Sunday 8 July 2018

The Homecoming 136.

On The Wall. Off The Wall...

Sir Percavelle Lé Dic is turning when out of the corner of his right eye, he spots Dorc da Orc further back along the top of the south wall, go flying backwards off the parapet.
The heavily armoured knight who caught a glimpse of a dark, green light striking the big, burly ork before he went flying off the battlements.
Ducks down, as he looks into the courtyard below. And sees the large ork lying about thirty feet from the base of the wall.
The former earl of Lé Dic knows how tough the ork warleader is. After all he spent a number of years trying to kill him, and was unable to.
And whatever it was that struck the ork weaponsmith, should be treated with caution. Considering as he looks at Dorkindle, he sees that he isn't moving. Until a few moments later, he sees the large ork starting to stir.
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che pops his full, helmed head up over the top of the wall, next to one of the two merlons he's between near the southeast corner tower of his family's ancestral home.
He looks across the moat, further to his right, inline to where Dorc da Orc was standing upon the parapet.
"Wicked spellcraft of some kind got the beast" murmurs sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he peers over the top of the wall, the heavily armoured knight looks across at the enemy on the otherside of the moat, at those who have yet to get onto the water. He quickly finds who he is searching for.
"Raevar and his pet druid" mutters the former paladin as he spots baron Raevar Harkonin, along with his personal advisor, the dark druid Palvarc. Along with others, about fifty yards back from the moat along the south side of castle Lé Dic.
The nobleborn knight who is the uncle of lady Linara Lé Dic. Who thought the dark druid Palvarc had taken off from the battle.
Narrows his eyelids as he watches the spellcaster from the fief across the border to the east. Along with baron Harkonin, both of whom are looking up at the battlements. Along this half of the south wall of the massive castle that's been home of the Lé Dic family for centuries.
The former knight of the first class ducks his head back down "Come on Percy lad, think" the heavily armoured knight murmurs to himself.
Who after looking back down into the courtyard below, and sees the large form of Dorc da Orc trying to move.
He looks up behind him at the tower that's on the southeast corner of his family's castle.
Up there is a small number of archers and crossbowmen shooting down at the enemy. Those who top the wall, or who are down on the moat, trying to get up to the battlements on this side of the massive castle.
The nobleman who is both a landed and an ordered knight, then looks along the parapet to his right. Where he spots a couple of the enemy have gained the top of the wall, about fifty feet from where he is, now that the large ork isn't there using a scaling ladder to whack the enemy trying to climb up to the battlements.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic or Percy as he's commonly referred to by the rest of the group, grins behind the faceplate of his visor.
Then he slips the shield of Saint Mar-che off his back, and holds it infront of him. The the former earl of Lé Dic then looks behind him and up to the tower on the corner, and he calls out an order to those defenders up on the top of it.
Down in the large south courtyard of castle Lé Dic. Dorc da Orc opens his eyes after momentarily blacking out after hitting the ground, back first.
The large ork, who now has been hit off the top of the walls of the massive castle, twice today during the battle.
Groans as this time, definitely hurt a lot more than the first time, which happened over on the east wall of castle Lé Dic.
"Fucken magicky shit" mutters Dorc da Orc who knew immediately he got hit by something magical as he was flying backwards off the parapet.
The ork warleader, who if he wasn't an ork, would of been dead from the near fifty foot fall from the top of the south wall of the massive castle.
And would of been dead if he hadn't been wearing his plate of real dragon armour, that covers his chest, and most of his ample stomach.
Then grunts as he goes to move "Fuck hurties" mutters the big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world.
He lifts a hand, and says "Yeah cunt" and waves away a castle servant who has hurried over and asked if he's alive.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks sourly smiles as he contemplates taking one of his healing potions. As his body fair tingles up and down the length of it.
The large ork who wishes to his god Krom that he could swap one of his healing potions with one belonging to Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, as he did this morning.
Strains as he lifts his head, and looks up to the battlements of the south wall of castle Lé Dic, which he came flying off the back of.
The warleader of the ork race scowls as he looks along the parapet, to near the southeast corner tower of the massive castle. Where he spots sir Percavelle Lé Dic kneeling down behind a parapet.
What that fucken silly knight cunt up to? Dorkindle thinks to himself as he sees the former earl of Lé Dic is holding the shield of Saint Mar-che, and is looking up to the top of the corner tower, calling out something to the defenders up there.
The scowl upon the broad, green, feral looking face of the large ork turns into a frown as he hears what the heavily armoured knight up on the battlements calls out.
Then Dorc da Orc as he tries to sit up, grunts as he catches the scent of the newest member of the group. The war engineer Tovis hurrying this way across the courtyard.
The son of the former matriarch of wolf tribe of orks wonders if he can swap one of his healing potions with one that the former war engineer to baron Harkonin has. He sure hopes so, as the ones given to him by Helbe the elven thief taste like stewed vegetables. Which is totally disgusting to the palate of the large ork.
Up on the parapet of the south wall of the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic who is looking up at the top of the tower behind him.
Grins as he sees a couple of arrows, then crossbow bolts fly from it, across the moat, to the open ground beyond. The former paladin then starts crab walking along the parapet, keeping below the top of the wall and the height of the merlons.
"Thou ungodly druid is going to get a surprise if he tries the same thing on me, that he did to the smelly beast" murmurs the former earl of Lé Dic as he carries the shield of Saint Mar-che infront of him, as he basically waddles in a low crouch back along the parapet, heading away from the southeast corner tower of his family's castle.
The heavily armoured knight grins behind the visor of his full headed helm as he intends to make himself a target for the dark druid across on the otherside of the moat from the south wall of castle Lé Dic.
"Can you see him?" asks baron Raevar Harkonin as they look up at the battlements along the south wall of the massive castle that's been the home of his enemies, the Lé Dic family for centuries.
The baron looks at his advisor, the dark druid Palvarc, who is standing beside him. Who shakes his head no, as they try to locate sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
The ruling nobleman of the fief across the border to the east then looks at sir Haleníc, and the young knight's squad who have joined them.
Who shakes his head no as well, as they can't see the former earl of Lé Dic who was spotted near the southeast corner of castle Lé Dic.
The baron who is glad Palvarc disposed of the large, green creature, that's supposedly an ork, that was terrorizing his men.
Looks at his advisor, who is frowning as he looks at the battlements across from them.
"Has Percavelle got something magical with him?" asks Palvarc the dark druid as he uses his magical senses as much as his normal one's as he looks across the moat, to the top of the south wall of the massive castle that's been the home of the Lé Dic family for generations.
With a sour looking smile upon his face, baron Harkonin says "It's a sword i think" he continues with "The idiot was using it on the men, sent them flying through the air every time he hit one of them with it".
The baron's advisor nods his head, then he and Raevar Harkonin look sharply to the right, as one of the baron's personal guards hops quickly backwards, and yelps "Shit!" as a crossbow bolt hits the ground right infront of him.
The dark druid who has only recently returned to the battle puts up wards as arrows and bolts fly their way from the archers and crossbowmen who are up on top of the tower at the southeast corner of castle Lé Dic.
Then after glancing westwards and sensing as far as he can in that direction. And glancing at his staff, which doesn't give him the feeling of any threat coming from that direction.
Palvarc looks sharply to the battlements near to southeast corner of the massive castle, where he senses a magical item, infact he's sure he senses two. As the young knight, sir Haleníc says "There!".
They all spot the heavily armoured figure of sir Percavelle Lé Dic standing up between a couple of merlons. Where he's just shouldered one Harkonin soldier off the top of the wall.
And sent another one flying sideways along the parapet a good thirty feet, after hitting him, with what the dark druid presumes is the magical sword he has in his possession.
Pointing the end of his staff at the former earl of Lé Dic up on the south wall battlements of the massive castle, Palvarc the dark druid says "Got him". Beside his advisor, the baron grins as he waits for what's about to happen.
The spellcaster from the fief across the border to the east, sends a beam of dark, green energy from his staff, shooting across the moat towards the top of the south wall of castle Lé Dic.
As he does, the staff screams out a warning to him. Not from the west where he expects it. But from the top of the south wall of the massive castle. Right where he's sent the beam of dark, green energy. Right where sir Percavelle Lé Dic stands upon the parapet.
Up on the battlements of his family's castle, the former earl of Lé Dic, who has the shield of Saint Mar-che leaning against him, below the top of the wall.
Grabs it and lifts it up when he sees the dark druid Palvarc pointing his magical staff at him. The heavily armoured knight drops down to a knee, and braces himself as he holds up the magical shield, that rightfully belongs to his order, but he took from the previous caretaker of it, after he died during a battle.
In the moment before he's knocked back down, with a fair bit of force, onto the parapet by what hits the shield of Saint Mar-che, sir Percavelle Lé Dic is grinning from ear to ear behind the faceplate of his full helm.
For he knows whatever it is magically that's just hit the shield of Saint Mar-che, is going directly back where it came from. Faster, and more powerfully than when it hit the magical shield.
Wards are all well and good, if you know what to protect yourself from. And if you've got them up in time.
But for the dark druid Palvarc, who has up a barrier spell to stop the arrows and bolts shot at them by the defenders up on the southeast corner tower of castle Lé Dic.
Doesn't have a protection spell up, which protects oneself, and others from magic. For the simple reason he wasn't expected a magical attack.
The advisor to baron Harkonin only had the warning at the last instant from his staff. And that warning was so quick. That he could barely slam up a protection spell. Before the beam of dark green energy shot from his staff, comes back at him, far quicker and a lot more powerful than he shot it at sir Percavelle Lé Dic up on the battlements along the south wall of the massive castle.
Palvarc barely gets the protection spell up infront of him and the baron standing next to him, before the beam of dark green energy returns and hits.
There's a burst of dark green light, and baron Harkonin finds himself flung backwards, he hits the ground with a fair bit of impact, and groans.
He goes to take a breath, and gasps as he's winded. The nobleman who rules the fief across the border to the east, turns his head to the left. And sees his advisor, Palvarc lying nearby, clutching his staff, unconscious or dead he's not too sure.
The baron sees the charred body of one of his personal guards beyond the dark druid.
And a bit further beyond him, he sees another of his personal guards, missing the top half of his body.
Raevar Harkonin gulps as he tries to get his breath back. He lifts his head, and sees a couple more bodies further away to the left.
One missing a leg, and is slightly burnt. While the other is intact, though there's tendrils of smoke coming from it.
The baron spots one of the soldiers stagger by, missing an arm. While another is stumbling blindly the other way, towards the moat. Hands out infront of himself, his face slightly burnt and bloody.
The head of the Harkonin family looks the other way when he hears someone say "M'lord?".
He sees a dazed looking sir Haleníc stumble, and kneel beside him "You alright m'lord?" asks sir Haleníc.
Nodding his head, baron Harkonin says "Fine" he then winces as he tries to sit up.
The baron then gestures at his advisor lying nearby, and says to the young knight "See to Palvarc".
Raevar Harkonin chooses to ignore the muttered "Fuck him" from sir Haleníc as he looks at the dark druid, and instead tells the young noble "And to the men as well".
The dazed looking knight nods, and calls out to those soldiers near the moat, to hurry over and help.
Further to the left along the moat, near the water's edge. Sir Taevar the army commander, has seen what's happened. And he sends a group of soldiers and camp followers to assist the baron and the others who were hit by the rebounding beam of dark green energy shot from the tip of the dark druid's staff.
The army commander hopes the baron's advisor was killed with what just happened. As he couldn't think of a better person more fitting to die from their own hand, than Palvarc the dark druid.
Up on the battlements of the south wall of castle Lé Dic, sir Percavelle Lé Dic groans in pain as he sits up, gasping for breath as he was winded by being slammed down onto the parapet by the dark, green beam of energy that struck the shield of Saint Mar-che.
The former paladin who is facing the courtyard, looks down into it. And sees that Tovis the war engineer and a couple of others have reached Dorc da Orc, and are helping the large ork to sit up.
The heavily armoured knight sourly smiles behind the faceplate of his helm as he sees the ork warleader is more or less hale.
Then the former earl of Lé Dic, after taking a couple of deep breaths. Turns and gets to a knee, as he reclaims the shield of Saint Mar-che beside him. And he pops his head up over the top of the wall, and he looks across to the otherside of the moat.
With a chuckle, sir Percavelle Lé Dic says "Take that you Harkonin rabble". As he sees the destruction he's wrought by using the shield of Saint Mar-che to protect himself from magical attack.
The nobleborn knight who is grinning behind the visor of his full helm, frowns as he sees baron Raevar Harkonin being helped up, as bodies lie scattered around him. Many burnt and others missing limbs.
Then as a Harkonin soldier with a bloody and burnt face walks into the moat. Percy sees the dark druid Palvarc, who is still holding his staff. Being lifted up by a trio of camp followers.
And though the baron's advisor is unresponsive, and seems dead to the world. The way in which he's clutching his staff, the former earl of Lé Dic suspects he's still alive.
"That evil villain might still live, but he's out of action for the moment wot" murmurs the uncle to lady Linara Lé Dic.
Who watches the dark druid being carried away. While baron Harkonin, who leans upon a young knight, and a soldier on the otherside of him.
Follow after those carrying the unconscious dark druid. Who are heading back in the direction of the Harkonin camp.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic stands up, after wincing as he's fairly certain he's going to be badly bruised down the side where he slammed down onto the parapet.
The nobleborn knight starts heading along the battlements to where the enemy have a got a scaling ladder up against the face of the south wall of the massive castle that's been his family's home for centuries.
As he makes his way along the parapet, the former knight of the first class, with the shield of Saint Mar-che on his left arm, draws the sword of knockdown, holds it aloft and shouts "Lé Dic!" by way of encouragement to the under sieged defenders who are nearby.
A smile appears on the face of sir Percavelle Lé Dic behind the faceplate of his full helm, when he hears the calls of "Lé Dic!" from the defenders along the parapet in response to their former earl . . . . . .

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