Tuesday 4 April 2017

Wonderful 50.

Belinswae. The City Of Falnic...

"Me is fucken waiting" growls Dorc da Orc as he paces back and forth in a lane. A couple of people on the street infront of him, hurry away when they see the large ork stomping back and forth through the lane. The ork warleader sourly smiles as he sees the two humans hurrying away.
"Cunts" mutters Dorkindle, who then mutters "And where the fuck is them two stupid cunts at?" for that he gets a knock on the back of his head from the pommel of lord Farque's sword which is on the back of his weapon harness.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks, hisses in annoyance, stops his pacing, and rubs the back of his head "Fuck that hurt" mutters Dorc da Orc, who quickly adds "Fuck alright, sorry" when Ryn the Sword of Power tells him that she'll hit him even harder, if he calls the lord and ruler of the lands Farque a stupid cunt again.
The large ork sourly smiles, then sighs, and resumes his pacing, though not so loudly, and noisily as he was before. After a little while, the warleader of the ork race grunts as he catches the scent of who is nearby and approaching "Bout fucken time" murmurs Dorc da Orc.
"Are you sure?" asks lord Farque "Yeah, it was definitely them" replies Mira Reinholt the mage, who as they walk up a hillside street in the port city of Falnic, continues with "That other justifier this morning was the one keeping an eye on them while they were here" the once powerful mage then adds "They left yesterday morning, heading east".
"Well at least we know they're in the general region" dryly says the undead warlord at the news that the rest of the group has been here in Falnic searching for him, the mage Reinholt, and Dorc da Orc.
The heavily armoured deathlord gestures to a street to the right, and as they cross to it, he quietly says to the Vexilian mage in exile as they converse in the elven language "What's the bet they're heading to Maladimbáh" the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, nods his head and says "Not much of a bet, since that Kaldeàlil left a trail easy for a blind bat to pick up, that's heading there".
"And with her heading back that way from what you got from that justifier" says the lord of the death realm, who then adds "The others may as well be heading into a trap" the mage Reinholt nods his head in agreement then asks "Back through that portal?".
"Maybe" replies lord Farque, who continues with "Hopefully it will give us an advantage over them all if we do go via that" he then adds "Especially if Helbe and the others are crossing the plains on horseback" Draugadrottin after glancing up at a passing wyvern, says "Or we could find another way" the undead warlord points then says "Up those steps, and to the street to the right" the deathlord of Farque adds "He's in an alley or lane on that street".
Dorc da Orc grunts when lord Farque and Mira Reinholt find him in the lane "Here" says the large ork who doesn't even have to be asked to hand back the Farque family sword to the ruler of those lands. The ork warleader practically throws it back at the lord of the death realm "Fucken keep it" mutters the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks.
Who definitely thinks the negatives outweigh the positives of carrying around lord Farque's sword. The multitude of voices that he usually has rattling around inside his head might be annoying and a pain in the ass, but at least they're his voices, and not that of the large sword, who doesn't just yell at him, but also actually hits him when he does something she doesn't particularly like, which is often.
Dorkindle who was in this particular lane as it gave him a clear view down to the justifier's garrison where the other two were being held, asks "You find out what you were fucken looking for?".
"We did" is the reply from Mira Reinholt, and lord Farque who has just quickly apologized to Ryn the Sword of Power for being in the care of the large ork for a fair chunk of the day, then says "We're leaving after we get you two some supplies".
"Where we fucken going?" asks Dorc da Orc "Maladimbáh" replies lord Farque, the ork warleader grunts at the mention of the elven principality he's heard the other two talk about.
"We going back through that magicky door?" asks the ork weaponsmith as they make their way out of the other end of the lane "Maybe" replies Draugadrottin as he glances up into the afternoon sky, as a wyvern flies over the city after coming in from the east, the direction of the nomads plains.
The justifier Sammacin blinks his eyes as though he's just woken up, the young wizard who is one of the rulers of the city of Falnic finds himself sitting behind a desk in one of the rooms in a building in his main garrison. The justifier finds his guard commander and cousin Galbin standing nearby with a slightly confused look upon his face.
"Did i fall asleep or something?" asks justifier Sammacin "Huh?" murmurs guard commander Galbin who then adds "What?" followed by "Oh, yeah you must of" though the older of the two cousins doesn't exactly sound to sure of that.
Hmmmmm i must of, the wizard Sammacin thinks to himself, the justifier of Falnic who is feeling a little fuzzy headed after presumably falling asleep this afternoon, looks around the room, where some of his guards are making their way out into the hallway, with all of them, having slightly confused looks upon their faces, tries to remember something, he tries to remember what he was doing before he dropped off for a nap.
"Where's those two we detained this morning at the east gate?" asks Sammacin a few moments later when he finally recalls what he was doing before he fell asleep "I let them go as you ordered" says the older cousin Galbin with a shrug of his shoulders "You did?" says the young wizard, who with a bemused look upon his face, adds "I did?".
"Yeah you did" says the guard commander who continues with "Something about that elven woman spinning lies and making things up about those two" Galbin then adds "Those two travelers were innocent of what she accused them of".
"That's right" murmurs the justifier Sammacin, who like his older cousin and the guards who were in the room with them, have no idea that their minds have been tampered with.
"That bitch" mutters the young wizard in annoyance, he then looks at his cousin the guard commander and says to him "I wonder if she's someone who doesn't want to see the mage Kaellin's plan be a success?" his cousin nods, as the justifier says "I wouldn't put it past her".
Sammacin like the rest of his fellow justifiers might not want their colleague Kaellin to be that successful due to rivalry and jealousy. They do deep down want to him have some kind of success. For anyone of them to get a foothold into Maladimbáh where they can have their guards be garrisoned, so that they can raid down into the nomads plains far more easily from here on the coast, is overall a good thing indeed.
"Is she still in the city?" asks the wizard Sammacin "I believe she left last night" replies the guard commander who then adds "I'll have to find out to be sure". "Do so" says the justifier, who then continues on with "I find it surprising she tells us of these so called allegations against those two, then she skips town soon afterwards" the wizard Sammacin pauses for a moment, then he quietly adds "She's up to something, and i intend to find out what".
After his cousin Galbin leaves to find out if the elven maid is still here in Falnic. The justifier gets up as he decides to have a little fun for the rest of the afternoon.
Sammacin is thinking about a particularly young prostitute in one of the dockside pleasure houses that he's had his eye on for most of the summer, that'll he'll get some of his guards to bring up to his hillside residence.
When suddenly he feels a tightening in his stomach, he clamps a hand over his mouth, and he rushes to a large empty brass vase on a side table, which he throws up in.
"Aaaahhhh" groans the justifier Sammacin as he guts are roiling about inside him, the young wizard wipes his mouth, and forgets about having some fun this afternoon, and decides to help his cousin Galbin instead, in finding out about the elven maid who misinformed them.
The justifier has no idea that he has had a spell cast upon him, that will always cause that reaction when he gets it into his mind, to have what he calls fun, which is infact the humiliation, pain and ultimately death, of the prostitutes he takes from Falnic's pleasure houses.
It's something that will get worse and worse every time he wants to have his type of skewed fun, which he'll never be able to do again no matter how hard he wants to do it.
Later in the afternoon, in the southeast of the port city of Falnic, Dorc da Orc says "Hmmmmm that fucken one?" the large ork who doesn't particularly like any of them, as he would rather be killing and eating them, thinks the one in question is the coolest looking one they've seen so far, which is all the requirement he needs for them.
"Not that one" dryly says lord Farque as he and the ork warleader, along with Mira Reinholt the mage stand upon a rooftop in the afternoon sunshine , the undead warlord adds "That one isn't big enough to carry the mage and i, as well as you, you fat fuck".
"Dorc not fat, me big boned" loudly mutters the ork weaponsmith, which causes Mira Reinholt the mage to snort, then dryly say "Keep telling yourself that Dorc" the large ork looks at the once powerful mage, and scowls at him.
Before the other two can get into an argument, lord Farque says "That one" and points at the one in question, then the heavily armoured deathlord says to the ork warleader and the Vexilian mage in exile "Move back" all three of them move back from the edge of the roof, infact almost going to the opposite side of the roof.
After a few moments, the deathlord of Farque shouts out something that the large ork and the mage don't understand, though which the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, recognises as the language of dragons.
An instant later there's numerous loud squawks and screeches from the close by yard of one of the largest trading companies here in the port city of Falnic. And a half a dozen wyverns, some of whom have been sunning themselves on warehouse rooftops, and others napping beneath the shade of trees in the yard itself, all launch into the air, much to the chagrin of the workers in the yard and warehouses.
As the wyverns fly up into the afternoon sky, one which has it's saddle on, and is one of the largest belonging to the trading company, comes up and lands upon the roof that the trio from south of the equator are on.
"Get on it" says lord Farque who is first to jump up into the saddle of the wyvern, which shuffles sideways, and hisses at Dorkindle for the large ork is starting to stink again. Eventually the ork weaponsmith gets onto the back of the large winged creature, sitting behind the mage Reinholt.
With a command from the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, the wyvern is quickly into the air, and flying over the port city of Falnic, and is soon passing over the city walls, and heading eastwards towards the nomads plains . . . . . .

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