Wednesday 7 June 2017

Wonderful 88.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

It's Narladene the ground pixie who informs him that Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is in the area. "Where?" asks Helbe the elven thief as the tiny winged creature lands upon his right shoulder "There to the east, across the river in that other lord's lands" is reply of Narladene the ground pixie who points to the eastern end of the valley.
The elven princeling nods his hooded head, then he hurries back up the trail, soon getting to the others in just a few moments. "She's away to the east" says the elven masterthief who a little while ago told the others that lord Farque, Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt the mage are on the otherside of the mountains, making their way south.
"You going to check things out?" asks Riley Hait the mercenary ranger when he reins up next to Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who is riding out infront. The young elven noble nods his hooded head, then says "Make sure she isn't laying out any nasty surprises for us" he then points to the eastern end of the long valley, and says "She's across the river in lord Walashàele's lands".
"Be careful" cautious Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who then adds "She's been after you for three years now, she'll definitely have something planned if she thinks you're in the area". "I know" says Helbenthril Raendril who looks down the trail to the treeline below, and says "There's nothing nearby, but keep a careful lookout all the same" Dalinvardél Tanith nods his head that he will.
"There's a small village about a mile and half directly south of here in the forest" says the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, who continues with "I'll meet up with you there" he nods back up the mountain the way they've come from, and adds "Might as well wait there for those three coming over the mountains".
"Good idea" quietly says the ranger Hait, who along with the spy Tanith, and the rest of the group, watch the elven masterthief disappear from sight.
The young elven noble from south of the equator teleports, and though it's slower than shifting, he can go further teleporting than he can shifting, as he does, Narladene holds on to the fabric of his cloak over his right shoulder, so that she goes along with him. If she just stood on his shoulder, or sat on it, like she often does. She would get left behind since she's immune to magic.
The elven magic user who blurs himself, to go with the shield spell he constantly has on. Teleports about a mile away to the southeast, he reappears, so to speak, floating above the forest, looking eastwards into the morning sunshine.
"You see that hill there in the distance?" says Narladene who is pointing to the east, Helbe the elven thief nods his hooded head as he sees the hill about five miles away, and the ground pixie who is attached to him, tells him "She's up that".
Even from this distance, the elven master assassin can see the mounted figures up on the hill that's across the river in the lands of the Walashàele family.
The elven princeling who might not be the most powerful magic user, is an extremely talented one, who can easily cast multiple spells at once. When most practitioners of magic struggle to cast two spells simultaneously, let alone three or more.
Helbenthril Raendril who is too faraway to sense Kaldeàlil Haldéilv even if she didn't have a magical item that shields her from other spellcasters. Teleports again, going another mile or so to the east.
The elven magic user slightly chafes at having to wait so long between disappearing and appearing again as he teleports. When he normally shifts in an instant, though he can't shift anywhere near as far as he teleports.
"Still up there eh" quietly says the elven master archer, the naturally magical creature clutching onto his cloak at his right shoulder, nods her tiny head, then says "Yep she is" Narladene frowns, then murmurs "Magic" a moment later there's a thud of something solid getting hit by something else, somewhere in the distance to the east.
"What was that?" asks Helbe the elven thief who was about to cast teleportation again, but refrains from doing so "Sounded like a blast spell" adds the young elven noble "It was" says the ground pixie, who continues with "It was her" as she points to where the blast spell happened, basically near the hill where Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is at the moment.
The grandson of prince Raendril of Laerel drops down to the forest floor, and Narladene jumps down to the ground, once she's touching the forest floor she looks up at him, and says "Definitely her" as she senses through the ground, the naturally magical creature continues with "It was at another spellcaster, a noble".
What's she up to? the elven masterthief thinks to himself with a frown upon his youthful looking face, the member of the Raendril royal family floats upwards after Narladene lifts off the ground, and lands back on his right shoulder.
The elven magic user rises higher up into the sky above the forest, high enough that he's able to see the town on the otherside of the river in lord Walashàele's lands. The elven princeling spots the building in the distance that's been destroyed in the riverside town.
Careful here Helbe, she's up to something, the elven princeling silently cautions himself, then he teleports again, and just as he's disappearing, Narladene suddenly says "Wait she's just about to".
The elven master assassin doesn't hear the rest of what the ground pixie has to say as he's in the darkness of teleportation, where one can't see, hear, smell or feel anything. Unless you're like Narladene, who is immune to magic. Who as she holds onto the cloak of the young elven noble, sourly smiles as the world around her warps in a myriad of colours. Twisting and turning upon itself, that only someone or something is able to see and hear if magic doesn't effect them.
The tiny winged creature gets to finish what she's saying a few moments later when the elven princeling reappears again, over a mile and a half closer to the lands of the Walashàele family.
"Cast a rift" says Narladene, which causes Helbenthril Raendril to quickly look at her, then to the hill that is closer, and he can see more clearly.
"She's cast it" adds the ground pixie "Where to?" asks the elven master assassin, the tiny winged creature winces then looks back to the mountains where they've just come from, and says "Where we just were" she continues with "Right near where the others are".
Hell! the young elven noble thinks to himself as he looks back to the northwest, to the peak that the rest of the group are coming down, he then grimaces when Narladene tells him "She didn't go through, but others definitely have".
Helbe the elven thief realises the trap that Kaldeàlil Haldéilv has laid for him. To go back and help the others who are more than likely about to be attacked at any moment. Or continue on his way to confront the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv who has been after him for the past three years.
The elven magic user who is far closer to the lands of lord Walashàele, and where Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is, than he is to the mountainside that the rest of the group are coming down on their way to the valley.
Knows there's only one option, besides if he didn't, he knows he'll be in for it, by someone who is coming over the mountains if he let anyone in the group come to harm.
"Hold on" murmurs the grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel, who teleports as far as he can in one go, and heads back to the peak that the others are almost down as they head into the valley that's thick with forest.
After a count of nearly six, Helbe the elven thief reappears well over two and half miles northwest of where he just was. As he's about to teleport again, Narladene quickly tells him "Wait!" the young elven noble refrains from casting as he floats in mid air a hundred feet above the tops of the trees.
"Another rift by her" says the naturally magical creature, who then points south and west of them, and adds "To there".
The elven master archer looks that way, and sees the tor sticking out of the forest, on top of which sits the palatial like tower of the head of the Haldéilv family.
"I thought she wasn't welcome there?" murmurs Helbe the elven thief, who learnt as they traveled south through the lands of lord Haldéilv, that Kaldeàlil his illegitimate daughter wasn't welcomed in his lands for some recent incident. The elven magic user suspects it has something to do with Mira Reinholt the mage no longer being a prisoner of hers.
The elven princeling doesn't fall for the bait, that's if it is indeed bait. As the palace like tower of the lord of the lands Haldéilv is less than two miles away from where he is right now. Instead he looks back to the mountains, and teleports towards them, specifically the peak the others are coming down. Hoping to get there before they're attacked, or before something untoward happens to any of them.
As they enter the treeline proper closer to the base of the mountain, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who is extra vigilant, slightly frowns as he turns his head to one side and listens over the sounds of the horses and the others quietly talking.
He slows his mount as the trial starts to widen as it drops down through the trees to the valley below. He slightly raises his right hand to the side, riding behind him, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger sees the subtle hand signal, and he trotts his horse forward to come alongside the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae.
"What is it?" quietly says the ranger Hait in the elven language as the trees to either side of them get thicker and taller the further they go down into the valley.
"We're not alone" is the quiet reply in elven from the spy Tanith, who then adds "Though they're being quiet, i hear horses amongst the trees up ahead". "Great" sourly mutters the mercenary ranger, who then quietly says "Helbe?".
Dalinvardél Tanith just shakes his hooded head in reply as he has no idea where the elven princeling is. But like Riley Hait he figures he's too busy dealing with Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who is in the area, than he is to warn them of any imminent danger.
"Well if we are going to get attacked" quietly says the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands, who glances back at who is riding directly behind the two of them.
The elven spy glances back at who the ranger Hait is looking at, Dalinvardél Tanith wryly smiles, then murmurs "Might as well".
Riley aka Zubutai quickly nods, then calls back as quietly as possible "Percy" the heavily armoured knight sir Percavelle Lé Dic lifts the visor of his full helm, then trotts his horse forward when he sees the ranger Hait wave him forward.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic in the Southlands slaps his visor shut, and draws his sword after he hears what the mercenary ranger quickly and quietly tells him. He pushes his horse forward of the other two, and a couple moments later, out of the trees to the left of the widening trail, there's an explosion of movement as horses and their riders charge towards him and the others . . . . . .

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