Sunday 8 November 2020

To War 58.

Summer. The Kingdom Of Melaurn. In The Province Of Corlinda.

From on top of the hill, Tamric Drubine the field commander looks down at the battle taking place below.
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin who has mostly been watching the battle on the right flank of his army, where the fighting has been heaviest.
Looks down at the left flank, closest to the hill that he and his command staff are up, watching things.
The young field commander in the armies of Farque looks down at the goblin battalion.
And sees the large, heavily armoured figure of sir Percavelle Lé Dic amongst their front ranks.
With plenty of the enemy dead on the ground near him. Not to mention a number of dead horses belonging to the enemy.
The son of a previous Knight of Castle Drubine, which is located in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
Looks over at Dorc da Orc who is standing nearby. The ork general is scowling as he watches his bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic amongst the battalion the large ork leads.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well just shakes his head.
Then he goes back to watching the left flank of the Farqian mercenary army he is in command of.
Field commander Drubine looks amongst the goblin battalion down on the left flank, specifically searching for someone.
Tam who has spotted Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, the small, bright, green goblin who commands the battalion.
Nods his head as he sees that Teabagger who is still alive and well, and is admirably commanding the battalion of goblins in the armies of Farque.
Then the young field commander spots who he's been looking for, Shur Kee the monk.
It seems the short, statured monk who is looking over an injured goblin. Hasn't been involved in any of the fighting yet.
A sure sign to field commander Drubine that things along the left flank. Especially amongst the goblin ranks is fairly stable as they repel enemy attack after enemy attack.
After watching Shur Kee have a couple of goblins carry away the injured goblin he's just looked over.
The nobleborn teenager who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. Who is in command of about a third of the first army of Farque.
Who are here in the kingdom of Melaurn, fighting for lord Gormica of Salmah Forest. In his war against the crown and king of Melaurn.
Glances at his lover Saanea the witch standing next to him, who quietly says "Dargarven is going through their ranks again".
The spellcaster from the Maldin Hills, who is standing there with her eyes closed, looking through the eyes of her familiar that's flying over the battle.
Then quietly says to the young field commander who is her lover "Off the road on this side" followed by "In the midst of their center ranks".
Tamric Drubine slightly nods, then looks back at the undead heavy foot trooper Arveem who quietly says "He's making his way to one of their spellcasters".
The young field commander nods his head in understanding, then after looking at the battle near the center of the Farqian lines, he turns to his subcommander.
"Have one of the reserve cavalry companies in our middle ranks go through and attack the enemy" orders Tamric Drubine the field commander.
"Yes commander" says the subcommander, who walks over to the signalmen, and has a word with them.
Field commander Drubine's latest order is signaled by flag to the Farqian army down below, and they're undertaken in no time.
As one of the cavalry companies goes through the middle ranks of the battlelines of the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
Then ride at the enemy, who are making another charge at that area of the lines of the army led by Tamric Drubine the field commander.
Dargarven the undead scout kicks an enemy soldier in the back. Propelling the man forward at speed, to crash into a number of the others in the enemy forces.
The undead being who is making his way back towards the battlelines of the Farqian army.
Simply by going through the enemy ranks who are attacking the army from the lands Farque.
Who this summer, are here in the kingdom of Melaurn. Fighting on behalf of the nobleman from the province of Karricaw.
Lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, who is in a war against the crown and king of Melaurn.
Backhands an enemy soldier who attempts to grab him. The man slams backwards into another soldier in the crown's forces. Who are battling the Farqian army under the command of Tamric Drubine.
Dargarven who is heading towards someone in particular, looks ahead and sees a cavalry company come riding from the battlelines of the mercenary army from the lands Farque. Heading more or less in this direction.
Dargarven who wears leather armour, a leather, sleeveless vest to be exact. But a full steel helm, a deep burnished one that's almost copper in colour.
Slightly nods his head, as that should keep the enemy he's making his way through. Quite busy for the next little while.
The undead scout who has a killed a cleric amongst the enemy. Who was the most powerful of the spellcasters with this particular army of the king of Melaurn.
Almost disappears from view as he suddenly picks up speed.
Dargarven who died four and a half centuries ago, the same day his older brother Arveem died. Which was the same day their lord died too.
Is a dark blur as his short, threadbare, and frankly tatty cloak whips out behind him, as he moves at speed through the enemy ranks.
Who are charging the middle ranks of the Farqian army that Tamric Drubine commands.
Behind his full helm, Dargarven sourly smiles as he sees a ball of fire leave the enemy ranks towards the Farqian battlelines.
It like everything else around the undead scout is moving slowly at the moment.
And though Dargarven can't move at the speed of his lord. He and the rest of the undead from the lands Farque can still move quickly enough when they want to. So that others around them are unable to see them.
The enemy soldiers he's going through, just see a black blur go by. Not too sure what they're seeing.
Dargarven doesn't bother killing any of them at the moment. He's just got one target.
And in just a few heartbeats, the undead scout is where his intended target is.
The sorcerer who just cast a fireball at the middle of the Farqian battlelines.
Drops dead to the ground after Dargarven punches him in the back of the neck. Snapping his spine and killing him instantly.
His spell disappears too, as it immediately dropped* with his death. The undead scout briefly looks down at the dead sorcerer.
Then he continues on his way. Moving at a more normal pace as he heads through the enemy ranks and makes his way back to the Farqian battlelines.
Up on the hill, from where he and his command staff are observing the battle.
Tamric Drubine the field commander sees the fireball that was heading towards the center ranks of his army suddenly disappear.
The young field commander who leads about a third of the first army of Farque here in this war between the king of Melaurn, and lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
Glances at his lover Saanea the witch to ask her what just happen.
When he hears from behind them, Arveem the undead heavy foot trooper say "Dargarven just killed one of their spellcasters".
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin nods in understanding.
Then Tam looks away to his left, as Lisell Maera the scout walks up beside him and Saanea.
"We're holding, even over on the right flank" says Tamric Drubine the field commander in response to Lisell Maera the scout asking him "How's it going?".
"You sound surprised" says the tall, lean and athletic, not to mention attractive young woman who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, who now serves in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
"I am a little" says Tam, who continues with "I was expecting our right flank would have to fold on towards the center".
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by the others in the group nods, then says "Maybe this lot just aren't that good". As she gestures at the enemy army.
The scout continues on with "They are allies to the king, not his actual army from the capital after all".
Field commander Drubine nods, then says "That might be so" before adding "But i was expecting more from them".
The attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands nods, then she along with Tamric Drubine look over at Dorc da Orc who has just grunted loudly.
The young field commander asks the ork warleader "What is it Dorc?".
The large ork who hasn't taken his eyes off the battle at all. In particular the fighting that his goblin battalion are in.
Turns his head and looks at the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin who leads the Farqian mercenary army.
"We gots to pull the fuck back in the middle" says Dorc da Orc.
Field commander Drubine frowns as he quickly looks at the battle, before looking at the ork general, and asking him "Why?".
"Cause Dorc fucken says so, that's fucken why" mutters the ork weaponsmith.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world grunts then with his hands, explains why the center of the Farqian battlelines should pull back.
"See them cunts over there, by the fucken road" says Dorc da Orc, or Dorkindle which is his given name.
Which no one actually calls him by, apart from lord Farque every once and a while.
"What about it?" asks the son of a previous Knight of Castle Drubine. A castle and it's lands found in the north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
"They not all attack us" says the warleader of the ork race, who continues on with "Too many of the fucken cunts there to attack us at that end" followed by "That's why they all fucken bunched up there".
Tam nods in understanding, as where the fighting is heaviest. Along the right flank of the army he commands.
Not all of them enemy can attack his army at once. Unlike the middle and left flank, where the enemy are more spread out, and not that bunched up.
"That side of our fucken army could fucken break" says the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks as he points to the right flank of the Farqian mercenary army.
"If it fucken does, we gonna be in the shits real bads" adds the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world.
Field commander Drubine who was expecting he'd have to withdraw the right flank before it actually breaks, nods then says "And if we pull back our center lines".
"Them fuckheads on the road will slide in that direction and attack harder" says Dorkindle who then adds "When the cunts fucken do, our sides will come up, and around them all, and fucken waste 'em".
The ork general makes a circular motion with hands and arms, as if he's surrounding something. Which he then pretends to crush.
Tamric Drubine the field commander quickly looks down at the battle.
Then he looks at his lover Saanea the witch, who he sees has opened her eyes. And has been watching and listening to what the ork general has been saying.
The young field commander then looks at Lisell Maera the scout. Then he looks back at Arveem the undead heavy foot trooper. Who slightly nods his full helmed head.
Then the nobleborn teenager who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin looks over at the ork warleader again, and asks him "When should we do it Dorc?".
As he's already made up his mind to do what the ork warleader has suggested.
"Fucken soon if ya don't wants to see this turn into a giant fucken shit show" says Dorkindle who wipes his sweating forehead, as it's warm this morning, and there's no trees here on top of the hill to offer any shade.
Field commander Drubine nods, then turns to his subcommander and starts issuing some orders. Which are soon undertaken by the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
As a crossbow bolt clangs off his full helm. One shot from his own army as he makes his way through the enemy army, back to the battlelines of the Farqian mercenary army.
Dargarven the undead scout suddenly stops as he notices something.
He quickly looks up to the nearby hilltop, where Tamric Drubine the field commander and his staff are observing the battle this morning, here in the north of the province of Corlinda.
Then he looks ahead to the middle, or center of the battlelines of the army from the lands Farque.
And though the front ranks are still engaged with the king's forces. But what you can't see is that the ranks behind them are falling back. Which Dargarven can sense as they pull back.
The undead scout slightly frowns as he stands there, wondering why field commander Drubine would order such a maneuver.
Then Dargarven looks quickly away to his left, towards the road, where there's more of the king's army than anywhere else in the battle.
The undead scout nods his full helmed head in understanding. As he does, he's grabbed by multiple hands as the enemy around him, suddenly realise he's not one of them.
Dargarven shrugs off some of those who grab him. He elbows another in the side of the head, shattering the man's skull.
And he knees another who attempts to tackle him from the front. Caving in the front of that enemy soldier's head.
The undead scout grabs another, and throws him into some others who rush this way.
Then he quickly grabs one who has jumped onto his back. Dargarven flings him over his head. Sending him flying over thirty feet. To crash into the backs of some more of the enemy who are engaged with the Farqian mercenary army's center lines.
The undead scout is on the move again. Heading back to his army's battlelines.
As the center ranks fall back. Allowing more of the enemy behind those fighting against the right flank of the army from the lands Farque.
To move off the road, and head this way. As suddenly there's more room to do so.
As the enemy forces that Dargarven is in the midst of, fighting the center lines of the Farqian army.
Suddenly find the front ranks of the black clad soldiers they're battling against, start pulling back as if retreating.
Behind the full helm he wears, Dargarven slightly smiles. As he wonders who came up with this maneuver.
If it was either field commander Drubine, or general Dorc. The undead scout suspects it was the ork warleader.
As he heads back to his own lines, as around him, the enemy forces fighting on behalf of the crown and king of Melaurn.
Advanced upon the center lines of the Farqian mercenary army that all of sudden are retreating.
Not knowing they've just made a fatal mistake against the mercenary army fighting on behalf of lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
On this warm summer morning, here in the north of the province of Corlinda, not far from the border with the province of Moleau . . . . . .

*Authors Note - 'Dropped' or 'Drops' is the term to describe a spell that has come to an end. Either by it being completed and the spellcaster has no more use for it. Or that the spellcaster has been incapacitated or killed.

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