Thursday 28 January 2021

To War 102.

Summer. Measum Castle. The Corlinda Corner.

As a load from one of the catapults goes flying over the west wall of castle Measum at the enemy who are attacking it.
There's a patch of heavy fighting upon the parapet of the long west wall, down towards the southwest corner tower.
There on a forty foot section of the more than five hundred foot long wall.
Enemy soldiers from the provinces of Moleau, Mofosild and Olind, loyal to the king and crown of Melaurn.
Are battling those defending the large castle that's the ancestral home of lord Measum's family.
Growling as he moves forward, Dorc da Orc reaches over a local soldier from the garrison here in castle Measum.
And grabs an enemy soldier by the right arm, who has just reached the top of the wall.
The large ork lifts him up by the arm, breaking it in his grip if the scream of pain coming from the enemy soldier is anything to go by.
Then the ork warleader, with the enemy soldier over his head screaming in pain.
Throws him at a group of the enemy who gained the top of the wall. Smashing into them, and knocking at least five of them down as they fight the defenders along this stretch of the wall, near the southwest corner tower of the large castle, that's been in the Measum family for centuries.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt and Dickhead Thirty Something, rush forward from behind their general.
And with their shortswords, they and couple of other goblins from their battalion.
Stab at the downed and dazed enemy soldiers who the ork warleader has just knocked down.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic elbows his way forward through a few of the local soldiers here from the castle garrison.
As he gets closer and closer to where his bitter rival, the ork weaponsmith is, near the southwest corner tower of castle Measum.
Following closely behind the large, heavily armoured knight, who hails from the kingdom of Druvic.
Are the two goblins, Fat Cunt and Fuckity Fuckfuck. Who think it's actually pretty much safer to be near the nobleborn knight than anywhere else on the parapet.
As the member of the order of The Knights of Sanit Mar-che has a tendency to kill any of the enemy who he comes up against.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt shoves a dazed looking enemy soldier who has just got to his feet, off the back of the parapet. Sending the man falling to his death.
The small, bright lurid green goblin who is the commander of the battalion of goblins in the armies of Farque.
Almost follows the enemy soldier off the back of the parapet and to his death, as he stumbles in that direction.
But the goblin commander is grabbed by the left arm by Dickhead Thirty Something, who pulls him back from the edge of the parapet.
Then they, and everyone around them on this section of the west wall of castle Measum.
Turn and look to the north, as there's the thud of an explosion that can be heard. It's a muted thud, as it's in the moat. About halfway along the west wall of the large castle.
Water sprays up into the air, as do bits of wood from a couple of destroyed rafts.
As well as bodies, and body parts. That go flying upwards into the air from the explosion caused no doubt. By the Farqian sorceress, Heinë.
There's only two on this section of the parapet near the southwest corner tower. Who don't turn around and look at the effects of the explosion.
It's the bitter rivals, Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic. With the ork general looking over the top of the wall to see what the enemy down below are doing.
And the former paladin, who behind the faceplate of his full helm. Stares at the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, with the magical Sword of Knockdown still in his right gauntleted fist.
Makes his way forward along the parapet, approaching his bitter rival from behind.
Meanwhile for his part, the large ork who is a general in the armies of Farque.
Takes a throwing axe from the front of his weapon harness. As he looks down over the top of the west wall of castle Measum, watching the enemy who are assaulting the west side of the large castle, en masse.
The warleader of the ork race then catches the scent of who it is that's approaching him from behind.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks scowls, then after a brief moment as he continues sniffing.
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which his given name, spins around as he smells what the one who is approaching him from behind, is carrying.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic comes to a stop, as his bitter rival spins around to face him.
The two of them are just a dozen feet apart, with the former paladin still holding the Sword of Knockdown.
While the son of the previous matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks. Who he killed, as she was doing her best to kill him at the time.
Has one of his throwing axes in his right hand, as he watches his bitter rival. The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic who is just standing there, glaring at him from behind the faceplate of his full headed helm.
The two of them take a step towards one another, just as they do. An enemy soldier reaches the top of the wall, between the two merlons where the two bitter rivals are standing.
Confronted by the large ork and the heavily armoured knight who only have eyes for one another, and not for him.
The enemy soldier doesn't know exactly what to do. As he thought he'd be fighting for his life once he got to the top of the west wall of castle Measum.
Not finding himself watching what definitely looks like a confrontation between the the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world.
And the nobleborn knight who hails from the kingdom of Druvic.
Then the two bitter rivals move. With Dorc da Orc swinging his axe to the left as he watches that former paladin.
While sir Percavelle Lé Dic stabs the Sword of Knockdown out to the right, without taking his eyes off the ork warleader.
The enemy soldier's head goes flying when the ork general's axe whacks into his neck, taking off his head.
At the same time, the body of the enemy soldier standing on the top of the wall goes flying too.
When the nobleborn knight's magical sword hits him in the middle of the chest.
As the head of the soldier, falls to the moat. Where it smacks into the head of another enemy soldier in the water, knocking him out.
The headless body goes flying backwards over the moat. Until it smashes into a group of the enemy on the bank across from the west wall of the large castle, that's the ancestral home of the Measum family.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, and the nobleman who is a member of the order of The Knights of Saint Mar-che.
Still haven't taken their eyes off one another, as they stand upon a section of the wall near the southwest corner tower of Measum Castle.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt and Dickhead Thirty Something, take their eyes off the after effect of the explosion. As do Fat Cunt and Fuckity Fuckfuck.
And they find their general, along with the large, heavily armoured knight.
Less than eight feet apart, staring at one another. In what's obviously a confrontation between the two bitter rivals.
The four goblins all share a quick look with one another. As do others on this section of the wall. When they've turned away from the explosion in the moat.
And find the warleader of the ork race, and the former earl of Lé Dic, standing opposite one another, with weapons in hand.
Dorkindle with blood dripping off the axehead in his left hand. And the Druvician nobleman with his magical weapon in his right gauntleted hand.
Go to take a step towards one another when they suddenly hear a familiar voice from further along the wall call out "Friend Dorc, friend Percy!" followed by "More of them are climbing onto the top of the wall!".
Dorc da Orc looks over the head of his bitter rival, and spots Shur Kee the monk walking along the parapet in this direction.
Sir Percavelle quickly glances back over his right shoulder, and spots the short, statured monk walking this way.
The ork warleader scowls, as does the large, heavily armoured knight as they watch the physical adept walk this way.
Then the bitter rivals after a quick look at one another, step back from one another.
And the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world grunts after he quickly growls for a bit.
Then the ork who is a general in the armies of Farque, turns around and walks in the direction of the southwest corner tower of the large castle that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
"Hurry up cunts" says Dorc da Orc to Teabagger the Goblin Cunt and Dickhead Thirty Something.
"Fucken keep up" adds the large ork, who then shouts out "Get 'em fuckers off the wall!".
As there's a knot of the enemy on the parapet near the southwest corner tower.
Fighting the defenders, as they try to gain entry into the tower at the southwest corner of castle Measum.
After a moment's pause, sir Percavelle Lé Dic says to Fat Cunt and Fuckity Fuckfuck "Come along then chaps".
Though before the former paladin continues on his way along the parapet.
He grabs the head of an enemy soldier who has just popped his head up over the top of the wall.
The former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief in the east of his homeland, the kingdom of Druvic.
Slams the enemy soldier's head into the corner of a merlon. Smashing his nose and teeth apart.
The member of the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che lets the enemy soldier go.
Who falls off the top of the scaling ladder he's standing on.
"Push that off now chaps, wot" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic or Percy, as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
To some of the local soldiers from the garrison here in castle Measum, who are on this section of the wall.
Then the large, heavily armoured knight, with a nod of his full helmed head to Fat Cunt and Fuckity Fuckfuck to follow him.
The nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic continues on his way along the west wall of the large castle.
Shur Kee the monk watches as the two bitter rivals head along the parapet to where the fighting is heaviest near the southwest corner tower of the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
The short, statured monk from beyond the Southlands. The far east coast of the continent to be exact. Where his homeland, the kingdom of Wah Lee is located.
Spotted Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic making their way along the southern half of the west wall of castle Measum.
Tovis the war engineer spotted them too. And told the physical adept to follow them and keep an eye on the two of them.
As who knows what they might try to do in the middle of the battle.
The acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li knows from past experiences.
That the two bitter rivals, if no one is around to keep an eye on them. Are just as likely to try and kill one another. Or at least try and see if the other one gets themselves killed.
Than they are to fight the enemy in whatever battle they're in.
The short, statured monk who hails from halfway around the world from the Southlands.
Makes his way along the parapet of the west wall of castle Measum. Towards the southwest corner tower of the large castle.
With his eye on the bitter rivals, the ork warleader and the former paladin.
Determined to make sure they don't come to blows against one another in the middle of the battle for the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
On what's another warm and sunny summer's day here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda.
In the area of the province the locals call the Corlinda Corner . . . . . .

Wednesday 27 January 2021

To War 101.

Summer. Southern Melaurn.

A soldier from the province of Moleau tops the west wall of castle Measum. He's about to jump down, when he's shoved off from the side by a goblin.
Who was actually trying to stab him with his shortsword, but missed. And ended up pushing the enemy soldier back off the top of the wall.
The soldier from the province of Moleau falls back first into the moat. Luckily missing any of the rafts in the water, not to mention other soldiers from the provinces of Moleau, Mofosild and Olind.
Who comprise most of this army that's loyal to the crown and king of Melaurn.
Who are attacking the large castle that's been the ancestral home of lord Measum's family for centuries.
The soldier from Moleau splutters and coughs as he comes up out of the surface of the moat.
And gets his feet under him as he stands up in the waist high water after falling thirty feet from the top of the west wall of castle Measum.
He's about to walk over to the ladder that he used to climb up to the top of the wall.
When suddenly his head explodes when a large rock thrown with force from the top of the wall, hits him square in the forehead.
Dorc da Orc bursts into laughter as he sees the headless body of the enemy soldier he just threw a rock at, sink beneath the surface of the water.
Before it pops back up, and just floats there. Just like quite a lot of the bodies of the enemy dead are doing.
Here on the west side of the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
"Out the way cunts" growls Dorc da Orc, a few of the goblins hurry out of their general's way.
Then the large ork reaches over the top of the wall, grabs the top of the scaling ladder that the enemy are using to get up to the top of the wall.
Then he drags it up, and over the top of the wall. All the while, two of the enemy soldiers are clinging onto it for dear life.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt hops back, and out of the way. As does Dickhead Thirty Something.
And they watch the ork warleader tip the thirty foot tall scaling ladder up.
One of the enemy soldiers, screaming in fright. Let's go off the ladder he's trying to cling onto.
He drops, and falls down upon the corner of a merlon. Smashing open his face, and the side of his head. Before he falls dead to the moat below.
The other enemy soldier is upside down, and still clinging onto the scaling ladder. When the ork weaponsmith biffs it down to the open ground behind the west wall of castle Measum.
The wooden scaling ladder lands with a clatter, while the enemy soldier holding onto it for dear life.
Hits the ground with a clearly audible thud, that many upon the top of the wall, including the humans.
Can clearly hear over the chaotic noise of the battle for the large castle that's been the ancestral home of lord Measum's family, for centuries.
Further back along the southern half of the western wall of castle Measum.
Another scaling ladder hits up against the face of the longest wall that the large castle has.
A soldier from the province of Olind, who was on the ladder as it was being put up. Scrambles up it as four other soldiers from his province. Are in the water at the base of the wall, holding the ladder steady.
The soldier from the province of Olind, is quick and nimble as he climbs the scaling ladder.
And with shortsword in hand, he's quickly to the top of a section of the west wall of Measum Castle.
He's about to hop onto the top of the wall between two of the merlons along the southern half of the west wall of the large castle.
When suddenly someone grabs the blade of his shortsword, and yanks it out of his grasp.
Next thing he knows, he's getting punched in the face, by a fistful of steel.
And though dazed and with a bloody face, he's able to keep a hold of the ladder as he realises he's just been punched by someone wearing steel gauntlets.
Next thing he knows, he's punched hard in the face again. And he hears a rather pompous sounding voice say to him "Take that you villain".
The soldier from the  province of Olind can no longer hold onto the ladder, and he falls from it.
In his dazed state as he falls backwards off the top of the scaling ladder, down to the moat. He hopes he hits the water.
That's what exactly happens, missing those in the water who are close by.
The water shocks him out of the daze, and though sore and winded from the thirty foot drop to the moat.
He's quickly to his feet, and standing in the waist high water.
Until he falls back into it, clutching at his throat and neck. As his own shortsword is now in it, after it was thrown down at him from the top of the west wall of castle Measum.
"Jolly good shot there Percy old chap" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic after throwing the shortsword at the enemy soldier he took it off.
The large, heavily armoured knight then says "Come on little fellows, let's give these chaps a hand, wot".
The former paladin, along with the two goblins. Who he's learnt are named Fat Cunt and Fuckity Fuckfuck.
Take a nearby polearm, and help a couple of local soldiers from the garrison here in castle Measum.
To push the enemy scaling ladder off and away from the west wall of the large castle that's been the home of the Measum family for centuries.
It takes a few moments, but eventually the scaling ladder falls backwards from the face of the wall.
It hits the water, and a couple of enemy soldiers too slow to get out of the way.
And though one of them is screaming in pain from a shattered shoulder.
The other is floating in the water, dead after his head was cracked open by the falling ladder.
Knowing it'll take a bit of time to pick up that now watersoaked ladder, sir Percavelle Lé Dic looks away to his left along the parapet.
And scowls as he sees his bitter rival, the ork warleader, Dorc da Orc. Still heading southwards along the parapet of the west wall of castle Measum.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic says to the two goblins who have been following him "Come along chaps, let's get moving, wot".
The two goblins, Fat Cunt and Fuckity Fuckfuck share a look, then they follow after the large, heavily armoured knight who continues along the parapet of the west wall of the castle that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
Across the moat, an archer from the province of Moleau let's an arrow fly from his weapon.
He's aimed for the largest, not to mention easiest target amongst the enemy upon the section of the west wall of castle Measum opposite him.
He frowns as the shaft he just shot off, hits the massive green figure up on the parapet in the head and bounce off it.
The archer from Moleau has heard some of the others in his company, mention that there's an ork amongst those defending the large castle.
And he we dismissive of them. Though now he's not so sure. As he's pretty certain only an ork could survive a direct shot to the head from a longbow.
As others to either side of him, hop in the water, to cross to the otherside of the moat.
The soldier from the province of Moleau takes another arrow from his quiver, and puts it to the belly of his bow.
He draws it back, as he looks to the top of the west wall of castle Measum.
Intending to shoot what he has come to believe actually is an ork, in the throat with this shot.
As he does, he sees that the ork is looking directly at him, and that it's got something in it's right hand, which it's in the act of throwing.
As he goes to shoot the arrow off, the archer from the province of Moleau sees that it's a large rock the ork is throwing.
"Got the cunt" says Dorc da Orc with a chuckle, as the large rock he just threw across to otherside of the moat.
Has hit the enemy archer who shot him in the forehead a few moments ago.
The enemy bowman is flat on his back, dead. After the large rock thrown by the ork weaponsmith.
Hit him square in the chest, breaking his arms and his longbow in the process.
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, nods in satisfaction, then says to Teabagger the Goblin Cunt and Dickhead Thirty Something "Come on cunts".
As he spots some of the enemy have topped the wall, further to the south on the longest wall of castle Measum.
A soldier serving in the army of a nobleman from the province of Mofosild.
Holds on to a scaling ladder, as others from his lord's army lift it up against the west wall of the large castle, that they and their allies from the provinces of Moleau and Olind loyal to the crown and king of Melaurn.
Are assaulting, here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda, in the area known as The Corlinda Corner by the locals.
He's holding onto the rung two from the top of the ladder as it hits up against the wall.
He grins as those below who lifted the scaling ladder, and others in the water. Cheer as the ladder is put up against the west wall of castle Measum successfully.
He grimaces as a fairly large rock falls by, barely missing him after someone pushed it off the top of the wall.
One of his fellow soldiers from the province of Mofosild down in the moat who helped to lift up the scaling ladder isn't so lucky.
As the large rock hits him in the top of the head, killing him instantly as it shatters apart his skull.
The soldier from Mofosild who is up the ladder, scrambles up the last two rungs of it, to get to the top of the thirty foot tall wall.
Hoping that the enemy doesn't push another rock off the top of the wall at him.
Or a crossbowman leans over and shoots down at him. As he's totally defenseless as he climbs to the top of the west wall of the large castle, that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
He gets to the top of the wall without incident. Then he blinks in surprise as he finds himself facing a large, heavily armoured figure, who is on the parapet, looking at him.
The soldier from the province of Mofosild, who has his small axe in hand. Realises it's a knight he's looking at.
Not a local knight for sure. As this one is in a highly burnished steel plate armour that gleams in the sunlight.
Which has a white cape attached to the roundrels on the shoulder plates.
The knight is also holding what seems to be a long dagger, or shortsword of some kind. Though it resembles a longsword.
As the soldier from the province of Mofosild goes to swing his axe. The enemy knight stabs at him with the odd looking shortsword.
It just touches him in the chest, barely poking his leather vest.
"Take that sonny" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who then adds "That's a good one, wot".
And chortles as the enemy soldier who just topped the wall between two of the merlons, here on the southern half of the west wall of castle Measum.
Goes flying backwards after the point of the magical Sword of Knockdown touches him in the middle of the chest.
The enemy soldier goes flying all the way back across the moat before dropping out of the air.
He hits the ground on the otherside, back first with a thud. Killing him instantly from the forceful impact.
The former paladin steps back and out of the way. To allow four local soldiers with two polearms, to push away the scaling ladder that the enemy soldier used to get to the top of the west wall of the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
With a nod of his full helmed head at the two goblins, Fat Cunt and Fuckity Fuckfuck, the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic says "Come along chaps" followed by "Let us continue on our way, wot".
As the Druvician nobleman sees further along the southern half of the west wall of castle Measum.
His bitter rival, the ork general, Dorc da Orc. Is walking along the parapet followed by the two goblins, Teabagger the Goblin Cunt and Dickhead Thirty Something.
Heading towards the southwest corner tower of the large castle, as the fighting down near there, is particularly heavy at the moment.
As a number of the enemy have topped the west wall down there.
As the battle for Measum Castle continues, on this warm and sunny summer day, here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda . . . . . .

Tuesday 26 January 2021

To War 100.

Summer. The Province Of Corlinda.

Sir Percavelle Lé Dic grunts as he lifts the heavy rock up onto the top of the wall.
The nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic pushes it forward, tipping it over the edge of the wall.
It drops and smashes straight down upon the head of enemy soldier on a raft below.
The soldier from the province of Moleau's head practically explodes. And his headless body drops over the side of the raft.
Meanwhile the large rock smashes into the legs of another soldier from the same province, breaking his legs.
Before the rock crashes down through the raft, sending water up through the newly made hole in a rush .
Soldiers from the province of Moleau jump off the rapidly sinking raft. And end up in the water, like a lot of the others who are attacking the west side of castle Measum.
"Drats" loudly mutters sir Percavelle Lé Dic as his head is rocked back when an enemy arrow hits him square in the helm, careening off it.
The former paladin scowls as he looks across to the bank on the otherside of the moat.
And wonders which of the enemy archers just shot him.
Then the nobleman, who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, looks away to his left, when he hears a voice say "Sir knight, a bit of help please".
"Righto little chap, i the great sir Percavelle is on his way" declares the heavily armoured knight in his overly loud voice.
The member of the order of The Knights of Saint Mar-che makes his way to where a pair in the goblin battalion are trying to push away a scaling ladder with a polearm they've got.
The former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief in the east of the kingdom of Druvic, leans forward over the top of the wall.
And with his right gauntleted fist. Punches the face of the enemy soldier who has just got to the top of the scaling ladder.
After the enemy soldier screams as he falls, before hitting the water.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic or Percy as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. Specifically by those in the group who travel with lord Farque.
Grabs the end of the polearm, and puts it to the top of the scaling ladder the enemy have put up against this section of the west wall of the large castle, that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
Then he helps the two goblins, one quite fat. A bit of a rarity for a goblin. To push the scaling ladder away.
"That's it you little green chaps" says Percy who continues with "Push it away" followed by "Wot".
They push the ladder away far enough, that momentum takes it's course. And it falls backwards across the moat.
With the two of the enemy falling off it, yelling as they drop to the water below.
With one of them crashing down onto another soldier already in the water. Knocking out that one, sending him beneath the waist high water in this part of the moat.
"Well done chaps" states the former paladin, who then adds "Drats".
As once again, he's hit in his full helm by an enemy arrow, from an archer across on the otherside of the moat.
This one skimmed off the side of his helm, nevertheless it rocked his head to one side.
The Druvician nobleman, who isn't actually in any company or battalion in the armies of Farque.
He's just a member of the group that travels around with the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Looks away to his left, where beyond the next merlon along, is a local bowman from the garrison here at castle Measum.
The heavily armoured knight sourly smiles as the local soldier with the bow, doesn't seem to be particularly good.
As he's taking his time between shots, and from what sir Percavelle can tell.
He hasn't hit a single enemy archer or crossbowman on the bank on the otherside of the moat.
Instead he's shooting at the easier targets, down in the water, or on the moat.
As the army loyal to the crown and king of Melaurn. Predominantly made up of soldiers from the provinces of Moleau, Mofosild and Olind.
Continue their full out attack upon the west wall of the large castle that's been the ancestral home of lord Measum's family fire centuries.
"Oi you with the bow" says the knight who is both ordered and landed.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvician continues with "Shoot those buggers across on the otherside of the moat, wot".
Percy follows that with "Their archers and the like, not that lot in the water".
The two goblins with the heavily armoured knight, heartily agree with him.
As they're constantly having to keep low, so that they don't get hit by random arrows and bolts shot by the enemy that come their way.
The local bowman glances the former earl of Lé Dic's way. Then totally ignores him, and draws his bow back, then lets the arrow fly.
Shooting at another of the enemy down in the moat that runs along the west side of the large castle, that's been the home of lord Measum's family for centuries.
The member of the order of the Knights of Sanit Mar-che sourly smiles behind the faceplate of his full helm.
As he isn't accustomed to being ignored like that.
Then the former paladin chuckles as the local bowman stumbles backwards clutching at enemy arrow that's hit him in throat.
The local man from the garrison here in castle Measum, reaches out to Percy, imploring the heavily armoured knight to help him in some way.
Then the local bowman steps off the back of the parapet without meaning to.
And he falls to his death, hitting the ground thirty feet below, face first.
After a moment's silence, the former earl of Lé Dic says in a magnanimous tone of voice "Awfully tragic, wot".
Followed by "Me thinks, he should've of done what old Percy told him to".
Both goblins with the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, nod in agreement with him.
Then they turn, as does sir Percavelle and they watch a Farqian ranger walk up the nearest set of steps to the top of the west wall of castle Measum.
He nods in greeting to the heavily armoured knight and the two goblins. Then stands where the local bowman was just standing. The ranger takes a shaft from his quiver, and puts it to his longbow. Then draws the weapon back, and without a pause, lets the arrow to it fly.
Two more arrows quickly follow from the longbow of the Farqian ranger. Who then turns, nods to the former paladin and the two goblins who are watching him.
Then he heads to the steps, and makes his way back down them without saying a single word to the trio who was watching him.
"Huh?" says the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, who shares a look with the two goblins.
Before all three of them look across the moat at the enemy. And they see a few of the enemy archers dead on the otherside of the water.
As not a single arrow is flying towards this section of the west wall of the large castle that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
"Not very talkative, was he?" says the former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief in the east of the kingdom of Druvic.
"He wasn't, sir knight" says one of the goblins. While the other one looks further south along the parapet.
And he spots the same Farqian ranger walking calmly up another set of steps on the long wall.
And once he's on the parapet again, he quickly shoots off a few arrows. Before heading back down the set of steps he just used.
The goblin shakes his head, then he and his battalion mate, turn quickly around, as they hear someone familiar approaching.
The member of the order of The Knights of Saint Mar-che is just about to say something to the two goblins.
When they suddenly turn away from him, and look back northwards along the wall. Back in the direction of where the gates are located.
As the three of them, are on the southern half of the long wall, that's on the west side of Measum Castle.
Percy looks that way too, and scowls when he spots who is walking this way along the parapet of the wall.
Some of the defenders have to get out of the way, as the large green figure walks south along the west wall. Growling at anyone who is too slow to get out of his way.
Behind the faceplate of his full headed helm, the former paladin sourly smiles as he sees all the enemy arrows and crossbow bolts flying at the large, green, hulking figure walking this way along the top of the parapet.
As the trebuchet behind this half of the west wall, launches a load, flinging it short range for the massive war machine. As nearly all of the enemy army is either in or on the moat. Or they're gathered on the bank on the otherside of the water.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic shakes his head as his bitter rival, the ork warleader, Dorc da Orc walks towards him and the two goblins.
Stopping along the top of the wall, and with little or no enemy arrows and bolts flying his way on this section of the west wall of castle Measum.
Dorc da Orc says to two of the goblins in the battalion "Stop fucken around".
The large ork gestures at the nearby pile of rocks and bits of broken masonry, and he adds "Drop some of that shit down on them cunts".
"Yes boss, er general" says one of the goblins, a rather fat one, something of a rarity amongst goblins.
Who the ork warleader is pretty sure he named Fat Cunt, or something similar.
While the other goblin quickly nods, before the two of them hurry over to the piles of rocks after they share a quick look with the large, heavily armoured knight standing behind them.
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, curls his upper lip in disgust as he looks at his bitter rival, the former paladin, sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
The big, burly ork puts a hand on the hilt of one his throwing axes as he stares at the nobleborn knight.
In response, the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic puts a gauntleted hand upon the hilt of the magical Sword of Knockdown, that's on his belt.
As the bitter rivals stand there on top of a section of the west wall of the large castle, staring at one another as the attack upon this side of castle Measum rages on.
The stand off between the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, and the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic.
Is only broken when a voice speaks up from behind the ork weaponsmith.
"General" says Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, who then nods to the former paladin as he adds "Sir knight".
The small, bright lurid green goblin who is the commander of the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque, continues with "General we have to continue on".
Gesturing to further south along the top of the wall, the goblin commander says "The fighting is still heavy that way boss, er general".
After a few more moments where he's staring at his bitter rival, the ork general in the armies of Farque grunts, then nods in reply to Teabagger.
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world then says to the goblin commander and Dickhead Thirty Something who are behind him "Come on cunts".
The warleader of the ork race sets off again, not taking his right hand off his throwing axe as he walks by his bitter rival, the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic.
For his part, the nobleborn knight doesn't take his gauntleted hand of the Sword of Knockdown as his bitter rival walks by.
The former paladin doesn't even see Teabagger the Goblin Cunt and Dickhead Thirty Something nod to him.
The heavily armoured knight has his eyes firmly upon the large ork who he's had a years long rivalry with.
Watching his bitter rival walk away, sir Percavelle Lé Dic scowls, then he narrows his eyelids as he thinks of something.
The Druvician nobleman slightly nods, then he hurries over to the two goblins who are trying to lift up a heavy rock from the nearby pile.
"There you go chaps" says the member of the order of The Knights of Saint Mar-che as he helps the two goblins lift up the heavy rock to the top of the wall between two of the merlons.
The former earl of Lé Dic takes a quick look over the edge of the wall. Then he grunts as he slides the heavy rock forward, pushing it off the top of the wall.
It crashes down into the middle of a raft that's just been poled to the wall.
Enemy soldiers jump off it, as the raft starts to quickly sink now that there's a rather large hole in it.
"Drats" mutters Percy after his head is rocked back again when an arrow hits him in the full helm.
The nobleborn knight scowls at those across the moat from this section of the wall, and he spots there's an enemy archer over there again.
The former paladin then looks down at the two goblins, and says to them "Right chaps, you two come along with me" followed by "Wot".
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic then looks away to their right and calls out "You lot there, some of you get yourselves over here, wot" he then adds "Protect between these merlons".
As a few of the local soldiers from the garrison here in castle Measum, make their way over.
The former paladin says to the two goblins "Tally ho chaps, come along".
Then sir Percavelle Lé Dic turns and starts walking south along the parapet, heading in the direction his bitter rival, Dorc da Orc has gone.
Behind the large, heavily armoured knight, the two goblins share a look. Then they follow after the former earl of Lé Dic as he walks southwards along the parapet of the west wall of castle Measum.
On this warm and sunny summer day, here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda, in the area known to the locals as The Corlinda Corner . . . . . .

Monday 25 January 2021

To War 99.

Summer. The Battle Of Measum Castle.

"Shit" mutters Teabagger the Goblin Cunt with a grimace upon his face as he ducks back down when an enemy crossbow bolt clanks off the corner of the merlon to his right.
The small, bright lurid green goblin who is the commander of the battalion of the goblins in the armies of Farque.
Grabs Dickhead Thirty Something, and pulls him down beside him, so he doesn't get shot by an enemy archer or crossbowman.
The two of them look away to their right when they hear a scream. And they see a local soldier from the garrison here in castle Measum.
Staggering backwards with an enemy arrow in his chest. Which he tries to grab as he falls backwards off the parapet. Where he hits the ground thirty feet below.
There's a moment's pause, then Dickhead Thirty Something says in the goblin language "Sucks to be him".
Teabagger can only nod in agreement with that. Then the goblin commander pops his head up a little bit so he look over the top of the wall between the two merlons.
The small, bright lurid green goblin slightly winces as he watches the enemy.
Who are in the middle of a full out assault upon the west wall of the large castle that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
The enemy, allies to the king and crown of Melaurn. Predominantly from the provinces of Moleau, Mofosild, and Olind.
Are enraged at what happened earlier in the morning. When those here in castle Measum, who are defending it. To be exact, Dorc da Orc.
Sent back a prisoner they captured yesterday. A nobleborn officer who was effectively their subcommander.
Seems the enemy officer was a lot more popular than what they expected.
Because after the initial shock and outrage at the way in which he was returned.
The entire army who have laid siege to castle Measum. Charged forward to attack along the entire length of the long, west wall of the largest castle to be found in southern Melaurn.
Both Teabagger and Dickhead duck back down, when a stray enemy arrow goes flying over their heads.
And the commander of the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque nods his head, when next to him, Thirty Something dryly says "I guess they didn't care about him that much".
As the enemy officer who was slung by one of the trebuchets, and ended up landing on the road about three hundred yards from castle Measum's west wall.
Is now just bloody smear on the road after being trampled by so many pairs of boots.
As the enraged army loyal to the crown and king of Melaurn. Charged the large castle that's been the ancestral home to lord Measum's family for centuries.
As the thunk of one of the two ballistas upon the top of the west wall shoots of a missile at the enemy.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt after taking a quick look over the top of the wall, says "Give me a hand with this".
The two goblins pick up one of the large rocks from the nearby pile. And keeping low, they lift it up, and push it up onto the top of the wall.
Then they roll it off the top of the wall, and hear the satisfying sound of a scream, and crashing sound, before a splash when the large rock hits the water.
The scaling ladder that was just put up against the wall right where they are, is destroyed.
And the enemy soldier who was up the first few rungs of the wooden ladder.
Is now in the moat, with a shattered right shoulder and right arm. And if no one fishes him out. Or he's unable to get to the otherside of the moat, and onto dry land, he'll most likely drown.
Then Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, and Dickhead Thirty Something both look away to their left when they hear a familiar roar.
It's their general, Dorc da Orc. Who is a few merlons away in that direction. The large ork who casually pulls out a crossbow bolt out of his right bicep, is taunting the enemy who are in the middle of a full on assault upon the west wall of castle Measum.
"Come and get some ya fucken cunts!" yells Dorc da Orc who then chuckles as arrows and bolts come flying his way.
After the large ork pulls another crossbow bolt out of himself. This one in the left shoulder.
And totally ignoring the enemy arrow that's stuck in his dreadlock topknot. The ork warleader looks up and down the moat, here on the west side of the large castle that's been the home of lord Measum's family for centuries.
In various spots in the moat, the enemy cover it so thickly you can barely see the water.
And because it's summer, and the river that feeds the moat isn't running high.
The water level in the moat isn't particularly high. And a lot of the enemy are in the waist high, and in some places, chest high water.
While others are on the rafts they've constructed ever since they turned up here at castle Measum.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world. Who didn't think his actions earlier this morning would work this well.
Grunts as he sees that across the bank on the otherside of the moat. That there's even camp followers across there. As for the most part, the enemy camp has been abandoned.
Something no doubt that will be taken advantage of. As the ork general looks around, and spots Heinë the sorceress with Tovis the war engineer on the parapuet, not far from where the gates are, here on the west side of castle Measum.
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, sees the the young engineer pointing at the enemy camp in the distance.
The powerful sorceress nods, and the next moment before the two of them duck to the side, behind a merlon.
A fireball appears above the moat, and heads away from the large castle, flying above the road, on it's way to the near deserted enemy camp in the distance. That's even out of range of the two trebuchets that the Farqian engineering corp have at their disposal to attack the enemy, and defend castle Measum.
The ork weaponsmith also spots the goblin commander Teabagger nearby, and growls at him "Teabagger ya cunt, this way".
As he gestures for the small, bright lurid green goblin to follow him.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt shares a look with Dickhead Thirty Something, then the two of them follow after their general.
Who is heading south along the parapet, to above where the gates are here, on the west side of the large castle that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
The two goblins keep low as they follow behind the warleader of the ork race.
Who occasionally stops as he walks along the parapet of the south wall of the large castle.
Dorkindle briefly stops, and picks up an arm full of large rocks from one of the piles. And in one go, he biffs them off the top of the wall.
As their general chuckles, Teabagger and Thirty Something hear the screams and shouts of the enemy down in the moat.
Who have just had a few hundred pounds of rocks shower upon them.
The goblin commander, and effectively one of his officers. Keep following the large ork, after he looks back, and growls at them to hurry up.
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world briefly stops again after they walk around one of the ballista, here on the parapet of the west wall of castle Measum.
As the closest catapult behind the wall, launches another load at the enemy storming the west wall of lord Measum's ancestral home.
Dorc da Orc leans over the top of the wall, and pushes away a scaling ladder the enemy loyal to the crown and king of Melaurn have put up.
Shouts of outrage, and a fair bit of swearing come from the trio of enemy soldiers climbing the scaling ladder.
Which falls back into the moat, and onto those too slow to get out of it's way.
More than a few of the enemy are knocked out when it falls upon them. With some of them going onto drown.
As those around them, in the water, and on the flat bottom rafts. Are too busy trying to make it to the wall.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks gets to above the gates, here on the parapet of the west wall of Measum Castle.
The ork warleader as he pulls out an enemy arrow that's in the side of his neck, which barely penetrated his thick skin.
Scowls as he spots his bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Who is further south upon the long, west wall, of the largest castle to found in all of southern Melaurn.
Then the son of the previous matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks. Who he killed, which was only fair, as she was doing her best to kill him at the time.
Looks down at Tovis the war engineer, as next to the captain in the armies of Farque.
The sorceress Heinë who has just sent another fireball away to the enemy camp in the distance.
Drops an energyball down off the top of the wall. And when it hits the moat. There's an explosion of water, rafts, and bodies.
"It's going a bit more than i expected Dorc" says Tovis the war engineer, as water sprays up over the top of the wall where they're standing.
"Yuck" mutters the ork general, who wipes drops of water off his brow. Which briefly cooled him on this warm and sunny summer morning. In the northeast of the province of Corlinda. In the area known as The Corlinda Corner by the locals.
Dorc da Orc grunts, then says to the commander of the engineering corp in the first army of Farque "Yeah cunt".
Waving a large meaty, skillet sized hand at the enemy, the ork weaponsmith adds "Least the cunts are here, and haven't fucked off".
The young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic nods his head at that.
As that's ultimately what he wants to happen. To keep the enemy in this area of the province of Corlinda. Occupied here at castle Measum. So that they don't do further south into the province of Corlinda. Or cross over the border into the province of Karricaw.
As the war between the king and crown of Melaurn, against the Karricawian nobleman, lord Gormica of Salmah Forest continues.
Behind their general, both Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, and Dickhead Thirty Something are dripping wet.
As quite a lot of the spray that come up over the top of the wall, hit them.
There's also a severed arm lying infront of Teabagger, that come over the top of the wall with the spray of water from the recent explosion caused by the sorceress Heinë's energyball.
The goblin commander picks up the arm, and flings it away, back over the top of the wall.
While slightly behind, the small, bright, lurid green goblin who is the commander of the battalion of goblins in the armies of Farque.
Thirty Something, who is one of his officers, grabs a head of an enemy soldier by the hair.
And tosses it back over the top of the wall, between two of the merlons, from where it came from.
Dickhead Thirty Something crawls up beside Teabagger, and dryly says to him in the goblin language "Beats getting shot at i suppose".
The goblin commander nods, then wipes his wet face again. Wishing his general got hit by more of the water that sprayed up over the top of the wall.
As the large ork absolutely stinks in this warm summer weather they've been having here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
"Huh?" says Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, who then adds in the common language "Yes boss, i mean general".
When Dorc da Orc looks back at him, and says to him "You hear that cunt?".
The large ork grunts, then adds "Make sure them fuckheads don't let any of them asscunts in".
The goblin commander nods after Thirty Something quickly tells him what their general and captain Tovis were talking about.
Teabagger then calls out to some of the nearby goblins here on the parapet of the west wall of castle Measum.
Ordering about ten of them off the wall, and down to help protect the main gates of the large castle.
And though the gates have banded iron strips in a crisscross pattern over it. Some of the enemy are using axes in the gaps, trying to make holes in the thick wooden gates. Which in actuality, is the underside of the drawbridge used to cross the moat.
Both Teabagger the Goblin Cunt and Dickhead Thirty Something get up into a crouch, after their general says to them "Stop fucken lying there ya pussies".
The two goblins make sure to keep lower than the top of the wall between the merlons.
As they, unlike their general, they're unable to withstand getting shot by an enemy archer or crossbowman.
While in the distance, the enemy camp starts to burn without anyone there to put it out.
Dorc da Orc continues to watch the enemy who are loyal to the crown and king of Melaurn, storming the west side of the large castle, that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
"Fucken down there" says the ork warleader to Tovis the war engineer, followed by "Fucken more of them that fucken way now".
As he gestures to where more of the enemy are trying to gain the top of the west wall of castle Measum, further south of here above the gates.
Dorkindle loudly mutters "Gonna fucken get some" then he turns and says "Come on cunts" followed by "Let's go".
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, and Dickhead Thirty Something share a look.
Then after nodding at Tovis the war engineer and Heinë the sorceress. The two of them follow after their general who is heading south along the parapet of the west wall of Measum Castle.
As they keep low as they follow the large ork who is their general, Dickhead Thirty Something quietly and dryly says in the goblin language "Tell me again, why this is a good idea?".
As enemy arrows and bolts go flying at the ork warleader infront of them. As he's by far the largest, and easiest target upon the parapet of the west wall of the large castle.
Teabagger just shrugs, then grimaces and ducks down lower as an enemy crossbow bolt clatters off the corner of the merlon right next to him.
As the battle of Measum Castle continues to rage on . . . . . .

Sunday 24 January 2021

To War 98.

Summer. The Corlinda Corner.

"What should we do with him?" asks Heinë the sorceress, who then yawns as she looks at the enemy officer she captured yesterday.
"Fucken send the cunt back" says Dorc da Orc who interrupts Tovis the war engineer, before he can answer the Farqian spellcaster's question.
"On one of 'em cunts" adds the large ork with a nod of his head out the tower door at the nearest trebuchet.
The prisoner sees this, and promptly faints. Falling off the small seat he's sitting on, here in the upper room of the northwest tower of castle Measum.
"Dorc!" admonishes Tovis the war engineer, while the ork warleader bursts out laughing.
Meanwhile the ork weaponsmith's bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Sourly smiles as he looks on from across the room from the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world.
The young engineer, who commands the engineering corp of the first army of Farque, shares a look with the sorceress, then his adjunct, and finally Shur Kee the monk.
While Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, and a Farqian ranger.
Pick up the unconscious prisoner, and sit him back on the stool. Leaning him back against the wall behind him.
"I suspect lord Measum will also want to send him back the way the general suggested" quietly, and dryly says the sorceress Heinë in the elven language.
The war engineer, who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, nods in agreement with the subaltern.
For when the powerful spellcaster captured the enemy officer yesterday during the battle.
Simply by levitating him up and across the moat to the top of the west wall of castle Measum.
When he got too close to the large castle that's been the ancestral home to the Measum family for centuries.
They found out when Heinë read his mind. That castle Measum had been promised to one of the nobles from the province of Olind if, and when it was captured.
A nobleman who is known to be the dowager queen's most ardent supporter in that particular province.
"I can't blame him really, i guess" says the war engineer, who previously served in the army of a baron Harkonin in the east of his homeland, the kingdom of Druvic.
"Taking his castle, and giving it to someone else" adds Tovis with a shake of his head.
What makes it even more galling for lord Measum. Is that the nobleman from the province of Olind that's been promised his family's castle.
Isn't even here, trying to take it. It's mainly his vassals, and other nobles from the provinces of Moleau, and Mofosild.
Who are here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda, in the area known as The Corlinda Corner to locals. Trying to take the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, gets himself under control.
Then after another chuckle or two, he looks over at his bitter rival, and says to him "Hey knight cunt".
The nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic tries to ignore the large ork, but he can't. And he looks over at the warleader of the ork race.
"You know all about that 'eh cunt?" says the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks.
Who nods out the tower door, at the catapult not far from the nearest trebuchet, and he adds "You flying from one of 'em eh cunt".
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world starts laughing again as he says "Wheeeeeeeee goes the knight cunt through the air" followed by "Then splat on that fucken river".
As Dorkindle doubles over laughing, and Shur Kee the monk slightly grimaces.
As he was there at the time in a village, high up the Sunrise Mountains well over fifteen years ago, that the large ork is talking about.
The former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief in the east of the kingdom of Druvic.
Just stares at his bitter rival the ork weaponsmith. Then the nobleborn knight turns, and walks out the other tower door, onto the north wall parapet.
The member of the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che, walks away along the top of the north wall of castle Measum.
As the sun continues to rise in the east on another summer's day, here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
"Bitch" loudly murmurs Dorc da Orc between chuckles after his bitter rival exits the tower room, and walks away.
"Do you mind Dorc?" says Tovis the war engineer in a disapproving tone of voice.
"Nah, Dorc don't fucken mind" is the reply from the ork warleader who is a general in the armies of Farque.
"The fucken cunt deserved it" continues the son of the previous matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks.
"Me just fucken pissed after all these years, the cunt hit the water in that river" says Dorkindle who follows that with "And not all the fucken ice".
The ork weaponsmith shakes his head in disappointment, then mutters in disgust "The lucky fucken cunt".
The young engineer, who is a captain in the armies of Farque, who is in command of the engineering corp of the first army of Farque.
Who is also in command of the defence of the large castle, that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
Rolls his eyes, as he's heard all about how Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic were on opposite sides of a battle many years ago. And that's how their bitter rivalry began.
This is mostly correct. But infact, it began a couple of months earlier. In a tournament in the city of Eweteets.
Where they met in a Grande Melee, where the large ork defeated the then paladin.
And where Dorkindle first took the magical sword of knockdown off the nobleborn knight who hails from the kingdom of Druvic.
"Well, we've got all the useful information out of him" says Heinë the sorceress in the elven language as she looks over at the unconscious prisoner.
"Might as well get rid of him" adds the powerful spellcaster who is a subaltern in the armies of Farque.
"Either the general's way, or any other way" continues the attractive looking practitioner of magic from the lands Farque.
"It's up to you captain" says Heinë, who is a subaltern in the first army of Farque.
The young engineer nods, then looks at Shur Kee the monk who says to him "I gather you are discussing what to do with the prisoner?".
Switching to the common language, Tovis the war engineer says "We are".
He continues on with "Still haven't decided yet".
"Friend Dorc is right" says the short, statured monk who is from the far east coast of the continent.
The eyebrows of the Druvician war engineer shoot up in surprise when he hears that from the physical adept.
As he was not expecting to hear Shur Kee agree with Dorc da Orc concerning the enemy officer the sorceress Heinë captured yesterday.
"Oh" says the monk who is an honorary member of lord Farque's personal council, when he sees the look on the face of the young engineer.
"I did not mean, do exactly what friend Dorc suggested" says the acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li.
Tovis nods in relief at hearing that. While a grunt of disappointed comes from Dorc da Orc.
Who started listening to what was being said when he heard his name being mentioned.
"But friend Dorc is correct" says the short, statured monk wearing the strange white clothing. And has his odd, conical shaped hat on his head.
With a nod at the still unconscious prisoner, Shur Kee says "He should be gotten rid of".
The physical adept from the kingdom of Wah Lee, which is all the way on the otherside of the continent from the Southlands, and the kingdom of Melaurn.
Then tells the young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic "Morale amongst the enemy will fall at his demise".
Shur Kee who is the living incarnation of the Jade Warrior, Bru Li. Or to be exact, the living conduit of the Jade Warrior's powers.
Continues with "I understand he is of some importance amongst the enemy?".
"He is indeed councilor, he's effectively their subcommander" says Heinë the sorceress, who then adds "Even though there's some other noble from Olind who has the actual position of subcommander amongst that lot attacking us".
The short, statured monk, who has been away from his homeland of Wah Lee, for more than half of his life, nods.
Then he says to the commander of the engineering corp in the first army of Farque "See what i mean friend Tovis?".
The honorary member of lord Farque's personal council then adds "It will affect their ability to attack us".
"I agree captain" says the attractive Farqian spellcaster who can be temperamental at times.
"They pulled back fairly early yesterday afternoon" adds the fairly powerful sorceress, who follows that with "And they didn't attack us at all during the night".
The subaltern glances out of the nearest tower door, and continues with "The sun is rising, and there's no sign of attack yet this morning".
She then nods at the unconscious prisoner slumped on a small stool, and says "I'm pretty sure because we've captured him".
Tovis the war engineer nods his head in agreement, then he says "This is all true".
The commander of the engineering corp in the first army of Farque, continues on with "The only problem i see is if we do get rid of him, they might take that as a signal to fall back for good, and move on".
The young engineer who previously served in the army of a baron Harkonin in the east of the kingdom of Druvic.
Before he joined the group that travels with the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Then says to the subaltern, and the honorary member of lord Farque's personal council "Remember we don't want that, we want to keep them occupied here at the castle".
Both Shur Kee the monk, and Heinë the sorceress nod in agreement with the Druvician born war engineer.
"They won't" says Dorc da Orc who is squatting near the enemy officer who is unconscious.
"You cunts think too much" adds the warleader of the ork race who is a general in the armies of Farque.
"Me bet them fucken cunts out there, will fucken stay here, and attack us even more" adds the son of the previous matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks.
His mother who he killed in a violent and brutal fight between the two of them.
Which was the only thing to do really, considering she was doing her best to kill him.
Before Tovis the war engineer can ask the ork weaponsmith how?.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world gets up saying "Fucken watch this".
Dorkindle growls at Teabagger the Goblin Cunt to get out of the way.
Then the large ork grabs the unconscious prisoner, slings him up onto his right shoulder.
Then makes his way out of the tower door on the left, and out onto the parapet of the west wall of the large castle, that's been the ancestral home of the family of the local lord for centuries.
"Quick, after him" says Tovis the war engineer to the others in the tower room near the top of the northwest corner tower of castle Measum.
The ork general growls at those in his way, to move. As he walks along the top of the west wall of the large castle.
People are quick to get out of the way of the ork warleader who is carrying an unconscious enemy officer over his right shoulder.
With the others who were in the tower room with him, trailing behind the large ork.
Dorkindle heads for the nearest set of steps, that will take him down off the west wall of castle Measum.
As the sun continues to rise in the east, on what looks like it's going to be another fine and sunny summer's day, here in The Corlinda Corner.
After a quick look away to the west at the position of the enemy army this morning.
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world, heads down a set of steps, and makes his way off the wall.
The warleader of the ork race looks at both the catapult and trebuchet behind the north half of the west wall.
He has a brief think about it. Which consists of a number of the voices in his head all yelling at each other, and at him.
Before he makes up his mind, and heads to the trebuchet.
After dropping the enemy officer on the ground, who groans as he's waking up.
Dorkindle speaks with the crew from the engineering corp who are manning the massive war machine they brought with them to castle Measum.
The crew chief lifts an eyebrow as he listens to the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks.
Then he looks over at his commander, captain Tovis. Who has just come down off the west wall, and his standing nearby.
After the war engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic slightly nods to him, the crew chief says to the large ork "What exactly do you want general?".
"That cunt, there" says Dorc da Orc who points at what wants done.
"So he fucken go there" adds the ork warleader who points again.
The crew chief eyebrows shoot up, then a brief pause he adds "We'll have to take the payload off we've got ready in it".
"Me know" says Dorkindle, who continues "Me know how it fucken works" followed by "So get fucken busy".
A little while later, and the prisoner is attached by his left leg, to the chain and rope, that's usually around a netting loaded with everything from rocks to barrels. Or tied around a large boulder.
The rope is loosely around the left leg of the enemy officer. Who is dazed after waking up, and is wondering what's happening.
As they stand back, Dorc da Orc says "Farque has done this" as he points at the prisoner lying there on the ground. Blinking, as he tries to figure out what's happening.
There's a pause from those watching, then Tovis the war engineer says "He has?".
The large ork grunts "Yes" followed by "At that big fucken war years ago".
He briefly pauses as he tries to recall the name of exactly where, then he says "At Vexil" the ork weaponsmith then adds "That's how he got into the fucken city".
The ork general shakes his head, then loudly mutters "He have all the fucken fun, goin' flyin' like that".
There's silence from the others, especially the Farqians. All of whom have heard about their lord and the ork warleader in the battle of Vexil. And how they met Mira Reinholt the mage there.
Though this is the first time they've heard this detail about their time during the largest war in the last four and a half centuries in the Southlands.
And before they can even contemplate it, Dorc da Orc shouts to the trebuchet crew "Fucken go!".
The enemy prisoner screams as he's dragged along the ground backwards, lifted up in the air by the fulcrum affect of the massive war machine, and launched up and away from castle Measum.
After chuckling in delight, Dorkindle says to Tovis the war engineer "They gonna attack" followed by "They gonna be pissed when that cunt goes splat on the fucken road out there".
The next moment, there's a collective roar of outrage from the enemy, that even the humans down behind the west wall of the large castle can hear.
"Fucken told ya" says the ork general in the armies of Farque . . . . . .

Thursday 21 January 2021

To War 97.

Summer. In The South Of The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

"Well, we can't all go" says Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, who looks around at the others, finally looking at one of them, and saying "You should remain, you're the one who has dealt with them the most".
"Are you fucking nuts?" says Helbe the elven thief, who continues with "I'm the one to do the job" followed by "We all know i am".
The halfling, who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque, slightly winces in embarrassment, then says "Well, maybe Dalin can do it?".
"I can i guess" says Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, who continues on with "But let's be honest, his highness here will get it done without anyone knowing" he then adds "Which is what we want".
"Well, maybe you can be the one to stay behind with them Dalin" says the hobbit, who is from the far east coast of the continent. Where his homeland, the Sultanate of Dreese is located.
"Me?" says the elven spy who hails from the principality of Alínlae, who follows that up with "I'm just a company commander in the S and R division, they're not going to take any notice of me".
The spy Tanith, who is the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque, then says "Somebody else will have to stay behind with the field commander".
Jarjin Littlefoot, who isn't really what he appears to be, grunts as he knows that the spy Tanith speaks the truth.
Then the halfling, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson.
Who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of the hobbit, who was previously an air sailor, who served in the air fleet of the Sultan of Dreese.
Looks over at the figure in the black hooded cloak.
But before the halfling can say anything to him, Mira Reinholt the mage tells him "No".
Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman gives up on that idea. As he knows how stubborn the once powerful mage can be.
He doesn't even bother asking Beldane the cleric. As he knows the others won't let the fighting cleric to stay behind and be in charge.
Having to deal with the brothers, lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, and baron Wilmot of Pirtgott.
The hobbit, who like the Helbe the elven thief and Mira Reinholt the mage, is part of the personal council to lord Farque.
Grimaces when the mage Reinholt says to him "That just leaves you".
The spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil, who is in exile from his homeland, continues with "You'll be the one to stay behind and deal with Gormica and his brother Wilmot".
The mage, who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, then says "And keep an eye on the army as they continue northwards".
Though he tried to argue against it, Jarjin Littlefoot knows he's the one who will remain here.
While the others go off to the capital city Calinar. Where they intend to take out the dominating figure behind the crown of Melaurn. The king's mother, the dowager queen.
They're onboard the Quick Gull, here in the west of the province of Moleau.
The army they're with, is predominantly made up of the forces from the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda.
Led by the Karricawian nobleman, lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, and his brother from the province of Corlinda, baron Wilmot of Pirtgott.
They're been making inroads here in western Moleau. Especially as the army from the southern province of Selvah Na, particularly the lords of the port city of Ramgee.
Are also in the area, fighting the king's own, and the allies of the crown.
In the captain's cabin of the small, sleek, single masted airship with them, is the prisoner, general Sumic.
And though the enemy general can understand the elven language, and even speak it.
He finds it a little difficult to follow what the five others in the cabin are discussing.
But the general in the king's own, the commoner who has achieved the highest rank in the army of the king of Melaurn.
Does know that they're planning to return to the capital city of Calinar. And that they'll be taking him with them.
He knows what they plan to do in the capital city of the kingdom of Melaurn.
And though technically it's an attack upon what he believes in. The general who hails from the city of Calinar.
Isn't against what they plan to do. Infact, general Sumic heartily agrees with what they plan to do in the capital city.
And that's to eliminate the power behind the crown, the most influential person at court. The dowager queen.
Who if rumours are true, sent him off from the king's own. To join up with a bunch of allies to the crown and king. From the provinces of Mofosild, Olind and even Sorros.
Who were easily trounced in battle in the northeast of the province of Corlinda.
By a force of the first army of Farque led by field commander Tamric Drubine.
Since then, the general in the king's own. Has been taken to the city of Calinar. And come back from there, after fleeing to the lands Farque.
"We're agreed then?" says Helbe the elven thief as he looks at the others.
"You're staying" adds the young elven noble who is from the island principality of Laerel.
Jarjin Littlefoot as he looks at the highly talented elven magic user, sourly smiles as he nods with what the elven masterthief just said.
"Good" says the elven master assassin, who is the one who will kill the dowager queen once they're in the city of Calinar.
Well, that's the plan. Though they all know any number of things could go wrong before that happens.
It's the reason why the others with the exception of Jarjin aka Zubutai Timaginson. Who will remain here, basically babysitting the nobleborn brothers. Lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, and baron Wilmot of Pirtgott.
Are going along with the nobleborn elf who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel.
After glancing over at where the prisoner is sitting on the bench seat beneath the stern window' here in the captain's cabin.
Helbe the elven thief, or prince Helbenthril Raendril if using his full name and title.
Switches to the common language, as he knows the enemy general can understand elven fair enough, he's not the best at speaking that language.
"What do you think?" asks the highly talented elven spellcaster, who at around two hundred and twenty years old, is still relatively young for a royal elf. Who could live to be fifteen hundred years old.
"You think it's the right thing to do?" asks the elven master archer, who already knows what the prisoner thinks of the plan.
As he's already read the man's mind. Though he really didn't have to. As the enemy general has already expressed how he feels about the dowager queen.
"I don't know if it's right" says general Sumic, who after a moment's pause, continues with "But it's the right thing to do".
The enemy general, who grew up at the Palace of the King, in the capital city, Calinar.
As his parents were servants who worked there.
And where he became a good friend of the now king of Melaurn, king Harmard the Third.
Probably the only common born friend the then young royal prince ever had.
Then says to his captors, who saved his life, and rescued him from the dungeons beneath the Palace of the King "Even though she has plenty of allies in the west of the kingdom, and up in the province of Sorros".
The enemy general, who looks younger than his actual age, continues with "The rest of the kingdom will be glad she is gone".
Followed by "Especially here in the southern provinces".
The other five in the cabin, three of whom are members of lord Farque's personal council, nod in agreement with that.
"So you personally don't mind if we kill her then?" asks the member of the royal family that rules the elven principality of Laerel.
"Not in the least" is the reply of general Sumic, who then dryly adds "After all she did have me taken prisoner by her lackeys, who were going to kill me".
Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy who is the one who freed the enemy general from the dungeons beneath the palace in the capital city Calinar, chuckles.
Causing the friend of the king of Melaurn to wryly smile.
General Sumic who is the one to actually suggest to them to eliminate the dowager queen, then tells them "Though there will be a lot of anger from some of the nobility, especially those from around the capital, and up in parts of Sorros at her death".
The prisoner continues with "They'll still remain loyal to the king, as they won't want to be seen as seditious in anyway".
The enemy general momentarily pauses before he adds "Deep down i suspect Harmard will be glad his mother has gone".
He pauses once again before he says "I do know for certain the queen will be glad she's gone".
"She's from down in Corlinda, or Karricaw isn't she?" asks Dalinvardèl Tanith, or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others in the group.
"She is" says general Sumic referring to the queen of Melaurn.
"It's one of the reasons why the crown was so quick to go to war against lord Gormica" adds the enemy general, who continues with "The dowager queen has never liked that her son married a woman from the south, a woman from a fairly insignificant noble family too".
Mira Reinholt the mage shakes his hooded head, then says "What a bitch" referring to the dowager queen.
General Sumic nods his head in agreement with the Vexilian mage in exile.
They take off late in the afternoon, leaving behind Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, who will remain with the army who is predominantly made up of forces from the provinces of Corlinda and Karricaw.
The Quick Gull won't go into the airdocks in the city of Calinar. For the simple reason of the previous visit the small, single masted airship originally from the far east coast of continent, that's now in the Farqian fleet, made to the capital city of the kingdom of Melaurn.
Where they were a distraction for when Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy and others broke general Sumic out of the palace dungeons.
After the group sent him to the capital, to give the king a message from lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
The king eventually got that message. But so far they've yet to hear any response from him.
The small, sleek looking, single masted airship that was previously in the fleet of the Sultan of Dreese.
Before it came halfway around the world to the Southlands. When a large portion of the group that travels with lord Farque, returned from the far east coast of the continent.
Heads northwest from the west of the province of Moleau. Where it looks like more and more of the fighting between the opposing forces at war with one another, is taking place as the conflict continues.
They make good speed with a favourable wind helping them along.
And by early evening they're getting near the western border the province of Moleau shares with the province of Alindar.
The western most province in the kingdom of Melaurn, and the province directly south of the province of Calinar, where the capital is located.
After getting something to eat for dinner in the ship's galley.
Dalinvardèl Tanith makes his way up onto the deck of the small, single masted vessel.
There he finds general Sumic on the bow, looking away in the direction they're heading as the night continues.
The elven spy who previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses of the principality of Alínlae, joins the enemy general on the bow deck.
"Nervous?" asks the spy Tanith, who then adds "For going back?".
"A bit" is the reply of common born general who continue with "I'd be lying if i said otherwise".
Dalin nods his head, then says in a dry tone of voice "Hopefully it won't be like our last visit".
"Hopefully" says general Sumic with a chortle as the Quick Gull continues towards the capital city, Calinar . . . . . .

Wednesday 20 January 2021

To War 96.

Summer. The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

"They've left the city, and they're heading this way now" says Saanea the witch.
Tamric Drubine the field commander nods his head, then he gives his subcommander some more orders.
The army, or the portion of it that Tamric Drubine commands. Gets underway again, after briefly stopping.
They're in southern Moleau, and are heading further north into the province that they entered yesterday.
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin turns and looks at his lover, the witch Saanea who tells him "Dargarven and one of the scouts has just got back".
The pretty looking spellcaster, with the shoulder length dark hair, who is from the Maldin Hills.
Points off to one side of the road the army is once again making it's way along.
The young field commander in the armies of Farque looks the way Saanea has pointed to.
And spots Dargarven the undead scout, and one of the water elemental spouters in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque.
The water elemental disappears, no doubt to head off, and scout out infront of the army that's heading north here in the province of Moleau.
Meanwhile, the undead scout continues on his way to where Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera, the young field commander's subcommander, and adjunct. As well as a number of officers, and a handful of runners.
Who are all in the shade of a number of trees, just to the side of the road. That winds it's way northwards, about a half a dozen miles to the west of the small city of Julmard.
The largest inhabited place in all of southern Moleau.
Dargarven the undead scout walks up, and says in the elven language "Good, you're underway again".
The undead being in the sleeveless leather armour, and a full helm upon his head, continues with "We might want to get as far away from here as possible".
Tamric Drubine, or Tam as he's more commonly called by those in the group that travels with lord Farque.
Knows that the undead brothers, and the water elemental entered the palace in the western quarter of the city of Julmard.
As Saanea informed him of this as it happened, as she was looking through the eyes of her familiar.
Which at the time, was flying above the city of Julmard.
"Oh, why's that?" asks Tamric Drubine the field commander.
The undead scout takes off his full helm, and runs his right hand through his hair, before he answers in a tone of voice of mock innocence with "Oh because the local lord in Julmard has gone and suddenly died".
The son of a former Knight of Castle Drubine, which is located in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin, rolls his eyes then says in a dry tone "Has he?".
Dargarven, who appears to be just a couple of years older than field commander Drubine, who is still not yet twenty. Grins in reply to Tamric Drubine.
"How did that happen?" dryly asks the nobleborn senior officer in the armies of Farque.
"You know, I'm not too sure" says the undead scout, who follows that with "My sword suddenly appeared out of his chest, after going through his back".
Dargarven, or Dar as he's called by his older brother Arveem, shrugs then says "Beats me how that happened".
Tam just shakes his head, and sourly smiles, before he says "Well, at least that's one more of their military leaders we don't have to worry about".
"Not much of a leader, since he didn't go south with his army" dryly says Dargarven.
After a moment's pause, and in a tone of seriousness, the undead being says "That wasn't the only reason why i killed him".
Dargarven, looks around at those who are close, then he says in elven to the nearby runners "Move off for a while" followed by "The field commander will call you back soon".
It's not often the Farqian undead give a direct order, but when they do, it's obeyed immediately.
Same again, when the undead scout quietly says to Tam and his staff "This goes no further than us for now". Nods come from those with field commander Drubine.
Then Dargarven tells the nobleborn teenager originally from the kingdom of Druvic "Seems the localord who ruled Julmard, a lord Dameér his name is i think".
He briefly pauses before continuing with "Was the staunchest ally, and most vocal one too, that the crown had here in southern Moleau".
"A favourite of the king was he?" quietly asks field commander Drubine.
The undead scout is silent for a moment or two, before he replies to Tamric Drubine with "I didn't say the king, i said the crown".
Tam's eyebrows shoot up when he hears that, and again when Dargarven quietly says "He was the dowager queen's lackey, here in southern Moleau" followed by "He was instrumental in getting so many of the nobility throughout the south of this province to join in the fight against lord Gormica".
"Well" quietly says the senior officer in the armies of Farque, who is still only nineteen years old.
"Imagine that" adds the nobleborn teenager who is originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
Where he was found by Dorc da Orc, Mira Reinholt the mage, and Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who was Kail Arriss the sorceress at the time. When he was just a child, who was eight years old at the time.
"Seem to think more and more this is the crown's war, more than the king's" quietly says Tamric Drubine, both Saanea the witch, and Dargarven the undead scout nod in agreement with the young field commander.
After Tam chats a little bit longer with the undead scout. The nobleborn teenager originally from the kingdom of Sarcrin.
Orders the others to rejoin with the army, who are heading northwards along a road, here in the south of the province of Moleau.
"They'll be here soon" says Saanea the witch a little bit later.
Tamric Drubine looks at the his lover, the pretty looking sorceress from the Maldin Hills who tells him "Lis, Arveem and young Hamblin".
The young field commander nods and looks to the east as the army continues northwards.
And soon he spots the trio who were in the city of Julmard this morning.
"Wonder what else they found out?" quietly says the son of a previous Knight of Castle Drubine, a castle and lands found in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
A short time later, and the undead heavy foot trooper Arveem, the scout Lisell Maera and the young officer in training, Hamblin.
Are walking alongside field commander Drubine and Saanea the witch, both of whom are mounted today.
Riding near the front of the force, made up of about a third of the first army of Farque. That the young field commander is in charge of.
"We heard" dryly says Tamric Drubine after Arveem the undead heavy foot trooper tells him "The lord of Julmard is dead".
"Dar tell you what he and the spouter found out about him?" asks the massive, heavily armoured foot trooper, who died four and a half centuries ago.
"He did" says Tam who continues with "Pretty interesting don't you think?".
"That i do" says Arveem, who has a massive ork designed and made sword strapped to his back.
Next to the undead heavy foot trooper, the scout Maera nods in agreement with him.
Then the nobleborn field commander who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin asks "What else did you find out there?".
The undead Farqian, and the attractive looking young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury then explain to the field commander what else they found out when they went through the city of Julmard this morning.
The senior officer in the armies of Farque slightly frowns as he listens to some of what they have to say.
Then after they finish, Tamric Drubine says "That's a little" he briefly pauses before adding "Odd".
Lisell Maera the scout nods, then she says "It's if they're not even aware that a war is raging on just thirty miles south of the city".
The scout, who is from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury. Whose mother was a street prostitute.
And whose father, a man she never knew, or for that matter, met. Was a sailor, who plied his trade up and down the coast of the Southlands, out on The Great Western Ocean.
Continues on with "Oh sure wagons full of supplies head south to the warzone" followed by "And occasionally the wounded come back".
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well, then adds "But apart from that, from what's going on within the city, you wouldn't even know the crown was at war with lord Gormica".
The undead heavy foot trooper Arveem nods in agreement with the scout's assessment, then gesturing at their army, he says "If we had shown up at the gates of the city, I'm pretty sure they would of surrendered without a fight".
"Interesting" murmurs field commander Drubine, who then says "I wonder if it'll be like that the further north we go?".
Tam who has decided to come into the province of Moleau, to fight the enemy before they get to the provinces of Corlinda and Karricaw.
Has no intention of fighting the enemy in their towns and cities.
He wants them out in the open, where the superior fighting skills of the Farqian force, and his tactics will be the main advantages he has.
Getting bogged down with a siege, or attacking a walled city or town. Is just a complete waste of time in his opinion.
It's why he sent Dorc da Orc and the goblin battalion, and a number of others off, to help defend castle Measum in the northeast of the province of Corlinda.
So they could occupy the time of the enemy coming down from that part of the provinces of Moleau and Mofosild. In the area known to the locals as the Corlinda Corner.
"Maybe" says Arveem the heavy foot trooper, who are moments pause, continues with "Depends if they're loyal to king, or the crown" followed by "Or both".
"Now, that is truly interesting" quietly says the teenage noble originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. Who today just found out how strong the loyalties are amongst the enemy, when it comes to the king, and the crown of Melaurn.
And though they're essentially the same entity. There is a definite distinction between the two.
With Harmard the Third, the king who has the throne. While the crown, is way more influenced by the dowager queen, than field commander Drubine suspected.
The third of the first army of Farque that Tamric Drubine commands, continues northwards throughout the day.
Heading predominantly north, and somewhat west. As they seek out any of the enemy. Either the king's own, or allies to the king and the crown. Who are heading to the provinces of Corlinda and Karricaw to fight against lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, who has hired the first army of Farque.
It's late in the afternoon, and the undead brothers Arveem and Dargarven who are walking off to one side of the road, keeping pace with Tamric Drubine.
Stop and look back to the southwest, a moment later and the undead heavy foot trooper says to field commander Drubine who has called a stop "Company" followed by "Our lord".
The next moment, a ship or sky rift appears in the late afternoon sky, out of which shoots the krean strikeship.
It slows down and drops in altitude, then the command ship of the Farqian fleet hovers nearby.
The next moment a large, heavily armoured figure, and a massive dog jump from the mastless airship once it's hovering about fifty feet off the ground.
Everyone in the army bows, as their lord approaches where they've stopped on the road.
When the undead warlord reaches where Tamric Drubine and his staff are with the undead brothers, Arveem and Dargarven.
And the undead wardog Anvil wanders off to sniff at things, lord Farque says "There's been some interesting developments".
Field commander Drubine nods his head when the lord and ruler of the lands Farque tells them "Mira, Helbe and Jarjin have thought up something" followed by "Concerning the old queen, the one they call the dowager queen" . . . . . .

Tuesday 19 January 2021

To War 95.

Summer. The City Of Julmard. In The Province Of Moleau.

"You go up and chat with them scout" says Arveem the undead heavy foot trooper.
"Me?" says Lisell Maera the scout, who follows that with "Why?".
"Because you're a pretty looking young woman, and it will distract them" replies the massive undead being.
"Well" says the attractive young woman originally from the city-state of Brattonbury, who then dryly adds "When you put it like that".
Before the scout Maera steps out from the lane, the undead heavy foot trooper quietly tells her "Ask them if they're hiring mercenaries" followed by "That should keep them occupied for a bit".
Arveem briefly pauses before he continues with "And the fact you're good looking, should keep them distracted for a bit as well".
Lisell Maera, or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well. Can't help but blush at those words from the undead heavy foot trooper.
She's heard herself described like that by a number of men over the years. And she's either ignored it, or been dismissive of it.
But coming from one of the Farqian undead. It's like if it was her grandfather was telling her that.
That's if she knew her grandfather, or grandfathers. As she has absolutely no idea who they could be.
The scout in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque nods her head.
Then steps out of the lane, and crosses to the front gates of the palace of the ruling lord here in the city of Julmard, a certain lord Dameér.
"Keep an eye on the scout, young Hamblin" quietly says Arveem.
"Yes trooper" says Hamblin the adjunct in training.
The teenager from the northwest of the lands Farque, watches the scout Maera crossing to the front gates of the palace.
As he does, out of the corner of his right eye, he sees the massive frame of the undead heavy trooper who he's the aide to. Disappear upwards in a blur.
Hamblin looks that way, and briefly spots Arveem up on the roof of the three storey building to the right.
The young officer in training goes back to watching Lisell Maera who has just walked up to the palace guards on gate duty.
Knowing that Dargarven the undead scout is already inside the palace along with a water elemental spouter, who is a scout in the first army of Farque.
And now the undead heavy foot trooper Arveem is up on the roof of a building, one of a row of them to be exact.
That curves around, and gets quite close to the palace of lord Dameér, here in the west of the city of Julmard.
The small city here in the south of the province of Moleau, that lord Dameér rules.
The teenager, who is the aide to the heavy foot trooper Arveem wipes his forehead with the back of his wrist as he waits for the scout Maera to finish chatting with the gate guards.
Hamblin, who thinks he sees a blur of movement, go from the end building in the row of them to the right.
Through the air into the palace grounds, slightly nods his head. As he figures that heavy foot trooper Arveem, has just entered the palace as well.
The officer, or adjunct in training to be exact, doesn't have to wait all that much longer.
As soon, Lisell Maera finishes speaking with the palace guards at the gates.
She turns and makes her way back to the lane, where she finds just the adjunct in training, waiting for her.
"Where is he?" quietly asks Lisell Maera the scout.
"Pretty sure he's in the palace" is the quiet reply of Hamblin the officer in training, who like the scout, is conversing in the elven language.
The attractive young woman who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, nods her head, then quietly says to the young teenager "Come on then".
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well.
Leads Hamblin out of the lane, and to the right, quietly saying to the aide of Arveem the heavy foot trooper "The garrison is around on the otherside of the palace".
She nods in reply to the palace guards on gate duty as they go by the front of the palace.
The guards who are enamoured with the attractive young woman who serves in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque.
Nod in reply to her, as she and young Hamblin walk by.
"They're hiring mercenaries too" quietly adds Lis once they get beyond earshot of the palace guards on gate duty.
"The palace guards?" quietly asks the teenager who hails from the northwest of the lands Farque.
"No" replies the scout Maera, who continues on with "His regular army" followed by "Those fighting against us".
The two of them walk northwards along the quiet street infront of the palace, following the row of buildings which eventually curve in tight to the north end of the palace grounds.
They round the corner, where the largest square in the city is located.
It's not really a square as such, it's the parade ground infront of the army barracks, or garrison next to the palatial residence of lord Dameér of Julmard.
"I'll go and check how it is, if you like" quietly says the young officer in training who only recently turned fourteen years old.
Nodding her head, Lis says to the Farqian youngster "Find out about the hiring".
The attractive young woman who hails from the city-state of Brattonbury, who is now serving in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque.
Then says in a slightly dry tone of voice "Don't actually sign up" followed by "You'd be fighting against your own side if you do".
Hamblin slightly grins, then says "I'll find out as much as i can". Then the aide to Arveem the undead heavy foot trooper.
Heads off, making his way across the empty parade grounds to the barracks of lord Dameér's garrison, here in the city of Julmard.
While Lis waits in the shade of the end building in the row. Seeing that near the palace and the army barracks.
It isn't particularly busy compared to the middle of the small city, which is the largest population center in the south of the province of Moleau.
The attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands, who is a part of the group that travels with lord Farque.
As she waits for young Hamblin to return. Watches the palace grounds, and the palace itself. More than the barracks the young officer in training has just entered.
The scout Maera waits awhile, and eventually she spots movement across the roof of the palace.
Lis knows if she wasn't looking directly at that part of the palace roof.
She wouldn't of briefly caught sight of the dark blur that streaks across the top of the palace roof.
She immediately comes to the conclusion that it's Arveem. As she suspects that Dargarven would be far quicker.
And even to get a brief sighting of him as he moves so quickly, would be nothing short of a miracle.
The dark blur disappears, she doesn't know exactly where. But her best guess is off the north side of the palace.
Where the wall isn't all that far from the barracks and the parade ground infront of it.
A little bit later, and young Hamblin makes his way from the city garrison of lord Dameér's army.
The teenage officer in training spots the scout Maera in the shade next to the building at the end of the row of them, and he joins her there.
"Not many people in there" quietly says Hamblin in the elven language.
"Just a recruitment officer and a handful of soldiers" adds the teenager from the northwest of the lands Farque.
The aide to the undead heavy foot trooper Arveem then tells Lis that the recruitment officer would take Hamblin on as a camp follower. Someone to help cook and clean, and hand out supplies. And that's about it. As there's no time to train youngsters at the moment.
The attractive looking young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, faintly smiles.
As she knows at just fourteen, young Hamblin is probably a better soldier than most of the soldiers in the local lord's army.
And he's probably been in more battles than a lot of them in his short life.
"Well that's something i guess" dryly says Lis when Hamblin with a straight face, tells her that the recruitment officer needs his parents permission to take him into the army.
"At least they're not pressing anyone into service" quietly says the adjunct in training.
"Yet" adds the Brattonburian born scout in a dry tone of voice.
The member of the group who travels with the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, then asks the youngster from northwestern Farque "Get a look at their infirmary?".
"I did" replies Hamblin, who continues on with "It's empty with the exception of a couple of officers by the looks of it" followed by "Recuperating from their injuries".
Lisell Maera nods, then quietly says "While most of the returning injured are over in that church in the south of the city".
The attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands, who is now serving in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque, quietly says "Which is even more quieter than here".
Lis then says "They definitely don't want word to spread throughout the city that they've had defeat after defeat".
The young officer in training nods in agreement with the scout. Who is just about to say to the Farqian teenager that they should move on.
When she spots a massive, and familiar figure making their way from around the barracks. And head across the parade grounds, heading in this direction.
"Wonder what they got up to?" quietly says the young officer in training, Hamblin.
Turns out they got up to a lot. For when Arveem the undead heavy trooper joins them in the shade of the building at the end of the row of buildings facing the palace grounds.
He quietly says in elven to the two of them "We probably want to leave".
The massive, heavily armoured undead being after a slight pause, then adds "Now".
"Oh hell" mutters Lisell Maera, who then asks Arveem "What did you lot do in there?".
Arveem coughs behind the faceplate of his full helmed head, then he quietly says in a slightly dry tone of voice "We might of just killed that lord Dameér".
Lis rolls her eyes, and along with Hamblin follows Arveem who gestures to start walking to the street on the otherside of the row of buildings.
The young teenager from the northwest of the lands Farque wouldn't dare to question the Farqian undead.
Not so the attractive young woman who hails from the city-state of Brattonbury.
"You do it?" quietly asks the scout Maera when they turn onto the street behind the row of buildings.
"Of course not" says Arveem the heavy foot trooper in a slightly offended tone of voice.
"It was that brother of mine" adds Arveem in a slightly dry tone of voice, followed in the same tone with "He deemed it appropriate".
The scout who is a member of the group that travels with lord Farque doesn't bother with asking about why Dargarven killed the local lord.
Instead she says "We better go and tell Tam" Lis continues with "He should probably know about something like this".
"My brother and the spouter are already heading back to our army" says the massive, heavily armoured, undead foot trooper, who then adds "Dar will inform the field commander of what's happened".
Lisell Maera nods, then she and young Hamblin follow Arveem, who points to a street to their left, that goes north through the city.
As he does, he quietly tells the two of them "We'll find out more about the city before we join back up with the others".
And although the local lord is now dead, and most of his army is away with the other allies to the crown and king.
Who are at war with lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, who has hired the first army of Farque to fight on his behalf.
Arveem says to his aide, and the scout "You never know, we might be back here one day, and the more we know about the city the better".
Both Lisell Maera the scout and Hamblin the adjunct in training nod in agreement with that, as they follow the undead heavy foot trooper through the streets of the city of Julmard, here in the south of the province of Moleau . . . . . .