Monday 26 June 2017

Wonderful 101.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

Narladene the ground pixie leaves the riverside town and her watch of Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, lord Walashàele and others. And hastens to where lord Farque is. The tiny winged creature who is underground, clearly heard the hollow, echo like boot of the undead warlord upon a rock. A signal for her to her attend him.
The naturally magical creature who is still trying to figure out the slight flutter of movement she felt a little earlier in the morning in the opposite bank of the river from where she was.
Senses and feels that Helbe the elven thief is not far from the heavily armoured deathlord. The two of them are heading a bit to the north, where the ground pixie senses lord Haldéilv. Who from what she feels through the ground, must be in a glade within the forest.
Narladene doesn't take long to reach the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, as he's a little over half a mile from the river as he walks northwards through the forest. She pops up through the forest floor, and wings her way over to the large figure in the suit of full plate armour that's a dark blue, black colour.
Narladene is taken by surprise when lord Farque holds out his right gauntleted hand, and says to her "Land".
The ground pixie who knows full well he could grab her out of mid air if he wanted to, only feels slightly uneasy when she lands upon his up raised hand. Unlike when he's grabbed her out of the air in the past, when full on panic has set in until she realises he's not going to harm her.
As the hand encased in steel lightly curls around her, Narladene the ground pixie, in her native language asks "What is it?". "You might be in trouble" quietly replies the undead warlord in the same language.
The tiny winged creature blinks in surprise at hearing that, as she looks through the slightly spread fingers of the gauntlet. And waiting as the right arm of the deathlord lifts up as he takes another step, she spots Helbe the elven thief ahead through the trees. The young elven noble is blurred and shielded, with only her and lord Farque able to see him. Though that's only for a moment.
"How could i be in trouble?" quietly asks the the ground pixie, the lord of the death realm who doesn't waste his time, just comes out and says "There's another ground pixie nearby, it's attached to that lord Walashàele" he briefly pauses before he adds "Would be best if you didn't spot one another".
Narladene sits down in shock at what she just heard. Another ground pixie! the tiny winged creature thinks to herself in a stunned tone, the ground pixie who has not see one of her own kind in a very long time, slightly shakes her head and murmurs "What the hell?".
She's almost tempted to say to the undead warlord "Are you sure?" but she thinks better of it, as she knows he'll get annoyed if she was to question her. Besides if anyone would know if another ground pixie is around, it would be the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, also know as Draugadrottin to the people of his lands.
Narladene who like all ground pixies from the Southlands, originate in the Sunreach Mountains. As do the even rarer fire pixies. While water pixies come from various places in the Southlands, though predominantly along the coast, or near waterways, and other bodies of water.
While the more numerous sprites are more widespread through the Southlands.
Would have no idea where her kind, and the other kind of pixies, as well as sprites originate from here north of the equator. Most likely in isolated areas, away from where big people* live. Just as they do in the Southlands.
"What are you going to do?" quietly asks the naturally magical creature as she sits inside the curled up hand of the deathlord of Farque, she continues with "Are you going to kill whoever it is?" as she has seen and heard the lord of the death realm kill other pixies and sprites who have interfered with his plans in the past.
"No" replies lord Farque, who after a slight pause adds "At least not for now". So likely later on then, the ground pixie dryly thinks to herself, she then asks the heavily armoured deathlord "So what are you going to do?". "Use it to lure her into a trap" replies Draugadrottin, Narladene is about to ask him something else, when she falls silent as the lord and ruler of the lands Farque murmurs to her "Quiet".
As she sits within the closed steel encased fist of the undead warlord, the tiny winged creature wonders if it was this other ground pixie she felt earlier in the riverbank opposite from where she was in the town on the otherside of the river, in lord Walashàele's lands. She figures it was, as nothing else could of a made such a subtle movement.
Up ahead, Helbe the elven thief stops and looks back, the young elven noble soon spots lord Farque walking this way through the forest. The blurred and shielded elven magic user looks forward again and waits for the heavily armoured deathlord, as he does, he looks between the trees to the glade that's less than a hundred yards away.
The glade is an opening in the forest, dotted here and there with trees and bushes, with a stream through it. The same stream that's from the nearby river, which heads west, and ends up at the tor six miles away, upon which sits the tower of lord Haldéilv.
The lord of house Haldéilv himself is in the glade, near his griffon, he's speaking with a few of his officers, and group of his house guards. One of whom has just ridden in recently, to inform his lord, that his squad were attacked by mounted guards in the service of house Walashàele not that long ago.
Lord Farque reaches the elven princeling from Laerel, and quietly tells him in the language of the elven royalty "You might as well go on, I'll be spotted if i get any closer". "I can blur you if you like" quietly says Helbe the elven thief in his first language, the undead warlord shakes his full helmed head, and says "Don't bother" after slightly nodding, the elven magic user quietly asks "Where is it?".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque who is behind a tree trunk, and not looking around it to watch what's going on in the glade, responds with "In the ground about twenty feet behind and to the right of that lord Haldéilv" the heavily armoured deathlord continues with "It's sticking up out of the ground watching and listening to what they're saying".
"Does it know we" says the elven masterthief who is interrupted by Draugadrottin who says "It knows we're here" after nodding his hooded head, the young elven noble turns and starts to make his way to the nearby glade, he stops after a few steps, looks back and quietly asks "Do you have her?".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque holds up his right gauntleted hand that's in a loose fist, and nods his full helmed head yes. Helbenthril Raendril turns back around and continues on his way towards the glade, thankful that Des'tier as he's known to certain elves in the Southland, has Narladene with him.
Sourly smiling as she couldn't understand what was being said, Narladene the ground pixie watches through the spread fingers of the lord of the death realm, Helbe the elven thief make his way to the nearby glade.
Then she murmurs "Drats" as lord Farque closes his gauntleted hand more tightly, and she can no longer see between his fingers. The tiny winged creature who is crouched over as she sits within the steel encased fist of the undead warlord, sighs as she waits.
Palamarc the ground pixie looks away from lord Haldéilv who is busy talking to some of his house guards. The naturally magical creature who is attached to lord Walashàele looks away to his left, and spots the hidden elven magic user he has sensed and felt approaching the glade the head of house Haldéilv and his guards are in.
The ground pixie watches the figure in the white hooded cloak, stop beside a tree at the edge of the glade, there he observes those in the glade without them knowing he's about thanks to the spells he's cast upon himself.
Palamarc slightly nods as he knows this is the mysterious spellcaster that lord Walashàele has told him to keep an eye out for. Who he's to inform the elven lord who he's attached to, of his whereabouts.
The tiny winged creature who has heard enough of what lord Haldéilv and his house guards are taking about, takes one more look at the mysterious elven magic user, who isn't particularly powerful. But who he knows must be skilled to go undetected like he is.
Before he ducks back down into the ground and moves away, the naturally magical creature who is going to go back across the river to inform the elven noble he's attached to what he's found out. Doesn't head directly there, first he goes directly south of the forest glade, to about a hundred yards away.
Palamarc pops up through the forest floor and out of it, and looks at the large figure in the full suit of heavy plate armour, who is standing completely still behind the trunk of a wide tree.
The ground pixie as he flies around the heavily armoured individual, wonders who the human is, and what he's doing here. The tiny winged creature shrugs his shoulders, and will tell lord Walashàele about this person as well. A person who makes an odd echo when he moves across the ground, unlike anyone else Palamarc has ever felt before.
The ground pixie wings away, heading east, before he drops back down to the forest floor, and goes underground as he continues on his way back to the river, where just on the otherside of it is lord Walashàele who he is attached to, is waiting for him to return.
Lord Farque who totally ignored the ground pixie who paid close scrutiny to him, sees in the distance, the tiny winged creature drop down into the ground, where he now senses it flying underground, going east to the river. After a few moments, the undead warlord opens up his right hand, and quietly says in the ground pixie language "Go and get him, and tell him to come back".
Narladene nods, then takes off, heading to where Helbe the elven thief is at the edge of the nearby forest glade. A short while later and the two of them return to where the heavily armoured deathlord is waiting.
"Well?" quietly asks the elven princeling "What now?" adds the elven masterthief in a quiet tone. They fall silent for a few moments as they watch through the trees towards the glade, the house guards in the service of lord Walashàele move out. While the local lord himself, gets onto his griffon, which then launches into the morning sky.
"Now we wait" says lord Farque as he watches the griffon and the elven lord upon it, circle higher into the clear sky on this end of summer's day, the heavily armoured deathlord then looks at the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel and adds "We wait for her" . . . . . .

*There own term for anyone not a pixie or sprite.

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