Sunday 6 May 2018

The Homecoming 92.

Unexpected Battle...

As he's asking a number of questions, which are getting a few rational answers from the wizard he's got a tight hold on. Lord Farque murmurs "The fuck?" when he senses what's going on to the southwest, the direction they're heading.
Then as a white light appears in the night sky in that direction, and as the wizard whose arm is broken, and is in pain stumbles to a stop next to the undead warlord, and murmurs "Huh?" when he sees the sky lit up in the direction they're going. Then says "What's going on there?" as he too can sense what's happening that way.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque rolls his eyes, and sourly smiles as he senses towards where Mira Reinholt the mage is.
The heavily armoured deathlord looks quickly to the southeast in the night sky, and spots a ship's boat sailing through the air, heading to the farm where the mage Reinholt is at the moment.
You should of killed those two fucking spellcasters before you destroyed that ship Mira, the lord of the death realm sourly thinks to himself, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque then says to the wizard he's taken captive from the Druvician battlecruiser he's destroyed "Come along you".
And realising that he can move a hell of a lot quicker without the wizard in tow. But wanting him still around, as he hasn't yet got all the answers he wants. And the fact that the mage Reinholt can easily read the mind of the wizard in the kingdom of Druvic's aircorp.
Draugadrottin as he's also known by to the people of his lands, slaps the wizard across the face, knocking the spellcaster out.
The heavily armoured deathlord shoulders the unconscious wizard, then takes off running towards the farm in the distance, where the once powerful mage, Mira Reinholt is at the moment.
The mage who is under attack by one wizard, who will soon be joined by a sorcerer, both from the battlecruiser that the exiled Vexilian mage has recently brought down.
Mira Reinholt the mage pauses, and crouches down when he sees another figure suddenly appear beside the wizard he was making his way towards.
The once powerful mage slightly grimaces as he looks at the new spellcaster he senses, the sorcerer who has teleported to the middle of the field from the ship's boat that's approaching.
Now what are you two going to do? Mira Reinholt the mage thinks to himself, as he can sense the two aircorp spellcasters communicating with one another with their minds.
And as the wizard gestures to the nearby air sailors to spread out, as they head in the general direction of the invisible mage, who isn't all that far away from them.
The spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil, who hasn't got a lot of power to play with at the moment. He needs to drain either one of the two nearby spellcasters in the kingdom of Druvic's aircorp. Or the remaining spell gem he has. Though preferably, rest and sleep to recuperate what limited power he has to begin with.
Raises up his left hand, as he waits there in a crouch. Left hand raised, palm forward, and out. As he watches the members of the battlecruiser's crew approaching him.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster doesn't want to move much, as that might give him away to the nearby wizard and sorcerer.
And for the same reason, he doesn't want to make too much sound. As well as not cast anything after his two mageglobes were unable to stop the two spellcasters who are conferring by magical means at the moment.
He waits with his left hand out and open at the moment. Mira Reinholt who is glad for the orb of magical light in the night sky that's lit up most of the farm and surrounding countryside. So he can see what's going on.
Is also glad that what he's about to do is fairly silent, infact it doesn't make any noise at all.
The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation, anywhere in the Southlands waits a few moments more, holding his double bladed sword in his right hand, while his left hand is held palm out.
Then the mage Reinholt is moving away to his right, when one of the air sailors who is walking this way, suddenly grabs at his own throat and neck, then stumbles and falls over. With the bolt fired from Mira Reinholt's left automaton arm through his neck.
The highly skilled swordmaster comes to a stop, watching the two spellcasters who hurry over to the downed air sailor.
The spellcaster who was the youngest ever member of the mage council of Vexil glances quickly to the sky to the east, and sees the ship's boat descending to the ground about a hundred yards away to the east.
The small vessel looks scorched and burnt, no doubt from it's escape from the warship it's off. As well as Mira Reinholt's recent mageglobe, which the sorcerer was able to defend against.
The Vexilian mage in exile lets another bolt go from the launcher in his left arm, that's completely automaton from the elbow down.
He's moving again, when that bolt takes another of the air sailors, this time in the back. That crew member yells in pain, dropping to his knees, trying to claw at the small of his back, where the bolt is.
The invisible swordmaster leaps over one of the tracks to the side of the field, and comes to a stop again. Dropping down to the ground, as the two spellcasters from the warship he's brought down this night, start moving.
One, the sorcerer, walking to where the mage Reinholt just was. While the other, the wizard, in his long robes, starts walking to where the exiled Vexilian mage shot the first bolt from.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster keeps a closer watch on the wizard. Who out of the two practitioners of magic from the destroyed battlecruiser. He deems the more dangerous spellcaster. Definitely the smarter of the two. As the sorcerer unleashes a wall of fire that's about thirty feet wide, that scorches across the ground, in the direction where the once powerful mage was standing when he shot that air sailor in the back.
Huh, that's something i would do, Mira Reinholt thinks to himself as he watches the wall of fire go by about thirty yards to his left. The highly skilled swordmaster who is facing west at the moment, looks over his shoulder, and sees the ship's boat that way, is down on the ground, and that more survivors from the destroyed Druvician battlecruiser, are jumping over the side, and heading this way.
Fuck me, what did i do? the once powerful mage silently asks himself, then the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil silently adds in a sarcastic tone, destroy your ship or something?
As the sorcerer's wall of fire dissipates, and the wizard stops where the swordmaster Reinholt original was. The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, contemplates using some of the last of his power to putting up barrier and protection spells.
The Vexilian mage in exile knows he can't at the moment penetrate the wards the wizard and sorcerer have around themselves. Knows that if he puts up his own wards, they might just stop a spell or two from battlecruiser's spellcasters if they hit him.
Fuck if i do, I'll barely be able to create a mageglobe or two, let alone any decent spell, the mage Reinholt thinks to himself, who slowly backs away as the wizard and sorcerer look around, trying to locate him, by both magical and mundane means.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, looks back behind him again, and as the first of the air sailors from the ship's boat get to the first field on the east side of the farm. The once powerful mage looks more to the northeast. Hoping to spot lord Farque. Who all things considered, should be coming from that direction, where the other battlecruiser in the kingdom's lord high constable's personal fleet crashed.
Just then, the mage Reinholt senses the wizard drop one of his spells. The invisible swordmaster slightly grimaces as the white orb that's lit the night sky over the farm and much of the surrounding countryside, goes out.
Fuck me, that sucks, the exiled Vexilian mage sourly thinks to himself as seeing has just got a lot harder. The mage Reinholt figures the two spellcasters who are trying to find him and kill him. Will use magical means to see this night.
And that's what they do when he senses them both casting the same spell to see in the dark.
With just two of the three moons in the night sky, and the stars on what's a fairly clear night to see by. As well as the glow of the burning wreck on the horizon to the northeast from the other battlecruiser, which is the closer of the two destroyed warships that were heading east to the Lé Dic and Harkonin fiefs.
Mira Reinholt kneels down and waits again, waiting for an opportunity to act as he's noticed something about one of the ship's spellcasters. And waiting for lord Farque to show up, that's if the undead warlord is fit to do so. And not lying motionless in the burning wreck to the northeast. And off and away in the death realm, instead of being present here in the physical world of Volunell.
By the shape of fire i hope the fuck he turns up, the highly skilled swordmaster thinks to himself, who for a brief moment, laments his lack of power. Especially at night, after a busy day of spellcasting.
It wouldn't of been so bad if he didn't cast so much earlier. But he did, and now he's facing the consequences of being so low on magical power.
The mage Reinholt sighs, and continues to sense the two nearby spellcasters. One he can kind of see, the other he can't see at the moment.
It's the one he can see, the sorcerer. Who he's noticed something about. In particular, that spellcaster's wards.
The exiled Vexilian mage who is invisible, was taught by Helbe the elven thief a number of years ago about how most spellcasters create wards about them.
And though the mage Reinholt cannot slip through barrier and protection spells like the elven princeling can do with ease. There is something else he can do, and that's go underneath them.
As the sorcerer, like many a spellcaster, has ended his spells at ground level as he walks across the field he's recently scorched.
The once powerful mage looks in the direction he can sense the wizard who is moving away. Then he looks back to where he can just make out the sorcerer.
Mira Reinholt spots movement near that spellcaster, and hear him calling out to those from the ship's boat who are making their way towards him.
The highly skilled swordmaster lifts his left hand again, and knowing that he'll need a hell of a lot of luck to hit anything now that the orb of light in the night sky is out
He shoots off another bolt in the launcher in his left arm. He's rewarded with a yelp of "Ah fuck!" from one of the crew who has arrived from the ship's boat.
The once powerful mage then quickly creates a mageglobe, and takes off running when he lets it go.
The mage Reinholt winces as he senses what's going to happen. It's from the wizard, who immediately senses the mageglobe, which has taken off.
The Vexilian mage in exile is knocked off his feet from the bolt of lightning that came down out of the night sky, and struck where he was just standing.
The highly skilled swordmaster was just a dozen yards from it when it struck. And he lies there on the ground, relieved to be alive considering he's got no wards up and around him.
As he lies there on the ground, the invisible mage grins as he senses his living piece of magic heading towards the sorcerer.
There's a shout of "Ware the mageglobe!" from the wizard who is further away. Which is replied with "I've got it!" from the sorcerer, who like his fellow spellcaster from the destroyed battlecruiser can sense, and see, because it's a bright reddish, brown colour, that it's a real mageglobe coming towards him.
You've got it have you? Mira Reinholt thinks to himself, who then silently adds, i don't think so.
As his mageglobe suddenly drops down into the ground just a few yards short of the sorcerer, it actually moves faster beneath the ground. Where it explodes directly beneath the sorcerer in the Druvician aircorp.
The spellcaster's own wards act as barrier that contains the explosion that comes up from beneath him.
The once powerful mage lies there grinning as he senses the sorcerer's wards vanish as his life comes to an end in the firey explosion of dirt and rock. It wasn't a particularly big explosion. But it being contained within magical wards made in particularly deadly.
Mira Reinholt who is extremely low on magical power now, then senses towards the wizard, and mutters "Fuck" under his breath as he can no longer sense the other spellcaster from the warship he destroyed. The wizard, who has proven himself to be smart. Is now holding his power within himself as he realises he's up against a skilled opponent in spellcraft.
The exiled Vexilian swordmaster, who contemplates if he should move again. Frowns as he thinks he can hear something coming up from behind him.
He rolls onto his side and looks back, and peers through the night behind him.
The mage Reinholt continues to frown, then he suddenly sees a slight blur moving at speed in the dark. It's another kind of darkness compared to the night.
It's upon the once powerful mage in a few moments. The youngest ever member of the mage council of Vexil, refrains from gulping, and there's a sickly smile on his face, when a familiar voice says in elven "Here, keep an eye on this fucker".
A body lands next to Mira Reinholt, who nods his hooded head to lord Farque who stands near him. Then the undead warlord is moving. Too quickly for the highly skilled swordmaster to see. He's just a dark blur in the night to the mage Reinholt.
They dead, the exiled Vexilian mage dryly thinks to himself, then as he starts hearing screams of pain, and shouts of alarm from ahead of him in the fields, he murmurs "Right let's see what we've got here" as he rolls the body over that's next to him.
Thanks for that buddy, Mira Reinholt thinks to himself as he drains some power from the unconscious wizard that lord Farque dumped beside him.
Then the spellcaster who is a highly skilled swordmaster just lies there, remaining where he is, knowing that the heavily armoured deathlord will deal to all the air sailors, and the wizard who are nearby.
The only thing the once powerful mage really sees, is a burst of bright white light from an energyball. The mage Reinholt sees the distinctive figure of the lord of the death realm outlined by the energyball.
And that the lord and ruler of the lands Farque moves threw it, and grab the person on the otherside of it. Who the Vexilian mage in exile senses is the wizard from the warship that he brought down.
The ten foot wide energyball is instantly snuffed out when the wizard's life is snuffed out.
Then after a scream of pain a few moments later from somewhere further away to the left from where Mira Reinholt saw lord Farque grab the ship's wizard.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, hears the heavily armoured deathlord call out "Over here mage!" followed by "And bring that wizard with you!".
Glad that the unconscious wizard isn't particularly large or tall, or heavy, the mage Reinholt is able to pick the unconscious man up, and sling him over his right shoulder.
The once powerful mage heads towards lord Farque, who occasionally calls out so the swordmaster from Vexil knows where to go. The graduate from the most famous magical institution in all the Southlands, mage college of Vexil.
Heads east, across the last field on the farm, where he eventually finds Draugadrottin, as the people of the deathlord's lands commonly refer to him by.
"It's a bit damaged, and we'll need to fix it up a bit" says lord Farque, who then adds "But at least we won't have to fucking walk all the way there".
"At least that's something" says Mira Reinholt after he puts the unconscious wizard on the ground, and looks at the ship's boat, that's slightly askew on the ground, not to mention it's scorched and burnt, and has a badly damaged mast.
The heavily armoured deathlord nods his full helmed head, then gestures at the unconscious wizard from the battlecruiser that he destroyed, and he says to the once powerful mage "Read his mind, and find out all he knows about that equerry and the lord high fucking constable, and that advisor to baron Harkonin, the dark druid Palvarc" he then adds "Once you do, we can get the fuck out of here".
The mage Reinholt who has gained back a lot of his power after he drained the unconscious wizard, reads the mans mind. Then informs the lord of the death realm what he finds out, as well as what he found out when he was onboard the battlecruiser that he ended up destroying.
"Now isn't that interesting" quietly says lord Farque, who then adds "Interesting indeed" once the mage Reinholt explains to him what he's found out.
The Vexilian mage in exile nods his hooded head in agreement with the undead warlord as they look down at the unconscious wizard on the ground . . . . . .

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