Thursday 9 November 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 66.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

Tamric Drubine brings the wyvern around to land. The noble born youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin in the Southlands is glad to do so. For amongst those on the wyvern he's flying this morning, is sir Percavelle Lé Dic, as well as the dwarven delver Barmil, and his wife Foma.
All three of them, are the most annoying, not to mention the worst fliers amongst all of those who have flown south into Belinswae from the Stone Hills.
Tam, who is ignoring the earl of Lé Dic who is yelling at him to hurry up and land because he doesn't want to be on this damn, infernal winged demon anymore.
And is ignoring the sounds of either the delver Barmil or his wife Foma throwing up again. The former heir to the knight of castle Drubine in the kingdom of Sarcrin doesn't care which one it is, he's not looking back at any of them.
He wants all three of them off the wyvern too, and is glad that they've finally reached the city of Falnic. Or to be precise, just a couple of miles north of the largest city in the region of Belinswae.
He circles a couple of times to allow a few of the other wyverns infront of him to land. Tam sees that both lord Farque's and Helbe the elven thief's wyverns are already on the ground. And the one Lisell Maera is the lead rider on, is just landing behind the hill, where a war party of dwarven warriors, and two humans are waiting for them.
The nobleborn youngster from south of the equator lands next out of the thirty or so wyverns they've captured from the armies of the Justifiers of Belinswae who invaded the Stone Hills.
Once the large winged creature is on the ground, Tamric Drubine sharply orders "Off" to those who have flown with him since before dawn.
Sir Percavelle is the first off, the large heavily armoured knight in the order of Saint Mar-che jumps off, and hurries away as more wyverns land behind them.
Both Barmil and his wife Foma have to be helped down off the back of the wyvern. Both are pale and are shaking, as they've both thrown up a number of times on the flight this morning.
Tam is last off the wyvern, which sticks out it's front right leg for him to hop down easily off it, as he steps down onto it's leg, then the ground. The nobleborn youngster gives the large winged creature a heavy, affectionate slap on the chest, which illicits a rumble of contentment from the wyvern.
Which wyverns being wyverns, doesn't last long, for it hisses in annoyance at the wyvern that lands down to it's right.
"No fighting" admonishes Tam after rolling his eyes at the antics of the wyvern, he walks away knowing that though the wyverns hiss and screech at one another. They hardly ever get into any fights.
Due to lord Farque, and whatever language he uses to command the captured wyverns, they obey him completely. Tam's not afraid to admit it, but the way the large winged creatures immediately, with full attention, obey the undead warlord, is pretty cool, not to mention rather scary to see.
As he heads up the hill that some of the others are going up, the Southlander is met by Jarka Mard and Omick. Usually one or the other flies with Tam, but the youngest son of the Mard clan chieftain is now the lead rider of his own wyvern. And the large mute, well large for a dwarf anyway. Flew with Jarka this morning.
The son of the former knight of castle Drubine in the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin knows the reason Omick the mute didn't fly with him this morning. Infact he knows three reasons. Sir Percavelle, Barmil and Foma.
"You alright there lad?" asks Jarka Mard who clearly sees the young human is looking slightly annoyed "Fine" wryly says the nobleborn youngster. Both of the dwarves try to suppress smiles, and fail.
Tam sighs loudly, and the fairly young dwarf who is the son of the Mard clan chief, chuckles then says "Not to worry Tam, we're here now, so you don't have to fly those three around anymore".
Jarka Mard then adds "Who knows, you might get lucky, and sir idiot will get himself killed in the battle to come". "Hardy" dryly says the youngster from south of the equator "True" says the Mard chieftain's youngest son, who believes it will be a miracle if the knight sir Percavelle would fall in battle. Jarka wouldn't be surprised if the earl of Lé Dic died in his sleep as an old man. He's that annoying, that he probably will go out like that. Unfortunately for those who know him.
"Well that fat delver from the Kraelin clanhold, could do us all a favour and blow himself up, and that porky wife of his too" dryly murmurs Jarka Mard to Tam in the elven language, the son of the clan chief along with his father is one of a handful of dwarves in the Stone Hills who can speak elven.
"We'd get really lucky if that happened" quietly says Tamric Drubine in the same language, who looks back down the small hill, and spots Barmil the delver and his wife Foma, looking a little worse for wear as the two of them sit upon a fallen tree.
The nobleborn youngster from south of the equator looks ahead again, and a grin breaks out upon his face, as he sees who is on the hilltop speaking to lord Farque and Helbe the elven thief, as well as a number of dwarves.
It's Mira Reinholt the mage and Shur Kee the monk, both of whom he hasn't seen since the start of winter. Just after the armies of some of the Justifiers of Belinswae invaded the dwarven clanholds in the Stone Hills.
As they reach the top of the small hill, the nobleborn youngster and the two dwarves from the Mard clan are joined by Lisell Maera.
Tam grins again when the mage Reinholt glances their way, and nods in greeting to the two Southlanders. After a while, as they look to the city of Falnic less than a mile and half away, Shur Kee the monk walks over to the two youngsters from south of the equator.
After greeting one another, and after the young noble from the kingdom of Sarcrin introduces Jarka and Omick to the acolyte in the order of Bru Li, Tamric Drubine nods towards the city that's under attack and asks the short statured monk "So what's the plan?".
"I'm not exactly sure friend Tamric" says Shur Kee the monk, who looks at Falnic, where smoke can be seen over this side of the city "But i do know that friend Helbe will go in first".
"Makes sense" quietly says Lisell Maera, who then nods to the small group of people standing at the front of the hill, and adds "We're wanted" as lord Farque looks their way, at Tam, Lis and Shur Kee and slightly nods for them to join those at the front of the hill.
"We'll just wait here lad" quietly says Jarka Mard, the nobleborn youngster nods, then he follows the short, statured monk, and the long, limbed teenage girl to where the others are standing.
Tamric Drubine grins after Mira Reinholt the mage says to him and Lis "I see you two are still alive" followed by "Not get into too much trouble i hope?". "Not too much" says the nobleborn youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin "Just enough to make it interesting" adds the teenage orphan from the city-state of Brattonbury in the Southlands.
The three of them fall silent when the large, heavily armoured figure of lord Farque, who is talking with Helbe the elven thief in the royal language of the elves, glances at them.
"Where?" asks Helbe the elven thief as he and the undead warlord continue their conversation "In the south of the city" is the reply of lord Farque as they converse in the royal elven language.
"They're together" adds the heavily armoured deathlord who continues with "Make sure the big fucking idiot stays away from this side of the city" the lord and ruler of the lands Farque then says "Have Riley and him stay in the southern half of the city".
"And Dalin?" asks the young elven noble who is the grandson of the ruling prince of the principality of Laerel in the Southlands "He's not that far from the two of them" answers lord Farque who continues with "He's got the one we want".
"He does?" says a slightly surprised prince Helbenthril Raendril, the undead warlord who is also know by the name of Draugadrottin to the people of his lands, says "He does" the deathlord of Farque then slightly nods to Narladene the ground pixie who is on the right shoulder of the elven magic user, and adds "Have that gnat of yours help you find them, that Justifier is out at the moment, so it might be a little difficult for you to find them".
Helbe the elven thief, who knows that lord Farque is sensing into the city, nods his hooded head, then asks "Anything else you want me to tell them?" the undead warlord slightly shakes his full helmed head, then the lord of the death realm says "No just that".
"Then go and see lord Walashàele and his daughter?" asks the elven princeling who has spotted the griffons flying to the east of the city "After you've eliminated any of the remaining Justifiers in the city" says lord Farque.
Right, so not that much to do then, the elven master assassin dryly thinks to himself, who then says "I'll get going then" the grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel then switches to the common language, and looks over at the rest of the group, and says to Mira Reinholt and Shur Kee who he's not seen since the start of winter "We'll catch up later on" the young elven noble then says to Tam and Lis "Keep out of trouble" he points at the once powerful mage and the short, statured monk and with a slight grin upon his face, he tells the two youngsters from south of the equator "And keep these two out of trouble while you're at it".
The elven masterthief disappears from all except lord Farque's sight as he blurs himself. The elven princeling then shifts away, heading towards the city of Falnic, where he has a number of tasks to do.
For a few moments the undead warlord watches the elven magic user making his way towards the walls of Falnic, then the lord of the death realm turns to the others, and when Mira Reinholt the mage asks him "So, what are we going to do now?" the deathlord of Farque looks at him, then Shur Kee, Lisell Maera, Tamric Drubine, then sir Percavelle Lé Dic who has finally made his way to the top of the hill, and he tells them all "We enter the city" . . . . . .

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