Thursday 24 May 2018

The Homecoming 106.

The Castle & The Camp...

Dorc da Orc huffs and puffs as he makes his way across the main south courtyard of castle Lé Dic, and up a set of steps to the battlements on the south wall.
Back down behind the large ork in the south courtyard, the war engineer Tovis stands there with a stunned look upon his face. As do the trebuchet crew that he's with.
And as the ork warleader gets up on the parapet, Tovis who was formerly baron Harkonin's war engineer. And the soldiers and townsfolk with him, finally get moving again.
And they start by getting a team of horses to help them move the trebuchet forward to the position it was previously in, before Dorc da Orc joined them from the east side of castle Lé Dic.
"We're going to need a new rope" Tovis the war engineer murmurs to himself as he looks at the one that's been broken, as it was purposely cut through just before the trebuchet launched it's last load.
The ork warleader is nearly out of breath as he joins Riley Hait the mercenary ranger and sir Percavelle Lé Dic above the main gates on the southern side of the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
As he huffs and puffs and leans on the top of the wall, looking out at the Harkonin army that's attacking castle Lé Dic, Dorc da Orc asks "Where?".
"There?" replies Riley Hait the mercenary ranger who points to what the large ork has run up here to see "About twenty feet short of them" continues the human ranger who was raised and trained by elven warders.
The ranger Hait briefly pauses, as he didn't think the big, burly ork could actually do it, or more precisely, be so accurate, briefly pauses before adding "Good shot Dorc".
The ork weaponsmith grunts, then he bursts into laughter as he sees what he's come up here to look at.
Wiping away tears of laughter, the large ork says "You see that cunt fly?" followed by "He scream and yell like a lil' bitch when he went through the air" the laughing ork warleader continues with "The fucken cunt crapped himself even before me tied him to the rope, the silly fucker".
"How drool" dryly says sir Percavelle Lé Dic with a sideways look at the large ork, who he does not like, and also does not appreciate what he does. Though what the ork weaponsmith just did on the orders of Riley Hait. Is something that that former earl of Lé Dic secretly admires. For even though he wouldn't of done it. For he's had something almost exactly the same happen to him. And by Dorc too. He does agree with the message it sent.
Still chortling, and after rubbing his eyes with the back of a big, meaty forearm to get rid of the tears of laughter. The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks, looks over at the former paladin, and says "Hey piss pot, you 'member when me did the same fucken thing to you?".
The large ork snorts with laughter as the nobleborn knight sourly smiles as he looks at him "You got fucken lucky that day cunt" says Dorkindle "Lucky it was from a cattypole and not a trebbieshade" adds the ork warleader who has difficulties pronouncing certain words in the common language. Infact he has difficulties pronouncing a hell of a lot of words in the common language.
"Lucky you dropped into that nasty fucken water too, and not onto the ice" says a chuckling ork weaponsmith "What's this?" asks Riley Hait "Nothing" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic in a huff, who then walks away to the nearby ballista, to help those using it, to reload it once again.
"Me did that to that cunt Percy" says Dorc da Orc waving towards what he just did, when the ranger Hait asks him what he and the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che were just discussing.
"Before you came along pretendy Zubu" adds the big burly ork as he grins at the memory of shooting sir Percavelle Lé Dic from a catapult during the battle they were on the opposites sides of a decade ago in the Sunreach Mountains.
A battle that was part of a campaign that would eventually lead to the civil war that broke out here in the kingdom of Druvic.
The mercenary ranger who is really a hordesman outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who by a series of events, just so happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait. Blinks in surprise, then says "You flung Percavelle from a trebuchet?".
"Nah cunt, from a cattypole" replies the ork weaponsmith "And he lived!?" asks the ranger Hait in surprise "Yeah the lucky cunt" mutters Dorkindle, who tried numerous times to kill the former paladin in that war in the Sunreach Mountains, and over the years following that whenever they encountered one another. And failed, much to his disgust.
"And i thought you two fighting on that dragon down in Melaurn was fucking nuts" dryly murmurs the mercenary ranger in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra. Who then winces as that brings up the memory of when he, Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, actually died for the first time.
"Fuck" mutters Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson in his native dialect, who then switches back to the common language, and as the small catapult away to their right up here on the battlements of the south wall of castle Lé Dic shoots off a load of rocks and broken bits of masonry. Says "Well he definitely didn't get lucky, that's for sure" as he gestures to where the three nobleborn prisoners have been staked by the Harkonin army.
And the body that landed infront of them, which is now being wrapped in blankets by Harkonin soldiers, before it's carried back to the rear of their lines, to their camp.
Dorc da Orc grunts, then says "Fucken cuntsack got a free flight before he went splat" the warleader of the ork race, who has a fascination with flying, he continues with "That's pretty fucken lucky if you asks me".
"Until he went splat" dryly says the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, which causes Dorkindle to chuckle, then say "Yeah cunt".
As they watch the body of lord Sarvaine being carried away by some of the Harkonin soldiers. The lord of the Long Reaches from the Harkonin fief, who was taken prisoner when the Lé Dic army briefly took back the border town of Falshire.
Who was brought back here to castle Lé Dic. Where he was held, rather comfortably, and in adequate quarters down in the dungeons of the massive castle that's been the home of the Lé Dic family for many generations.
Who baron Harkonin wanted released in exchange for the nobleborn prisoners that he held. An offer that was refused by lady Linara Lé Dic.
Dorc da Orc, who was the one who flung lord Sarvaine from a trebuchet down in the main south courtyard of the castle, as the ranger Hait ordered him to return the prisoner to the enemy in the most spectacular way as possible.
Nods his head towards the trio of nobles from the Lé Dic fief, who have been staked up on posts in the ground just off to one side of the trade road, and says "That cunt on the left is dead".
"Right" dryly says the ranger Hait as he corrects the large ork "Lord Milburn" continues Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson who then adds "The lady Linara's grandfather" he follows that with "The baron killed him just after lord Sarvaine hit the ground infront of them".
The ork weaponsmith grunts, then says "The cuntnose gots what he deserved" Dorkindle grunts again, then says "Those two other cunts are gonna be in for a bitchtitty of a time. Them Harky soldiers gonna get all stabby and slicey on them for the next little while" the large ork grins, then looks at the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, and tells him "Me stay here for a bit and watch them two fucken cunts get cut the fuck up".
Riley Hait rolls his eyes as he takes an arrow from his quiver and puts it to his elven made longbow.
The ork warleader seeing this, tells him "Ah fuck, don't shoot them two cunts, me will have nothing to fucken watch".
"I'm not" dryly says the ranger Hait, who as he draws his longbow back, and takes a bead upon a target, tells the big, burly ork "Go back to the east". "Not north" says Dorc da Orc "Side of the castle, and continue to help Dalin out over there" says the mercenary ranger who just ignored the interruption from the large ork.
Riley aka Zubutai the son of Timagin lets the arrow to his elven made longbow fly, as the ork weaponsmith says "Aaawww man, no fair".
The yard long shaft shot by the ranger Hait takes a Harkonin soldier helping to carry a scaling ladder forward.
"Go on, get going" says Riley Hait, who looks down at his quiver, and mutters in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra "Fuck, I'm running out of arrows" before continuing in common to Dorkindle "They'll make another concerted effort on the walls now that the fire has gone out, and the smoke has all but cleared away".
The mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained by some of the elven warders in the principality of Envadarlen, says to the ork weaponsmith "Don't let them take any part of the wall Dorc. We haven't got the men to spare if they top one of the walls and start coming over the battlements".
The son of the former matriarch of  the wolf tribe of orks grunts, then says "Yeah cunt, me knows".
Dorc da Orc is about to set off along the top of the south wall of castle Lé Dic, to get to the east side of the massive castle. When he stops and looks around, then after sniffing a few times, asks the ranger Hait "Where's that pointy eared cunt?" he briefly pauses before adding "Helbe?".
"Off doing something important" replies Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman "Like fucken what?" asks the ork warleader as the mercenary ranger takes one of the remaining yard long shafts from his quiver, while looking for a meaningful target to shoot at amongst the Harkonin army attacking the south side of castle Lé Dic,
"Like hopefully killing that dark druid of theirs" says Riley Hait as he nods at the army from the neighbouring fief across the border to the east.
Dorkindle sourly grunts to show what he thinks of that. Then he sets off for the east side of the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
The mercenary ranger spares him glance as he walks away. While sir Percavelle Lé Dic looks along the top of the wall, and is glad to see the big, burly ork walking away along the battlements.
As he's walking along the top of the south wall of castle Lé Dic, Dorc da Orc becomes an obvious target, considering he's so big, not too mention, so green.
Arrows and bolts shot from Harkonin soldiers from the otherside of the moat, go flying towards him, most of them go whizzing by the ork weaponsmith.
Some hit him in the head, which he doesn't feel. While others get him in the right arm, and in the side of the face.
They for the most part don't hurt, but occasionally one of them strikes him quite hard. Causing the warleader of the ork race, to wince, then hiss, in anger more than pain, before he yanks the arrow or bolt out of the side of his face, or his right arm.
Dorkindle steps over rubble that some of the townsfolk are pushing to the edge of the parapet to act as a barrier where the top of the wall was hit by a boulder, flung from one of the Harkonin war machines.
The large ork stops at the next gap between two merlons, and says "Hey cunt, no time for fucken sleeps now" to a Lé Dic soldier leaning forward over the top of the wall.
The ork weaponsmith grunts when he pulls the soldier back, and finds a crossbow bolt that's sticking out of soldier's right eye.
Dorc da Orc glances down at the moat below, then picks up the dead Lé Dic soldier, and throws him off the top of the wall. The body smashes down onto a floating raft that a few Harkonin soldiers are polling across the water to the wall.
The big, burly ork continues on his way, with a wide grin, on his large, brutish looking face. He starts whistling, badly and out of tune too, as he like all orks, is severely tone deaf.
Dorkindle briefly pauses, looks around, then picks up one of the troughs of human waste that he had placed along the battlements. He sticks his face in the trough of shit, taking a quick gulp, and blowing a few poo bubbles. Before pulling his face out, and biffing the trough off the top of wall, to the moat below.
Another floating raft that's been put in the water after the naphtha fire has gone out. Gets hit by the heavy trough full of human waste. It sinks, while the shit covered soldiers that were on it, swim back to the otherside of the moat.
Dorc da Orc with, literally a shit eating grin upon his face, continues on his way along the top of the south wall of castle Lé Dic, heading back to the east side of the massive castle. As he does, he resumes whistling, spraying crap from his mouth as he does so . . . . . .

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