Sunday 13 May 2018

The Homecoming 97.


"Well come along then" says sir Parvin Dé Gorveré, who continues with "Might as well have you lot as my seconds" he then adds in a sour tone "Much as I'd hate it".
The Range Lord then tells his fellow prisoners "It's not as you've got a lot to do anyway" he gives a short bark of laughter, followed by "Considering you're to be executed later".
"You're enjoying this aren't you?" says lord Milburn "As a matter of fact Kievar, i am" is the reply of the large heavily armoured knight, who starts stretching now that he's no longer chained up, or in the back of the wagon.
The other three prisoners, lord Milburn, his grandson Jared, and the Lé Dic army commander, sir Galmot. All get down out of the wagon, when their captors give them permission to do so.
Then the four of them are marched through camp, towards the northern end of the field that held the late winter tourney outside of castle Lé Dic less than a few weeks ago.
As they head that way, sir Parvin Dé Gorveré suggests a number of ways in which the other three nobleborn prisoners will be executed.
He points at some catapults and trebuchets they go by, and tells young Jared Milburn there's a good chance he might take a flight courtesy of one of those war machines.
The teenage noble who is the cousin of lady Linara Lé Dic looks more than a little sick at the prospect of something like that happening to him.
Though the Range Lord tells his fellow prisoners, who like him, were captured when their army was wiped out over the border in the Harkonin fief.
That baron Harkonin kind of lacks the imagination for such executions. And that they'll more than likely be hanged, or beheaded, or death by exposure, like tied to a stake.
That's if they're lucky, as he tells them that they better hope the baron doesn't hand them over to his advisor, the dark druid Palvarc.
Who'll make them part of a rite or ritual. In other words a sacrifice. Which will be way worse than anything he, or they could ever imagine.
If Jared Milburn wasn't looking sick before. He's positively pale looking now.
While both lord Milburn and sir Galmot look a little sick at the thought of being a sacrifice in a ritual conducted by the dark druid Palvarc.
"I don't know what the hell you hope to achieve with all this Parvin" quietly says lord Milburn as he walks beside the larger nobleman as they're escorted through the Harkonin war camp.
"You've got no chance against Dontast" continues the lord of Milburn estate, who then adds "He's twenty younger than you, and frankly Parvin, you haven't held back on all the ale and food in recent years" the grandfather of the lady of the Lé Dic fief, then says "And the fact he's the best knight in the east of the kingdom, since, well since that idiot Percavelle" he follows that with "He got into the order of Althilgah when so many others fail to".
The Range Lord shrugs his heavily armoured shoulders, then says "So what" he continues with "He maybe all that, but he's no where near as good as Percavelle".
Sir Parvin has always known why his friend and contemporary, sir Percavelle Lé Dic is such a menace, and so destructive on both the tourney, and battlefield. And it isn't all because he's so skilled, and extremely quick and strong. Which, even to this day, he is.
No, it's because he's a stark, raving mad lunatic. Who does the outlandish, and truly idiotic, when most, if not all others, would never contemplate such things.
Something that the Range Lord from the northwest of the Lé Dic fief plans to do in his one on one combat to the death against the nobleman from the Harkonin fief. Sir Dontast, who isn't just a landed knight, but also an ordered one, as he's a member of the knights of Althilgah.
"As for why I'm doing it" quietly says sir Parvin as he glances sideways at the older nobleman walking beside him "That should be fairly obvious" adds the large, heavily armoured knight who continues with "Giving your granddaughter a chance, that's why I'm doing it" he follows that up with "You should do something similar Kievar, do something with what little life you've got left. It won't make up for what you did to your son inlaw Maxiss. But it will make a bit of a difference to his daughter, your granddaughter".
The lord of Milburn estate falls silent as he thinks about what the Range Lord just said, as their guards bring them through the camp, to the northern end of the tourney field, the end closest to castle Lé Dic.
"Are you sure about it?" asks Lisell Maera in elven "Pretty sure" replies Helbe the elven thief in the same language, who continues with "It explains a lot of things about that dark druid and his staff" the elven magic user adds "Why he's be able to sense me, and why it's near impossible for me to kill him".
Both Lisell Maera and Tamric Drubine nod, then the young elven noble says to them "Still, at least now i know what we're dealing with concerning the dark druid and his staff".
Nodding once more, Tamric Drubine says to the elven princeling "How did he capture one, aren't they immune to magic?".
"Yes" answers the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, who after slightly pausing, adds "For the most part" then the elven masterthief quietly says "I'm pretty sure he didn't do it. As i think there's only two or three things that can could do such a thing".
The young elven noble slightly winces at the thought of those things. As does Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who prince Helbenthril Raendril has told, what could of created the staff that Palvarc the dark druid possesses. Or at least, captured what's held within it.
Tam is about to ask another question concerning the problem of the staff, and the dark druid who wields it. When he spots Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy coming towards them along the top of the south wall of castle Lé Dic.
"Dalin's back" says the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin who nods in the direction of the elven spy. Who has been out of castle Lé Dic, and just returned after coming up a rope ladder on the wall on the north side of the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
"They've sent a squad into Massic to search for anyone who stayed behind" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who gestures in the direction of the town of Massic that lies just outside the west wall of castle Lé Dic.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae continues with "Pretty much those who didn't make their way into the castle have fled west" Dalinvardél, or Dalin as he's often referred to by the rest of the group then adds "The town is empty, they'll find no one".
"And to the north?" asks Helbe the elven thief "Just a few riders for now" replies the elven spy, who then adds "More than likely they'll send a sizeable force to that side, and into Massic when they attack the castle" Dalin continues with "To spread us out as thinly as possible".
"More than likely" says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, then the spy Tanith asks "What did i miss?".
"Just basically Percy telling them to get fucked" answers the grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel, who then adds "And Dorc putting a shit smeared spear through the leg of their herald".
"Nasty" murmurs the spy who served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland, the elven principality of Alínlae, who then nods his hooded head towards the Harkonin camp, then says "What are they doing there?".
The others, Helbe the elven thief, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, Tamric Drubine, and Lisell Maera turn and look to where Dalin has nodded.
Further along the top of the south wall of castle Lé Dic, Dorc da Orc and Shur Kee the monk, as well as Tovis the war engineer, are already watching what's happening down in the enemy war camp.
"The prisoners" murmurs prince Helbenthril Raendril as they look to the end of the tourney field closest to the massive castle. Where some of the soldiers waiting for the order to attack the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family, are making way. Infact they're clearing a rather large area away.
Moving equipment, gear and weapons, packs, and even tents that have been pitched. A wide open area is soon made for a group who have come forward from the rear of the Harkonin army.
Looking around, prince Helbenthril Raendril spots sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who has just gone down a nearby set of steps, with his niece, lady Linara Lé Dic. Her governess, the lady Hollis Duc de Laér. His ex wife, the lady
Marsaé Duc de Laér, and a handful of other local nobles. And the lady Linara's guards.
"Percy get back up here!" calls down the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel, who then looks away to the left along the battlements, and waves over the war engineer Tovis.
"Why don't you head down into the courtyard below" says Helbe the elven thief when the engineer from the Harkonin fief makes his way over to them, the highly talented elven magic user continues with "The baron and others from his court have come forward, one of them might spot you and recognise you".
Tovis nods in understanding, and heads to the nearby steps and goes down them. While sir Percavelle Lé Dic, his niece Linara, along with her governess and her guards make their way quickly back up the steps to the battlements along the southern side of castle Lé Dic.
"What are they doing?" asks Lisell Maera, it's Tamric Drubine who answers with "Making room for one on one combat by the looks of it" the former heir to the knight of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin, continues with "I'd say one of the prisoners down there has requested a fight to the death since they probably know they're not getting released" Tam then adds "And it seems the baron has accepted the request".
"I don't know what he's trying to accomplish doing this" says sir Taevar the army commander as they look at the prisoners who are standing on the otherside of the area that's been opened up near the frontlines of the army.
The commander of the Harkonin army continues with "He's no match for Dontast in a one on one fight" sir Taevar then adds "Sure, he can still fight in the middle of a melee better than most, but against just Dontast. No way will he last more than a few heartbeats".
"He did take down twelve men, before Dontast and his squad were able to bring him down off his horse when we routed their army" says baron Harkonin with a sideways glance at his army commander, who says to the baron "Like i said m'lord, still good in a melee. But on foot, one on one against young Dontast. No chance".
Sir Taevar doesn't mention the fact that either one of them would have no chance against the knight of Althilgah in one on one combat too. The popular nobleman, with especially the commoners, particularly those who serve in the Harkonin army. Is without doubt, the best knight in the Harkonin fief. And probably the best one serving in any army in the east of the kingdom. With probably the exception of the recently returned sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Who like sir Dontast, isn't just a landed knight. But also an ordered knight.
"You maybe right" says the head of the Harkonin family, who then adds "But i think the fat fool will last a bit longer than you think before Dontast gets the better of him".
Sir Taevar is silent for a few moments, then he nods away to their right, and quietly says "Your advisor doesn't look too pleased with all this m'lord".
The baron of the neighbouring fief to the east slightly nods as he looks over at the dark druid Palvarc. Who has a look of displeasure upon his face, a face that usually has a look of disinterest upon it most of the time.
"He'll get over it fairly quickly I'm sure" quietly says baron Harkonin, who then looks away to their left, to castle Lé Dic that's up the road that leads to it's south gates.
"Seems we're gathering a bit of a crowd up on the battlements up there" says the baron with a nod towards the massive castle that isn't all that far away, only a few hundred yards.
Baron Harkonin then quietly tells his army commander "Once Dontast has disposed of Parvin, give the order to attack the castle". "Yes m'lord" says the nobleman who commands the Harkonin army "And Taevar, burn that town down while you're at it" says the baron with a wave of his hand in the direction of the town of Massic, which is just outside the west wall of castle Lé Dic.
"With pleasure m'lord" says sir Taevar, as they, and the other nobility in the Harkonin army as well as the dark druid Palvarc, watch as the knight of Althilgah, sir Dontast, make his way forward after donning the rest of his armour.
Across the clearing that's been made at the northern end of the tourney field that's to the south of castle Lé Dic.
Sir Parvin Dé Gorveré holds out his hand for his sword. The Harkonin soldier with it, shakes his head no, and tells the Range Lord "You'll get it once you're out there" as he nods out to the center of the clearing.
The soldier continues in a slightly dry tone, with "If i give it to you now, you'll probably kill these other three with you".
Sir Parvin, who had a slightly injured look upon his face at not yet getting his sword that was taken off him when he was captured, smiles, then laughs, and says to the Harkonin soldier "You're probably right".
Then the large, heavily armoured knight moves over to the other prisoners, standing close to lord Milburn. While Jared Milburn steps back and away, behind a one of their guards. He doesn't want to be anywhere near the Range Lord, who is very like to hit him if he gets the chance.
After looking at the grandson in scorn, sir Parvin looks at the grandfather, and quietly says to him "If i can't do it, make sure you finish him off". "Who?" quietly whispers the lord of Milburn estate "Dontast you idiot" hisses the Range Lord, who then quietly explains to the grandfather of lady Linara Lé Dic "He's their best knight by far, and their best field commander too. Better than Taevar for sure, who is only army commander because his sister is married to Raevar".
Sir Parvin Dé Gorveré, then continues with "Kill him, and those in the castle at least have a chance".
Lord Kievar Milburn nods his head when the Range Lord grips his arm, and painfully squeezes it, saying "Make sure you do Kievar, and tell that idiot Galmot, and that murdering grandson of yours as well. If not, I'll come back from those hells the priests go on about, and haunt you in what little time you've got left alive".
The larger nobleman then quietly says "Though i intend to do it myself" before he shoves the lord of Milburn estate away, and steps forwards saying to their guards "I'm ready".
The one holding his sword nods out into the center of the clearing, and the Range Lord walks out there flanked by two of the Harkonin soldiers. While the one with his sword follows him.
"Parvin" quietly says sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he sees it's his old friend, who is walking out into the clearing in the frontlines of the enemy, escorted by a trio of Harkonin soldiers.
Once they're out in the middle of the clearing, the Harkonin soldier carrying a bared blade, hands the sword to the Range Lord, who accepts it with a slight nod of his head.
The three soldiers hurry back to where they came from at the edge of the clearing, where the other three nobleborn prisoners are standing.
As they do, a cheer goes up from many in the ranks of the Harkonin army as an armoured figure walks out from the otherside of the clearing.
"The knight of Althilgah" says the former earl of the Lé Dic fief, who then adds "Dontast". Then the former paladin suddenly grins as he realises what his friend and contemporary, sir Parvin Dé Gorveré is up to. And how he'll exact a high price with his death.
As Dalinvardél Tanith quietly says "Althilgah?" then looks at prince Helbenthril Raendril and adds "Isn't that your father?". Causing the young elven noble from Laerel to grimace at that.
Lady Linara Lé Dic quietly says to her uncle "They say sir Dontast is the finest knight in this part of the kingdom uncle, with the exception of you".
The heavily armourered knight guffaws, then says "That maybe so Linny, but he's never fought a bull of a man like Parvin before".
And though the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che knows that his old friend the Range Lord is overweight, and will more than likely not get out of this one on one combat against the knight in the order of Althilgah alive. The same can be said of the dashing knight sir Dontast, who is certainly popular with the common Harkonin soldiers, if their enthusiastic cheering is anything to go by.
"An enraged bull too" continues sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who looks at his old friend the Range Lord, and silently adds, May Narille and Saint Mar-che give you strength Parvin.
Looking at his opponent coming towards him, who is almost as tall as he as, and weighs at least seventy pounds less than him.
Sir Parvin Dé Gorveré watches as sir Dontast, the knight in the order of Althilgah comes to a stop about ten yards away. They both nod to one another. And the younger nobleman from the Harkonin fief draws his sword. Then reaches up, and closes the faceplate of his full helm.
The Range Lord, looks up at the battlements of castle Lé Dic. And there above the south gates. He spots the gleaming armour, and ridiculous looking white cape of his old friend, sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
Standing next to his former earl, on what must be a box, is the heavily armoured knight's niece, and current lady of the fief, Linara Lé Dic.
Sir Parvin Dé Gorveré turns towards them, holds his sword up, with the hilt and crossguard, up to his face, in salute to the young girl who is his lady. Then he lowers his sword, and closes shut the faceplate of his full helm, and turns back to face his opponent, sir Dontast.
They both slightly raise their swords again to indicate they're ready. They both slightly nod again, then they're moving as the begin the fight to the death.
The Range Lord knows he has only one chance. And even then, he knows he's not going to get out of this alive.
His opponent is nearly twenty years younger than him. Faster and quicker, not to mention a hell of a lot more skilled with a sword. Especially in one on one combat.
And though sir Parvin Dé Gorveré has been in way more battles than his younger opponent sir Dontast, and survived them. That's not really going to be an advantage in this situation.
So the lord of the range of hills in the northwest of the Lé fief. Uses what advantages he does have. His weight and size, sheer bulk really. As well as his strength. And something he's learned over the years from his old friend sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Total unpredictability, and utter lunacy.
Sir Parvin Dé Gorveré shouts "Lé Dic!" and starts hollering like a madman as he charges the knight in the order of Althilgah. Charging him, is what sir Dontast, and just about everyone else watching, is expecting the Range Lord to do.
What they don't expect, is what he does next. And instead of swinging his sword at the faster and quicker ordered knight. Sir Parvin throws it at him with all his strength as he runs at the younger nobleman from the fief to the east.
"Fuck!" yelps sir Dontast in fright as he barely ducks under the thrown sword that almost collects him in the head. He stands back upright, just as the Range Lord smashes into him with all his weight.
The two knights hit the ground in a clatter of steel armour. With the much larger sir Parvin on top.
Then the Range Lord, smashes his head into the helm of the knight in the order of Althilgah.
The watching crowd, well those from the Harkonin fief. Might of been expected a dual between two knights, using their swords. The Range Lord isn't going to give them that, as he knows he'll have no chance in succeeding if he does that.
So instead he repeatedly rams the front of his helm into the faceplate of sir Dontast, who he has pinned under his rather considerable weight.
And though the knight in the order of Althilgah tries to squirm free, he's unable to as sir Parvin slams his head down into the faceplate of the younger knight once again.
The Range Lord, who has had the same set of armour since he was a teen. Which has been let out, and expanded over the years as his waistline has expanded.
Has a sharp, stubby point, or beak to his faceplate. And he gets a hand up, and is able to flip open the rather flat, and smooth visor on the full helm of sir Dontast.
Blood and flesh goes flying when sir Parvin Dé Gorveré slams his beaked faceplate into the unprotected face of the knight of Althilgah.
He does it again and again, smashing in the face of sir Dontast, taking out his eyes, and wrecking his face. He even starts on the younger nobleman's throat. When he feels the pain in his side, not once, nor twice but three times.
As the knight of Althilgah has got his sword free, and stuck it through a gap in the side of sir Parvin's armour, that's been let out over the years.
That still doesn't stop the Range Lord who as he's dying, and still hollering like a madman, from slamming his pointed helm into the ruined face of sir Dontast.
Sir Parvin Dé Gorveré is grinning as he feels the beaked front of his visor, has gone through bone, and hit something a lot less softer in the head of sir Dontast.
The Range Lord can no longer move, and he's stopped hollering, and gasps his final few breaths, and eventually lies still, and dead upon the dead body of the knight in the order of Althilgah, whose face and skull he's caved in . . . . . .

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