Thursday 5 November 2020

To War 57.

Summer. The Province Of Corlinda.

"Take that you dastardly villain" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic after he kicks an enemy soldier in the groin.
Dropping the man to the ground, on his knees. Where the former paladin slams his pick into the top of the man's head.
Shoving the body to one side, the heavily armoured knight helps one of the goblin soldiers who has fallen over to stand up.
"Thanks sir knight" gasps Dickhead Thirty Something, who didn't fall over fighting the enemy soldier the nobleborn knight just killed. But he actually tripped over trying to stab the man in the side with his shortsword.
The large, dark green, almost black coloured goblin straightens his pot helm that's slipped forward to cover his eyes.
Then Thirty Something as he's called by the other goblins in the battalion.
Falls back when he hears Teabagger the Goblin Cunt call out "Sir Knight, don't advance!".
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic or Percy as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
Grunts as he glances back, then he nods his full helmed head when the goblin commander calls out "Orders are to let them to come to us!".
The nobleman originally from the kingdom of Druvic, where he was once the earl of his family's fief.
Would normally disagree with such an order. But since the morning is so warm, and the heavily armoured knight is already hot in his armour.
And the order probably came from Tamric Drubine the field commander who is up the nearby hill.
The former earl of Lé Dic refuses to believe such an order came from his bitter rival, the ork warleader, Dorc da Orc.
He backs up to join the front of the goblin's lines, here on the left flank of the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
Who this morning in the north of the province of Corlinda. Find themselves in a pitched battle with an army fighting for the king and crown of Melaurn.
Who are at war with lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, a nobleman from the neighbouring province of Karricaw.
Who has hired the first army of Farque as he fights against the king and his allies.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt glances away to the left, and finds the foreign knight, sir Percavelle Lé Dic back in the lines.
Just glad the large heavily armoured knight who sticks out like a sore thumb amongst the goblins.
Didn't tear off after the enemy, who if they aren't dead, or dying. Have retreated from this end of the left flank of the Farqian battlelines.
"Signal" says Dumbnuts the Third who is Teabagger's acting second.
"They're regrouping further out" adds the acting second in command of the goblin battalion, who is looking up to the top of the hill to their left.
On top of which is field commander Tamric Drubine and others, including the ork general, Dorc da Orc.
The small, bright lurid green goblin who commands the battalion of close to three hundred goblins in the armies of Farque.
Is just about to say something, when he flinches, as does everyone else around him.
When a large explosion rocks the open ground between the Farqian army's battlelines, and the woods away to the north.
Teabagger, who hails from the province of Sorros in northern Moleau.
Looks away to the right across the open ground, and sees a fiery ball of debris mushrooming up into the morning sky.
He grimaces as he sees burning people and horses running around before they drop as they're consumed by flames.
The goblin commander nods his head, as next to him, another one of his officers, Shitface Fucknose, says "Glad that was them, and not us".
Then Teabagger the Goblin Cunt who looks forward of where they are, calls out in the goblin language "Prepare for another charge on our lines!".
Next to him, Dumbnuts the Third calls out the same thing, though in the common language.
"Thanks" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic after he gives back the water sack he's taken a drink from.
Shur Kee the monk straps it back across his back. Then he looks across the open ground at the enemy when he hears the call from one of the goblin officers, that the enemy are going to charge them again.
"It seems they will try again" says Shur Kee the monk, who is yet to get involved in any fighting.
"Good" says the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, who is a member of the order of The Knights of Saint Mar-che.
"Beats me going out to them" adds the former paladin in a loud mutter as he uses a cloth to wipe his brow.
The large, heavily armoured knight who has the faceplate of his full helm, open at the moment.
Looks at the enemy soldiers who are fighting on behalf of the king and crown of Melaurn.
"Hmmmm" murmurs the former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief in the east of his homeland, the kingdom of Druvic.
"Hmmmm what?" mutters Shitbrains the Third in the goblin language, followed by "What's he see?".
"I don't know" quietly says Dickhead Thirty Something in the same language as he looks around the large figure of sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
Trying to see what the nobleborn knight has spotted out on the open ground amongst the enemy.
"Ah i see" says Dickhead Thirty Something as he catches sight of what the former paladin has spotted.
"What is it?" asks Shitbrains the Third who hops up and down, trying to look over the others infront of them.
Thirty Something, who is tall for a goblin, well if you can call five and a half foot in height as tall, says to his good friend Shitbrains the Third "Enemy riders heading this way".
Then Dickhead Thirty Something nods when he hears Teabagger the Goblin Cunt shout "Archers target the mounts and their riders!".
The small, bright green goblin who commands the battalion of goblins in the armies of Farque, then calls out "Don't let any of them through our lines!".
"I'll take that chap" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he takes a spear out of the hands of one the goblins standing close by.
The heavily armoured knight looks around, and spots a spear in the hands of another of the goblin.
"Here, you little green fellow, give'th that spear you've got, wot" says the former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief in the east of the kingdom of Druvic.
The goblin with that spear hands it over to the foreign knight, when one of his comrades shoves him in the back, and he stumbles towards the former paladin, who takes the spear off him.
"Why thank you little fellow" says Percy after grabbing the spear out of the hands of the goblin who stumbles his way.
As arrows and bolts fly from bows and crossbows of the goblin archers.
Both Dickhead Thirty Something and Shitbrains the Third step back and out of the way.
As the former paladin spins around in the direction the enemy is coming from, takes barely a step forward, then throws one of the two spears he has.
"Ha! Good shot there Percy old chap" declares the heavily armoured knight who is from the kingdom of Druvic.
"Hell" mutters Dickhead Thirty Something with a grimace as he sees one of the enemy riders go tumbling backwards off his horse, after the spear thrown by the nobleborn knight hits him square in the chest.
The member of the order of The Knights of Saint Mar-che tosses the other spear from his left gauntleted hand, to his right.
He rears back with the spear, and throws it forward. It too hits the mark. This one hitting one of the enemy mounts in the middle of the chest.
That horse, and it's rider go down. The following mount runs right into them, and goes tumbling to one side. With the rider flung from the saddle.
That particular enemy cavalry soldier slams into another mount. Taking out it's legs. And that too hits the ground, crushing it's rider beneath it.
"Huh?" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic in a surprised tone of voice when he sees what he's just done.
The large, heavily armoured knight pauses for a moment or two, before he says "Verily, that was my intentions" followed by "I was supposed to do that, wot".
More than a few of the surrounding goblins look sideways at the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic.
Pikes, Halberds, and longspears aren't used by the goblins. Due to them being a short race, and those weapons being long.
So when the vast majority of the enemy cavalry coming their way. Are shot down by the archers. Or hit by spears thrown by sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
The remainder of the enemy mounted troops ride into the frontline of the goblin battalion.
As other enemy cavalry, who are still on their mounts. Are doing across, not just the left flank, but the entire length of the Farqian battlelines.
Whilst Teabagger the Goblin Cunt stands there in disbelief as an enemy rider leaps his mount ride over the small, bright lurid green goblin.
Without even hitting the commander of the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic grabs the reins of a horse one of the enemy soldiers has ridden straight into the frontline of the goblin battalion.
The former paladin yanks hard on the reins, so much so, the horse stumbles and slides to one side, then topples over.
The rider leaps clear, only to land on the ground basically on all fours.
Where he's set upon by a bunch of goblins. Who hit him with their swords, axes, and hammers.
Dickhead Thirty Something looks away to the left, where he sees a riderless horse plowing through the ranks of goblins in that direction.
The large, dark green, almost black goblin gets behind where sir Percavelle Lé Dic is.
So does Thirty Something's friend, Shitbrains the Third, as do a number of the other goblins.
Who all see the nobleborn knight, take a long dagger from his belt.
As another enemy soldier forces his mount into the goblin ranks. Heading right for the large, heavily armoured knight
Dickhead Thirty Something doesn't exactly see what happens.
Because for one moment, it looks like the horse and rider is about to crash into the member of the order of The Knights of Saint Mar-che.
Then all of a sudden the next moment, horse and rider go flying backwards in the direction they've just come from.
Flying backwards through the air for about thirty or forty feet, just a couple of feet off the ground.
Before they hit the ground, which they tumble backwards and sideways across.
Before coming to a stop, where they're both still, obviously dead from either the impact of hitting the ground. Or from tumbling backwards across the ground before coming to a sudden stop.
Dickhead Thirty Something who had to quickly move to one side, as sir Percavelle Lé Dic stumbled a few steps backwards.
Hears the foreign knight laughing, then say "Very good, wot" followed by "Which one of these devilish fiends is next to face the great sir Percavelle?".
There's a brief pause from the former paladin before he adds "Wot".
"Bring him down!" shouts Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, as the rider who leapt his mount over him.
Is amongst the ranks of goblins, and is swinging his sword down at the surrounding goblins.
Unfortunately for that enemy cavalryman. He's lost all momentum, well to be exact, his horse has.
And many of the surrounding goblins, grab both him and his mount.
And though a few of the goblins die at the end of his blade. Others drag him out of the saddle, and down onto the ground.
Where he dies by an axe blow to the head, after a number of swords, axes and hammers hit him along the entire length of his body.
"Be a good chap and pass me that sword" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic with a nod of his full helmed head at an enemy sword on the ground.
"There you go sir knight" says Dickhead Thirty Something after picking up the fallen sword and handing it to the large, heavily armoured knight.
"Good fellow" says the former paladin who takes the sword by the blade, pulls it back behind his head, then throws it forward.
Biffing it a good fifty feet, where it smashes into an enemy rider heading towards the frontlines of the goblin battalion.
The shout of "Reform ranks!" comes from one of the officers near Teabagger the Goblin Cunt.
Thirty Something is sure that it was Shitface Fucknose who yelled that out.
Then the tall, dark green, almost black coloured goblin looks ahead, when he hears sir Percavelle Lé Dic say "Seems the blighters are going to do another foot charge, wot".
As the cavalry charge failed as very few of them actually made into the ranks of the goblin battalion.
Thirty Something nods his head when he hears the foreign knight say "Hmmm bit more this time by the looks of it" followed by "Should be a lot more interesting this time you little green fellows".
Dickhead Thirty Something turns to his friend Shitbrains The Third, to tell him something.
And finds his friend being picked up off the ground by a couple of the others in the battalion, who carry him back through their ranks to the rear. Tripping over a couple of times as they do so, after all, they are goblins.
Thirty Something didn't even see Shitbrains The Third go down, and doesn't even know if he's still alive, or if he's dead.
Then he looks ahead at the enemy who are approaching again. Running this way, as the goblin archers wait until they get into range to shoot at them.
The former earl of Lé Dic glances around at the goblins who surround him.
Well they're to the side and behind him to be exact. As none of them actually want to be infront of him.
And though they're goblins, and their general is his bitter rival, Dorc da Orc.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic can't fault their courage and tenacity in battle.
Especially considering they're smaller than most humans, and are accident prone.
But since goblins are always hardworking, no matter what they do. Whether it's fighting in battle, or manual labour of any kind.
Percy sees that they actually make good soldiers. And he realises now why lord Farque has a battalion of them in his armies.
When there's no fighting company of goblins in any other army anywhere else in the Southlands.
"Come on you green fellows!" calls out sir Percavelle Lé Dic in encouragement, who continues with "Let us cut down these heinous villains who dare to attack us!" before adding "Wot".
As arrows and bolts fly from the bows and crossbows of the archers in the goblin battalion.
As the enemy in the king's army, once again charges them on the left flank of the Farqian mercenary army.
Here on this warm summer morning, in the north of the province of Corlinda, not far from the border with the province of Moleau . . . . . .

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