Tuesday 7 November 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 64.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

"Dorc catch him!" shouts Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, Dorc da Orc snarls, then puts his arms out, not actually trying to catch the elven soldier who has fallen backwards off the roof above with an arrow through his left shoulder.
The large ork is a little surprised that he does catch the wounded elf, Dorkindle sourly smiles and is about to drop the elven soldier on the ground, until two other soldiers in lord Walashàele's army rush over and take the wounded elf off the ork warleader.
"Good one Dorc" says the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands, the ranger Hait continues with "Well done big guy"
"Course cunt, that's want me does" says Dorc da Orc, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman wryly smiles as he knows the ork weaponsmith didn't try to catch the injured elf at all.
The fact that Dorkindle just stuck out his arms and looked away to the right, was a dead giveaway to the mercenary ranger from south of the equator, that the warleader of the ork race couldn't of cared less if he'd caught the wounded elven soldier, or if he'd hit the cobblestones of the street.
They continue along the back of the building, hearing arrows and bolts going through the air, as soldiers and mercenaries from the elven principality of Maladimbáh. Exchange volleys with the enemy, the Justifier's guards of Belinswae. Who like the elven archers, are on the nearby rooftops.
Dorc da Orc with his banner in hand, leads the way to the end of the building. Where at the corner, a lavethené, or under officer is the best translation. Is waving them, and the elves with them forward.
"Stop Dorc" says the ranger Hait, who lets out a quick breath of relief when the large ork actually listens to him.
"Where?" Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson asks the lavethené "There, across there" says the under officer who points to a building across the street, he then adds "They're on the otherside".
The mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained by the warders of the elven principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands, nods his head and points to the building that's been identified, and says to Dorc da Orc "That way".
"Right cunt, me got it" says Dorkindle, who then ambles across the street, not caring if he gets shot by an enemy archer. The others follow him, though they run across the street once the ork weaponsmith reaches the building they're making their way to.
The elven soldiers and mercenaries from southern Maladimbáh have learnt to keep a bit of distance between themselves and the large ork.
As the big, burly ork from the icey wasteland at the bottom of the world, is the biggest target by far, that every Justifier's guard with a bow or crossbow, wants to shoot at whenever they see him.
The get up against the street facing wall of the building, which is a warehouse, just a couple of streets from the docks here at the southern end of the harbour.
The mercenary ranger who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra who just happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait, looks at the large ork and asks him "How many do you think Dorc?" knowing that the ork warleader can smell as well as hear the enemy on the otherside of the warehouse.
"Oh a few of the fucks" says Dorkindle, the ranger Hait sourly smiles, then asks "And in actual numbers?" the ork weaponsmith frowns then holds up the fingers of one hand and says "Seventy".
The mercenary ranger nods as he figures there must be between fifty and seventy Justifiers guards on the otherside of the warehouse.
The Southlander gestures away to their right to where a couple of the elven mercenaries have forced open a door "There" says Riley Hait, Dorc da Orc grunts, then grabs his banner that he's leaned up against the front of the warehouse, and makes his way to the open door that the elves start going through.
The warehouse is packed full of crates, boxes and sacks. Closer inspection shows that they're supplies and equipment that's bound for the Justifiers armies in the Stone Hills. But with the battle here in the city of Falnic, they're not going to be heading north anytime soon.
The ranger Hait is just about to order everyone to the large doors that are closed, which open up on the otherside of the warehouse that they came in from. When Dorc da Orc grunts and nods to a set of steps that go up to an indoor balcony, that has a number of rooms along it.
A couple of the elves are already going up, the two from south of the equator, along with a number of the others head up too. While Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman orders the rest to the closed doors, where they're to wait.
They enter one of the rooms upstairs, where one of the elven mercenaries is already at a window where the shutters are slightly open. He steps back and allows the mercenary ranger from the Southlands to look out through them.
The ranger Hait glances down and sees the enemy below, and sees that Dorkindle was right. As there's about seventy Justifiers guards on the street on this side of the warehouse.
It looks like they're about to move out, and confront the soldiers and mercenaries from southern Maladimbáh who are in this part of the city.
Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson looks away to the right, and sees other Justifiers guards, singly or in twos and small groups, moving along the nearby street running beside the docks, heading in this direction from the north. He also spots a number of enemy bowmen on some of the nearby rooftops.
"More of them are turning up" quietly says Riley Hait, who quickly glances at the large ork who is peeping through the gap in the window shutters after the mercenary ranger steps back from them.
"Tell the others downstairs to get ready to attack them" the ranger Hait says to one of the elven soldiers "They'll know when to" adds Riley aka Zubutai the son of Timagin, who glances again at the large ork, who is hunched over as he looks through the slightly ajar shutters, with his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth as he murmurs away to himself in the incomprehensible language of the orks.
After a few moments, the ork warleader grunts then steps back, and says to the mercenary ranger "Here cunt hold this" and hands Riley his banner. The ranger Hait nearly falls down from the weight of the Justifier's guard impaled upon the nine foot long spear.
"Fuck" mutters the human ranger who was raised and trained by the elven warders of Envadarlen, who lowers Dorkindle's banner to the floor, then notices something "He's dead" says Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman.
The large ork who is walking backwards, causing the elves behind him to quickly get out of the way, grunts then says "Me know" followed by "Dorc gotta get another of them cunts".
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks stops backing up, takes two of the smaller axes, those of the throwing variety from the front of his weapon harness.
And with them in his hands, he grunts and says in an offhand manner "Get some" then runs forward.
Riley Hait dodges out of the way, as Dorc da Orc runs forward, then dives out the window, smashing open the window shutters, one of which goes flying, while the other smashes up against the wall next to the window.
The ranger Hait rushes forward, as do a couple of the elves with longbows, and as they start shooting. The mercenary ranger looks down to the street twenty feet below, and sees Dorc da Orc who has crashed down upon a number of the Justifiers guards, crushing a couple of them to death, and injuring a few others.
Roaring as he stands up, swinging the two axes he's holding with deadly accuracy, cutting down any of the guards he hits.
"Big green crazy fuck" dryly murmurs Riley Hait, who then takes one of his throwing daggers, and hurls it down at one of the Justifier's guards who goes to run at the back of the large ork with his pike, he dagger takes the guard in the side of the neck.
Meanwhile the large doors to the warehouse have open, and those elven soldiers and mercenaries who have been waiting downstairs. Rush out to join the ork warleader who is fighting the enemy, their first proper encounter with Justifiers guards this morning.
The Southlander pops his out the open window and looks to either side, he steps back then turns and says "Steps outside to the right".
Then he and the others head that way, with the exception of the two archers, who continue to feather the enemy below, and those on close by rooftops.
A little while later, and those Justifiers guards who haven't been killed or badly wounded, are fleeing. Heading back north along the street, that runs alongside the docks in this, the southern part of the harbour.
Dorc da Orc picks up a dead guard's spear, and throws it at a Justifier's guard who is running across a nearby rooftop. The spear slams into the side of the guard, pitching him off the roof he's on, he hits the ground with a heavy thud, which illicits a satisfied grunt from the ork warleader, who continues his search.
"Send some of the soldiers north to harry those who are running away" says Riley Hait in the elven language to the lavethené "Yes sir" says the under officer who moves away and calls over a number of soldiers to give them orders.
A runner approaches the mercenary ranger, and tells him "There's a sizeable force of guards coming south from the city center" says the elven soldier in the lightweight armour, he continues with "Lavethkél Sarthilélé needs reinforcements".
The ranger Hait nods his head, as he recognises the name of the over officer who has the magical eyepiece that shows spells.
"We'll be there shortly" says the mercenary ranger, who then calls out to the lavethené "Gather everybody else, we're going" then to the runner, he says "Inform the lavethkél that we're coming". "Yes sir" says the runner, who then hurries away.
The Southlander turns and looks around, he spots the large, green figure of Dorc da Orc walking amongst the dead enemy who are scattered along the street infront of the warehouse.
"Dorc we're going!" calls out Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman in the common language, the ork warleader nods to show that he's heard, but he continues to walk amongst the enemy dead.
After a few moments, and the ranger Hait is about to call out to the large ork again, when Dorkindle suddenly stops then says in a loud, triumphant tone "Ha!".
The ork weaponsmith reaches down and picks up one of the Justifier's guards, holding him up off the ground by the front of his leather vest, Dorc da Orc lightly slaps him across the face and says "Wake up cunt".
As the eyes of the unconscious guard flutter then open, a large grin spreads across the broad, green, feral looking face of the ork warleader, who reaches back and pulls one of his spears from the back of his weapon harness.
Riley Hait rolls his eyes, then turns away as he doesn't particularly want to watch what Dorc is about to do next, the mercenary ranger calls out "Hurry up Dorc, we're going!".
The ranger Hait starts moving away, as the elven soldiers and mercenaries are doing, behind them they hear the big, burly ork form the southern polar region laughing, then a few moments later the Justifier's guard Dorkindle is holding with one hand, starts screaming as the large ork impales him upon the spear he's got in the other hand . . . . . .

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