Tuesday 28 November 2017

The Homecoming 2.

A Forest Glade...

The first rider to go down is the constable Parreth. Who falls off his horse with a bolt through his face shot from the crossbow of Dalinvardél Tanith.
The next soldier in the patrol to go down is Karbill. Who also gets hit by a bolt. This one shot from the crossbow of Lisell Maera, who picked up her weapon from where it was lying next to the log she's sitting on.
Karbill slumps forward and falls out of the saddle with a crossbow bolt through his gut.
As Riley Hait flings a throwing dagger at another of the riders who has come into the glade proper. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic shouts "Narille!" as he leaps over the fallen tree that the two teenagers, Lisell Maera and Tamric Drubine were just sitting on.
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin is up and moving too. And as the earl of Lé Dic, with broadsword drawn, runs at one of the mounted soldiers in the garrison of the earl of Gallus.
Tam with his own sword drawn, a magical weapon that when activated, protects him, heads towards another of the riders, who is trying to get his spooked mount under control.
On the otherside of the glade, near the stream, Shur Kee the monk has taken his staff that he had leaning against the tree he was next to.
And has spun around to the back side of the tree, and leapt up into the air. The short, statured monk swings his staff, which connects with the side of the head of one of the riders, who has just jumped his horse across the stream.
The soldier is knocked sideways out of the saddle, and hits the ground with a thud as his horse continues onwards through the glade, as the fading light of dusk begins to take effect.
Elsewhere in the forest, Dorc da
Orc mutters "Fuckshit" between breathes as he runs back to the glade. The large ork who can hear and smell the fighting that's broken out at the glade where the others have set up camp.
Just hopes that there's at least someone left alive for him to kill when he gets there. The ork warleader who hates missing out when there's some killing to be done.
Also hopes that at least a horse or two don't run away. For after fucking the bear that he killed a little earlier. He would really like to rape a horse, as horses are amongst his most favourite animals to fuck to death.
"Horsey, Dorc is fucken coming for you" says the large ork who chortles between breathes as he runs, smashing away any branch that gets to close, and just running through any bush or shrub that gets in his way.
At the last moment, sir Percavelle steps to one side and drops down to a knee swinging his broadsword. The blade slams into the right fore leg of the horse that's charged him.
As the horse tumbles forward neighing in agony, the rider is somersaulted forward out of the saddle. Screaming in a panic, until he slams head first into the ground, with his head at an angle.
He lands on his back, with obviously a broken neck as his limbs are spread akimbo.
Tamric Drubine faces one of the soldiers who has got down off his horse. Though of similar height, the soldier in the garrison of the earl of Gallus is good ten years older than the nobleborn teen from the kingdom of Sarcrin.
The soldier, thinking himself more experienced than Tam, rushes the son of the former knight of castle Drubine, swinging his sword. It's the last mistake the soldier makes in his life.
Tamric Drubine who fights with his sword low, point down towards the ground, as lord Farque tends to do.
Whips his blade upwards from right to left, slicing up the chest of the soldier, cutting through his leather armour, and up and across his throat.
Tam takes a step to the side, and the soldier falls face first to the ground, he's dead as he hits the ground. And the nobleborn teenager looks around for someone else to fight.
Just then a loud roar can be heard from the surrounding trees to the east of the glade, followed by a shout of "Get some!". Dorc da Orc has arrived, relieved that there's still people alive who need to be killed.
The large ork runs between a pair of trees, and dives forward towards a horse, that it's rider has just turned, to see what's coming through the forest towards them.
Dorkindle tackles the horse, bringing it to the ground. The soldier in the saddle screams in pain as his right leg is crushed beneath his mount as he was unable to jump clear as the ork warleader brought it down.
The ork weaponsmith who has broken the front left leg of the horse, and shattered most of its ribs on this side when he tackled it. Gets up onto his knees, grabs the screaming soldier and growls "Fuck up ya cunt".
Dorc da Orc yanks the soldier towards him, and drives his forehead into the man's face. The front of the soldier's skull shatters apart when the large ork headbutts him.
Dorkindle chuckles, lets go of the dead soldier, stands up, looks down at the seriously injured horse that's flailing it's rear legs about.
The warleader of the ork race looks quickly around to see what the others are doing in the glade, then with a wide grin upon his brutish looking face as he sees that they've got the situation in hand, he murmurs "Time to fucken get some horsey" as he pulls down his grubby, knee length pants.
Riley Hait pulls one of his long daggers out of the back of one of the soldiers. He looks around and sees that not a single rider remains on a mount, and that most of the horses have run away into the forest proper.
The mercenary ranger crosses the glade, and helps Lisell Maera drag a dead soldier away from the fire that he's fallen head first into.
"What's that?" asks Lisell Maera as a screaming sound can be heard from within the trees to one side of the glade. With a slight frown upon his face, the ranger Hait listens for a few moments, then he sourly smiles, and says "A horse" followed by "And Dorc".
The teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury makes a face of disgust, then she says "That's so gross" as they drag the dead soldier away from the fire.
After helping Lis, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman makes his way over to Tamric Drubine. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic walks over to where the nobleborn teenager is as well.
Tam stands over the constable Parreth, who is still alive, with a crossbow bolt through his mouth, and is struggling to crawl away.
"Me thinks we might be in a bit of strife" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic as they look down at the constable on the ground who is trying to crawl away. The heavily armoured knight in the fading light of dusk, grins then adds "Nothing new there, wot".
Both the ranger Hait and the nobleborn teenager can't help but smile at that, then the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen says "You're right Percy, nothing new there".
Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson puts a boot on the back of the head of the constable to the earl of Gallus, forcing Parreth's face into the ground.
The mercenary ranger reaches down and grabs one end of the bolt that goes through one side of the constable's face, and out the other cheek. The ranger Hait rips it out, and as the muffled screams can be heard coming from Parreth, Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson tosses the bloody bolt to Dalinvardél Tanith who is passing by.
As the mercenary ranger continues to stand on the back of the head of constable Parreth, he asks the heavily armoured knight in the order of Saint Mar-che "What do you know about this earl of Gallus?".
Shrugging his broad shoulders, Percy says "I've never heard of the fellow" the ranger Hait nods then says "Probably quite a few new nobles throughout the kingdom that you don't know about since the civil war". "Tis true" says the nobleborn knight who just a short while ago, found out that he's no longer the earl of Lé Dic, and that the daughter of his brother Maxiss is now the lady of Lé Dic.
"Well he's going to be pissed we've killed his constable and some of his men" says Tamric Drubine "Tis true again" says the knight who was once a paladin until he was demoted, something he's finally found out about, after they stopped off in the capital Leeabra earlier in the week.
As the muffled screams of the constable die down as the ranger Hait continues to stand on the back of his head, forcing his face into the churned up and muddy ground.
The mercenary ranger who is the nominal leader of the group looks around the glade as light snow flakes drift around in the fading light of the day.
"It'll take too long" says Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman in response to Tamric Drubine asking "Should we bury them?". "Gather our stuff, we're getting out of here" says the ranger Hait who wants to put as much distance between them and this glade as soon as possible.
"We're going!" the mercenary ranger calls out to Dalinvardél Tanith, Lisell Maera and Shur Kee the monk. The ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, but in actual fact is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra, can no longer hear the screams of a horse, that he correctly guessed is being fucked to death by Dorc da Orc.
Riley Hait looks around and spots the large ork peeking around the side of a large tree, eyeing up one of the remaining horses in the glade, that's limping about with a crossbow bolt in it's rear right leg.
The mercenary ranger rolls his eyes, and before the ork warleader can grab another horse and rape it to death, he calls out to the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks "Dorc get your stuff, we're going".
Dorkindle grunts, then he grunts again, this time in disappointment as the injured horse he was eyeing up, get's spooked by something, most likely the strong smell coming from the ork warleader, and it takes off out of the glade.
Dorc da Orc let's out a deep sigh, then he makes his way around the tree, and into the glade, to where he left his sacks near the base of a tree.
Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson rolls his eyes, then says "Pull your pants up Dorc". The large ork chuckles then grabs his pants that are around his knees, and pulls them up as he heads to where his sacks are.
It's not too long, before the group of travelers make their way from the glade, leaving behind them a dozen dead bodies, soldiers in the garrison of the earl of Gallus, including Parreth his constable.
As dusk gives way to early evening this winter's night in eastern Druvic, sir Percavelle who walks out infront of the others, with the exception of Dalinvardél Tanith who is ranging ahead, says in a dour tone of voice, loud enough for the others to hear "I say this isn't quite the homecoming i was expecting". The former earl of Lé Dic then continues with "Rather disappointing wot" . . . . . .

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