Monday 9 July 2018

The Homecoming 137.

Battle Castle...

Riley Hait the mercenary ranger doesn't see the explosion across on the otherside of the moat, away to his left. As he's busy rolling a barrel filled with rocks and stones off the top of the wall, with the help of a couple of townsmen.
The mercenary ranger from the elven principality certainly heard the explosion. And after the barrel he rolls off the top of the wall, crashes down upon a raft and those on it at the base of the wall.
He looks away to the left, and spots the aftermath of the explosion. The ranger Hait who spots baron Harkonin first. Being helped away to the rear. Frowns as he sees further infront of the baron. His advisor, the dark druid Palvarc being carried away too.
The spellcaster from the fief across the border to the east is knocked out by the looks of it. As he's still firmly clutching his staff to his body as he's carried away.
When the hell did he get back? Riley Hait the mercenary ranger thinks to himself a little worryingly, as he knows Helbe the elven thief, who took Shur Kee the monk with him.
Took off earlier in the day in pursuit of the dark druid who serves as the advisor to baron Harkonin.
The mercenary ranger, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson. Who by no fault of his own, just so happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Riley Hait.
Can't worry about that now, as he's got the defence of castle Lé Dic to worry about.
The human ranger who was raised and trained by some of the elven warders of the principality of Envadarlen. Wryly smiles as one of the townsmen points out something in the courtyard below.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman shakes his head as he looks to the east down in the south courtyard of the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
There he spots Dorc da Orc sitting on the ground. With Tovis the war engineer, and a few others standing next to him.
The last time the ranger Hait saw the large ork, he was swinging an enemy scaling ladder at the enemy who were trying to climb to the battlements, further to the east along the south wall of castle Lé Dic.
The ork warleader who has obviously been knocked backwards off the wall. From the dark druid Palvarc, suspects Riley Hait. Is trying to stand up, after he pops something into his mouth. Most likely a healing potion.
Though the mercenary ranger is willing to bet it's one that the war engineer Tovis had on him. As the big, burly ork hates the ones given to him by prince Helbenthril Raendril.
After Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson orders one of the ballistas to shoot at the enemy, including baron Harkonin heading back towards the enemy camp.
He can't order the other ballista crew to do so. As there isn't anyone manning that one. As he's had the remaining crew members spread out along the parapet, to help out the other defenders.
Likewise with one of the small catapult crews up here on the top of the south wall of castle Lé Dic.
There just isn't enough trained soldiers to crew both of the small catapults now. As they've been targeted throughout the battle by enemy archers and crossbowmen.
He has one of the remaining runners up here on the south wall parapet of the massive castle that's been the home of the Lé Dic family for generations.
Go to the west wall battlements, and to ask Tamric Drubine who is in charge of the defence of that side of the castle something.
Once the youngster has taken off, Riley aka Zubutai the son of Timagin shouts out "Lé Dic!" as hears the call of Lé Dic coming from his left along the parapet. Most likely inspired by the former earl of Lé Dic, sir Percavelle who can be heard once and while shouting out his family's name.
"Yeah me fine cunt" says Dorc da Orc who stretches after he stands up "You sure?" asks Tovis the war engineer as he looks at the large ork who has just taken one of the young engineer's healing potions, in exchange for one of his own.
The ork warleader grunts "Yeah cunt" as he yawns. While Tovis, who saw the big, burly ork go flying off the battlements, and land down here in the courtyard. Who frankly is still in disbelief that the ork weaponsmith is even alive. Looks on a little dubiously as the large ork stands there yawning.
"It fucken nothin" says Dorkindle who waves one of his big, meaty hands and continues with "Happens all the fucken time". The warleader of the ork race grins at baron Harkonin's former war engineer and tells him "Dorc too fucken tough" as he taps with his knuckles the plate of armour from an actual dragon, that he wears on a heavy chain around his neck, that covers his chest, and most of his rather ample belly.
"You lot can fuck off now" says the ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world as he waves in the direction of the nearest of the war machines, though he's looking up at the parapet he went flying off a little while ago.
Dorc da Orc frowns, then scowls as he sees that sir Percavelle Lé Dic is still up on the battlements of the south wall of his family's ancestral home.
The large ork who is the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks, who was hoping that the heavily armoured knight was flung off the top of the wall too.
Sets off towards the nearest set of steps to the battlements above. The warleader of the ork race briefly stops and looks back, and growls as he sees that the young engineer Tovis is following him.
The war engineer who until recently served baron Harkonin, halts and after one look at the growling ork weaponsmith. He turns and goes with the rest of those who came over to check on the big, burly ork. Back to the nearby war machines that they've been manning.
Dorkindle grunts in satisfaction, then he turns back around. And though he's a little unsteady on his feet for the first dozen steps or so. He's more steady once he reaches the steps, and starts heading up them to the parapet of the south wall of the massive castle that's been the home of the Lé Dic family for centuries.
"That silly fucken knight cunt not gonna have all the fucken fun up there" large ork mutters to himself as he makes his way up the steps to the battlements above.
The ork warleader continues muttering with "And fuck up ya cunts" as he hears a number of the defenders up on the parapet shouting "Lé Dic!". In defiance at the enemy, and encouragement to their fellow defenders along this side of castle Lé Dic.
Over on the west wall parapet of the massive castle, Tamric Drubine who is in command of the defence along this side of the castle. Turns to an out of breath runner who has made his way up to the battlements here, from the south courtyard.
After the youngster, a castle page gets his breath back, and tells the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin something.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's often referred to by the others in the group, frowns as he looks away to the west through the smoke of the smouldering town of Massic.
"I haven't" says Tamric Drubine to the youngster "If i do, I'll send someone to tell him" adds the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who then nods for the runner to return to the south wall parapet of the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
"Yes m'lord" says the castle page, who turns and heads to the nearest set of steps down, as he makes his way back to the south wall.
While Tam, who is a former heir of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin, looks back to the west, beyond the town of Massic, searching for any sign of Helbe the elven thief and Shur Kee the monk. Who left castle Lé Dic in the morning, in pursuit of the dark druid Palvarc. Who has returned from to the massive castle, from what the runner who was sent by Riley Hait the mercenary ranger has just told him.
Where can they be? Tam thinks to himself, who is glad to hear that though the dark druid has returned, he's incapacitated at the moment.
Though he's more than a little worried that the elven princeling, and the short, statured monk haven't made their way back to castle Lé Dic.
As he thought the two of them could of eliminated the spellcaster who is the advisor to baron Harkonin. But apparently not.
"I hope they're alright" the nobleborn teenager murmurs to himself as he looks westwards through the drifting smoke that's coming from the buildings in the town of Massic, part of which, is still on fire at this moment.
As he's heading back along the road, between sir Haleníc, and one of his soldiers, both of whom are holding him upright, as he's a little unsteady on his feet.
Baron Harkonin slightly flinches as there's a thump, then a scream that comes from behind them.
The head of the Harkonin family glances back, then winces at what he sees.
One of the trailing soldiers has been struck by missile shot from a ballista up on the south wall of castle Lé Dic.
It's gone right through him, then into the right leg of another of the soldiers who was caught up in the explosion that they all were in.
He's lying on the ground screaming, with a ten foot long heavy spear through his leg.
It's no use going back for him. As he'll soon be dead. That's why none of them stop to help him. And they continue on to the camp.
As they get closer, they're met by some of the baron's personal servants. Who along with the surgeons and healers, are about the only ones not taking part in the assault upon the walls of castle Lé Dic.
The servants have brought a stretcher with them. And though they've brought it for the baron.
He nods for his advisor, the dark druid Palvarc to be put on it. Which the trio carrying the unconscious spellcaster, are willing to do.
After the servants pick up the stretcher, and carry it. The head of the Harkonin family orders one of the soldiers ahead. To get one of the army surgeons to attend the dark druid.
As he does, sir Haleníc leads the way to the closest tent that has a number of camp chairs and chests infront of it.
The baron basically slumps down onto one of the heavy chairs that can support him and his armour.
"Haleníc have one of the men go back onto the road, onto one of the war machines, and observe what's happening" says baron Raevar Harkonin, who still feels a little dazed after taking such a heavy hit, when he was flung backwards in the midst of the explosion they were in.
"Have him every so often call out what's happening" adds the nobleman who rules the fief to the east, who has invaded the Lé Dic fief, intending to wipe out all members of that particular family, and take over their fief.
"Will do m'lord" says sir Haleníc, who steps away to quietly speak to one of the soldiers, who is more or less unhurt, as he was at the edge of the explosion.
As he does, the baron looks away to their right, between two rows of tents, to where he can see the surgeons tent, which his advisor Palvarc has just been carried into.
And as baron Harkonin accepts a goblet of wine from one of his servants. Which tastes a hell of a lot better than the water he's drinking throughout the day.
He wonders how the dark druid fares. And if his advisor is just knocked out. Or if there's anything more serious to his condition after the explosion.
The baron looks back up to the road, where he sees the soldier sir Haleníc spoke to, is making his way to the nearest war machine, which he'll climb, to watch what's happening along the south side of the massive castle that's been the home of the Lé Dic family for generations.
Sitting on the camp chest next to the chair Raevar Harkonin is on, sir Haleníc says "We might of got the rough end of the stick of it m'lord" the young nobleman from the Harkonin fief continues with "Apart from that, the battle is progressing in our favour. And with commander Taevar up near the front, in charge of the assault upon the south wall of enemy's castle, I'm sure we'll have plenty of men in there soon enough".
I hope so, baron Harkonin thinks to himself, as he nods his head to what his young knight has just said.
Then the head of the Harkonin family who is about to say something to sir Haleníc, remains silent as he spots one of the surgeons hurrying this way from the tent, he and his fellow healers have been working in.
After gulping down the rest of the wine in the goblet, baron Harkonin asks the surgeon "How fares the druid Palvarc?".
"He's unconscious m'lord" is the reply of the surgeon, a short man, around the same age as the baron himself "The smelling salts, and the hot spices have been unable to wake him" adds the surgeon, who continues with "When that happens, we tend to let them wake up by themselves. Which could be fairly soon, or tomorrow. It's different for everyone".
The baron nods in understanding, then seeing the surgeon pause, Raevar Harkonin asks "What else is it?".
"For someone who is so completely knocked out" says the surgeon, who continues with "The druid still has strong body functions. In his case, the phenomenal grip he has upon his staff. Which we've been unable to take from him".
"Best you leave it alone" says the head of the Harkonin family, who pauses as the soldier who has been sent to observe the battle, calls out to them, that some more of the men have topped the south wall of castle Lé Dic.
Baron Harkonin smiles, then he frowns as the soldier up the side of one of the trebuchets, calls out something else.
"What was that?" asks the baron looking at sir Haleníc, who tells him "He's certain sir Percavelle is now attacking those of our men who have just gained a section of the wall".
"Damn" mutters the nobleman who rules the fief across the border to the east, who then adds "You may go" in response to the surgeon saying "M'lord" with a nod back to the tent many of the injured and wounded are in.
As the surgeon hurries away, and the baron lifts the goblet up to be refilled, Raevar Harkonin quietly says to sir Haleníc "I don't know what that raving lonnie Percavelle did. But whatever it was, it caused Palvarc's spell to rebound and hit us".
"Yes m'lord" says the young knight, who is just able to keep the judgemental, and rather sour tone he feels, out of his voice at the thought of the dark druid Palvarc, and his failed spell that almost killed a group of them.
"That damn Percavelle has always been a big annoying pain in the ass, today is no different" mutters the baron, who falls silent as the soldier up the side of one of the trebuchets on the road, calls out again.
"Huh?" murmurs the head of the Harkonin family with a frown upon his face, then the baron looks at sir Haleníc, and quietly asks him "What was that?".
"I'm not sure m'lord" says the young noble, who stands up on the chest he's been sitting on, and calls out "What was that last bit?" to the soldier on the road observing the assault upon the south wall of castle Lé Dic.
Both nobles, and those with them, concentrate as they listen to what the soldier up the side of the trebuchet, calls out again, what he sees happening during the assault.
"Damn" mutters baron Harkonin once more, when they hear that the large green monster is again on the battlements along the south side of the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
I thought Palvarc killed it, baron
Raevar Harkonin thinks to himself in disbelief, as he saw the large, green fellow, who is apparently an ork, go flying backwards out of sight, off the back of the parapet along the south side of castle Lé Dic. When it was hit by something that the dark druid Palvarc shot from the end of his magical staff.
"That idiot Percavelle, and that damn green monster, that's all we bloody well need" dryly mutters the baron of the Harkonin fief as he wonders how the battle will continues with those two now back on the south wall of the massive castle that's been the home of the Lé Dic family for centuries . . . . . .

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