Thursday 3 May 2018

The Homecoming 91.

Field Fight...

Making his way across one of the fields in the farm he's crossing. Mira Reinholt the mage after looking towards the battlecruiser that he attacked, and sees it dropping further down in the night sky as it drifts to the north.
Briefly pauses as he's pretty certain he senses something at the limitation of how far he can magically sense, away to his right.
The once powerful mage who is crossing a maize field that's being prepared to be planted soon. Drops to the ground after he concentrates, as he's certain that he senses a spellcaster in the area.
It's the same wizard who was in the passageway outside the cargo hold on the Druvician aircorp warship that the mage Reinholt was onboard, and has now brought down.
The spellcaster who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil. Doesn't want to expend anymore power than necessary, since he's used a lot already this night.
The mage Reinholt who has already expended another of his spell gems this evening. Scrambles sideways along the ground, until he gets to an irrigation ditch, that he drops into.
Glad that the ditch is dry, the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation, to be found anywhere in the Southlands. Who was on track to become the first battlemage in a generation in the Southlands.
Pops his head up out of the ditch and looks away to the north. Even without any magical assistance. The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, with the help of two of the moons of Volunell in the night sky, as well as pair of burning, and flaming airships in the distance.
Spots movement in the fields to the north.
There's about a half dozen figures standing in a field to the north. They're milling around, looking away to the east at the burning airship that the mage Reinholt attack.
They're crew members from that battlecruiser, who were below deck with the ship's wizard who was able to get them off it as it plummets to the ground.
The once powerful mage looks away to his left where he sees light. There's a farm house and other buildings nearby. Barns and stables and the like. Some people with lamps have come outside, to see what's going on. And are now watching the two burning airship in the night sky.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who doesn't want to particularly use anymore magical power this evening. Slightly grimaces before he casts invisibility upon himself.
He knows he's safe from being sensed by the nearby wizard, due to the amulet he wears on a chain around his neck.
And even though he's invisible, the exiled Vexilian mage gets up into a crouch, and moves low as he makes his way along the irrigation ditch, which heads east and north. Which is the general direction he wants to go.
The spellcaster who was once the youngest member in the history of the mage council of Vexil, briefly pauses as he looks away to the northeast at the other badly damaged warship.
That battlecruiser, on fire, and now spinning out of control, is descending towards the ground a hell of a lot quicker than the one the mage Reinholt has attacked.
The highly skilled swordmaster watches it in the distance as it hits the ground. There's an explosion that sends burning debris billowing up into the night sky. Followed a moment later by a loud thud of the impact. The once powerful mage is certain he can feel through ground the impact of that battlecruiser hitting the ground over a mile away.
The invisible spellcaster gets underway again, still moving in a crouch through the irrigation ditch. Wondering if lord Farque was able to get off the warship that just smashed into the ground to the northeast.
The swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil suspects so. Though even if the heavily armoured deathlord wasn't able to. He'd still be fine. Just that the mage Reinholt would be inconvenienced. Due to the undead warlord not being present here in the physical realm of Volunell if he was unable to escape the crash of the battlecruiser nearby.
His physical body would still be here, but the undead being would be in the death realm that he rules. And from the impact of that warship hitting the ground. The once powerful mage figures he could be there for a day or so, if past experiences are anything to go by.
He'll be fine, Mira Reinholt the mage thinks to himself, the exiled Vexilian mage briefly pauses before silently adding, i hope.
The spellcaster who was once more powerful than any other mage of his generation, to be found in the Southlands. Then looks to the east, and spots the airship in the Druvician aircorp, in the personal fleet of the lord high constable, that he attacked.
Dropping towards the horizon, with bits of burning debris falling from it. The mage Reinholt who wonders if any other survivors were able to get free from it. Watches as that battlecruiser goes out of sight behind what looks like trees.
Then there's a flash of explosion in the distance that way, followed by the thud of the impact of that warship slamming into the ground.
The swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil after glancing in the direction of the ship's wizard and the air sailors who have come from the warship that has just plummeted into the ground.
He continues on his way towards the other crash site, as he knows it'll be a lot more safer with lord Farque. If there's more survivors in the area from the two Druvician aircorp battlecruisers that have been destroyed.
"Relax" says lord Farque who continues with "You're not going to fucking die" he then dryly adds in the ancient language of command "Yet".
The undead warlord slaps the wizard across the back of the shoulders a couple of times, putting out the flames along the hysterical man's robes. While just fifty yards behind them, lies the burning wreck, of what's left of the battlecruiser they were on.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who has got a tight grip upon the left arm of the spellcaster in the service of the Druvician aircorp, sourly says "Don't do that". The next moment the undead warlord is struck by a blast spell, with no effect.
Squeezing the left arm of the wizard, the heavily armoured deathlord says "If you do something like that again, I'll break your fucking arm". It wasn't the first spell the wizard has tried upon the lord of the death realm, and lord Farque suspects it won't be the last.
The undead being who is also known by the name of Draugadrottin to the people of his lands. Who jumped clear off the burning warship just fifty feet before it slammed into the ground, bringing the wizard with him, who he found as the burning airship was breaking apart in the night sky.
Starts walking, dragging the ship's spellcaster along with him. The deathlord of Farque rolls his eyes as he senses what the wizard is about to do.
A bolt of lightning leaves the right hand of the wizard, and strikes the undead warlord beside him. Which of course does nothing to the heavily armoured deathlord,
"Told you" says lord Farque to the screaming wizard, whose arm he's just broken. The lord of the death realm who is known to an older generation of elven kind who might recognise him, by the name of Des'tier.
Gives the whimpering wizard a shake, then tells him "No more of that fucking shit" followed by "If you do, I'll break your other fucking arm, followed by your legs" Draugadrottin continues with "Your body has got plenty of fucking bones to break if you keep trying to cast spells upon me".
The deathlord of Farque gives the wizard a shake again, then asks "You got that cunt?". The spellcaster, who has only been assigned to the battlecruiser that's just been destroyed for a few months, nods his head to the large figure in the dark suit of heavy plate armour. Who he thought was an avenger, or a foreign nobleman. But is something else entirely different. What? He isn't exactly sure.
Des'tier sets off again, hauling the whimpering and crying wizard along by the man's broken left arm.
Leaving the burning wreck behind them, the lord of the death realm, who is heading to the south and west, where he senses Mira Reinholt the mage safely on the ground, says to the ship's wizard "There's some questions of mine you can answer".
The undead warlord then says "About the lord high constable you serve" he continues with "About a certain equerry in the King's Domain in Leeabra, an equerry by the name of".
Mira Reinholt the mage kneels down as he gets to the end of another field, there's a track between it and another field. Which looks like it joins a larger wagon track, that goes to the farm house and beyond it. Most likely joining a nearby road that leads to the closest village or town.
The highly skilled swordmaster glances away to his right, where he can see movement. It's the crew from the destroyed airship, along with the wizard who got them off their doomed warship.
The exiled Vexilian mage sees them pointing in the night sky, in the direction of where their battlecruiser crashed. The invisible mage looks that way too, then mutters "Fuck" at what he sees.
The once powerful mage can just make it out in the night sky, it's one of the ship's boats, heading this way. No doubt with other survivors from the warship on it.
The mage Reinholt narrows his eyes, as he wonders how those on the small, single masted vessel, are able to see their fellow crew members on the ground, in the field to his right.
Then the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil realises that the other spellcaster that was onboard the battlecruiser he destroyed. The sorcerer, must be in the small, ship's boat.
The incoming vessel is still too faraway for him to sense a spellcaster on it. But the swordmaster Reinholt highly suspects that the sorcerer is on the ship's boat.
I should of killed the two of them before i destroyed their ship, Mira Reinholt sourly thinks to himself, who then steps onto the narrow track he's crouching beside.
When he does, the invisible mage instantly looks down at the track he's just stood on.
"Fucking hell" mutters the once powerful mage, who stands completely still and senses down at the ground. As he can hear shouting away to his right in the field.
The mage Reinholt grimaces as he senses the spell that's on the track, and which must connect with all the other tracks through and around the fields on the farm.
Seems the wizard nearby is a lot smarter than the exiled Vexilian mage would give him credit for. As apparently the ship's spellcaster suspected someone involved in the destruction of the battlecruiser he's supposed to protect. Might still be in the general area.
So he cast a detection spell, specifically movement. On all the tracks, and roads in the area. Now he's calling out to the air sailors with him. To head to the mage Reinholt's position.
The once powerful mage also senses the nearby wizard casting a mindspeech spell. No doubt to the sorcerer onboard the ship's boat that's approaching.
The Vexilian mage in exile has only one advantage over the two spellcasters who are in the service of the Druvician aircorp. In particular, within the lord high constable's personal fleet.
And that's the amulet he wears that shields him from other spellcasters. For both the wizard and the sorcerer are a lot more powerful than he is. And the nearby wizard in the field to his right, has just proven himself to be a cunning spellcaster too.
Mira Reinholt steps back off the track, then expending power he doesn't particularly want to. The once powerful mage teleports away.
As he does, a light bursts into appearance. Lighting the night sky over much of the fields on the farm, and over the surrounding countryside.
The invisible spellcaster teleports to the otherside of the field, hoping he doesn't accidentally step on another track, which thankfully he doesn't.
The swordmaster Reinholt hears the wizard call out "Whoever it is, has moved!" to the crew members who are rushing to where the exiled Vexilian mage was just standing.
Thanks to the magical light in the sky, the mage Reinholt can see that there's seven air sailors with the wizard. And when he quickly looks to the east. He can clearly see the ship's boat that's approaching.
"Smart prick" Mira Reinholt murmurs to himself as the wizard, who he senses has put up barrier and protection spells around himself. Call out to the crew members "It's a spellcaster of some kind, whoever it is i think they're invisible".
Then the once powerful mage lies flat on the ground as he senses the wizard casting. He spots a ripple in the air emit put from the ship's spellcaster. And move outwards from him at a fairly high rate of speed.
The mage Reinholt grimaces in disgust as he senses what it is. He'll be too slow to teleport away from it. So he lies there, hoping it will pass over him. Unfortunately it doesn't.
The wizard spins around, and yells out "Over here!" as he points to where the invisible mage is lying on the ground after his spell that detects life, located the mage Reinholt.
The spellcaster from the destroyed airship goes to cast again, and the Vexilian mage in exile, who has one thing he can do, that's quicker than any spell cast by a wizard. Creates a mageglobe, infact two of them, one in each hand.
They both shoot off instantaneously. Both are about the size of a peach. And one takes off into the magically lit night sky, heading towards the oncoming ship's boat. While the other one heads straight towards the wizard standing in the middle of the field.
Mira Reinholt knows he's also probably confused the wizard, as like on the battlecruiser, he'll instantly identify that it's a mageglobe coming straight towards him.
And that if he was facing a mage, he or she wouldn't be acting like the exiled Vexilian mage is acting.
For mages are the most powerful of the human spellcasters, even an average mage is more powerful than the two ship's spellcasters in the area.
And with that power, comes their arrogance. No way would a normal mage hide themselves from other spellcasters. Nor would they use mageglobes against other spellcasters. As they usually reserve them for taking on other mages during combat.
So the wizard, dives to the ground. Hoping that his barrier and protection spells will keep him safe from what's about to happen.
Mira Reinholt who is running low on power, gets up off the ground and takes his sword from across his back as the first of his mageglobes explodes.
The once powerful mage figured as much, and murmurs "Oh well, have to do it the old fashioned way then" as he grips his double bladed sword. And starts walking quickly across the field, to where he can sense the wizard standing up through the cloud of swirling fire that was created by the mageglobe exploding.
Then the invisible swordmaster as he senses his other mageglobe approaching the incoming ship's boat, and has a feeling the sorcerer onboard it, will protect it from what that mageglobe will do.
He murmurs to himself "By the shape of fire Mira, you're in the fucking shit now aren't you" . . . . . .

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