Thursday 12 July 2018

The Homecoming 140.

Making It Up As They Go Along...

"Cunt, back here" says Dorc da Orc, sir Percavelle Lé Dic looks back at the large ork, and sees what he points at.
The heavily armoured knight nods his full helmed head, and with the long pole he's using. He reaches out to the body floating nearby, and prods it until it heads this way towards the raft they're on.
Scowling and making a face of utter disgust, the ork warleader reaches out and grabs the dead Harkonin soldier who is floating by them.
"Yucky" mutters the big, burly ork at getting wet as he lifts the body out of the water with one hand.
Then though he's still basically kneeling upon the raft, the ork weaponsmith hurls the body away to the left.
Throwing it well over fifteen feet, where it smashes into the enemy upon the closest raft. A raft that's half submerged, as there's so many of the baron Harkonin's soldiers and camp followers upon it.
"Drown ya cunts" mutters Dorkindle, while sir Percavelle Lé Dic, or Percy as he's more commonly referred to by the rest of the group. Whacks the end of the long pole across the head of one of the enemy soldiers who have just fallen into the water.
The former earl of Lé Dic then glances back at the ork warleader, who darts a look his way. As they both hear Riley Hait the mercenary ranger upon the south wall parapet of castle Lé Dic, call out to them with "You two idiots, get back here!".
"That ranger fellow must mean two other idiots wot" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic "Fucken must be" says Dorkindle with a shrug of his massive shoulders. Then the former paladin continues polling them to the otherside of the moat, while the warleader of the ork race, dips the board he's using, back into the water, and starts paddling again.
Continuing to ignore the shouts from the ranger Hait up on the battlements along the south wall of the massive castle that's been the home of the Lé Dic family for generations.
The heavily armoured knight gets near to the water's edge, and runs off the raft. Going through the shallow water at the edge of the moat, then up onto grassy bank beyond.
Behind him on the raft, the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world growls "Fucken dicknose" at the nobleborn knight for not actually getting the raft onto the slight bank.
With the board he's using, the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, sweeps it back through the water a couple more times to try and get the raft closer to the grassy bank.
He gives up as he splashes himself, illiciting an angry growl, and a muttered "Cunt water is fucken evils". Before he biffs the board away, in the direction of the nearest Harkonin soldiers upon the moat.
Then the large ork who sees the former paladin hurrying away towards the road, without waiting for him.
Gets to his feet, and takes a running leap off the raft. He grins then chuckles as he lands, without getting wet again.
Then ignoring the shouts from Riley Hait up above the main gates on the south side of castle Lé Dic.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks, who yanks an arrow and bolt out of his left arm.
Sets off after the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che, who is jogging up onto the road. The road that leads south from the massive castle, to the tourney field where the Harkonin army have their camp.
Percy encounters very few of the enemy, either soldiers or camp followers, as most of them are on the moat trying to climb to the top of the south wall of his family's home.
The nobleborn knight gets up onto the road, and comes to a brief stop as he picks up his large canvas bag, that has his swordbreaker and the flat, iron poinard like blade it in. That he left behind after he killed a number of the enemy nobility. Who lie dead, nearby on the road.
The uncle of lady Linara Lé Dic, shoulders the bag, and continues on his way along the road. Heading south to where the enemy have their camp on the field where the local tournaments are held.
Huffing and puffing as he runs towards the road, Dorc da Orc continually mutters to himself. Mostly about the parentage of sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Not to mention the early spring weather here in the east of the kingdom of Druvic. Which is far too warm for his liking.
After glaring up at the sun in the clear, mid afternoon sky, and calling it a fucking evil cunt, just like the water in the moat behind him.
The ork weaponsmith from the bottom of the world, runs up onto the road, and turns left, and heads south after the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che.
The former paladin, who scares away a couple of camp followers, who definitely don't want anything to do with him. Slows down as he approaches the badly damaged siege tower on the road.
The nobleborn knight who once ruled the Lé Dic fief, narrows his eyelids as he slows, and he draws the sword of knockdown off his left hip.
As he walks alongside the siege tower that was battered by the war machines, specifically the trebuchets within the south courtyard of castle Lé Dic.
The heavily armoured knight makes as much noise as possible. He then grins behind the faceplate of his full helm, as a moment later. An enemy soldier comes running around from the back of the damaged siege tower, swinging a sword.
Dorc da Orc looks ahead, grunts then mutters "Fucken show off". As he sees a Harkonin soldier go flying sideways, away from the damaged siege tower just up ahead.
The large ork sourly smiles as he sees the former earl of Lé Dic, look back at him, grin. Wave the sword of knockdown in salute to him. Then carry on towards the tourney field further to the south where the Harkonin army have their camp.
Then the warleader of the ork race grins, as he can easily hear in the distance back at castle Lé Dic. Riley Hait the mercenary ranger still yelling out from the parapet above the main gates on the south side of the massive castle. For him and the former paladin to return to castle Lé Dic.
Dorkindle chuckles, then murmurs "Neh, get fucked cunt" as he listens to the ranger Hait calling out to him and sir Percavelle Lé Dic, as the big, burly ork follows after the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che.
In the camp of the Harkonin army, the baron Raevar Harkonin frowns, then says "What did he just say?".
"I'm not too sure m'lord" says sir Haleníc, who nods for one of the baron's personal servants, to go and see what the soldier up the side of one of the trebuchets on the road just called out.
The head of the Harkonin family who is still a little sore from when he got caught up in the explosion from one of the dark druid Palvarc's spells backfiring.
Looks over at the young knight who is standing upon the chest nearby, who has just said "He's getting down".
"Who?" asks the nobleman who rules the fief across the border to the east, who has every intention of ruling the Lé Dic fief too, once he kills every member of the nobleborn family that's been the enemy of his family for generations.
"That fellow up the side of the trebuchet" is the reply from sir Haleníc, who then adds "He's in a hurry too".
Raevar Harkonin gets up from the camp chair he's been sitting and resting on, puts the goblet down he's been drinking from, and looks to the nearby road.
Where he too sees the soldier who was up the side of one of trebuchets, getting down it, fairly quickly. Once he's off it, and he's met by the servant who went to see what he last called out. They both look northwards in the directon of castle Lé Dic, then the next moment they're both heading this way, fast.
The head of the Harkonin family frowns as both the soldier and his servant shout out as they run back this way.
Then the baron mutters "Shit" while young Haleníc says "Hell!" when they both here what the returning soldier and servant are shouting.
"Move!" orders baron Harkonin to those soldiers and servants nearby. He looks quickly in the direction of the healers tent, that the unconscious dark druid is still in.
Then the head of the Harkonin family says to the teenage knight with him "Lets go" followed by "Through the camp, so we can try and lose them".
Young sir Haleníc nods, then he and the baron, along with some of soldiers, and personal servants, head off between the rows of tents, that have been put up on this field to the south of the massive castle that's been the home to the Lé Dic family for centuries.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic stops jogging , and slows to a walk, so that Dorc da Orc can catch up. For the simple reason he wants to use the large ork's unique abilities to locate who they're after.
The former paladin, who sees an enemy soldier and a camp follower, running away from a trebuchet in the middle of the road, to the nearby camp, that's predominantly on the tourney field on the west side of the road that leads south from castle Lé Dic.
Looks back, and watches the ork warleader jogging this way. The former knight of the first class wryly smiles behind the visor of his full helm as he sees the big, burly ork huffing and puffing as he jogs in the warm, mid afternoon sun on this clear, and fine, early spring day.
Coming to a stop, Dorc da Orc asks the nobleborn knight "Why you fucken stop?".
"Where is he?" asks Percy, who follows that with "The baron".
The ork warleader grunts, then says "Me don't fucken know" as he doesn't exactly know the scent of the nobleman who rules the fief across the border to the east.
But Dorkindle does know the scent of someone else in the army of baron Harkonin. For the simple reason this person knocked him off the south wall parapet of castle Lé Dic a little earlier this afternoon.
The big, burly ork who knows the scent of that person, points to the enemy camp on the field off to the west of the road.
"But that fucken magicky cunt is there" adds the ork weaponsmith who after a couple of deep sniffs, adds "He fucken moving too".
The former earl of Lé Dic, who is just as happy killing the dark druid Palvarc, as he is in killing baron Harkonin.
Nods his full helmed head, then says to the big, burly ork who rather pongs as he stands there behind him "Right then beast, let us be off after that wicked druid who doth advise that nincompoop the baron".
The ork weaponsmith just grunts to that, then follows after the former paladin. Who heads off the road, and hurries down onto the tourney field where the Harkonin army has made camp.
Following the directions of the large ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world.
The former earl of Lé Dic leads the big, burly ork into the Harkonin army camp, and between the rows of tents.
Dorkindle briefly stops when he eyes something. He picks up and drains some wine from a goblet on a small camp table infront of a tent. Then he picks up a nearby bottle, and downs that too.
"Hurry beast" says the former earl of Lé Dic who stops as he realises the large ork isn't right behind him.
The warleader of the ork race tosses the bottle away, and nods in the direction to go, and says "Fucken that way cunt".
The heavily armoured knight nods, and sets off through the rows of tents, followed by the big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world.
"Hurry" admonishes baron Harkonin to those carrying the stretcher that has the unconscious dark druid Palvarc on it, whom they've gathered from the surgeons and healers tent.
"And keep low" hurriedly adds sir Haleníc in a quiet tone, the young noble from the fief across the border to the east, continues with "That creature is big, and might be able to see us over the tents".
The baron nods as he follows one of his personal guards through the rows of tents in their camp.
While another of the soldiers with them, who is at the rear, keeps glancing back in the direction they've come from as they now hear shouts and screams coming from the directon of the large tent they took the baron's advisor from.
"He's waking" says one of the servants carrying the stretcher with the unconscious spellcaster on it.
The head of the Harkonin family looks at the dark druid, and sees that his advisor is stirring.
Raevar Harkonin as he walks quickly beside those carrying the stretcher, shakes the left shoulder of his advisor and says "Palvarc wake up".
After shaking the dark druid's shoulder once more, the baron says "Palvarc, you awake?".
He's answered with a slight groan, followed by a muttered "Yes" from Palvarc the dark druid who opens his eyes and looks around.
Seeing that he's being carried on a stretcher through the camp, the baron's advisor looks up at the nobleman who rules the fief across the border to the east, and says "What's happening?".
"We're in trouble, that's what's happening" quietly says baron Harkonin, as they hear a roar from somewhere behind them in the camp.
Palvarc, who is comforted that he's holding his staff, slightly grimaces then says "Stop" followed by "Help me up".
The stretcher is put down, and two of the baron's servants, along with the baron help the dark druid to stand.
Who though a little unsteady on his feet at first, steps away from those who helped him to stand, and says to baron Harkonin "Let us deal to this menace once and for all then" . . . . . .

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