Wednesday 4 November 2020

To War 56.

Summer. In The North Of The Province Of Corlinda.

Dickhead Thirty Something. There's been a lot of goblins in the battalion called Dickhead over the years.
That the ork general, Dorc da Orc has given up giving them an actual number. Now he's just kind of guessing where the number might be.
In the case of Thirty Something. The large ork, who isn't exactly known for his precision when it comes to counting. Unless it's armies facing off against one another in battle.
He's fairly accurate for the rather large, dark green, almost black goblin.
Who is infact number thirty six of the goblins called Dickhead in the battalion. But only the gods would know that. If they bothered to find out.
But Dickhead Thirty Something at the moment doesn't care anything about that.
What he does care about, is that he finds himself in the middle of a battle.
Here on a warm summer morning, in the north of the province of Corlinda. One of the southern provinces in the kingdom of Melaurn.
Where the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque. Are fighting alongside others in their lord's first army.
Who have been hired by a nobleman from the province of Karricaw, by the name of Gormica, the lord of Salmah Forest.
Who is at war with the crown and king of Melaurn.
Dickhead Thirty Something who at five foot, four inches in height, is rather tall for a goblin.
Looks over his fellow black clad goblin soldiers infront of him, and watches what's happening.
Farqian cavalry troops, both light and heavy cavalry have engaged with the enemy.
And to Thirty Something, which most of the others in the battalion call him. Considering there's at least four others in the battalion called Dickhead at this time.
A Twenty Two, a Twenty Something, and a Forty. Who like everyone else in their battalion. Was named by their general.
Sees a mass of swirling confusion out on the open countryside between their battlelines and the woods away to the north. Where the enemy army has come from.
He moves to one side to allow some of the archers forward. As the enemy on foot can be seen coming this way.
Towards the left flank of the Farqian army, near the hill that field commander Tamric Drubine, general Dorc da Orc, and others are up.
There's murmurs away to their right from the infantry company beside their battalion.
And Dickhead Thirty Something looks to where the human soldiers are looking.
And he blinks as at first he isn't quite sure what he's seeing. Then the large, dark green, almost black coloured goblin nods his head in understanding.
As he sees enemy soldiers and their mounts being flung up into the air as a twisting spout of water rips through them.
Thirty Something figures there must be a creek or stream there. Because the swirling water spout is far larger than what a water elemental spouter would normally be.
Other enemy soldiers, both mounted and on foot. Keep well away from that part of the open ground between the woods, and the Farqian battlelines.
I don't blame them, Dickhead Thirty Something dryly thinks to himself, as he watches the destruction wrought by one of the water elementals in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
He then looks to his left, as a rather loud, and not to mention, a rather pompous voice says in the common language "All ready now my fine green fellows!".
"Here goes sir blowhard again" murmurs Shitbrains The Third in the goblin language, who is standing beside Thirty Something.
The other goblins around them all chuckle when they hear that.
"We shall slay these heathens who try to take us on, wot" adds sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who ignores the chuckling from some of the nearby goblins.
Dickhead Thirty Something wryly smiles as he looks at the former paladin who has decided to join them this morning.
Most likely to piss off their general, as the two of them are bitter rivals.
Then he looks ahead, as up ahead, and around them, to either side of the goblin battalion.
Comed the command for the archers and crossbowmen to shoot at the enemy who are within range.
Thirty Something watches arrows shot from longbows go out, and strike down the enemy who are charging them in a rather haphazard manner.
Shorter bows, and crossbows. Which obviously the goblin archers use, won't be used until the enemy gets closer. That's if any of the enemy soldiers get within range.
Dickhead Thirty Something can't help but nod in agreement with the foreign knight, sir Percavelle Lé Dic who says in a wry tone of voice "Not very sporting, wot".
The large, heavily armoured knight then adds "These chaps in the king's army need to get their act together, wot".
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, who has no actual position or rank in the armies of Farque.
But is a member of the group who travels with the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, then adds in a tone of disappointment "I the great sir Percavelle will be bitterly disappointed if i, the greatest knight in all the world, is unable to cut down a few dozen of these men fighting for this despicable king".
The former paladin, who is a member of the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che, who does like the sound of his own voice, then says "They need a bit of leadership over there, wot".
Followed by "If not, then the paramount knight of this world, will miss out on all of the fun" he briefly pauses before adding "Wot".
Dickhead Thirty Something hears one of the officers up front, he thinks it's Dumbnuts The Third, say in their language "Sir talks too much might be waffling on as usual, but he's right" followed by "These bastards aren't very organised".
Then the large, dark green, almost black goblin, who joined the battalion when they made their way faraway to the north, in the elven principality of Alínlae a few years ago.
Hears the battalion commander, Teabagger the Goblin Cunt says "This lot might not be, be they sure are".
Thirty Something looks away to the right, to the east where the goblin commander Teabagger gestures to.
In the distance, to the road that comes out of the woods to the north across the open ground.
There he sees the enemy on the road, and to either side of it, are far more organised in comparison to the ones approaching this flank.
Dickhead Thirty Something, then looks ahead again, and sees that more of the enemy have evaded the mounted Farqian troopers.
And are approaching this end of the battlelines of the army that's under the command of field commander, Tamric Drubine.
Those goblins with bows and crossbows shoot at the enemy rushing this way, cutting down all twenty five to thirty of them.
Much to the disappointment of sir Percavelle Lé Dic who can be heard loudly sighing. As he's more than a little disappointed that he doesn't get to fight any of the enemy soldiers.
Who are in an army fighting for the cause of the crown and king, in the war between the king of Melaurn. And sir Gormica of Salmah Forest, a nobleman who calls the province of Karricaw home.
"Look" says Shitbrains The Third, who continues with "There's a whole bunch of them coming our way now".
Thirty Something sees what his fellow goblin soldier standing next to him has spotted.
A large number of the enemy on this side of the battlefield have organised themselves well enough.
That a lot of those on horseback have fully engaged with the Farqian horse troop on the open ground infront of the goblin battalion and others.
Allowing the rest of them who are on foot, to charge at the left flank of the Farqian mercenary army.
Dickhead Thirty Something tightly grins as he hears sir Percavelle Lé Dic say in a rather gleeful tone of voice "By Narille and Saint Mar-che, my prayers have been answered" followed by "These king's men are going to get a good drubbing now, wot".
Someone's definitely looking forward to this, Thirty Something dryly thinks to himself with a sideways glance in the direction of the large, knight in the full suit of burnished steel plate armour, with a white cape attached to the shoulder roundrels of his armour.
Arrows and bolts fly from the left flank of the Farqian mercenary army that Tamric Drubine commands.
Dickhead Thirty Something who is tall enough. Well tall enough for a goblin that is. To see over the goblins infront of him, and see many of the enemy fall to the ground after getting hit.
But others still come on, some heading to the predominantly human company to the right of the goblin battalion. While others rush towards the black clad goblins.
"Hold firm!" shouts Teabagger the Goblin Cunt in their language.
It's repeated in common by one of the officers, Thirty Something believes it's Shitface Fucknose.
Then the large, dark green, almost black goblin nudges Shitbrains The Third, and nods at the nearby foreign knight who stands amongst them.
Dickhead Thirty Something who hasn't spoken since they formed their battlelines, quietly says to Shitbrains The Third "Stick close to the crazy knight".
"Are you fucking nuts?" says Shitbrains The Third to his friend Thirty Something, who usually isn't one for speaking.
The large goblin who has been in the battalion for nearly three years, wryly smiles then quietly says "No".
Then Dickhead Thirty Something quietly continues with "But that mad man will cut down any of the enemy who gets close to him" followed by "And close to us too, if we stay near him".
"Good point" murmurs Shitbrains The Third who is a typical looking goblin. Forest green in colour, and just under five foot tall.
Thirty Something looks around, then quietly says to his friend "And the councilor is nearby too" he then adds "You know how he is".
Shitbrains The Third looks around and spots the honorary member of lord Farque's personal council, Shur Kee the monk standing not far from sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
He nods his head in agreement with his good friend Thirty Something. As they, like everyone in their battalion. Knows about councilor Kee's reputation. Who even their general, the ork warleader, Dorc da Orc is cautious around.
The two of them move closer to the large, heavily armoured knight. Who Thirty Something sees has got a gauntleted hand on the hilt of what's look like a long dagger, that's on his belt.
The large, dark green, almost black coloured goblin glances back at the nearby councilor. Who is peering ahead at the approaching enemy.
Dickhead Thirty Something looks ahead again, and sees more of the enemy drop as they're hit by arrows and bolts shot from the Farqian battlelines.
Then he sees one, then two, a third, then others reach the front of the goblin battalion's lines.
Where actual fighting breaks out for the first time on this flank, the left flank of the battlelines of the Farqian mercenary army, led by field commander Tamric Drubine.
Thirty Something nudges Shitbrains The Third, and nods in the direction of sir Percavelle Lé Dic, and murmurs to his friend "Follow him".
As the former paladin who has joined their battalion says "Move aside there you little green fellows" followed by "Let i, the great sir Percavelle through, so i can vanquish the enemy, wot".
The nobleborn knight who hails from the kingdom of Druvic starts moving forward to get to the front of the battlelines.
The goblins in his way, shuffle to get out of his way. As the foreign knight moves forward.
Dickhead Thirty Something, along with Shitbrains The Third follow closely behind the large, heavily armoured knight.
While a bit behind the two of them. The honorary member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, Shur Kee the monk. Follows both them and sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
As the battle proper reaches the left flank of the Farqian mercenary army, on this warm summer morning here in the north of the province of Corlinda . . . . . .

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