back of the wyvern as it headed straight down out of the sky. The mageglobe created by Mira Reinholt, exploded right infront of the large winged creature as it was spinning head first towards the ground.
The living piece of magic burns away part of the right jaw of the dark blue wyvern, and along its right flank, as well as much of its right wing, which was tucked in against the side of it's body.
The front rider, the one with the reins trying to control the plummeting wyvern, is bunt away from the shoulders up. As his body falls away, the rider behind him, his right leg is basically burnt away, and he falls off the wyvern, screaming in pain. As the rider behind him is doing, as his right arm and side are on fire.
As the dark blue wyvern screams in pain, and tries to open out its wings, with only the left doing so, as the right is all but brunt away, with just a few scorched bones, and charred membrane remaining of it.
The seriously wounded wyvern slams head first into the hard, dry ground, hitting the plains at terminal velocity. The large body of the wyvern, as well as those still upon it, splatter across the ground, with the barrier spell the justifier had put up to try and stop those riding upon the wyvern from falling off. Completely failing as he's killed instantly like the other riders, and the wyvern do when they all hit the ground at speed.
Dorc da Orc laughs as he looks back in the afternoon sunshine to see what's just happened. Then as the two surviving wyverns that dived at the ground try to gain altitude, the large ork spots the two remaining wyverns from Belinswae further up in the sky, sweeping down at speed towards the large glossy green, black wyvern the trio from the Southlands are upon.
From one of those two wyverns higher up in the sky, comes a fireball, heading directly towards them, as the wyvern lord Farque commands, climbs up towards the two wyverns the townsmen raiders from Belinswae are flying down at them.
The mage Reinholt creates another living piece of magic, and sends the mageglobe flying up at the wyvern the fireball came from, this one having a sorcerer upon it's back.
As the once powerful mage does this, he ducks down because lord Farque puts an arm back, and calls put something in the ork language. Dorc da Orc grunts, then quickly takes a throwing hammer from his weapon harness, and slaps it into the gauntleted hand of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
The heavily armoured deathlord has the large glossy green, black wyvern easily avoid the oncoming fireball, which like all fireballs goes in a straight line.
Then as the mageglobe created by Mira Reinholt explodes right infront of the diving wyvern with the remaining justifier on it. Causing no damage as the sorcerer has put up a pretty powerful barrier spell infront of the large winged creature he's on.
The undead warlord pulls back the hand he's holding the hammer with, and as the wyvern the trio from south of the equator are on, passes just thirty to the left of the diving wyvern the fireball came from.
The lord of the death realm throws the hammer, shouting out a command in the dragon language as he does so.
The hammer easily breaks through the barrier spell of the sorcerer, smashing into him, taking his head off which splatters apart. Another of the riders from Belinswae falls off the wyvern along with the headless justifier, as their wyvern speeds up as it dives towards the ground.
The large glossy green, black wyvern the three from the Southlands are on, has increased in speed too as it continues to climb up into the clear afternoon sky above the nomads plains.
"It's almost impossible to command them one at a time" explains lord Farque, Mira Reinholt figured as much, as the deathlord of Farque was giving the same commands to the wyvern they're on, to the one's the townsmen raiders from Belinswae are on.
The undead warlord has the wyvern they appropriated, or to be exact, they stole from the city of Falnic, sweep away to the right, as they look down at the remaining wyverns the townsmen are on.
The one the sorcerer was on has landed, it has obviously crashed landed, as one of its wings seem to be broken, and the squawks of pain from the injured wyvern can easily be heard a couple thousand feet in the sky, where the trio from south of the equator are flying at the moment.
The other wyvern that dove near them, is circling around, and gaining altitude as tries to come after them.
While the remaining two wyverns, those that were amongst the three that initially dived head first at the ground, are sweeping low across the dry, arid plains with more than half of their riders missing. They're slowly gaining altitude as those townsmen still in the saddle, decide what to do. As coming under attack from another tame wyvern is a surprise to say the least.
"Here take the reins" says lord Farque after he has large glossy green, black wyvern level out and slow down "Why?" asks Mira Reinholt "Fine, then I'll throw you onto that approaching wyvern instead of that fucking lunatic Dorc" dryly says the heavily armoured deathlord in the elven language.
"I'll take the reins" quickly says the exiled Vexilian mage who snatches the offered reins out of the gauntleted hand of the lord of the death realm.
The undead warlord after giving another command in the dragon language, stands up on the saddle as the wyvern the trio from the Southlands slows down even more.
The swordmaster Reinholt lies down flat as the lord and ruler of the lands Farque steps over him "You're going for a ride cunt" says Draugadrottin in the ork language.
Dorkindle grunts, then looks back to where lord Farque who is standing infront of him, has nodded. The large ork sees one of the wyverns steadily approaching them from behind on the right quarter, or from a stern on the starboard side if they were onboard an airship.
"Clear them off" says the deathlord of Farque in the ork language, who then adds "Try and keep that damn wyvern there alive" Des'tier as he's known to an older generation of elven kind then says in a dry tone "We might need the stupid fucking thing"
Dorc da Orc chuckles, then briefly grabs onto the saddle, as the lord and ruler of the lands Farque calls out a command in the dragon language.
The large glossy green, black wyvern almost stops in midair as it starts to back wing, the approaching wyvern from the rear to the right shoots forward.
As it does, the undead warlord grabs Dorc da Orc by the back of the weapon harness, then dryly says in the ork language "Don't fall off cunt" then picks the large ork up and out of the saddle, and throws him out to the side.
The ork warleaders eyes go wide as he's thrown out to nothing, and though he gulps, and wants to angrily shout "Cunt!" he can't help but grin as he goes flying out into the sky.
His flight comes to an abrupt stop forty feet from where it started, as he slams into the wyvern that was quickly approaching from the rear as it comes alongside the large glossy green, black wyvern that was stolen from the yards of a wealthy trader in the coastal city of Falnic.
Dorc da Orc growls as he holds onto to anything he can, in this case the side of the saddle and the leg of one of the riders upon the back of the wyvern.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks grunts as he's whacked on top of the head by a sword "Dumb cunt" mutters the large ork, who reaches up and grabs the arm that swung the sword.
The ork warleader pulls that townsmen off the wyvern, and chuckles as he briefly watches the justifier's guard falling to his death. Then Dorkindle hauls himself up onto the back of the wyvern he's now on, to attack the remaining riders, while they attack him in return.
"Poor bastards" dryly murmurs Mira Reinholt as he looks back to the wyvern that Dorc da Orc is now on, the once powerful mage ducks down low in the saddle as lord Farque steps over him, the heavily armoured deathlord sits back down, and takes the reins from the swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil.
As the large glossy green, black wyvern starts dropping down in altitude and heads towards the other two wyverns from Belinswae, the deathlord of Farque looks back at the mage Reinholt and tells him "I'll get close to one of them, teleport over at clear them off".
Mira Reinholt whose hood of his cloak has blown off his head, nods, then does so again, when the undead warlord tells him "I'll take care of the remaining one" as they head down to the right in a long curving sweep, as the two remaining wyverns which the last of the townsmen raiders are upon, head up towards them . . . . . .

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