Wednesday 15 November 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 70.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

One of the guards running away is suddenly flung backwards by some kind of invisible force. What it is, Justifier Kaellin has no idea.
The fairly powerful mage who is in the middle of casting, winces as the guard nearly at the stairs. Head tips back, and blood sprays everywhere as his throat is suddenly sliced open.
The Justifier as he looks through the open door to his left, grabs both his senior guards, Barsol and Yarmeed. Another of the guards who has been around the Justifier long enough, to figure out what he's about to do. Grabs the back of the mage who is one of the rulers of Belinswae.
The four of them disappear as the Justifier completes the casting of his spell, just as his own mageglobe comes into the hallway, heading straight towards them.
Helbe the elven thief looks through a doorway, out of a window in the room beyond, as he runs down the hallway on the third floor of the building that houses a brothel.
The young elven noble from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands, shifts in the direction that he sensed the mage Kaellin teleported to.
Behind the elven magic user, the mageglobe created by Justifier Kaellin to destroy him, or more specifically, the close by elven spellcaster, continues after prince Helbenthril Raendril.
It flies through the open door, across the room, and out the open window as it pursues the Southlander.
"What?" says a slightly stunned Yarmeed who finds that he's someplace else. Next to him, Justifier Kaellin has already turned around, and looked back in the direction they've come from. They're on a rooftop, well over half a mile away from where they just were. They're still in the center of Falnic, though more to the south, than north which they were previously.
After a few moments, the mage locates the building they were just in, well he can see some of it in the distance. And from it he sees his mageglobe.
The small red glowing globe of living magic is flying over rooftops, heading this way.
"What is it sir?" quickly asks Barsol "There's another elven spellcaster nearby" is the terse response of Justifier Kaellin who continues with "And whoever it is, they're following right behind us" the mage looks quickly around to figure out where they actually are, then he says "Quick, see if you can spot that elven noble from Maladimbáh we just saw".
They all look back to where they just were, then look west down towards the harbour, looking for the elven noble Galacithàné Walashàele who they saw just before the Justifier created his mageglobe.
"He was on that street there sir, you can just see it" says the third guard on the rooftop who is quick to spot the street they saw the group of elven soldiers on, heading towards the harbour, when they were in the building that housed the brothel.
Justifier Kaellin nods then says "Take a hold of me" they all put a hand on the mage who starts casting again.
He knows that he has to deal with two elven spellcasters now, one who appears to be able to cast, and still remain undetected, because the Justifier can't sense that person at all, even though they seem to be following after him by magical means.
The mage Kaellin looks out of the corner of his eye and spots his own creation, the red mageglobe shooting towards the building that he and his three guards are on.
The Justifier refrains from wincing, and almost lets out a sigh of relief as he completes the casting of a teleportation spell, and he and his three guards disappear.
Helbe the elven thief, who has the advantage of being able to shift. A spell that's instantaneous to cast, compared to teleportation, which takes at least a few moments to cast.
Is also at a slight disadvantage as he chases after Justifier Kaellin. For shifting doesn't cover as much distance as a teleportation spell.
But as he shifts again, this time in mid air, with the mageglobe nearly right behind him. The blurred and shielded elven magic user has another advantage at his disposal to make up the short fall of not being able to go further distances compared to teleporting. That advantage being Narladene the ground pixie.
The tiny winged creature who has been 'attached' to the young elven noble since they met a number of years ago in the city-state of Eweteets in the Southlands.
Can sense any spellcaster no matter what. She can sense where they are, when they're about to cast, and what they're going to cast, even before the practitioner of magic actually completes casting. Far quicker than what any spellcaster is able to do. Who most of the time, only sense what's happening after a spell has successfully been cast.
All naturally magical creatures have the ability. Not just sprites and pixies. But others like unicorns, astrons, and dragons are able to do the same.
Not surprisingly, the complete opposite are able to do likewise.
Those not alive, but are living dead, more commonly known as the undead, can do this as well. One of whom has just landed upon the north wall of the city of Falnic.
The wyvern perches upon the top of the north wall of the city, not far from the open gates. And as the smoke here in the north of the city continues to drift away as the wind coming off the ocean picks up.
Lord Farque who sits upon the back of the wyvern, rolls his eyes as he senses what's happening further south in the city.
The undead warlord who has made his way to the north wall of Falnic after hearing the reports of those who have already seen what's happening here in Falnic. Spots a mageglobe in the distance, about four miles away towards the center of the city.
He senses it's after Helbe the elven thief, who is in pursuit of the mage Kaellin, the Justifier whose idea it was in the first place to invade the Stone Hills.
The heavily armoured deathlord spots the blurred elven masterthief as he shifts in mid air, going after the Justifier, whose own mageglobe is quickly following the both of them.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque who has every confidence in the elven princeling eliminating Justifier Kaellin.
Senses again for the Justifier who he wants taken alive, who he knows is the only one that can save the city of Falnic from total destruction.
The lord of the death realm senses the wizard Sammacin again in the south of the port city. Still with a lone elf, who is familiar to the undead warlord.
After sensing Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy with Justifier Sammacin. That lord and ruler of the lands Farque who is also referred to as Draugadrottin by the people of his lands. Senses for the two most unique individuals in the city of Falnic at the moment within the exception of himself and Narladene the ground pixie who is with Helbe the elven thief.
The heavily armoured deathlord quickly locates the soul within the living body that does not belong in it.
Close to that person, the undead warlord finds the non human, the only one of his kind in the city. Infact the only one of his kind, not just in Falnic and the region of Belinswae, but north of the equator too.
Finding Riley Hait the mercenary ranger and Dorc da Orc with a large number of elves in the south of the city heading north towards the city center.
The undead warlord slightly nods his full helmed head as he senses a large number of humans, Justifiers guards no doubt, as they're the only ones who appear to be on the streets at the moment. Heading towards where the two from south of the equator and the elves are going.
"Quiet" commands lord Farque in the dragon language as the wyvern screeches loudly at a couple of people rummaging through a burnt out building directly opposite the north wall of the city.
As those two local townsmen flee, and the wyvern briefly flaps it's wings in agitation before settling back down again. The undead warlord turns his head and looks northwards.
There's a couple of the captured wyverns circling in the air, and the deathlord of Farque lifts up his right arm. A few moments later, and from behind one of the small hills about a mile and a half north of the city of Falnic, wyverns start rising up into the air, and start heading this way.
On the road that leads to the city, dwarven warriors are already marching towards Falnic. Overhead, the first of the wyverns captured from the Justifiers armies that invaded the Stone Hills. Fly by, carrying more dwarven warriors on their way to the city of Falnic.
Lord Farque looks back into the city again, then slightly nods his full helmed head in satisfaction "Up" commands the heavily armoured deathlord in the dragon language.
And as the wyvern stands up, spreads it's wings, and launches up into the morning sky, the undead warlord suspects that the city of Falnic will fall under his control before the army of tribal nomads from the dry, arid plains to the east of Belinswae show up.
Which he was actually hoping for, but not sure would actually work . . . . . .

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