Monday 10 April 2017

Wonderful 54.

The Nomads Plains...

Riley Hait the mercenary ranger dismounts, then calls out "Are you alright?" in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra to the two nomad children who are nearby. After a moments hesitation at hearing someone speaking their language, who isn't a nomad, the boy replies with a shouted "Yes!" in his native language.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman who sees Helbe the elven thief floating up in the air, shooting his royal longbow. Rushes forward, then comes to a stop at the edge of a wide depression.
"Oh shit" murmurs a surprised Riley Hait at what he sees, the mercenary ranger looks up at Helbe the elven thief who calls down to him with "They're immune to magic!" in the elven language.
The ranger Hait takes his elven longbow, and quickly strings it as the others start to arrive behind him, the mercenary ranger who is in actual fact, a hordes outrider from the southern tundra soon has an arrow to his bow, and shoots it off.
Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson goes for the creature, which he guesses is a sand dragon, as they heard plenty about them in the city of Falnic, that prince Helbenthril Raendril is attacking. The other one is being attacked by sir Percavelle Lé Dic, and that madman is on top of that one, and the mercenary ranger doesn't want to accidently shoot the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, even though he wouldn't lose any sleep over it if he did shoot him by accident.
Seeing that Helbe the elven thief is shooting the sand dragon in the legs, flanks and back, where it's natural armour isn't. The ranger Hait puts his arrow into the front left leg, making sure to miss it's large bony looking knee. The sand dragon lets out hiss as it tries to come around the side of the depression, up onto the flat ground where Riley Hait and the two nomad children, and now where the others are.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy jumps off his horse in one smooth movement, he's already got his crossbow in hand, and has extended it out, making the stock longer, and expanding the bow arms. The elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands runs by the pair of nomad children, and when he's alongside the ranger Hait, and sees what's happening, the elven spy lifts his weapon and shoots off a bolt.
Seeing where the sand dragon has been shot, Dalinvardél or Dalin as the rest of the group often call him, shoots the same one that both Riley Hait and Helbenthril Raendril are attacking.
Though the head of the sand dragon is protected by plates of natural armour, the elven spy who served in one of the noble houses in Alínlae, sees that the flat looking face of the sand dragon, isn't that well protected, apart from it's forehead, eye ridges and eyelids.
So Dalinvardél Tanith slams one bolt, followed quickly by a second, into the face of the large thirty foot long creature, that has a long, stocky, but tapered looking body, similar to the thunder beasts of the southern tundra.
The elven spy aimed for the mouth, and is rewarded as one bolt gets lodged in the lower lip of the sand dragon, which lets out a hissing bellow, while the second bolt goes right into it's open maw, and thuds into it's thick tongue, causing it more than a bit of discomfort as it starts to shake it's head as trundles up around the side of the depression in the ground.
Meanwhile as the others in the group dismount, down in the depression, sir Percavelle Lé Dic yelps, then says "Ungrateful beast" as he's shrugged off the back of the sand dragon he's on, and he goes sliding down it's side, then hits the ground.
The heavily armoured knight rolls to one side to avoid getting stomped on by the wounded sand dragon. The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che is quickly back onto his feet, and repeatedly slamming his pick and claw hammer into the side of the sand dragon.
"Ha ha you fiend, take that!" says the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic in the Southlands as his claw hammer and pick axe, one after the other, slam into the right flank of the large creature, which bellows in pain as the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che attacks it.
"Narille" mutters the earl of Lé Dic who is almost knocked over by the badly wounded sand dragon as it shuffles sideways with it's right rear leg dragging along behind it. The paladin, well he still thinks of himself as a paladin, ducks down, and rolls beneath the sand dragon.
Flat on his back, the heavily armoured knight slams his claw hammer and hand pick into the belly of the thirty foot long creature. From the high pitched screech it emits, it's fairly safe to assume that it's underside is particularly sensitive compared to the rest of it's body.
"Ungrateful bugger" mutters sir Percavelle as he quickly rolls the other way, and out from underneath the sand dragon, before it drops down, and is able to crush him to death.
The knight who was amongst the highest ranks in the order of Saint Mar-che before he was demoted, slams his pick axe into the left flank of the bellowing sand dragon that's trying to lift itself up off the ground, but is having difficulty doing so due to it's useless right leg.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic slams his hand pick so hard, it gets wedged in the side of the large creature "Here you go Percy lad" says the paladin who quickly backs up, before running forward and jumping upwards.
The large heavily armoured knight who in his early forties, is still agile and dexterous, leaps up, putting a steel boot on his pick axe, lodge in the side of the sand dragon. And uses that to boost himself up onto the broad back of the large creature.
The earl of Lé Dic gets his balance as he stands, then from across his back, the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che who has more weapons than is good for him, takes a heavy hook with a steel link chain attached to it.
"Lets see how you like this shoved up your nose you big ugly brute" says a gleeful sir Percavelle as he works his way up the back of the sand dragon, trying to stay on it, and not come off it.
Meanwhile, the others who have arrived, with the exception of Shur Kee the monk, who is trying to gather the reins of the horses, are attacking the other sand dragon, that's almost come up the around the side of the depression, onto the flat ground above.
Parts of the second sand dragon resemble a pin cushion, for Tamric Drubine with his bow, and Lisell Maera with her repeating crossbow that originally belonged to Shur Kee, have joined the others in shooting the large creature of the long sands.
The wounded sand dragon with a bellow stumbles up onto the flat ground, and Helbe the elven thief who is floating up in the air, disappears as he shifts, an instant later he's on the ground, right behind the large creature, holding his sword in hand, while his longbow is once again across his back.
Casting increased strength upon himself, the elven princeling from the island of Laerel, slams his sword into the left rear leg of the sand dragon, easily cutting into it's thick hide with his increased strength. As the large creature bellows in pain again, the elven masterthief moves quickly to the other hind leg to attack that.
Lisell Maera who is to one side, and is shooting the repeating crossbow at the right flank of the sand dragon, sees what prince Helbenthril Raendril is doing, she drops her crossbow, draws her sword, and runs to join the young elven noble at the rear of the sand dragon as it stumbles forward bellowing in pain and anger.
"Hell, it's a tough bastard for sure" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy as another bolt shot from his crossbow thuds into the face of the stumbling sand dragon. Beside the elf from the principality of Alínlae, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger nods his head in agreement, and says "That it is" as the two of them back up as the large creature stumbles their way.
The ranger Hait glances back, and sees that Shur Kee the monk, who has gathered the horses and taken them some distance away, has run back, and has placed himself infront of the two nomad children. The mercenary ranger sees the monk in the order of the Bru Li take a hold of the jade pendant he wears on a silver chain around his neck.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman is about to call out to the physical adept that the sand dragon is immune to direct magic which Helbe the elven thief told him about. When he remembers that the power the short statured monk possesses, is not exactly magic. Infact it's far from it, it's something completely different.
"Move" says the ranger Hait to the elven spy next to him, the two of them run to the side, near where Tamric Drubine is using his bow to shoot at the sand dragon. The mercenary ranger sees Lisell Maera and Helbenthril Raendril at the rear of the large creature, attacking it's back legs "Lis, Helbe get out of there!" shouts Riley Hait.
Helbe the elven thief glances around the side of the sand dragon when he hears the ranger Hait call out to him and the orphan teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury. The elven masterthief spots Shur Kee the monk, who is holding his jade pendant that's around his neck, the pendant that's now glowing green.
The young elven noble grabs Lisell Maera after she hacks her sword in the right rear leg of the sand dragon, and he shifts the two of them away. Just as Shur Kee lets go of his pendant, and gets into a fighting stance, with his left leg out infront of his right, and both of his hands, to that side and slightly behind.
A moment later and the monk from the kingdom of Wah Lee on the far eastern coast of the continent, is pushing both hands out infront of him, and then Shur Kee the monk shouts "Bru Li spirit!".
A large ball of white looking energy, about eight feet wide forms infront of the short statured monk, then shoots off towards the wounded sand dragon, that's bellowing in anger and pain as it stumbles forward.
The ball of energy travels the twenty five yards to the sand dragon, and smacks straight into it's flat face. The large creature puts out a high pitched screech, and it's wide head snaps back with force. It lifts up as if it's going to rear up on it's hind quarters, an impossible feat as it's far too heavy to do so. But all the same it's lifted up as it continues screeching in pain, then up off it's front legs, the sand dragon, topples over onto it's side, hitting the ground with a loud thud, where it lies immobile, as it quickly dies.
There's a few moments of silence, then from down in the depression, the voice of sir Percavelle calls out "Hello up there, a little assistance in dispatching this damn brute might be in order!" the earl of Lé Dic in the kingdom of Druvic continues with "The sandy beast is providing quite the task for i, the great sir Percavelle to vanquish, though in due time, I'm sure I'll be up to the task, but in the meantime, assistance would be welcomed!".
The others make their way to the edge of the depression and look down. Where they find sir Percavelle standing on top of the back of the sand dragon. He has a hook lodge in it's nose, and is pulling back on the chain attached to the hook. The sand dragon is hissing as it's already bloody mouth is wide open, and unable to be closed because of what the heavily armoured knight is doing to it.
There's also a pick axe in it's side, while a claw hammer is in it's face, just below it's right eye, which like the left, is closed, with it's armoured eyelid over it. There's a sword sticking out of the large creatures back, just down from the armoured plates, the sword must of severed the spine, as the sand dragon is flat on it's stomach and not moving, though it's still alive.
"Come on, we might as well help him out with it" says Helbe the elven thief to the others . . . . . .

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