Thursday 30 November 2017

The Homecoming 4.

A Palace...

In the king's domain, Helbe the elven thief looks back at the site of one the palaces found throughout the domain. The elven magic user shakes his hooded head looking at the spot where the palace has been torn down after the events leading up to the civil war of Druvic, and the war itself.
All because Mira Reinholt the mage blew up the massive grand hall of the palace, a hall that was well in excess of three hundred yards in length, and near a hundred foot in height.
The young elven noble who is of the opinion that Druvicians go more than a little overboard when it comes to their buildings in the capital Leeabra.
As they make up most of the largest buildings and structures to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
Looks northeast towards the second domain, there he can clearly see the tallest structure in the city of Leeabra, a tower in the middle of a large square, a tower where the dragon Nol once lived, among a few others.
The only resident now, well at least in the top half of the near four hundred foot tower. Is a mage who the elven princeling from Laerel can easily sense.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user who is standing upon the roof of another palace, shifts down to the ground, then shifts across the wide square below. Following after the provo marshall of the king's army. Who is accompanied by a number of his staff. Along with two others.
The knight general of the order of Saint Mar-che, and a paladin of the first rank in the same knightly order.
All three are new in those positions to the elven masterthief. Who figures they gained those ranks after the civil war nearly nine years ago.
The young elven noble who is walking just a bit behind the group crossing the square. Has learnt that the order of knights of Saint Mar-che. Were for the most part, out of favour of the crown during the civil war, and the years immediately following after it.
For the knights of the largest order, and most influential in Druvic. Were predominantly neutral in the civil war. Picking neither side. That of either the previous king, king Newkym the second's son. Or the former king's cousin.
Who was the eventual victor in the civil war, and is now the reigning monarch of the largest nation in the northern region of the Southlands, south of the Sunreach Mountains.
They've only recently over the last couple of years, become influential at court again. Though no where near as prevalent as they were during the reign of king Newkym the second.
"So what of it?" asks provo marshall Ballis, who is the second man to hold that position since provo marshall Mynell, who lead the attack against the towns, villages, settlements in the Sunreach Mountains, as well as the underground city of Kalnary in the massive mountain range.
Was killed in the upheaval here in Leeabra when a small force of elementals and others attacked the capital city of Leeabra. A force led by lord Farque and others in the group, which at the time included Helbenthril Raendril, Shur Kee the monk, Dorc da Orc and eventually Mira Reinholt the mage, who was initially on the side of the forces that invaded the Sunreach Mountains that autumn, then winter.
"One of your knights was briefly spotted in the city at the start of the week, and you want his majesty's soldiers to go out and help you find him?" adds the provo marshall, a fairly short, stocky man, who's bald headed and just over thirty years old.
Far younger than the knight general of saint Mar-che, a man, who into his fifties, is still robust and hale, even though his hair is silver.
"He's a wanted man" says knight general Dalacell, the leader of the order of Saint Mar-che continues with "For stealing precious artifacts of our order, and leaving his post in a time of conflict".
"So send out your knights and knight's apprentices, and squires and track him down" says provo marshall Ballis, who is of the opinion that there's too many knights in the city. Not just from the order of Saint Mar-che, but all the knightly orders who have headquarters and chapter houses here in the capital of the kingdom of Druvic.
The more of them piss off out the city, the fucking better, the provo marshall thinks to himself as he walks beside the knight general and the paladin.
Behind the group, Helbe the elven thief grins as he reads the mind of the career soldier, who is not of the nobility, or from a wealthy or successful family. But from the streets of a poor neighbourhood here in Leeabra, who has worked his way up through the ranks of the army, to be the head of his majesty's army.
The civil war and the fight of the succession to rule the kingdom, helped a hell of a lot with his advancement through the ranks of the royal army.
"It's not so simple as that provo marshall" says knight general Dalacell, who as they enter one of the wings in one of the many palaces here in the king's domain, he continues with "This knight is a member of the kingdom's peerage".
Hell, one of the nobility, no wonder they've come to me, provo marshall Ballis sourly thinks to himself, who then says "Who is this renegade knight then?".
"The earl of Lé Dic" is the reply of the knight general of the order of saint Mar-che. The overall commander of the royal army frowns when he hears that name. As he knows that the fief of Lé Dic, which is further east in the kingdom, has no earl. As he was killed a little over a year ago in a border dispute with baron Harkonin. And that a nine year old girl, is now the ruler of that particular fiefdom.
"There is no earl of Lé Dic, earl Maxiss died in the summer before last" says the provo marshall as they make their way along a massive, vaulted hallway, he continues on with "The lady of Lé Dic rules that fiefdom now".
"Not that earl" says knight general Dalacell, who then adds "The previous one" he, pauses before grudgingly continuing with "Sir Percavelle Lé Dic". Next to the knight general, the paladin who is as heavily armoured as his commander, scowls at the mention of that name.
For his part, provo marshall Ballis frowns as he vaguely recognises that name "Wait" says the commander of the royal army, who stops, forcing the two heavily armoured men from the order of Saint Mar-che to stop, as well as his staff members to stop too. Not to mention Helbe the elven thief, who unseen and unheard, is following all of them.
"You mean the multiple tourney champion?" says the provo marshall who continues with "Your order's last champion in the grande melee?" followed by "That paladin with the really loud voice?".
"Former paladin" sourly mutter sir Barnabiss the paladin who has come to the king's domain this morning with knight general. With a sideways glance at sir Barnabiss, knight general Dalacell says in a rather reluctant voice "The very one".
"Hell, my father used to take me to the tourney's when i was a youngster" says the commander of the royal army "I saw sir Percavelle fight on numerous occasions, he'd always win".
The provo marshall who was a teenager when he last saw sir Percavelle Lé Dic fight in a tourney. Remembers the rather loud mouth, not to mention fairly obnoxious earl of Lé Dic, was extremely popular amongst the common folk, especially those from the poorer neighbourhoods of Leeabra.
Ballis himself cheered on the earl of Lé Dic, who he recalls never lost a tourney or grande melee that he saw.
Though he might of been popular with the common folk in a tourney or a grande melee. Sir Percavelle, if the provo marshall remembers correctly, wasn't all that popular amongst the nobility, or the various knightly orders, even including his own.
Knowing that he better say something to appease the two men from the order of Saint Mar-che. For the man they want apprehended, is not just a member of their order. But also a nobleman of Druvic. And it's the crown that ultimately has the right, and decision to pass judgement if he has done anything wrong, or broken a law.
Says to the two from the order of knights of Saint Mar-che "I'll have a word with the lord high chancellor, as well as the lord high constable" the provo marshall continues with "It'll be up the two of them on a decision on this".
"And his majesty?" asks the knight general of the order of Saint Mar-che as they start walking again "The two of them will inform his majesty if they deem it necessary" says provo marshall Ballis who then adds "I'm sure the king will eventually be informed, since it's likely he'll sign the order considering it's one of the peerage where talking about here".
Knowing that's probably the best that can hope for from the provo marshall, even though he wanted him to send his soldiers out to apprehend the renegade knight immediately. Knight general Dalacell says to him "Thank you provo marshall, that's much appreciated".
The commander of the royal army nods his head, then says "Let's make it clear gentleman, he's broken the rules of your order, not any specific laws of the kingdom" he pauses and looks sideways at the two heavily armoured men walking to his right, then he says "Unless you want to count these stolen religious artifacts of yours as being regular property and not of the order".
"No that's alright" quickly says knight general Dalacell with a frown upon his face, while next to him, the paladin Barnabiss openly scowls.
The last thing they want is the property, as in this case, an artifact, in particular the shield of Saint Mar-che of their order coming under the law of the government, to be precise the crown.
As that will mean the order's property and possessions would come under crown tax law. And that's the last thing any order of knights who are either based in the kingdom of Druvic, or have chapter houses here, would ever want.
"Then you'll have to wait for the decision of the lord high chancellor or the lord high constable on the matter if you want any help from the crown" says the provo marshall of the king's army, who has told the two from the order of Saint Mar-che that he'll inform his two colleagues in the government, but not when.
The head of the royal army who has no intention of telling his two colleagues of the situation anytime soon. For the simple reason apprehending one of the nobility, is fraught with pitfalls after the civil war. As the king, and the senior members of court, as well as those in government like the provo marshall who is of the common people, don't want to upset the peerage.
Local disputes between bordering nobles is perfectly fine, but the crown arresting one of the nobility for breaking the rules of a knightly order is something else. The less turmoil in the kingdom originating from the capital, in particular the king's domain, specifically the crown or throne, the better it is for Druvic.
Behind the group making it's way through the long, and deep vaulted hallway. The blurred and shielded elven magic user Helbenthril Raendril nods his hooded head in agreement with the decision of the provo marshall.
The young elven noble who thought he might of had to cast a spell to manipulate the situation. Continues to follow those infront of him, without them knowing of his presence.
"Until then, you are free to try apprehend him if you want" says provo marshall Ballis to the two from the order of Saint Mar-che, the head of the royal army, who just over fifteen years ago joined the army of the then duke of Carville, the duchy that borders the city of Leeabra to the west, which was ruled by the cousin of king Newkym the second, the cousin who is now the king of Druvic.
Tells the two ordered knights "If you apprehend him, remember he's a nobleman of Druvic, and though he's no longer the earl of Lé Dic, it would be remiss of you to do anything, shall we say, permanent to him if he's caught" provo marshall Ballis slightly pauses before adding "His majesty would not be pleased if you did".
"Of course, we completely understated" says knight general Dalacell, who like the paladin Barnabiss, would like nothing better, than to immediately hang sir Percavelle Lé Dic if they caught him.
But they know they'll have to be a bit more circumspect when, and if they apprehend the former earl of Lé Dic. Who was once a paladin of the first rank in their order, and is now just a plain knight. One of the first things they'll do when they find him, is to strip him of his knighthood, which can only be done in person, or if the knight in question is already dead.
The knight general, and the leadership of the order of Saint Mar-che, those of the first rank, what sir Percavelle alive for that. Then they want him executed. Though that's if the government, and ultimately the crown allow them to execute the renegade knight, who after all is a nobleman of Druvic first, and a member of the order of the knights of Saint Mar-che second.
The topic of conversation changes as they leave the long hallway and enter a chamber, where members of the government have gathered to discuss a number of things, including the continuing rebuilding throughout the city.
Amongst which is the long rebuild of the basilica of Narille, which is situated in the grounds of the headquarters of the order of Saint Mar-che. And is the reason knight marshall Ballis and the paladin Barnabiss have come to the kings domain this morning.
After watching and listening to the meeting in the chamber for a little while, and finding out nothing of particular interest, Helbe the elven thief shifts away as he has other places to see, and people to look on today, before he meets up again with lord Farque and Mira Reinholt later . . . . . .

Wednesday 29 November 2017

The Homecoming 3.

A Lane...

Mira Reinholt the mage looks down the lane that's end in an archway. An archway that opens into one of the largest, if not the largest building in the city of Leeabra.
A building close to a mile in length, that's basically a covered market, or bazaar. A building a number of years ago, in which the mage Reinholt lost the lower half of his left arm, and briefly died when he fought the dragon Nol and lost.
The dragon who was his friend and confidant, when the Vexilian mage in exile fought on the side of those in the government of Druvic who pushed north into the Sunreach Mountains. Allying themselves with the city-state of Kuradum, which is north of the largest mountain range, not just in the Southlands, but in all the world of Volunell.
The once powerful mage who was for the most part, on the otherside of the war from the rest of the group at the time. A group that was vastly different than what it is now.
Shakes his head slightly at the decisions he made nearly a decade ago when he was in his early twenties.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, did a lot of things back then out of spite more than anything else. He's amazed that he's still alive, and still in the group.
He's also amazed when he looks back on his previous stay here in the capital of the kingdom of Druvic.
That he wasn't killed, in particular by lord Farque. Who wasn't the least bit impressed with the renegade mage fighting on the otherside of the war from the rest of the group.
The mage Reinholt turns, as he has no intention of entering the long, covered marketplace where he lost his arm, and died.
He makes his way back up the lane, and stops at the corner of a street, and looks to the right. To the massive square, where the dragon Nol was killed, eventually by Helbe the elven thief and Sephiryn the elemental, after lord Farque brought it down out of the sky, and incapacitated it by slamming his sword down through the dragon's spine.
Beyond the massive square, is one of the many parks in the city of Leeabra, a city with many a massive edifice. One such is the basilica of Narille, which the Vexilian mage in exile can see in the distance above the trees. The basilica, which is in the grounds of the chapter house of the knights of the order of Saint Mar-che. Is still having repair work done on it's dome, almost a decade after it was nearly destroyed when lord Farque repeatedly fired a magetube at it.
The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands faintly smiles, as he knows that not far from the basilica of Narille.
In one of the domains of the city, the third one infact. Is where he cast a spell, that to this day, is the single largest explosion he's ever created.
And one of the largest by any human spellcaster in nearly five hundred years in the Southlands.
"Those were the days Mira, blowing shit up like it was nothing" Mira Reinholt the mage murmurs to himself as he turns onto the street, and heads towards the massive square.
He doesn't make it quite the way down there, he turns left onto another street, that briefly runs parallel to the square.
The mage Reinholt briefly stops at a shop that he used to frequent when he was living here in Leeabra.
He moves on, when he recognises the owner of the bookshop through the open doorway.
The exiled Vexilian mage knows that he won't be welcomed by a lot of people in the city if they find out he's returned. After all he once fought for those in the government, who ended up being on the losing side of the civil war here in the kingdom of Druvic after the failed war in the Sunreach mountains.
And the fact the highly skilled swordmaster and those who were in the group at the time, set in motion the events that lead to the civil war. When they killed Newkym, the then king of Druvic in the kings domain, the series of palaces and other structures where the kingdom is ruled from. Not that, that's common knowledge.
At the end of the street, on what's a chilly morning here in the capital of the kingdom of Druvic. The mage Reinholt hears a commotion on the street around the corner to the left, the way he intends to go.
The spellcaster who was once more powerful than any other mage of his generation, here in the Southlands, rounds the corner, and mutters "Fucking hell" in surprise as he comes to a sudden stop.
Mira Reinholt slightly winces as he nearly walked into one of three cockatrice that are walking down the street. The highly skilled swordmaster breathes a sigh of relief as he sees that all three have blinders on, covering their eyes.
The mage in exile from the city-state of Vexil sourly smiles as he watches the large flightless, not to mention naturally magical birds walking by with a pair of handlers, as a crowd of onlookers on the street watch them go by.
The cockatrice are docile as they walk behind their handlers who have them on leads. It would be the opposite if their blinders were off. As the full force of their paralytic powers would be unleashed.
The swordmaster Reinholt hears some people chatting nearby say that the naturally magical creatures belong to the breeder to the kings domain. And that theses three will be sent to three lords who are in favour with the king upon the throne.
Mira Reinholt turns left, and as the handlers and their charges, and a fair number of the people on the street, head in the direction of the massive square. The Vexilian mage in exile glances up and sees a passing airship in the morning sky, as he continues on his way to where he's meeting someone.
In a small, and rather expensive tavern, that has one of Leeabra's most well known bakeries connected to it on one side. Lord Farque looks up from the scroll he's reading, and glances out of the glass window his table is next to.
The undead warlord watches Mira Reinholt coming down the street, then enter the small tavern. The once powerful mage takes the other seat at the small round table next to the window. And orders a white wine, and a couple of pastries from the bakery next door when the barmaid comes over and takes his order.
"He still there?" quietly asks lord Farque "He is" replies the mage Reinholt who slightly holds up his left hand, and continues with "None I've used ever since have been as good as his original ones" the highly skilled swordmaster then adds "He had plenty in stock, and i bought as many as i could carry".
The once powerful mage has visited the master artificer, who was trained by air elementals, and who built the automaton arm and hand the Vexilian mage in exile has.
The spellcaster who purchased a quantity of bolts, for the launcher built into his automaton arm, says "He is, he's in his seventies now" in reply to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque asking him "He must be getting on in age now?".
The deathlord of Farque nods his full helmed head, then after the barmaid brings over the mage Reinholt's wine and pastries, he quietly asks him "Ask him about the other thing?".
"I did" answers Mira Reinholt who briefly closes his eyes as savours the taste of the sweet pastries from the bakery. Which he's never been to before, but has eaten their goods in the past. When he had them delivered to his quarters in the nearby second domain, where the dragon Nol's tower is located.
The once powerful mage who briefly wonders who has taken up residence in the dead dragons tower, says to the undead warlord "He and his apprentices said with a name like that, and the field of, ah shall we say work they're in, they could be anywhere in the east of the kingdom".
The deathlord of Farque, who is also known as Draugadrottin by the people of his lands, nods his full helmed head. As that's pretty much the answer they've got whenever they've asked about the person they're trying to find.
"Makes sense, since here in the east, it's the older part of the kingdom" says the undead warlord, who then adds "And that practice is bound to still have a hold here".
The once powerful mage nods in agreement, then he slightly turns his head, and stares out the window as lord Farque lifts the visor of his full helm and takes a drink of the strong fruit liqueur in the cut glass tumbler, next to the rolled up scroll infront of him.
After finishing the drink, and closing the visor of his full helm, the undead warlord being pushes the rolled up scroll towards the exiled Vexilian mage. Who picks it up, and briefly unfurls it, and reads the top of it. He nods his hooded head, and rolls the scroll back up.
"They don't exactly write a lot of their work down" says Mira Reinholt, who continues with "They have a more oratory tradition than a scholarly one".
"I guess so" says the undead warlord who is known as Des'tier or The Destroyer by an older generation of elven kind who knows who he is, he continues with "Never had much to do with them" he follows that with "Hardly had any of them in my armies way back when".
The once powerful mage nods in understanding as he knows the lord of the death realm is referring to when he was still alive nearly four hundred and fifty years ago.
"Can't say I've had many dealings with them either" says Mira Reinholt, who then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "Our methods are completely different to their's" he continue with "Then there's the matter of our line of work" as he gestures at himself and the undead warlord "They don't exactly go in for the life of a traveling adventurer or mercenary" says the highly skilled swordmaster who adds "Probably like to keep close to their added source of power".
"Probably" says the heavily armoured deathlord, who isn't entirely sure how this person they're looking for, will fit in with the rest of the group. Especially compared to the two spellcasters in the group at the moment, the mage Reinholt, and Helbe the elven thief.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque who also can't see the potential position that this person might hold in his plans, that's if they ever find the individual in question. Or more importantly, find them before they die or are killed. Like the last two people they've searched for after the power of foresight has come upon prince Helbenthril Raendril has revealed who the deathlord of Farque seeks next.
"His royal thiefness undoubtedly knows more about them" says Mira Reinholt, who glances out of the window their table in the small tavern is next to, then he adds "Speaking of the pointy eared pickpocket, where is he this morning?".
"He's checking out some of your old haunts" replies lord Farque, the mage Reinholt's eyebrows go up in surprise when he hears that . . . . . .

Tuesday 28 November 2017

The Homecoming 2.

A Forest Glade...

The first rider to go down is the constable Parreth. Who falls off his horse with a bolt through his face shot from the crossbow of Dalinvardél Tanith.
The next soldier in the patrol to go down is Karbill. Who also gets hit by a bolt. This one shot from the crossbow of Lisell Maera, who picked up her weapon from where it was lying next to the log she's sitting on.
Karbill slumps forward and falls out of the saddle with a crossbow bolt through his gut.
As Riley Hait flings a throwing dagger at another of the riders who has come into the glade proper. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic shouts "Narille!" as he leaps over the fallen tree that the two teenagers, Lisell Maera and Tamric Drubine were just sitting on.
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin is up and moving too. And as the earl of Lé Dic, with broadsword drawn, runs at one of the mounted soldiers in the garrison of the earl of Gallus.
Tam with his own sword drawn, a magical weapon that when activated, protects him, heads towards another of the riders, who is trying to get his spooked mount under control.
On the otherside of the glade, near the stream, Shur Kee the monk has taken his staff that he had leaning against the tree he was next to.
And has spun around to the back side of the tree, and leapt up into the air. The short, statured monk swings his staff, which connects with the side of the head of one of the riders, who has just jumped his horse across the stream.
The soldier is knocked sideways out of the saddle, and hits the ground with a thud as his horse continues onwards through the glade, as the fading light of dusk begins to take effect.
Elsewhere in the forest, Dorc da
Orc mutters "Fuckshit" between breathes as he runs back to the glade. The large ork who can hear and smell the fighting that's broken out at the glade where the others have set up camp.
Just hopes that there's at least someone left alive for him to kill when he gets there. The ork warleader who hates missing out when there's some killing to be done.
Also hopes that at least a horse or two don't run away. For after fucking the bear that he killed a little earlier. He would really like to rape a horse, as horses are amongst his most favourite animals to fuck to death.
"Horsey, Dorc is fucken coming for you" says the large ork who chortles between breathes as he runs, smashing away any branch that gets to close, and just running through any bush or shrub that gets in his way.
At the last moment, sir Percavelle steps to one side and drops down to a knee swinging his broadsword. The blade slams into the right fore leg of the horse that's charged him.
As the horse tumbles forward neighing in agony, the rider is somersaulted forward out of the saddle. Screaming in a panic, until he slams head first into the ground, with his head at an angle.
He lands on his back, with obviously a broken neck as his limbs are spread akimbo.
Tamric Drubine faces one of the soldiers who has got down off his horse. Though of similar height, the soldier in the garrison of the earl of Gallus is good ten years older than the nobleborn teen from the kingdom of Sarcrin.
The soldier, thinking himself more experienced than Tam, rushes the son of the former knight of castle Drubine, swinging his sword. It's the last mistake the soldier makes in his life.
Tamric Drubine who fights with his sword low, point down towards the ground, as lord Farque tends to do.
Whips his blade upwards from right to left, slicing up the chest of the soldier, cutting through his leather armour, and up and across his throat.
Tam takes a step to the side, and the soldier falls face first to the ground, he's dead as he hits the ground. And the nobleborn teenager looks around for someone else to fight.
Just then a loud roar can be heard from the surrounding trees to the east of the glade, followed by a shout of "Get some!". Dorc da Orc has arrived, relieved that there's still people alive who need to be killed.
The large ork runs between a pair of trees, and dives forward towards a horse, that it's rider has just turned, to see what's coming through the forest towards them.
Dorkindle tackles the horse, bringing it to the ground. The soldier in the saddle screams in pain as his right leg is crushed beneath his mount as he was unable to jump clear as the ork warleader brought it down.
The ork weaponsmith who has broken the front left leg of the horse, and shattered most of its ribs on this side when he tackled it. Gets up onto his knees, grabs the screaming soldier and growls "Fuck up ya cunt".
Dorc da Orc yanks the soldier towards him, and drives his forehead into the man's face. The front of the soldier's skull shatters apart when the large ork headbutts him.
Dorkindle chuckles, lets go of the dead soldier, stands up, looks down at the seriously injured horse that's flailing it's rear legs about.
The warleader of the ork race looks quickly around to see what the others are doing in the glade, then with a wide grin upon his brutish looking face as he sees that they've got the situation in hand, he murmurs "Time to fucken get some horsey" as he pulls down his grubby, knee length pants.
Riley Hait pulls one of his long daggers out of the back of one of the soldiers. He looks around and sees that not a single rider remains on a mount, and that most of the horses have run away into the forest proper.
The mercenary ranger crosses the glade, and helps Lisell Maera drag a dead soldier away from the fire that he's fallen head first into.
"What's that?" asks Lisell Maera as a screaming sound can be heard from within the trees to one side of the glade. With a slight frown upon his face, the ranger Hait listens for a few moments, then he sourly smiles, and says "A horse" followed by "And Dorc".
The teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury makes a face of disgust, then she says "That's so gross" as they drag the dead soldier away from the fire.
After helping Lis, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman makes his way over to Tamric Drubine. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic walks over to where the nobleborn teenager is as well.
Tam stands over the constable Parreth, who is still alive, with a crossbow bolt through his mouth, and is struggling to crawl away.
"Me thinks we might be in a bit of strife" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic as they look down at the constable on the ground who is trying to crawl away. The heavily armoured knight in the fading light of dusk, grins then adds "Nothing new there, wot".
Both the ranger Hait and the nobleborn teenager can't help but smile at that, then the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen says "You're right Percy, nothing new there".
Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson puts a boot on the back of the head of the constable to the earl of Gallus, forcing Parreth's face into the ground.
The mercenary ranger reaches down and grabs one end of the bolt that goes through one side of the constable's face, and out the other cheek. The ranger Hait rips it out, and as the muffled screams can be heard coming from Parreth, Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson tosses the bloody bolt to Dalinvardél Tanith who is passing by.
As the mercenary ranger continues to stand on the back of the head of constable Parreth, he asks the heavily armoured knight in the order of Saint Mar-che "What do you know about this earl of Gallus?".
Shrugging his broad shoulders, Percy says "I've never heard of the fellow" the ranger Hait nods then says "Probably quite a few new nobles throughout the kingdom that you don't know about since the civil war". "Tis true" says the nobleborn knight who just a short while ago, found out that he's no longer the earl of Lé Dic, and that the daughter of his brother Maxiss is now the lady of Lé Dic.
"Well he's going to be pissed we've killed his constable and some of his men" says Tamric Drubine "Tis true again" says the knight who was once a paladin until he was demoted, something he's finally found out about, after they stopped off in the capital Leeabra earlier in the week.
As the muffled screams of the constable die down as the ranger Hait continues to stand on the back of his head, forcing his face into the churned up and muddy ground.
The mercenary ranger who is the nominal leader of the group looks around the glade as light snow flakes drift around in the fading light of the day.
"It'll take too long" says Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman in response to Tamric Drubine asking "Should we bury them?". "Gather our stuff, we're getting out of here" says the ranger Hait who wants to put as much distance between them and this glade as soon as possible.
"We're going!" the mercenary ranger calls out to Dalinvardél Tanith, Lisell Maera and Shur Kee the monk. The ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, but in actual fact is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra, can no longer hear the screams of a horse, that he correctly guessed is being fucked to death by Dorc da Orc.
Riley Hait looks around and spots the large ork peeking around the side of a large tree, eyeing up one of the remaining horses in the glade, that's limping about with a crossbow bolt in it's rear right leg.
The mercenary ranger rolls his eyes, and before the ork warleader can grab another horse and rape it to death, he calls out to the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks "Dorc get your stuff, we're going".
Dorkindle grunts, then he grunts again, this time in disappointment as the injured horse he was eyeing up, get's spooked by something, most likely the strong smell coming from the ork warleader, and it takes off out of the glade.
Dorc da Orc let's out a deep sigh, then he makes his way around the tree, and into the glade, to where he left his sacks near the base of a tree.
Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson rolls his eyes, then says "Pull your pants up Dorc". The large ork chuckles then grabs his pants that are around his knees, and pulls them up as he heads to where his sacks are.
It's not too long, before the group of travelers make their way from the glade, leaving behind them a dozen dead bodies, soldiers in the garrison of the earl of Gallus, including Parreth his constable.
As dusk gives way to early evening this winter's night in eastern Druvic, sir Percavelle who walks out infront of the others, with the exception of Dalinvardél Tanith who is ranging ahead, says in a dour tone of voice, loud enough for the others to hear "I say this isn't quite the homecoming i was expecting". The former earl of Lé Dic then continues with "Rather disappointing wot" . . . . . .

Monday 27 November 2017

The Homecoming.

A Forest Glade...

Lisell Maera sits upon a log watching the pot on the trivet over the campfire. The teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury is keeping an eye on the stew they're making for dinner.
At the other end of the fallen tree, sits Tamric Drubine, who like Lis is wrapped up in a winter cloak, as flakes of snow can be seen in the late afternoon light.
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin is inspecting the blade of his sword. Something he does at the end of everyday, especially when they're traveling.
Sitting on a nearby rock is Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who is looking at a map of the area. The ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen, is rubbing his chin and frowning as he studies the map.
Thirty yards away, at the edge of the nearby stream, Shur Kee the monk who has just washed his hands and face. Is kneeling on the ground, with his eyes closed. The acolyte in the order of Bru Li is meditating before they have something to eat.
Walking into camp is Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy. The elf from the principality of Alínlae has a young buck over his shoulder that he's shot.
The ranger Hait gets up and goes over to the spy Tanith to help him dress the deer, which they'll probably quickly cook some strips of tonight, and save the rest of the meat for the coming days.
There's no sign of Dorc da Orc, who wandered off shortly after they stopped here. The large ork said he'd caught wind of a bear nearby, and that he was off to kill it. It's probably not the only thing he's going to do to it.
Lying on a bedroll behind the log that the two teenagers Lis and Tam are sitting on, is sir Percavelle Lé Dic. The nobleborn knight is just lying there, staring up at the sky, waiting for dinner to be cooked.
The former paladin in the order of Saint Mar-che has been withdrawn. Well withdrawn for him at least, not so loud and boisterous ever since they arrived here in the kingdom of Druvic a couple of weeks ago.
Especially in the last few days since they've made their way east in the kingdom, an area where his fiefdom is located.
The three others in the group, lord Farque and the two spellcasters, Mira Reinholt the mage and Helbe the elven thief are elsewhere in the kingdom. They'll meet up with the rest of them once the group finally gets to the fief of the earl of Lé Dic.
"Yeah you fucken liked that ae cunt?" says Dorc da Orc as he rolls off the bear, the large ork who has blood running down the side of his face, chortles as he looks at the large brown bear beside him.
The bear, which is obviously dead, and was so before Dorkindle fucked it silly. Is missing it's front right paw, the one that swiped the side of the ork warleader's face as he attacked it with just a dagger. After all he wanted to give the bear a bit of a chance, as he likes the wild animals that intends to fuck to be a bit fighty.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks who is on his back, lying on the ground next to the dead bear, reaches over and pulls his dagger out of it's bloody throat, and returns it to his weapon harness.
"Good fluffy" says Dorkindle who pats the dead bear, and wonders if he should eat some of it here. Though tall, it's rather scrawny as a lot of it's winter fat has come off.
The large ork who wipes some of the blood off the side of his face, as the claw marks are already starting to heal. Is just contemplating if he should start eating fluffy, when he catches the scent of something.
"Ooohhh horsey" murmurs Dorc da Orc who sits up and looks around in the late afternoon light, the warleader of the ork race sniffs, as he tilts his head to one side.
He grunts as he smells and hears a number of horses with riders in the distance, riders who are armed and armoured.
The large ork stands up and pulls his grubby knee length pants up, he looks down at the dead bear and says "Bye fluffy" and starts making his way back to where the others have made camp. Where he can smell the horses and the riders are heading towards.
After dressing the deer, the ranger Hait and the spy Tanith are a bit down stream washing up. When the elf from the principality of Alínlae who has just stood up and is drying his forearms and hands, quickly turns and looks north.
"What is it?" asks Riley Hait the mercenary ranger "Riders approaching from the north" replies Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy whose naturally enhanced hearing has picked up the sound of horses in the distance coming through the forest.
The two of them walk quickly back up stream, as they approach then walk by the mediating Shur Kee, the ranger Hait quietly says to the short, statured monk "Riders approaching Shur Kee".
The acolyte in the order of Bru Li slowly nods his head, then opens his eyes. The monk from the otherside of the continent, gets up, and follows after the other two who are walking quickly back to camp.
After oiling his sword and returning it to it's scabbard, Tamric Drubine looks up as the ranger Hait and the spy Tanith approach. The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin notices that when Dalin stops, the elven spy stares off to the north through the trees.
"What is it?" quietly asks Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera who has just taken the cook pot off the fire, looks at Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who says "Riders".
The mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained by the elven warders of Envadarlen, who is the nominal leader of the group with lord Farque, Mira Reinholt and Helbenthril Raendril away, then quietly says "You know what to do" followed by "Act casually".
The ranger Hait who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, looks over at sir Percavelle who is still lying on his bedroll.
"Percy any chance these riders will be your men?" asks Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman "No, we're still too far from my lands" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he continues to lie there, looking up at the late afternoon sky.
"Most likely the earl of Sandol's men" adds the nobleborn knight, who then adds "If I'm not mistaken, which i'm never am, we are in his fief at the moment" the former paladin in the order of Saint Mar-che pauses for a few moments, then says "Or close to it".
"Whoever they are, we're about to find out" says Dalinvardél Tanith who points away to the north, where in the distance through the trees, a number of riders can be seen approaching the glade.
Riley Hait looks at sir Percavelle and tells him "Keep quiet Percy and let me do the talking". The mercenary ranger frowns and is immediately suspicious as the earl of Lé Dic nods that he will. Instead of arguing with him, which the ranger Hait was expecting.
As the teenagers stay near the fire, and the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che continues to lie on his bedroll. Riley Hait moves over to where his pack is. While Shur Kee stands near a tree on the otherside of the glade, and Dalinvardél Tanith stands next to the tree the skinned and dressed buck is hanging from.
The riders approach the glade, with some entering it, and others circling around it, and staying just back amongst the trees. There's a dozen of them, all soldiers as they're wearing uniforms, though their armour and weapons are all varied, and of various quality.
"Greetings" says Riley Hait to the rider who moves furtherest into the glade "Greetings" replies the lead rider, who continues with "I'm constable Parreth".
The ranger Hait who knows a fair bit about the society of Druvic. After all it's the kingdom he was traveling in, when he was still Zubutai Timaginson, when he first meet the group led by lord Farque,
Knows that a constable is like a guard captain, mixed with an arbiter of the law for the local lord.
"Constable for the earl of Gallus" adds Parreth as he looks around the glade "Gallus?" says the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, who then adds "Is this not the fief of the earl of Sandol?".
The constable sourly smiles, and in a tone of voice that matches his smile, he says "No more" he continues with "The earl of Sandol was killed during the war, as was his heirs". The war in question is the civil war of Druvic from a number of years ago.
Which was started by the group, just before Riley Hait met them. Of those in the forest glade, only Shur Kee the monk was in the group of travelers at that time. Dorc da Orc was too, but he's off in the forest somewhere. Which the ranger Hait is glad of for the moment.
As the large ork would definitely say something to get them into trouble.
"What's the reason you're traveling through my lord's lands?" asks the local constable, who along with his patrol, spotted the smoke from the fire coming up through the trees, when they left the nearby village a couple of miles away as they were coming to the end of their patrol for the day.
"We're heading further east to the fief of the earl of Lé Dic" says the ranger Hait "Earl?" says constable Parreth, who then adds "There's no earl there nowadays".
After looking sharply at sir Percavelle, who thankfully remains silent, Riley Hait says "Is sir Percavelle not the earl there anymore?".
"No, he took off years ago, during the war i think" says the constable a man in his early thirties, who continues with "After the succession was finalised, the king had sir Percavelle vacate his fief by absentia" he then adds "But it was allowed to stay in the Lé Dic family".
One of the other riders has moved forward, and the constable turns to him, and says "Is that not so Karbill?".
"It be" says the other soldier who is slightly older, he then adds "The younger brother Maxiss became earl".
Riley Hait slightly nods, as that's what they heard when they briefly stayed in the capital Leeabra a few days ago, and what sir Percavelle guessed. Was that his younger brother Maxiss is now the earl of the family fief. "He got himself killed last year in some battle with a baron further east near the border" adds the older soldier Karbill.
Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson along with Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera all look at the large heavily armoured knight who is still on his bedroll, the Druvician nobleman winces at the mention of the death of his younger brother.
Though they were never really close, as sir Percavelle was often absent from the fief that bares their family name due to him being a knight in the order of Saint Mar-che. He stilled cared about his younger brother Maxiss.
"Earl Maxiss daughter now rules that fief" says the local constable, who shakes his head then adds in a slight tone of disdain "A lady ruling a fief, a child at that, whatever next".
Lisell Maera scowls at that, so does sir Percavelle, who can barely remember his niece, as she was only a toddler when he last saw her. She must only be nine or ten years old now.
The older soldier Karbill leans towards the constable, and points to their right and quietly says something to the constable, which the ranger Hait doesn't hear.
Constable Parreth looks away to the right, and he spots the dressed deer hanging from a tree branch.
He looks at the mercenary ranger, and while before his tone for the most part was convivial, it's now accusatory, and he points to the hanging deer and says "That belongs to the earl of Gallus" the constable continues with "Poaching is punishable by death". Behind the local constable, the soldiers in the patrol draw their swords.
"Oh hell" mutters Riley Hait in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, who repeats it, when sir Percavelle Lé Dic stands up and loudly says "This is not crown land!" followed by "Even travelers have the right to take one decent size animal for sustenance as they pass through a fief, for shame constable, you of all people should know the law".
"Sir knight, i didn't see you there" says constable Parreth who immediately recognises the device etched into the breastplate of the large, heavily armoured knight as the symbol for the order of Saint Mar-che. One of the most powerful knightly orders, in both wealth and influence, and not just in the kingdom of Druvic too. Whose headquarters are located in the capital Leeabra.
The local constable looks nervously about then he says in a determined voice "Laws have changed sir knight since the war of succession, and a local lord of the rank of earl and above, can set his own poaching laws now" he points at the deer carcass hanging from the tree, and adds "And that has been poached".
"Bugger" loudly mutters sir Percavelle, who then looks over at the ranger Hait, who winces as the local constable says to his patrol "Arrest them, you have free reign if they resist".
"Fuck" mutters Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson under his breath, as he can predictably guess what's going to happen next . . . . . .

The Homecoming: Prologue.

An Inn...

"Well i rather doubt it" says Tamric Drubine after he takes a drink of the watered wine in his goblet "Well of course not" says Lisell Maera as they sit side by side on a bench "What you're being trained for i rather doubt there'll be much time for it" adds the orphan teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury who continues with "I'd doubt you'll find time to be with someone".
"And you?" asks the nobleborn youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin, who then adds "Will you ever marry?". "Not fucking likely" quietly says Lis, who then falls silent and goes back to eating her meal.
On the floor beside the two of them, gnawing on an ox leg he's stripped the meat from, Dorc da Orc says "Farque married" the large ork looks quickly around to make sure the undead warlord hasn't returned yet, then he adds "The sick cunt".
"We know Dorc" quietly says Tam, who like Lis knows how Dorkindle, and for that matter how all ork kind feel about marriage. They also know the truth about the lord and ruler of the lands Farque. The son of the former knight of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin quietly adds "We know".
In response to the ork warleader saying "Got little humanlings too" shaking his large head and muttering "Some peoples" before he goes back to biting on the ox leg.
They're in the southern reaches of the hills outside of the port city of Gilsom, which is about halfway down the coast of the Southlands.
It's over a year and half since they've returned to the Southlands from north of the equator. Where they predominantly spent time in the region of Belinswae, the Nomads Plains, the elven principality of Maladimbáh, and the Stone Hills.
In the time they've been back south of the equator, the group has tracked down another person that was revealed to Helbe the elven thief by way of his unique power of foresight.
The person in question, a cavalry soldier in one of the many mercenary armies found across the Southlands. Unfortunately died in battle just three days before the group found him.
That was three months ago, now the group have made their way west to the coast. Where they'll catch an airship in Gilsom itself, and head south to the lands Farque. Well that's the plan anyway, but something is about to happen that will change those plans.
Looking across the table, Tamric Drubine says "And you Mira?" the former heir to castle Drubine continues with "Will you marry one day?".
"No" answers Mira Reinholt the mage as he looks across the wide table to the two teenagers, Tam who is almost fifteen years old now, and Lis who is nearly eighteen.
"Though I'm basically married in all but name anyway" adds the once powerful mage, which causes the two teens to glance at one another, for in the years that they've known the exiled Vexilian mage, this is the first time they've ever heard of this.
"What?" says the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin which is over three thousand miles inland and north of where they are at the moment on the coast. "Who?" adds Tamric Drubine who follows that up with "Where?".
The mage Reinholt, who over the last two years since they went north of the equator then returned. Is remembering more and more of his time off world when he accidentally went through a rift/void he miscast a number of years ago.
Says "A couple of years before i first met you Tam" the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil who is also a highly skilled swordmaster adds "None of your business, and somewhere far away from here".
The once powerful mage, who even has a son on the otherside of the cosmos that he's never met, and will never get to see, goes back to eating his meal.
Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera glance at one another again, as they know the Vexilian mage in exile will never divulge anymore personal information about himself unless he wants to, are intrigued to find out more about this. Though they know they'll have to bide their time to do so.
After he takes another drink of his watered wine, Tam looks over at the only other member of the group sitting at the table at the moment, and he asks him "What about you Shur Kee?" the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin continues with "Would you get married one day?".
"No, the vows of my order do not allow for marriage" says Shur Kee the monk, who has already finished his meal of vegetables and bread, and is now sipping from a mug of green tea.
"And having a vow of celibacy would be a little bit difficult if one was married" adds the short, statured monk with a slight smile upon his face.
"Wait, do you mean to say you've never" says Tamric Drubine who knows the physical adept joined his order as a child, the younger teenager is interrupted by Lisell Maera who snorts, then says "As if you ever have as well".
With his face turning red in embarrassment, the nobleborn teenager turns to Lis and says "You can talk" Tam continues with "You've never tumbled in the sheets with anyone, or rolled around in a hayloft with some farmer's son".
Mira Reinholt looks sharply at Lisell Maera when he sees the colour drain from her face, and go pale. The once powerful mage who is one of only three in the group who knows what happened to Lis north of the equator in the region of Belinswae.
Quickly interrupts the two teens who are about to argue again "You two don't argue" the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, continues with "If you start yelling at one another again, I'll tell Farque of it".
Both teenagers, the nobleborn one from the kingdom of Sarcrin, whose face is red in embarrassment. And the orphan one from the city-state of Brattonbury whose face is pale as she thinks of painful memories of her time in the region of Belinswae.
Shut their mouths, and stay silent after glancing sideways at one another.
The two of them go back to eating their meals, this time in silence. And a few moments later, the backdoor to the common room opens, and in steps sir Percavelle Lé Dic who says in a loud voice for all to hear "That's better".
The heavily armoured knight who has been in the outside jakes, makes his way back to the table, he walks around Dorkindle who scowls at the earl of Lé Dic. While the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic sniffs in disdain at the large ork sitting on the floor.
After taking his seat at the table, the former paladin in the order of Saint Mar-che says "Pray tell what have you lot been chatting about as I've been relieving thyself of unwanted liquids due to the damn watered wine they serve in this establishment".
At the bar, the innkeeper scowls at the large, heavily armoured knight who said that last bit, in such a loud voice, that anyone outside, passing by the front of the inn, would of probably heard him.
"Marriage" says Tamric Drubine who is the one to answer the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic.
Sir Percavelle who has resumed his meal, says casually in an offhand manner between bites of ham, and fried potatoes "I'm married".
Mira Reinholt spits wine everywhere, while next to him, Shur Kee the monk who is equally surprised, spits his tea out of his mouth as he's so shocked at what the former paladin just said.
The two teens, Tam and Lis, with mouths agape, just stare at the earl of Lé Dic in stunned silence as they can't quite believe what they just heard.
While on the floor next to the table, Dorc da Orc's mouth drops open in surprise, and the stripped ox leg he's chewing on falls to the floor.
It's the ork warleader who is first to say something, when he mutters "Me always knows he a sick fucker" the ork weaponsmith then adds "This fucken proves it even more".
Dorkindle like all ork kind, views marriage as a highly disagreeable thing to partake in. As marriage in ork society is a fairly rare thing, and with good reason.
An ork marriage is extremely volatile and dangerous situation to find one's self in. As is the case with Dorc's own parents, the only orks he's ever known to be married, and the only one's in the wolf tribe of orks to be married in the last one hundred years.
Predictably it ended like nearly all those rare occasions when orks marry. When Dorkindle's mother killed his father, by bashing in his head with a large, heavy cooking skillet. The same one the large ork carries around in one of his sacks.
As the warleader of the ork race picks up the ox leg and goes back to gnawing on it. Sir Percavelle says in fairly subdued tone of voice, subdued for him, just means not that loud "Well, i should say i was married, I'm actually divorced" the heavily armoured knight then adds in a mutter "That damn harpy of a woman".
The mage Reinholt, who like the others, would never of thought the earl of Lé Dic would of been married, he's the last person any of them would of thought would be married, says "I take it this was a while ago Percy?".
"Yes a long time ago" says the nobleman who is in his mid forties "Well over twenty years ago" adds the former paladin in the order of Saint Mar-che, he carries on with "I was young, you tend to do stupid things when one is young".
You still do stupid things, the exiled Vexilian mage dryly thinks to himself, then the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster asks the heavily armoured knight "Children?".
"No" replies sir Percavelle Lé Dic who continues with "None, and not from a lack of trying, unfortunately". "Unfortunate for her too" dryly says Mira Reinholt in the elven language.
Tamric and Drubine who a short time ago before the nobleman came back into the common room, were about to argue with one another. Chuckle in unison at what the once powerful mage just said, as they're the only one's who understood what he said.
"What are they laughing at?" asks sir Percavelle as he looks at the two teenagers "They're just laughing at the fact at finding out that you were once married Percy" says the swordmaster Reinholt who then adds "Let's face it, it's a bit of a fucking surprise".
"True" says the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, while Shur Kee gets up and goes to the bar to get a rag to wipe up the tea and wine, that he and the mage Reinholt spat out in surprise.
As the acolyte in the order of Bru Li returns to the table, another of the group enters the common room from the front door of the inn. It's Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who as he makes his way to the table, calls out to the innkeeper what he wants to eat.
"They're coming up the road from the tunnel, should be here soon" says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger as he sits down at the table. The tunnel he's referring to, is the dwarven made one, that goes through to the harbour where most of the city of Gilsom is located. The rest of the city is in the tunnel itself, built into the inside of the hill the tunnel goes through.
"What's happened here?" asks the mercenary ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen who sees Shur Kee wiping the table "Oh, Percy was just telling us about how he's been married" casually says Mira Reinholt.
The ranger Hait, who is in actual fact a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson who just happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait.
Looks in disbelief at the mage Reinholt for a moment, then he turns to look at sir Percavelle, and says in a stunned tone of voice "The fuck?".
The heavily armoured knight in the order of Saint Mar-che tells Riley Hait that indeed he was once married, and is now divorced. Something the mercenary ranger finds hard to believe, as the earl of Lé Dic is the last person one would expect to be married.
A short time later as they contemplate the idea that the former paladin was married. The rest of the group make their way into the inn, and into the common room as outside, dusk turns to night.
Behind lord Farque walks Helbe the elven thief and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who is holding onto the left arm of the young elven noble, and helping him to walk.
Dorc da Orc scoots along on his his ass to move out of the way so the lord and ruler of the lands Farque can sit down next to Tam and Lis.
And as the heavily armoured deathlord sits, Mira Reinholt asks "What happened?" as the spy Tanith helps the elven magic user to sit down. "The royal princess here suddenly fainted as we were coming up the road" dryly says lord Farque, the elven princeling sourly smiles at being referred to as a princess.
Knowing that there's only one thing that can make prince Helbenthril Raendril suddenly faint, the mage Reinholt asks the lord of the death realm "Something or someone?".
"Someone" replies the undead warlord as the elven magic user's uncontrollably power of foresight came upon him as the three of them made their way up the road to the village the inn is in.
"Who?" asks the once powerful mage "Where?" adds Tamric Drubine.
It's Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who answers them with "We don't know who" he continues with "As for the where" the elf from the principality of Alínlae nods towards the earl of Lé Dic, and says "It's in your nick of the woods, so to speak Percy" the spy Tanith then adds "The kingdom of Druvic".
"Huh, we were just talking about something that happened there" says Mira Reinholt "Oh what was that?" asks lord Farque, the once powerful mage glances at sir Percavelle, then he explains to the deathlord of Farque, the princeling from Laerel and the spy from Alínlae, what they were previously talking about at the table before they entered the inn.
Lord Farque, Dalinvardél Tanith and Helbenthril Raendril, who has a headache due to his powers of foresight. All burst out laughing as the mage Reinholt tells them about sir Percavelle once being married, and is now divorced.
The earl of Lé Dic with a sour looking smile upon his face, yells out to the innkeeper for more wine, as he has a feeling he's going to need a lot of it this night . . . . . .

Wednesday 22 November 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 75.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

A couple of weeks after the fall of the city of Falnic. And life has pretty much returned to normal in the coastal city.
Though repair work continues throughout the city, especially in the north and east. Life is pretty much the same as it was before the winter.
With the exception that just one Justifier rules in Falnic now. As well as that dwarves are now on the streets of the city. When at the start of winter, most of them had fled Falnic because of the invasion of the Stone Hills by the Justifiers of Belinswae.
"Another one was it?" asks Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy "It was" replies Mira Reinholt the mage as they stand upon the east wall of the city watching wyvern riders heading southeast.
Another Justifier of Belinswae has just visited the city, and though those in the south of the region hardly ever participated in the raids into the Nomads Plains to kill or capture tribal nomads.
They're still not comfortable with the decree from Falnic that all raids into the dry, arid plains to the east of Belinswae are to cease.
"He should be fine with those southern Justifiers" says the mage Reinholt, who continues with "It's the one's who are left in the east, he's got to worry about" the exiled Vexilian mage then adds "They're pissed off they can't raid anymore, he'll have to deal to them eventually".
"Think one or some of them might be dead now" says the spy Tanith "Oh?" says the once powerful mage who looks at the taller elf as the two of them lean forward against the top of the wall.
"I haven't seen his highness for the last couple of days" says Dalinvardél Tanith referring to Helbe the elven thief, the elven spy continues with "Think he went with Riley and Dorc".
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster nods his head, as he knows the large ork and the mercenary ranger are out of the city at the moment, with good reason.
A few days ago, the first dead dwarf was found. A total of a dozen have been found since. It's obvious to those who know him, who is responsible for the deaths of the dwarves. Both warriors from the Stone Hills, and residents of Falnic who have recently returned to the city.
Lord Farque who can't keep an eye on Dorc da Orc all the time, sent the large ork out of the city, along with the ranger Hait. The two of them are checking on the half blood villages close to the Nomads Plains. To inform them that are free to travel into the plains, and throughout all of Belinswae.
When previously you would hardly ever see a half blood venture out of the area near the southeast edge of Belinswae. Even though they weren't persecuted by the townsmen of the region, they weren't exactly made welcome either.
"More of them" quietly says the elf who is referred to as Dalin by those who know him, the mage from the city-state of Vexil looks to where his fellow Southlander points, and he can just make out figures in the distance on the road that leads southeast from the city.
The highly skilled swordmaster can just make out that they're heading towards Falnic "Half bloods?" asks the mage Reinholt "Half bloods" confirms the spy from the elven principality of Alínlae in the Southlands.
"Well the locals seem not to care about them too much" says the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, the exiled Vexilian mage glances to either side of them along the top of the wall, then switching to the elven language, he adds "Wonder what they'll think when the first of the nomads turn up here to trade?".
"That should be interesting" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith in the same language, the elven spy who is watching the road that leads southeast from the city, then adds "That's if we're still here when the first of them return" Mira Reinholt nods then murmurs "That's true".
It's later in the morning, on what's a fairly mild day for this time of the year, near the end of winter. That the once powerful mage and the elven spy, who are still on top of the east wall of Falnic. That they find out they probably won't be in the city when the first of the nomads return to Falnic to trade goods with the townsmen, who for thousands of years, have been their enemies.
The two Southlanders spot the youngsters Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera coming along the top of the wall. The mage Reinholt sees that Tam is no longer followed by the two dwarves, Jarka Mard and Omick. Who must of been amongst the dwarves who flew out early this morning to return to the Stone Hills.
Once they reach the two older Southlanders, the youngsters inform them that they'll be leaving Falnic when Dorc da Orc and Riley Hait the mercenary ranger return to the city.
"He say where we're going?" asks Mira Reinholt "Back to the Southlands" is the reply of Lisell Maera "It will be good to go back" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith, the swordmaster nods in agreement with the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae.
Here north of the equator, especially here in the region of Belinswae. It lacks the diverse nature of life that is found throughout the Southlands. Even in the most backwards of feudal kingdoms such as Sarcrin that Tamric Drubine is from. Life is more diverse than it is anywhere in Belinswae.
And the fact that magic is far more prevalent in the Southlands than it is here in north of the equator. Though a lot of that has to do with the fact that the Justifiers of Belinswae eliminate other spellcasters who they don't have working for them.
That too is about to stop, as the new ruler of Falnic changes law after law in his city, that he hopes will spread throughout the region.
"Definitely good to go back" quietly says Tamric Drubine, who continues with "It's still weird to be in a city this size and not see a single airship in the sky".
"Though seeing wyverns flying everywhere is kind of cool" adds Lisell Maera who is from the largest coastal city in the Southlands, Brattonbury, which probably has ten times the population of Falnic, and is probably ten times bigger than the largest city in the region of Belinswae.
A pair of wyverns pass over the east wall of the city, and head away to the east, then south "Traders and merchants" says Dalinvardél Tanith as they look up at the wyverns leaving the city "Some of the first going to the plains no doubt" says Mira Reinholt.
"Things are definitely changing around here, that's for sure" says the nobleborn youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin, the other three Southlanders nod in agreement with the former heir of castle Drubine as they watch the pair of wyverns heading off to the Nomads Plains.
With those flying upon them, going off to trade. When previously wyverns that had townsmen upon them, that went that way, went to raid on the dry, arid plains to the east of Belinswae. To kill and capture tribal nomads, but now, no more.
After a while the Southlanders make their way off the east wall of the city, and head back to the inn that they've taken over. By the time they get back, the midday meal will most likely be served.
As they make their way through the streets in the east of the city, they see few guards out and about. Most they do see, are helping with the rebuilding of damaged business and houses.
Amongst the builders, carpenters and masons fixing the damaged buildings. Are a number of dwarven warriors who came south from the Stone Hills. Those who are proficient at stonework, are helping to rebuild the city of Falnic.
As they get back to the street the inn is on, they spot sir Percavelle Lé Dic pacing back and forth infront of the inn. With the heavily armoured knight is a handful of elves from the principality of Maladimbáh, and dwarves from the Stone Hills. All of whom are milling about infront of the inn.
"Wonder what's got Percy so worked up?" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith who is the first to spot the earl of Lé Dic pacing back and forth infront of the inn.
When they get to the front of the establishment that they, the former occupying forces of Falnic have been staying at. Mira Reinholt the mage asks the heavily armoured knight "Percy what is it?".
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che who has a bit of a pensive look upon his face and has his helm tucked under his right arm, gestures at the inn, then clears his throat.
"Er?" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who then falls silent which causes eyebrows to be raised from the other Southlanders as the knight from south of the equator is hardly ever short for words.
Infact it's usually the opposite, as you usually can't keep the nobleborn knight quiet. As he is a rather boisterous individual to say the least.
"Yes?" eventually asks the mage who is in exile from his homeland of Vexil, the heavily armoured knight clears his throat again, then says "Ah lord Farque".
The others all look at the mage Reinholt, who with the exception of Dorc da Orc, has known the undead warlord the longest.
Hell! I guess I'm the one to find out what's happened, the once powerful mage thinks to himself, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, sourly smiles and makes his way inside.
The others remain outside when sir Percavelle vigorously shakes his head no at them when they go to follow the mage Reinholt inside.
In the common room of the inn, the highly skilled swordmaster finds it empty with the exception of Shur Kee the monk, and the innkeeper who is peeking over the bar, looking towards the stairs.
In one corner of the room, the table the group usually sits at when they're having their meals, is broken. Infact the solid, not to mention large round table, is smashed to bits.
The Vexilian mage in exile walks over to the short, statured monk, who is standing there holding his conical shaped hat in his hands.
"What happened Shur Kee?" quietly asks Mira Reinholt the mage "Ah lord Farque got a message from one of wyvern riders who flew in from the Stone Hills this morning" is the reply of Shur Kee the monk, who then adds after a slight pause "I do not think he was happy with it"
The once powerful mage slightly winces, then he looks towards the stairs and asks the acolyte in the order of Bru Li "Is he upstairs?" the short, statured monk replies with "He is" followed by "In his room".
By the shape of fire, i hope it isn't what i think it is, Mira Reinholt thinks to himself, who then says to Shur Kee "Get the others inside, and help the innkeeper clear up this mess" the swordmaster Reinholt then makes his way to the stairs, and goes up them.
On the second floor of inn, the spellcaster from the Southlands stands at the door to the undead warlord's room, and is about to knock on it, when he hears lord Farque say from the otherside "Get in here mage" followed by "Now".
"Fuck" mutters the mage Reinholt who winces, before he opens the door and enters the room.
Inside the once powerful mage finds the heavily armoured deathlord standing at the open window, which he's looking out of. The lord and ruler of the lands Farque without looking back, says to the Vexilian mage in exile "On the table".
After closing the door behind him, Mira Reinholt makes his way to the table, and picks up the letter there, the practitioner of magic starts reading it. And seeing that it's in dwarven, which he can barely speak, he casts a spell to help him read it.
"Shit" mutters the swordmaster Reinholt after he reads the first couple of lines "Indeed" sourly says lord Farque.
"He was from the clan furtherest to the east in the mountains, he and others made their way west once they found out the fucking Justifiers had invaded the Stone Hills, to help out the clanholds under attack" explains the lord of the death realm, who as the mage Reinholt continues to read, he continues with "He got his dumb ass killed just a few weeks ago, just as the Justifiers and their armies were retreating out of those fucking mountains".
The spellcaster who was the youngest ever member of the mage council of Vexil winces, then after finishing the letter, which expanded into more detail what lord Farque just said. The once powerful mage puts the letter down, then looks at the heavily armoured deathlord and says to him "Would he of worked in the group anyway?" the mage from south of the equator then adds "What with that idiot Dorc, and how he feels about dwarves".
The undead warlord slightly nods his full helmed head, and says "It would of been difficult, but it would of worked" the lord and ruler of the lands Farque who is also known as Draugadrottin to the people of his lands, then adds in a sour tone "Not that we'll fucking know now".
Mira Reinholt glances down at the letter, and slightly shakes his head. For the sole reason they decided to help out the dwarven clanholds in the Stone Hills that came under attack at the start of winter from some of the Justifiers of Belinswae and their armies.
Is because Helbe the elven thief's power of foresight came upon him again during the end of autumn here in Falnic. And that the next person the undead warlord would be looking for, was to be found in the Stone Hills.
The once powerful mage who never thought the dwarf in question would last a day in their company, let alone any length of time, due to Dorc da Orc, and his racial hatred of dwarven kind.
Looks at the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, and says to him "Hopefully the next one who comes along, whoever it might be, won't be so difficult to find" he then adds "Or be difficult fitting into the group like this dwarf would of been".
The lord of the death realm just slightly nods as he stands there looking out of the open window on this fairly mild day towards the end of winter here in the city of Falnic.

Author's Note - Here ends "You Want A War? You've Got One!". The main storyline will return in "The Homecoming".

Tuesday 21 November 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 74.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

They make their way through the city streets. With Tamric Drubine leading, while Jarka Mard and the silent Omick following behind, with a group of dwarves from various clans, behind the two of them.
It's nearly a week after the fall of the city of Falnic, and a semblance of order is slowly returning to the largest city in the region of Belinswae.
The nobleborn youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin in the Southlands, and the following dwarven warriors are heading north through the city.
Making their way to the northern quarter of Falnic, where the rebuilding has begun in earnest.
As they walk through the city, on what's a cool winter's day here in Falnic. Minus the strong winds that the dwarves from the Stone Hills are accustomed to in their clanholds.
They see more townsmen out and about in the streets, for though Falnic is basically occupied. Those who have taken over the city, have no plans to stay here.
Already the army of tribal nomads from east of Belinswae, have already left. With most of them, never even setting foot in Falnic. A small number of them are still in the city.
They're working things out with the new ruler of Falnic, about the cease of raids into the dry, arid plains where the tribal nomads live.
As they walk by a bakery, some of the warriors from the Stone Hills stop, and purchase loaves of beard.
Which once they catch up with the others, they share with their fellow warriors from the mountain range to the north of Belinswae.
They walk by a family loading their possessions into the back of a wagon. They're not the first, and they won't be the last. Some of the townsmen of Falnic are leaving. And they're free to do so.
The dwarven warriors and the son of the former knight of castle Drubine in the Southland kingdom of Sarcrin. See others returning to the city. Those who took off the night, and following days that the elven army of lord Walashàele of southern Maladimbáh forced their way into the city of Falnic.
Infact more and more townsmen are returning to the city, more so than those who are leaving Falnic. Once word started to spread that a lone Justifier will rule the city from now on. People have started to come back to the port city.
Tamric Drubine looks up as a wyvern passes by overhead in the morning sunlight. The Southlander faintly smiles as he sees that it's dwarves on the back of the large flying creature.
Tam knows that now the dwarves of the Stone Hills have started to become, if not skilled, then at least adequate fliers. They'll continue to fly upon wyverns. Having captured many of them in the invasion of their clanholds.
They're eager to continue flying upon the large winged creatures now that they've become accustomed to them.
The nobleborn youngster from south of the equator, after leading the dwarven warriors across a square, and down some steps between two buildings. Before going out onto a street, that's closer to the north of the city, than the east, where they set off from.
Turns and looks at the two dwarves who are following him closely, Tam nods for them to join him, and the pair from the Mard clan hurry forward, and walk beside the nobleborn youngster from the Southlands.
"They're getting a hurry on now" says Tamric Drubine in the dwarven language as he gestures to a building to their right that they go by. A building, that's being rebuilt. Busy with labourers, carpenters and masons. Who once they've cleared the debris in spots. They've begun the task of rebuilding.
"Give them something to do as well" quietly says Jarka Mard, who speaks in his native language, as the human youngster from south of the equator is doing. "Keep those who are likely to do it, out of trouble" adds the dwarven warrior who is the youngest son of the Mard clan chieftain.
Both Tamric Drubine and Omick, nod in agreement with Jarka Mard as they continue their way northwards through the coastal city of Falnic.
Once in the northern quarter of the city, they head to the area where many of the buildings were either destroyed or damaged by fire.
Tam who has a feeling that most of the fires in this area on the night of the attack of the city, was caused by Dorc da Orc and not spellcasters, who were predominantly in the eastern half of the city.
Leads the way to the main barracks of the ruler of Falnic. Once there they see wyverns lifting up large wooden beams that are charred, and are carrying away. A mix of dwarves and townsmen are flying the large winged creatures.
After Jarka Mard puts the group of dwarves with them, to help with the clean up. He along with Omick follow Tam to a burnt out shell of a building, that has been cleared of debris.
There they find the ruler of Falnic, along with his cousin, speaking with a master mason and others.
The nobleborn youngster and the two dwarves from clan Mard in the Stone Hills stand to one side and wait for the conversation to finish. Once it does, the ruler of Falnic and his cousin walks over to the three of them.
"Greetings" says Tamric Drubine "Greetings" replies the wizard Sammacin, which is echoed by his cousin Galbin.
"Is there something i can help you with?" asks the young wizard who now rules the port city by himself "Ah your presence is requested" says the former heir to castle Drubine in the kingdom of Sarcrin "Someone wants to talk to me i guess?" asks the sole Justifier of Falnic "Something like that" replies Tam.
Sammacin nods his head, and points to the tower next door, they start walking that way, and the young wizard says to the adolescent from south of the equator, who stands taller than himself and his cousin "I understand you are a noble in your country?".
"I am" answers Tamric Drubine who notices that the two townsmen are interested in the topic, and he tells them "The part of the kingdom I'm from isn't particularly wealthy, and it's mostly covered in forest" he then adds "My father was a local lord, and though the family's castle was fairly large for the area, we weren't particularly well off, having only similar things to the peasants on our lands".
As they enter the tower and go up it, the nobleborn youngster from south of the equator tells the two cousins a bit about his life in the north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
And how he came to leave it during a war between his father and the neighbouring local lord. When he met Dorc da Orc, Mira Reinholt the mage and Riley Hait the mercenary ranger.
As they get to the top of the tower where the wind is a bit stronger as it blows in through the open windows, the sole Justifier of Falnic asks "And that knight, he's a noble too?".
"Sir Percavelle?" says Tam "You mean sir Stupid" murmurs Jarka Mard in that dwarven language, which causes the Southlander to faintly smile, then the nobleborn youngster tells the wizard Sammacin "Yes he's nobleborn" he continues with "From another kingdom further north and west from the one I'm from".
"And are all nobles like him?" asks the young wizard who shares a look with his cousin who commands his army "Percy?" says Tam who refrains from bursting out laughing, and instead says "No". "Thank the gods for that" dryly murmurs Jarka Mard in dwarven.
"Some are good, and some are bad i guess" says the nobleborn youngster from south of the equator, who then adds "Most are just like ordinary people from my experience" Tamric Drubine continues with "Few if any are like Percy".
"Definitely thank the gods for that" dryly murmurs the youngster son of the Mard clan chieftain in dwarven, which causes the Southlander to grin, likewise the mute Omick.
"And the lord Farque?" asks the wizard Sammacin as they make their way to a south facing window in the top room of the tower "He's not a noble" says Tam who is reluctant to divulge information about the undead warlord, so he just says "It's just a title given to members of his family, there's no nobility in the lands he's from".
Which is true, but the nobleborn youngster doesn't want to continue the topic of conversation, and instead he gestures away to the south and east, and tells the Justifier of Falnic "The usual place if you will".
The young wizard nods in understanding, then he teleports the five of them southwards. He does a couple more times, until they get to the area in the east of Falnic, where the inn and large townhouse near it is located, that's the headquarters of the temporary occupying forces.
They appear on a rooftop, and they look away to the left, down to the street that way. Where about half way along it, the body of Justifier Kaellin still hangs from the tree he was executed on a few days ago.
A couple of crows pecking at his face and head, flap away as a horse and cart go by. They return to their grisly meal once the horse drawn cart is further down the street.
Apart from the damaged buildings in the city, the dead Justifier as his corpse swings from the noose tied to a branch of a tree. Is pretty much the only sign that a battle took place in the city a week ago.
The first thing that was cleaned up after the battle, and subsequent fall of Falnic, was the dead. Who were buried in large graves outside the city walls. Graves dug by the tribal nomads who were camped outside the city.
They make their way down off the rooftop, going down a set of steps. And walking behind the building the wizard Sammacin teleported them to. They cross a square to the back of the inn, that's part of the headquarters of the forces who have temporarily occupied the largest city in the region of Belinswae.
As they walk into the courtyard at the back of the inn, Tamric Drubine glances at the young wizard who is walking beside him. While the wizard's cousin Galbin, and the dwarven warriors from clan Mard, Jarka and Omick follow behind the two of them.
The Southlander figures the Justifier is wondering what else he can do now that he's the sole ruler of Falnic. What will appease the local townsmen, as well as build back up the relationship the city and region has with the dwarven clans of the Stone Hills, and the elves of the principality of Maladimbáh.
Not to mention the brand new relationship between the townsmen of Belinswae, and the tribal nomads of the plains to the east of the region. Townsmen and nomads who after thousands of years of conflict, are just learning that in fact they are the same people. Who only split after some of them settled west of the plains in what was to become Belinswae.
You've got a lot to do, that's for sure, Tamric Drubine thinks to himself as he glances at the wizard Sammacin who is now the sole ruler of Falnic, who is walking beside him.
And as they enter the back of the inn, the nobleborn youngster from south of the equator silently adds, a hell of a lot to do . . . . . .

Monday 20 November 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 73.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

Lord Farque glances at Mira Reinholt the mage and nods his full helmed head. The once powerful mage creates a mageglobe as the prisoner upon the bed slowly wakes up after Helbe the elven thief drops his deep sleep spell he's cast upon the prisoner.
The mageglobe leaves the right hand of the mage Reinholt and makes it's way over to the bed, where it hovers near the waking figure. The trio from the Southlands waits as the prisoner fully wakes.
The mage Kaellin groans as he wakes up, he doesn't feel any physical pain, he just feels an all over aching soreness. His eyelids flutter, and he opens his eyes, and finds he's on his back, looking up at a ceiling.
Suddenly a mageglobe comes into view, he blinks in surprise at seeing it, for the simple reason it isn't his.
Then the Justifier hears a voice say "Don't sense or cast" followed by "Or that will kill you" adds the voice, which continues with "You know how fast they are, much faster than you can ever be".
Kaellin swallows as he looks at the glowing red orb of living magic, which what exactly it does, he has no idea. But being a mageglobe he knows it will be destructive in some way.
The Justifier, one of the rulers of the city of Falnic and the region of Belinswae. Slightly turns his head to the right, and finds three people standing near the door in the room he's in.
They're all tall, far taller than an average townsmen of Belinswae. The large one in the dark armour towers over the other two. One in a white hooded cloak, who is over six foot tall. And the other in a black hooded cloak, who is about six foot tall.
By the fine features of his face, the Justifier sees that the one in white is an elf. While the other two are obviously human.
"Who are you?" asks Justifier Kaellin "Your captors" says the one in the black hooded cloak, who the spellcaster figures is a mage as well.
Before the prisoner can say anything else, the mage Reinholt adds "What we want" as he guesses what the captured Justifier is going to ask next "Is that you listen carefully to what is about to be told to you" the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster silently adds, even though you're going to fucking hate what it is.
The mage Kaellin lies there waiting for one of them to say whatever it is, but they've fallen silent as they look at him. Eventually lord Farque quietly says in the royal elven language to Helbe the elven thief "He's coming up, get the door". The young elven noble slightly nods his hooded head and turns to the door which he opens.
"Let him in cunt" calls out the undead warlord in the ork language, there comes a grunt from outside in the hallway, then the floorboards out there creak, a moment later and Justifier Sammacin walks into the room.
While Shur Kee the monk who has brought the young wizard upstairs in the inn, remains out in the hallway with Dorc da Orc, who grunts and sits back down infront of the door, which prince Helbenthril Raendril closes again.
"Sammacin" says the mage Kaellin in surprise when he sees the young wizard enter the room he's being held in "Kaellin" says the wizard Sammacin to his fellow Justifier.
Then the younger of the two townsmen looks at the large heavily armoured figure of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who tells him "Proceed".
"Justifier Sammacin I've been tasked to inform you" begins Justifier Sammacin who continues on with "That the city of Falnic has fallen to a combined force of elven soldiers from Maladimbáh, dwarven warriors from the Stone Hills" he gestures at the three from south of the equator and adds "And others".
The mage Kaellin lies there completely shocked at what he's hearing from his fellow Justifier, he's even more shocked when the young wizard continues with "As well as an army of nomads from the plains".
The older of the two Justifiers hisses in anger through clenched teeth, and goes to sit up. But he jerks his head back, and lies still as the mageglobe that's hovering over him, drops down to only a couple of inches from his face.
The mage winces as he feels the heat coming off the living piece of magic. The Justifier whose idea it was in the first place to invade the Stone Hills. To take the riches in the mountainholds of the dwarves to help fund his raids into the Nomads Plains keeps completely still, and eventually the mageglobe rises up, so that it's back to about a foot above him.
The mage Kaellin who breathes a little bit easier now that the mageglobe isn't so close, looks back over at his fellow Justifier, who starts talking again when lord Farque tells him "Continue".
The older of the two Justifiers, with his arms down by his sides, grips in anger the blanket he's lying on as the wizard Sammacin tells him what's happening, and what will happen.
An incredulous look passes across the face of the mage Kaellin as he listens to the young wizard.
The last thing Justifier Kaellin remembers before waking up a short time ago. Is moving through the city with a small number of guards, trying to avoid one of his own mageglobes.
Which was after an elven noble, who was following closely behind the Justifier.
The mage Kaellin turns his head and looks at the elf in the room, and figures that he's the elven noble in question, who somehow incapacitated him and his guards.
The Justifier then looks sharply at his fellow townsmen and says "What?" in shock at what he's just heard the young wizard say.
"From this day forth, raids into the plains by the townsmen of Belinswae, to capture and kill nomads will cease" repeats Justifier Sammacin who sees the incredulous look on the face of the mage Kaellin turn to anger.
"By who's authority!" demands the Justifier who has been taken prisoner "By mine" replies the wizard Sammacin, who then adds "It will be written into law".
A look of astonishment goes across the face of the mage Kaellin, who goes to sit up again until the hovering mageglobe drops down so that it's mere inches from his face.
The older of the two Justifiers in the room glares at the living piece of magic, but he lies flat again, and looks over at his fellow townsmen.
"Why?" asks the fairly powerful mage, the young wizard replies with "To stop the slaughter of every townsmen in the city that's why" the younger of the two Justifiers explains to the mage Kaellin that if he didn't do what he did, then the army of tribal nomads would of been allowed in the city to do whatever they wanted to do.
Justifier Kaellin lies there seething at the betrayal that he feels, at what his fellow Justifier has done. The mage Kaellin would rather Falnic had fallen and every townsmen in it, killed. Than see one of the oldest laws of the region of Belinswae be overturned.
The ability of any townsmen, not just guards in the service of the Justifiers. To raid into the Nomads Plains is so ingrained into the fabric of the region, that after thousands of years, that it's suddenly been changed. Will completely change what it means to be a townsmen of Belinswae.
The mage Kaellin glares at his fellow Justifier, and true that he's had his differences with the young wizard, especially of late concerning the invasion of the Stone Hills.
He never thought Sammacin would ever do something like this, to actually change what it means to be a townsmen of Belinswae.
After staring at his fellow Justifier in silence for a while, the mage Kaellin spits out "What else traitor!" he continues with "Seems you've got something else on your mind, tell me!".
The wizard Sammacin remains silent for a couple more moments, then he starts speaking again. And as he talks, the colour starts to drain from the face of the mage Kaellin as he listens to what his fellow Justifier has to say.
"Lies" whispers Justifier Kaellin, who then hisses "Lies" followed by a shout of "Lies!" after the wizard Sammacin explains to him, that they, the townsmen of Belinswae, are the same people as the tribal nomads who live on the dry, arid plains to the east of the region that the Justifiers rule.
The mage who is reeling at what the young wizard has just told him, suddenly has an idea about something, and is surprised he didn't think of it earlier.
"You can't change the law like that Sammacin, and you know it" says the mage Kaellin, who continues with "If another Justifier disagrees with a proposed law, it cannot come into effect".
"I know" says the wizard Sammacin who after a slight pause continues with "But since I'm the only Justifier in Falnic alive, I'll pass the law on my own".
"Aren't you forgetting something?" says Justifier Kaellin, who then adds "What about me?". The young wizard glances over at the tall, silent figure of lord Farque, who nods his full helmed head.
The wizard Sammacin looks back at his fellow Justifier who is on the bed, and tells him "Well i will be the only Justifier in that city once you're executed".
"No!" shouts the mage Kaellin who doesn't care about the living piece of magic floating above the bed, he reaches for his power to cast. As he does his eyes close, and his mind goes foggy. In an instant he's asleep again, as Helbe the elven thief casts deep sleep upon him once more.
"Pretty good with that" says prince Helbenthril Raendril in the elven language when Mira Reinholt drops his illusion spell, and his mageglobe disappears. The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster was not going to waste a real mageglobe on the Justifier they have as a prisoner.
"Thanks" says the mage Reinholt, lord Farque turns and opens the door, then says to Dorc da Orc "Get in here, and get the prisoner".
The large ork ducks down to come in through the door, then he makes his way over to the bed and picks up the sleeping Justifier, and puts him over his right shoulder.
The undead warlord looks at the others in the room, including Justifier Sammacin and tells them "Come along then" and he makes his way out of the room on the second storey of the inn, the others follow him.
Justifier Kaellin's eyelids flutter again as he wakes up, he repeatedly blinks as the sun is bright, he feels colder now, and realises that he's outside.
Once his eyes are completely open, and he's fully awake, he finds that indeed he is outside.
"What?" gasps the mage Kaellin, who sees a group of tribal nomads standing below him. The Justifier looks down at them, and grimaces as something is tight around his neck.
The mage looks around, and sees that he's in a familiar street in the east of the city. And that there's a large crowd gathered, a lot of elves from the principality of Maladimbáh, as well as dwarves from the Stone Hills.
There's also a lot of townsmen, who are looking on from windows, doorways, and balconies. The Justifier looks up, and finds a tree above him, on the branch directly above him, is a rope, that ends in a noose which is around his neck.
The mage reaches for his power, and is shocked when he can't feel it. The Justifier whose wrists are tied behind his back, who is shocked at not being able to touch his magical power. Starts to struggle, but he barely moves, for not just his wrists are tightly bound, so are his ankles. And there's also something or someone behind him, holding him still.
The Justifier who suddenly feels his bladder give way, and urine run down the inside of his legs. Looks down as one of the tribal nomads steps forward.
The mage Sammacin looks wildly about, and spots his fellow Justifier, the wizard Sammacin standing nearby, next to the two hooded figures, as well as a third, this one in grey, another elf.
As well as a short statured man in an odd conical shaped hat. A large knight in shining armour. And two youngsters, teenagers, who are quite tall.
Next to them, sitting on the ground, is a large green creature, drinking from a barrel of ale, and grinning profusely as he looks at the Justifier hanging from the tree.
The tribal leader Chanük who has stepped forward, kicks the chair out from beneath the Justifier. And as lord Farque who id standing behind the condemned, continues to hold him, the mage Kaellin starts to choke to death.
Chanük takes out his dagger and stabs the Justifier in the stomach. He stands aside, and another of the tribal leaders from the Nomads Plains steps forward, and stabs his own dagger into the guts of the hanging mage, who groans in pain as he struggles to breathe.
All eight of the tribal nomads, ending with the far hunter Saladén stab their daggers into the stomach and groin of the Justifier. Who is choking slowly to death, as the noose around his neck, isn't the tightest.
And because lord Farque who is standing behind him, holding him so that he's unable to struggle, and unable to touch his magic in his prolonged death throes. Is keeping him as still as possible.
Eventually the undead warlord lets go of the Justifier who has taken sometime to come to his end. The last thing Justifier Kaellin sees before he dies, is those eight tribal nomads looking at him, satisfied in the knowledge that they've executed him, knowing that he knows his region of Belinswae has been completely changed forever, and he can't do anything about it . . . . . .