Tuesday 6 June 2017

Wonderful 87.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user looks at the glass, and when the last grain of sand falls from the top half into the bottom of the piece. She picks it up from the table, and puts it into her small pack.
The attractive elven maid steps out of the small foresters hut here in the east of lord Walashàele's lands, and she looks up at the early morning sky wondering if her prey is her father's lands at this time. She certainly hopes so as she creates a rift, which once it's form, she steps through.
The elven spellcaster comes through the otherside of the rift, into her room in the inn she's staying at in the riverside town in lord Walashàele's lands, just across from her father's lands.
In the room waiting for her is the mercenary guard Harrick, who says "They're here" dropping the rift spell behind her, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user nods her head, and says "As i expected".
The two of them leave the room, and make their way outside to near the stables, where two groups of her hired mercenaries are waiting. As they approach the stables, the attractive elven maid asks the mercenary from southern Belinswae "Where exactly?". "Coming down one of the mountains in your father's lands" replies Harrick who then adds "Palenthíl will show you exactly where".
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv nods her head, then gets up into the saddle of her horse, as she does, she asks "Linden?" Harrick answers with "He's over there in position" once again the elven magic user nods, and she murmurs "Good".
They ride out, with one group heading towards the river, while the other, which includes Kaldeàlil and Harrick, head up the hill that's behind the town beside the river. Up the hill waits the elven scout Palenthíl and a couple of others, including an elf who has a hooded falcon upon the leather bracer of his left wrist.
He hands over a coloured message to Harrick, and flings his arm up into the air after taking the hood off the falcon, sending the raptor back to where it came from. As the bird of prey heads west across the river, and into that side of the valley, the attractive elven maid says to the elven scout "Where?".
"Just there, about three quarters of the way down that one, not quite down into the trees proper" replies Palenthíl the elven scout, the elven spellcaster looks to where he points to a peak amongst the mountains over in her father's lands, and after a few moments she spots the group on horseback heading down to the valley.
That's them alright, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv thinks to herself as she increases her natural farsight by way of a spell, so she can see close up those she's after, then not seeing the one she really wants, the elven spellcaster nods her head when Palenthíl the scout quietly says "He just disappeared before you rode up".
"There's a pretty good chance he knows I'm here now" quietly says the attractive elven maid, who though is unable to be sensed by other spellcasters thanks to the amulet she wears on a fine silver chain around her neck, is pretty sure that her prey will know of her whereabouts, or will know fairly soon.
Over the past three years Kaldeàlil Haldéilv has had a sneaking suspicion that her prey prince Helbenthril Raendril, has known where she is, and what she's doing whenever they're in the same area. Thanks to a naturally magical creature, such as sprite or pixie that's attached to him.
She had always thought it was because of the undead being that the elven princeling travels with.
After digging through a lot of archives and libraries in various temples and churches, she discovered that the undead can sense magic.
But Helbenthril Raendril is often not with the undead being when Kaldeàlil has encountered the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel in the Southlands.
So that leaves just one other option, a sprite or a pixie. And the attractive elven maid should know, she herself had a water pixie who was once attached to her. The pixie Simmeallé, who went missing in the principality of Alínlae, the exact same night as her lover Xanderlith Karlavilt was killed by prince Helbenthril Raendril.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who is certain that the water pixie Simmeallé is dead, as pixies and sprites, who have much longer lifespans than those they attach themselves to, attach for life. Which is to say the life of the elf or elemental they're attached to.
Is really hoping that the elven princeling she wants dead, does have a sprite or pixie attached to him. Because she wants him to know what she's up to, infact the more he knows the better, as it's quite crucial to her plans that he does so.
"The others are in position" quietly says Harrick who is looking down into the town below, Kaldeàlil nods as she looks down, then she says "Right, we might as well get things started then".
The attractive elven maid who is the illegitimate daughter of the elven lord whose lands are across the river, looks at the group of experienced mercenaries who rode up from the inn with her and Harrick, and she tells them "Once I've started things here, I'll put you right on them" she continues with "Kill as many as you can".
The elven magic user knows she has set them a near impossible task, but she hopes they can kill at least one of them. Which is always a possibility, even more so since there's an element of surprise involved, and that prince Helbenthril Raendril doesn't seem to be with the group coming down one of the mountains across the river at the moment.
"Right" murmurs Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, who then looks at Harrick, and asks him "Ready?" the mercenary guard from the coast of Belinswae, just nods his head that he is, then the elven spellcaster looks down into the town below, and after a few moments, she takes the chain, and the amulet around her neck off, and hands it Harrick.
The elven magic user doesn't bother to hold her power within herself, at this moment she wants to be sensed by other spellcasters. She waits a few moments, and nods her head once she realises she's been detected by someone in the town below. Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who is looking at the toll building near one of the bridges, a building which a griffon is lying behind enjoying the early morning sunshine. Casts a spell, taking a few moments to do so, as it's one of the more powerful spells she knows.
The large stone building is hit by a blast wave from the side, as stone, timber and mortar go flying. The squawking griffon takes off into the morning sky in fright. At least three quarters of the building is destroyed, while what remains, that which is closest to the bridge, looks like it could fall over at any moment.
There's movement from the ruins of the toll building, and people can be seen clambering from it before the rest of it topples over. The illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv nods her head and murmurs "Good" when she sees, and senses one of those stumbling from the near destroyed toll building, is the elven noble Jalindílth Walashàele.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv looks quickly over to the mountains in her father's lands, and nods to Harrick, the mercenary guard from Belinswae says to the squad who rode up from the town below with him and the attractive elven maid "Get ready".
A couple moments later and a rift starts to form, as it froms, the other squad of experienced mercenaries down below in the town, are riding quickly across a couple of bridges. That squad are all elven, and glimpses of surcoats can be seen on them beneath those wearing cloaks. On them are the colours and ensigns of the Walashàele family as they ride into the lands of lord Haldéilv.
The rift forms on the hilltop, and the squad leader in charge rides through, quickly followed by the rest of the squad, the last rider and his mount are soon through, as they end up on the otherside of the rift, at the base of a peak in the nearby mountains in the lands of house Haldéilv.
The illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv drops her rift spell, then holds out a hand to Harrick, who gives her back the amulet on the fine thread silver chain, the elven spellcaster puts it back around her neck.
"Now that's a fine mess down there" quietly says the attractive elven maid as she and the few remaining with her on the hilltop ride to a close by house on the hill, and rein up behind it. The elven scout Palenthíl nudges his mount forward, and looks through his brass cylindrical eyepiece, he looks through it to the mountains in lord Haldéilv's lands, and though he can see the mountains clearly with his normal, natural farsight. The eyepiece lets him see things up close and with clarity.
"They're still heading down that trail towards the treeline proper" says the elven scout who continues with "I don't think our squad have been noticed yet". "That means he's not with them, and he's heading here" quietly says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, she looks at Harrick who asks her "How quickly can he get here?". "Not that quickly" says the elven magic user who knows prince Helbenthril Raendril can teleport, and has another spell she hasn't identified, that he utilises which is even faster than teleportation. But he can't go long distances because he lacks the power to.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv finds it odd that the elf she wants dead, isn't all that powerful for an elven noble, especially one from a royal family, by all accounts, the most powerful elven magic users in the world of Volunell. She knows that she's more powerful than the young prince from Laerel. Though power aside, she knows Helbenthril Raendril is extremely talented, and she has to be vigilant and cautious when she encounters him. Though she doesn't plan to encounter him just yet, even though she is fairly certain he's heading this way at this time.
"Palenthíl remain here and watch what happens" says the illegitimate daughter of the local elven lord whose lands are across the river below, after the scout says "They definitely don't know our squad is in the trees waiting for them".
"Then join with those still in town and cross over to my father's lands" says the attractive elven maid, who is totally guessing at how quickly her prey can get here, the elven spellcaster nods her head to some nearby trees, and the elven scout and one of the other mercenaries ride quickly over there, where the scout continues to watch one of the peaks across the river in lord Haldéilv's lands.
"Better get ready" quietly says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv to Harrick the mercenary guard, who like her dismounts, and takes his pack from behind his saddle. The mercenary from the south of the region of Belinswae, along with the elven spellcaster hand the reins of their horses to the last mercenary with them. He rides away, leading the two mounts down to the river town below.
The attractive elven maid glances down at the town less than hundred yards away, and she senses the elven noble Jalindílth Walashàele trying to locate who attacked the toll building, almost totally destroying it. The daughter of lord Walashàele is unable to, thanks to the amulet Kaldeàlil has around her neck.
Harrick clears his throat in the first sign of nervousness he's shown since the elven magic user turned up earlier "Relax, the plan is coming together nicely, he won't get us" says the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv.
"It's not exactly him I'm that worried about" says the experienced mercenary guard, who continues with "It's the next part of your plan that worries me".
After lifting an eyebrow, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv quietly says "Fair point" she then tells the mercenary from Belinswae "Truth be told, so am i" this does nothing to alleviate the mercenary guard's worries, so he just sourly smiles as he waits for the elven spellcaster to act.
"That's been long enough" says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who after a look over at where Palenthíl the elven scout is in the nearby trees with one of the other mercenaries, she tells Harrick "We're off" then she casts a rift spell, once it forms, the mercenary guard goes through first, followed by the elven magic user.
"Didn't think i would be here again" dryly says Harrick the mercenary guard once the attractive elven maid drops the rift spell behind her, Harrick looks at her, and quietly asks her "Does he know we're here?". "He does now" replies Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who has taken off the chain and the amulet, and hands it to the mercenary from Belinswae.
He nods his head, and the two of them look around the empty suite, where just over two weeks ago, they held prisoner the mage Reinholt here in the tower of lord Haldéilv. The two of them wait for the elven lord who is the father of Kaldeàlil Haldéilv to show up.
"I don't think he's going to be pleased" quietly says Harrick as the local lord from all accounts has made it clear that he'll kill his illegitimate daughter and her mercenary guards if they're found in his lands again after what happened a couple of weeks ago "No kidding" wryly says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv as they wait . . . . . .

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