Tuesday 24 July 2018

The Homecoming 143.

Into The Battle...

They appear a couple of miles to the southwest of castle Lé Dic. And Helbe the elven thief nods his hooded head when Narladene the ground pixie says to him in the elven language "He's in that camp of their's".
"Seems things are a little busy there" murmurs Helbe the elven thief as he looks at the massive castle in the distance.
He then switches to the common language and says to Shur Kee the monk "He's in their camp" the young elven noble briefly pauses before continuing with "Which seems to be on fire".
Narladene who has just briefly dropped down to the ground, then made her way back up onto the right shoulder of the elven princeling she's attached to, dryly says "Stinky is in that camp" followed by "Percy too".
"Well we know how it caught on fire then" dryly says the elven magic user, who then tells the short, statured monk "If you see him, attack him".
"I will friend Helbe" says Shur Kee the monk as they look towards the battle for castle Lé Dic in the distance.
It's taken them a fair bit of time to return to the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
For the simple reason the young elven noble, since he doesn't know how to create a rift spell that goes a considerable amount of distance.
Had to teleport and shift them back to castle Lé Dic, from the west of the fief where they encountered baron Harkonin's advisor, the dark druid, Palvarc.
"How fares the battle?" asks the acolyte in the order of Bru Li who can't clearly see what's happening along the battlements of the massive castle, as it's a bit too faraway for him to see at the moment.
"Busy" is the reply of the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel who is paying attention to the enemy camp, more than he is to the actual battle along the walls of castle Lé Dic.
"He's casting" quietly says prince Helbenthril Raendril in elven to the ground pixie standing upon his right shoulder, as he can sense the dark druid within the enemy camp, that's on the tourney field to the south of the massive castle that's been the home of the Lé Dic family for centuries.
"Percy has just used his sword on him" says the tiny winged creature who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel nods his hooded head as he senses the wards baron Harkonin's advisor has up, rapidly depleting.
Then the elven masterthief looks quickly to where Narladene points, as she says "There, on the edge of camp" followed by "On this side" the naturally magical creature then adds "It's the baron".
The highly talented elven spellcaster spots the group of people at the western edge of the Harkonin camp. And he sees that one of them is the baron himself.
Taking care of him might be better than dealing with the druid, Helbe the elven thief thinks to himself, who is just about to teleport him and Shur Kee towards the western edge of the camp, the Harkonin army have set up on the tourney field to the south of castle Lé Dic. When he senses the dark druid Palvarc casting again.
The elven master archer looks up into the sky a couple of moments after the ground pixie on his right shoulder has done the same thing.
And in the afternoon sky, they spot the advisor to baron Harkonin, levitating about a thousand feet above the ground.
"Shur Kee there he is" says the elven princeling as he points out the enemy spellcaster up in the mid afternoon sky.
Then the elven magic user blurs himself and the physical adept. And he shifts the two of them away. Towards castle Lé Dic and the battle taking place there. More precisely towards the camp of the Harkonin army, that's on the field where the local tournaments are held here in the Lé Dic fief.
They shift closer to the enemy camp, the elven masterthief has to shift them again when Narladene informs him that the dark druid Palvarc is going to use his staff on them.
The baron it is then, prince Helbenthril Raendril thinks to himself after shifting them closer to the road south of castle Lé Dic, and south of the camp that the Harkonin army has set up on the tourney field.
Or maybe both? silently adds the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel who after quickly glancing at the physical adept beside him, tells the acolyte in the order of Bru Li "Shur Kee while you confront the druid, I'll take care of the baron".
The short, statured monk who hails from the far eastern coast of the continent, basically the otherside of the world. Nods his head in understanding, and is slightly relieved when the elven magic user adds "Narladene stay with Shur Kee".
The elven masterthief then tells the ground pixie something in the elven language that the physical adept can't understated.
Then in common, the elven master assassin asks the monk from the far eastern kingdom of Wah Lee "Ready?".
"I am" is the reply of Shur Kee, which he justs get out before the elven spellcaster shifts him away, with Narladene clinging onto the odd shaped conical hat of the short statured monk.
The elven magic user who is watching the dark druid in the afternoon sky, who has turned this way and is waiting for him to do something.
Faintly smiles, then the blurred and shielded elven masterthief shifts away, heading towards the western side of the enemy camp, that has fire spreading through it.
Up in the mid afternoon sky, Palvarc the dark druid murmurs "Where now?" as he points his staff, in the general direction of south and west.
The advisor to baron Harkonin after glancing down into the camp below, where he spots sir Percavelle Lé Dic and the ork creature.
Feels his staff turn and point directly south, onto the road to the south of the field where the Harkonin army has it's camp.
The staff points there for a little while, and the dark druid is just about to cast there. When all of a sudden, it points into the camp. Twice, one after the other. First to the south of where the fire is. Then to the western edge of the field.
Seeing and sensing no one, to where the staff points first. But figuring there's someone there, who is invisible.
The spellcaster from the fief across the border to the east, looks to the western edge of the camp.
And there along that side of the field, the dark druid spots baron Harkonin, and the others with the head of the Harkonin family.
"Shit" mutters Palvarc who realises he's dealing with two people who are opposing him. Likely to be the two who he confronted earlier today in the west of the Lé Dic fief.
Who he fled from as he had no luck whatsoever against them.
The advisor to baron Harkonin bitterly smiles, and knows no matter what, he has to keep the baron safe at all costs.
The dark druid goes to teleport down to the baron, to whisk him away to safety. When he spots something out of the corner of his left eye, down in the camp, at the southern end of it, near the road.
"Once you do your er, um thing" says Narladene to Shur Kee "You won't be invisible anymore" adds the naturally magical creature.
"I know this" says the acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, who knows that any magic is nullified by his unique power once he unleashes it.
The tiny winged creature hops off the short statured monks hat and flies away, as he take half a step forward, slightly turns his body, and looks up through the smoke that drifts by, to where he can see the figure in the mid afternoon sky above the Harkonin camp.
Shur Kee reaches up and briefly clutches the jade pendant he wears on a fine silver chain around his neck.
It's glowing green when he lets go of it. Then with his hands down by his side again, he thrusts them up at the figure floating up in sky above the enemy camp, as he shouts "Bru Li spirit!".
Further into the camp, Dorc da Orc who along with sir Percavelle Lé Dic is looking up at the figure of Palvarc the dark druid in the sky above them, and is grumbling about how they're going to get at the advisor to baron Harkonin. Suddenly grunts as he catches wind of something.
"What is it beast?" asks sir Percavelle Lé Dic who notices the large ork turn to the south, and look that way through the camp.
"The tree fucker and the little monkey are here" is the reply of Dorc da Orc who then sourly adds in a mutter "And that lil' fucken bee".
Behind the faceplate of his full helm, the former earl of Lé Dic frowns as he wonders who the ork warleader is referring to. Then the heavily armoured knight realises the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, means Helbe the elven thief and Shur Kee the monk.
"Hmmm maybe his highness can get that despot druid down here, so that we can give him a good old fashioned drubbing, wot" muses the former paladin as he looks back up into the sky above them, where the advisor to baron Harkonin is floating.
Then the two of them, hear the familiar voice of Shur Kee the monk somewhere to the south of them, shout "Bru Li spirit!".
Even the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che is able to hear the shout of the physical adept. True, it's a little faint to his ears. But he can still hear it. As he figures the short, statured monk must be in the southern part of the enemy camp.
Shur Kee the monk becomes visible on the road after the near nine foot wide ball of strange, white spiritual energy forms infront of him.
Then shoots up into the sky, going through some of the smoke that's drifting across the road infront of the monk who has become the living conduit of the Jade Warrior, Bru Li.
"You two, this way now!" says Narladene the ground pixie who suddenly appears infront of Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
Brandishing her tiny, but extremely sharp sword, which she waves away to the south.
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che blinks in surprise, as he has only even seen the tiny winged creature a handful of times at most, in the few years he's been in the group.
While Dorkindle, who caught wind of the ground pixie approaching them, sourly smiles as he looks at the naturally magical creature.
Then just as the large ork is about to tell Narladene to fuck off, the tiny winged creature tells him and the former earl of Lé Dic "Hurry, you're to protect Shur Kee from that druid".
Then stabbing her tiny sword in their direction, the ground pixie adds "Now move!".
After glancing at one another, the nobleborn knight and the warleader of the ork race head south through the camp, following after the tiny winged creature who is flying infront of them.
As they run, they both spot the white ball of strange looking energy shooting up above, and then behind them into the afternoon sky, presumably heading towards where the dark druid Palvarc is.
"Shit" mutters the advisor to baron Harkonin when he sees what's coming up towards him from the south of the camp below.
The spellcaster from the fief across the border to the east, grimaces as he doesn't particularly want to face that again after the failure earlier today in the west of the Lé Dic fief.
Then the dark druid goes to teleport away, to get away from the ball of strange looking white energy coming up towards him, that after his experiences earlier in the day, he knows he can't counter magically.
He goes to teleport down to where baron Harkonin is on the western edge of the camp.
"That's Palvarc alright" says sir Haleníc as they look up into the sky "Must be trying to locate that idiot Percavelle and that big, bloody green thing" muses baron Harkonin as they look up into the afternoon sky above the camp of the baron's army.
The young knight sir Haleníc is just about say something to those with them, when he changes his mind, and instead says "He's just disappeared" as the baron's advisor vanishes from the afternoon sky above the camp.
Almost instantaneously, baron Harkonin vanishes too. Much to the surprise of sir Haleníc and the others.
A moment later, and the dark druid Palvarc appears next to them, and after frowning as he looks around, Palvarc asks "Where's the baron?" . . . . . .

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