Monday 2 November 2020

To War 54.

Summer. Northern Corlinda.

Looking northwards, Teabagger the Goblin Cunt shakes his head as he watches the enemy.
They're spread out as they come out of the woods. Across a front of easily more than a mile. Closer to two in Teabagger's estimation.
The small, bright lurid green goblin who commands the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque.
Sees that the majority of the enemy soldiers, either on horseback or on foot.
Come out of the woods via the road that goes through it, and continues onwards to the southeast.
But the goblin commander sees an awful lot of the crown's forces coming out of the treeline.
Already a lot of them have advanced, as they pursue the Farqian scouts and rangers, who have already been harassing the enemy army. Who have crossed over into the province of Corlinda, from the province of Moleau.
Teabagger who knows that most of this enemy army is from the province of Olind.
And are made up of various armies from nobles in that province. With a small number coming from the province of Sorros. As well as from the capital city Calinar.
And it shows, as they've yet to coordinate things now that they can see the army to the south, waiting for them.
The goblin commander who knows that the force from the first army of Farque, commanded by field commander, Tamric Drubine.
Is outnumbered by this particular army fighting for the king and crown.
Best estimates has the crown's army outnumbering Tamric Drubine's force of just over three thousand Farqian soldiers, by about seven to eight hundred.
Teabagger isn't too worried about that if the enemy's movements are anything to go by.
He's just worried if he can keep his battalion under control since their general isn't here with them.
The small, bright green goblin, who is from here in the kingdom of Melaurn. The northern province of Sorros to be exact.
Is positioned with his battalion on the left flank of the Farqian battlelines, with other black clad infantry.
He looks away to the left, and back. To the hill that field commander Drubine and others. Including general Dorc da Orc are up.
Teabagger spots his general pacing back and forth. No doubt wanting to be down here in the lines with his battalion.
Then the goblin commander looks to the north again when one of the other goblins mentions something.
And though the open countryside between here and the woods is relatively flat.
It does undulate in places. And it takes a few moments for Teabagger to spot a black clad messenger heading this way.
The small, bright lurid green goblin who hails from northern Melaurn.
Watches as the messenger, or runner as they're often referred to, come running this way.
The goblin commander nods his head, as one of his officers, Dumbnuts the Third quietly says in their language "Must be important, that youngster is fair racing back here".
The commander of the goblin battalion, who is pretty sure he recognises the runner. But can't quite recall their name.
Watches as the messenger turns towards the hill that field commander Drubine and the others are up.
"Wonder what it is?" quietly asks Dumbnuts the Third.
"We'll find out soon enough" is the quiet reply of Teabagger the Goblin Cunt.
Who watches the messenger for a little while longer. Until the teenage runner starts heading up the nearby hill.
Then the goblin commander goes back to watching the enemy army who are coming out of the woods to the north.
"Take your time and get your breath back" says Tamric Drubine the field commander to the teenage messenger who has just come up the hill.
That the nobleborn teenager originally from feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, and the others with him, are observing the crown's army that's approaching from the north.
"Report from the scouts and rangers third company" says the messenger Furnid once he's got his breath back.
The young field commander who leads this particular force of the first army of Farque. Roughly a third of the Farqian mercenary army that's fighting on behalf of lord Gormica of Salmah Forest against the crown and king of Melaurn.
Listens to what young Furnid has to say. One of the messengers that Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. Helped to train during the wintertime. Up in the northwest of the lands Farque.
After Furnid tells him the message from the third company of the scouts and rangers. The company that Lisell Maera the scout is in.
The son of a previous Knight of Castle Drubine, a castle and lands found in the northwest of the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
Tells the young teen to drink some water, and to wait with the other nearby runners.
Then field commander Drubine says to his subcommander "Send one of the light cavalry companies on this flank" he continues with "Have them try and draw as many of them down to this end of our lines as possible".
The subcommander nods, then she turns to one of the signalmen to give them the order.
Meanwhile sir Percavelle Lé Dic who has been watching his bitter rival, Dorc da Orc pace back and forth, declares "I'm off down yonder".
The heavily armoured knight gestures down the hill to their battlelines.
As Dorc da Orc loudly mutters "Get yo'self killed ya cunt" with a sideways glare at the former paladin who is his bitter rival.
Tamric Drubine asks the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic "Off to join the heavy foot?".
The young field commander actually doesn't mind the heavily armoured knight joining one of the battalions.
It keeps him out of his way. And the former paladin will definitely be an asset to any company he fights alongside of.
"No" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic or Percy as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
"I thought I'd join those short, green fellows the goblins" adds the heavily armoured knight, who has the faceplate of his full helm open, and is grinning as he looks Dorc da Orc's way.
The ork warleader stops his pacing, and stares at his bitter rival as he walks away.
"Da fuck?" says the large ork in disgust as he looks at the nobleman who hails from the kingdom of Druvic.
As the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world turns and looks at field commander Drubine, and demands of him "You gonna let that cunt do that?".
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin just rolls his eyes as the ork weaponsmith stands there growling as he looks at his bitter rival walking away.
Then the young field commander looks around, and spots Shur Kee the monk, and says to the physical adept "Shur Kee go with Percy and keep an eye on him".
"Of course friend Tamric" says Shur Kee the monk who sets off after the former earl of Lé Dic, which is the family fief of the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic.
"Make sure them gob-a-lins not do anything that fucken knight cunt tells 'em" says Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, to the departing Shur Kee.
The short, statured monk who is from the far eastern coast of the continent, the kingdom of Wah Lee to be exact.
Just waves in response to the ork warleader, as he heads downhill after the member of the order of The Knights of Saint Mar-che.
"Fuck" sourly mutters the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world as he watches sir Percavelle Lé Dic and Shur Kee the monk head down to the battlelines.
"They have a cleric" says Arveem the undead heavy foot trooper in the elven language.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, turns and looks at the undead being and asks him "As powerful as Beldane".
"Hardly" is the dry sounding reply from the man mountain that is Arveem.
"Though still a nuisance" adds the seven foot tall, well in excess of three hundred pounds in weight, heavily armoured undead heavy foot trooper.
"I'll deal to him" says Dargarven the undead scout from where he stands next to his older brother Arveem.
Field commander Drubine who can't do anything to stop one of the Farqian undead from doing anything, just nods his head.
Dargarven then walks forward, and heads down the front of the hill, as he starts making his way north towards the enemy.
Down amongst the battlelines of the Farqian force led by the young field commander, Tamric Drubine.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt is watching the company of light cavalry from their lines, who have ridden out to confront some of the enemy.
When next to him Dumbnuts the Third says "Oh hell, here comes that crazy knight".
The goblin commander turns and looks to where one of his officers is gesturing to.
The small, bright green goblin who leads the battalion of goblins in the armies of Farque.
Sourly smiles as he spots sir Percavelle Lé Dic heading this way.
"Maybe he's joining that heavy foot away to our right?" muses another of the officers, Shitface Fucknose.
"I doubt it" sourly mutters Dumbnuts the Third.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt can only nod in agreement with that, then the goblin commander spots who is following behind the large, heavily armoured knight who is their general's bitter rival.
"The holy man is with him" quietly says the small, bright green goblin, who then adds "The monk".
The nearby goblins who are watching the approaching knight, hope the monk stays with the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic if he decides to fight alongside their battalion.
The goblins all know their general isn't respectful to anyone except for lord Farque.
But the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world is cautious around the short, statured monk.
As he has strange powers at his disposal that some of the goblins have seen in action.
"If that crazy knight does join us, hope that monk does too" Teabagger murmurs to Dumbnuts the Third, and Shitface Fucknose.
Both officers nod in agreement, as they all know the former paladin is the craziest person they know with the exception of their general, who is just plain nuts.
As the nobleborn knight and the short, statured monk approach.
Teabagger, along with just about everyone else in the battlelines. Sees the undead scout Dargarven has made his way down from the top of the hill.
And is now casually walking across the open ground, northwards towards the enemy.
And though one of the cavalry companies has engaged with the enemy.
The only others in Farqian mercenary army out on the open ground between their army and the enemy, are the returning scouts and rangers.
The undead scout Dargarven is the only one in their army on foot, going towards the enemy.
The goblin commander Teabagger takes his eyes off the undead scout Dargarven.
And turns to his left, as sir Percavelle Lé Dic walks up to him, stops, then says "Ah there you are you little green chap wot".
The heavily armoured knight from the kingdom of Druvic who has the faceplate of his full helm open at the moment, and is grinning, then adds "I, the great sir Percavelle, the paramount knight in all the world".
The former paladin doesn't even pause as he continues with "Anointed by the great god himself Narille, to go about in this world of ours, to make a difference with thy sword and shield".
The nobleman who hails from the kingdom of Druvic then says "Will join you little green fellows to vanquish all who dare to challenge us".
Percy does pause for a moment or two before he adds the obligatory "Wot".
"What a fucking blowhard" murmurs Dumbnuts the Third in the goblin language.
Both Shitface Fucknose and Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, nod in agreement with that.
So do all the other goblins in the battalion who were able to hear what the former earl of Lé Dic just said.
"Ah very good sir knight" says the goblin commander in the common language.
Who then glances at the short, statured monk standing a bit behind the heavily armoured knight.
"And you too councilor?" asks Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, who of course like all of them in their battalion, was renamed by their general, Dorc da Orc.
"I shall" says Shur Kee the monk who is an honorary member of the personal council to lord Farque.
"At least that's something" murmurs Dumbnuts the Third in goblin, who then adds "He can keep an eye on that crazy knight".
The small, bright lurid green goblin who commands their battalion is in agreement with that.
Then Teabagger looks up to the hilltop to the left of the battlelines. And spots his general, Dorc da Orc looking down in this direction.
With his naturally enhanced eyesight, the goblin commander can clearly see the look on the face of the ork warleader, who is obviously looking at his bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
And the small, bright green goblin who is originally from the province of Sorros in the north of the kingdom of Melaurn.
Knows his general well enough, to know that the warleader of the ork race. Is angry at the moment, and must be seething that his bitter rival is down in the battlelines, with the goblin battalion.
"Going to be one of those mornings" Teabagger the Goblin Cunt murmurs to himself. Who then turns and looks northwards towards the enemy.
Beyond the retreating scouts and rangers, one of whom he recognises as Lisell Maera the scout.
He sees the cavalry company who have engage with the enemy. Have wheeled about, and have got a fair, few of the enemy chasing them now.
As they too head back southwards towards the Farqian army's battlelines.
All the while, the undead scout Dargarven continues to walk northwards across the open ground towards the enemy who are approaching from the north.
"Pass the word to get ready" quietly says Teabagger the Goblin Cunt in their language to his officers Dumbnuts the Third, and Shitface Fucknose.
"They'll be here soon" adds the goblin commander as the king's army coming out of the woods to the north, heads this way . . . . . .

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