Tuesday 27 June 2017

Wonderful 102.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

"There he is" says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user "Your father?" asks Harrick the mercenary guard as he shades his eyes with a raised hand as he looks into the sky to the west.
The attractive elven maid replies with a nod of her head as she watches her father upon his griffon on the otherside of the river, heading south. The illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv looks over at her father's rival, lord Walashàele, who is making his way over to his own griffon, as he's finally made a decision to act himself after sending a number of his guards into the lands of his rival and neighbour.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv slightly frowns as the head of house Walashàele suddenly stops a dozen yards from his griffon, and he slightly angles his head as if he's listening to something as he looks across the river.
The local lord then calls out to his cousin Galacithàné, using the noble elven language. The younger elven noble makes his way quickly over to his cousin and lord, and listens to what he has to say.
A moment later and Galacithàné looks around, and with a disapproving frown upon his face, he looks at Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, and beckons her over to them with a wave of a hand.
"I think they might of just found him" the attractive elven maid murmurs to her two mercenary guards Harrick and Linden, then the elven magic user who is the product of rape, makes her way over to the nobleborn cousins.
As she stands before lord Walashàele, he says to her "We've found that elven noble of yours" Kaldeàlil Haldéilv nods her head, she doesn't say anything, as she waits to see how things go.
"Seems he was observing your father" says the head of house Walashàele, at the mention of the head of house Haldéilv, the two of them, along with Galacithàné Walashàele look west and south, where in the sky flies lord Haldéilv upon his griffon. The elven lord whose lands are across the river, is now heading back north.
"Without your father knowing he was there" says lord Walashàele who stares at the illegitimate daughter of his rival "Through i gather he did nothing to interfere with what my father was doing?" after a moment's pause, the head of house Walashàele slightly nods.
"He won't" says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, who then adds "Unless you do something when he's near, or if I'm close by" the powerful elven magic user is silent for a few moment as he looks at the attractive elven maid, then lord Walashàele says "Very well".
The elven lord turns his back on the others, and gestures for Kaldeàlil, along with his cousin Galacithàné to turn and look at the ground infront of him, which he points at.
On the ground appears an illusion, it's an overhead view of a forest glade, which is familiar to the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv.
"You know this place?" asks lord Walashàele, who is almost as familiar of the area in the valley across the river as he is of his own lands on this side of the river.
"I do" says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, the head of house Walashàele nods then says "That's where he is" the local lord briefly pauses, then he adds "Where he was i should say" he continues with "He's moving westwards now".
The attractive elven maid nods when she hears this, then she glances from the illusion on the ground, to the powerful elven magic user who quietly says to her "Another thing, there's someone else, shall i say who is a little out of the ordinary" he continues with "He wasn't all that far from where your father, and this elven noble of yours was" lord Walashàele pauses before adding "A big guy, human, in dark, full plate steel armour from head to toe, a knight, or a former knight, what they call an avenger".
Galacithàné Walashàele raises his eyebrows in surprise at that description, while Kaldeàlil Haldéilv says in a nonchalant manner, hoping not to give anything away "Oh?".
"You wouldn't happen to know who that is would you?" asks the head of house Walashàele "No not really" replies the attractive elven maid, who pauses as she senses lord Walashàele is about to cast another spell, this one that won't just see if she's telling the truth or not, but actually read her mind. Which she definitely doesn't want him to do, as it will force her to act against him, which she definitely doesn't want to do either, unless it's absolutely necessary.
"Though someone like that attacked my father's tower a couple of weeks ago" says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who doesn't want to divulge anymore than that "Ah" says lord Walashàele, who like most everyone else in the two neighbouring lands, well those closest to the river that's the border in the south of the lands of the houses Walashàele and Haldéilv.
Heard of the attack upon the tower upon the tor that's the seat of power of lord Haldéilv, when his illegitimate daughter's prisoner was freed from the tower.
"So i see" says the powerful elven magic user, who drops the spell he was about to cast, as well as the illusion spell he's cast on the ground infront of them. They're silent for a few moments, then lord Walashàele nods to the otherside of the river, and says to the attractive elven maid "He's still heading west from that glade, you better get going if you want to capture him".
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv nods her head, and she turns and makes her way to where her two human mercenary guards are waiting. As she does, lord Walashàele quietly says in the noble elven language to his cousin Galacithàné "The little bitch is trying to play me for a fool".
Galacithàné Walashàele slightly nods then says in the same language "I'm not surprised, look at who her father is" as the two of them watch Kaldeàlil Haldéilv walk away. "This elf from south of the equator is connected to that human who attacked Haldéilv's ghastly shithole of a tower the other week, if not then I'm a fool and i deserve everything Haldéilv throws at me" quietly says the head of house Walashàele.
The two cousins are silent for a few moments, then the younger of the two asks "This human, is he a spellcaster too?" the nobleborn elf can't sense any human spellcasters in the valley with the exception of the mage from Belinswae who is staying as a guest at lord Haldéilv's tower.
"No he's not" says lord Walashàele "Strange" murmurs Galacithàné Walashàele who then continues with "Then how did it break into that great big bloody gaudy tower across the valley?" the head of house Walashàele nods to that and quietly says "Indeed" as the two of them watch lord Haldéilv's illegitimate daughter and her two mercenary guards head towards the bridge infront of the near destroyed toll building.
"No matter, we've got other things to deal with" says the local elven lord, who then tells his younger cousin and second in command "I'll keep in contact, and inform you where this mysterious elven noble is going" he nods to where Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is crossing the bridge, and adds "Keep her informed of his whereabouts".
Galacithàné Walashàele nods, even though he doesn't want anything more to do with the illegitimate daughter of the head of house Haldéilv. "I'll tell Jalindílth to do the same thing" says lord Walashàele referring to his daughter who is nearby with a squad of house guards, waiting for his go ahead to move out.
"Get going" says the head of house Walashàele to his younger cousin, the powerful elven magic user continues with "And by the forest goods may this day bring about the end of that meddlesome neighbour of ours" Galacithàné Walashàele nods in agreement with that, then he walks away, while lord Walashàele walks over to his griffon.
Once he's up in the saddle of his griffon, the local elven lord who has the ground pixie Palamarc upon his right shoulder, informing him of a number of things.
Has his griffon lift up into the clear morning sky, on this warm day at the tail end of summer here in the south of the principality of Maladimbáh.
As his daughter Jalindílth, along with his younger cousin Galacithàné cross a bridge into lord Haldéilv's lands. Lord Walashàele stays on his side of the river, keeping an eye on his rival, who like himself is airborne. The local lords, the two most powerful nobles in the south of the principality. Fly south to north, and back again in circular pattern, sometimes less than half a mile from one another, though never crossing over the river, as they keep a watch on one another, while waiting to see who will be the first one to fly into the sky above their neighbours lands.
There you go father, I've practically delivered him to you on a platter, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv thinks to herself, once she and her two mercenary guards Harrick and Linden, are off the bridge, and off the road on the otherside of the river, and heading through the trees, to where the forest glade is, where lord Walashàele has informed her that prince Helbenthril Raendril was just a little while ago.
The attractive elven maid is pretty certain that lord Walashàele will be the first one to cross over into his rival's lands. And though the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv would like nothing better than to see her father killed. She hopes he can get rid of his neighbour too. Both of them dead, will open up a number of possibilities for her after she's accomplished her task of catching and killing the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel in the Southlands, who she's been after for the last three years.
The elven magic user glances back to the road behind them, and sees the mounted squad of Walashàele house guards who have just crossed over one of the bridges, with Jalindílth Walashàele in the lead, riding west to meet any of house Haldéilv's guards on the road.
The attractive elven maid also spots Galacithàné Walashàele, who has crossed a bridge on foot with a number of others, watching her and her two mercenary guards walking away through the forest.
A few moments later she hears his voice beside her right ear, quietly say in the elven language in a annoyed tone of voice "He's still heading west, straight west from that glade you're heading too". Kaldeàlil Haldéilv only acknowledges this with a nod of her head as she is no longer looking back at the road.
She doesn't hear anything else from the younger cousin of lord Walashàele, so she remains silent as she walks quickly between trees and bushes with the two human mercenaries who she hired in the south of the region of Belinswae, originally to guard her prisoner at the time, the mage Mira Reinholt from the Southlands.
Once she and Harrick and Linden are out of view from the forest road behind them, the attractive elven maid quietly says to the two of them "Stop here for a moment". The elven magic user who can't be sensed by other spellcasters due to the magical amulet she wears on a silver thread chain around her neck, briefly casts a spell, she slightly nods after casting.
Then she casts another spell, a rift, which after it froms, she and the two mercenary guards from the coast of Belinswae enter and walk through it. They come out on the otherside of the rift, a little over a mile away to the northwest. With the forest glade her father was in earlier, which also her prey of prince Helbenthril Raendril was at according to lord Walashàele, though she knows it was the pixie or sprite that's attached to him, which found that out. Just a half mile behind them to the east now.
As she turns west, and starts walking in that direction, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv quietly says to the two mercenary guards "He's in the area, so keep an eye out for any sign of his passing through this way".
The elven magic user, who for a brief moment, thinks about withholding a bit of information from the two humans from Belinswae, decides to tell them "And keep an eye out for that big guy in heavy armour who attacked us, and freed Mira the other week" the attractive elven maid then adds "He's in the area too".
Both Harrick and Linden nod to this, though as the slightly walk behind Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, the two mercenary guards share a look, indicating that they want nothing whatsoever to do with that individual who attacked lord Haldéilv's tower, and freed the mage Mira Reinholt . . . . . .

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