Tuesday 19 January 2021

To War 95.

Summer. The City Of Julmard. In The Province Of Moleau.

"You go up and chat with them scout" says Arveem the undead heavy foot trooper.
"Me?" says Lisell Maera the scout, who follows that with "Why?".
"Because you're a pretty looking young woman, and it will distract them" replies the massive undead being.
"Well" says the attractive young woman originally from the city-state of Brattonbury, who then dryly adds "When you put it like that".
Before the scout Maera steps out from the lane, the undead heavy foot trooper quietly tells her "Ask them if they're hiring mercenaries" followed by "That should keep them occupied for a bit".
Arveem briefly pauses before he continues with "And the fact you're good looking, should keep them distracted for a bit as well".
Lisell Maera, or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well. Can't help but blush at those words from the undead heavy foot trooper.
She's heard herself described like that by a number of men over the years. And she's either ignored it, or been dismissive of it.
But coming from one of the Farqian undead. It's like if it was her grandfather was telling her that.
That's if she knew her grandfather, or grandfathers. As she has absolutely no idea who they could be.
The scout in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque nods her head.
Then steps out of the lane, and crosses to the front gates of the palace of the ruling lord here in the city of Julmard, a certain lord Dameér.
"Keep an eye on the scout, young Hamblin" quietly says Arveem.
"Yes trooper" says Hamblin the adjunct in training.
The teenager from the northwest of the lands Farque, watches the scout Maera crossing to the front gates of the palace.
As he does, out of the corner of his right eye, he sees the massive frame of the undead heavy trooper who he's the aide to. Disappear upwards in a blur.
Hamblin looks that way, and briefly spots Arveem up on the roof of the three storey building to the right.
The young officer in training goes back to watching Lisell Maera who has just walked up to the palace guards on gate duty.
Knowing that Dargarven the undead scout is already inside the palace along with a water elemental spouter, who is a scout in the first army of Farque.
And now the undead heavy foot trooper Arveem is up on the roof of a building, one of a row of them to be exact.
That curves around, and gets quite close to the palace of lord Dameér, here in the west of the city of Julmard.
The small city here in the south of the province of Moleau, that lord Dameér rules.
The teenager, who is the aide to the heavy foot trooper Arveem wipes his forehead with the back of his wrist as he waits for the scout Maera to finish chatting with the gate guards.
Hamblin, who thinks he sees a blur of movement, go from the end building in the row of them to the right.
Through the air into the palace grounds, slightly nods his head. As he figures that heavy foot trooper Arveem, has just entered the palace as well.
The officer, or adjunct in training to be exact, doesn't have to wait all that much longer.
As soon, Lisell Maera finishes speaking with the palace guards at the gates.
She turns and makes her way back to the lane, where she finds just the adjunct in training, waiting for her.
"Where is he?" quietly asks Lisell Maera the scout.
"Pretty sure he's in the palace" is the quiet reply of Hamblin the officer in training, who like the scout, is conversing in the elven language.
The attractive young woman who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, nods her head, then quietly says to the young teenager "Come on then".
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well.
Leads Hamblin out of the lane, and to the right, quietly saying to the aide of Arveem the heavy foot trooper "The garrison is around on the otherside of the palace".
She nods in reply to the palace guards on gate duty as they go by the front of the palace.
The guards who are enamoured with the attractive young woman who serves in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque.
Nod in reply to her, as she and young Hamblin walk by.
"They're hiring mercenaries too" quietly adds Lis once they get beyond earshot of the palace guards on gate duty.
"The palace guards?" quietly asks the teenager who hails from the northwest of the lands Farque.
"No" replies the scout Maera, who continues on with "His regular army" followed by "Those fighting against us".
The two of them walk northwards along the quiet street infront of the palace, following the row of buildings which eventually curve in tight to the north end of the palace grounds.
They round the corner, where the largest square in the city is located.
It's not really a square as such, it's the parade ground infront of the army barracks, or garrison next to the palatial residence of lord Dameér of Julmard.
"I'll go and check how it is, if you like" quietly says the young officer in training who only recently turned fourteen years old.
Nodding her head, Lis says to the Farqian youngster "Find out about the hiring".
The attractive young woman who hails from the city-state of Brattonbury, who is now serving in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque.
Then says in a slightly dry tone of voice "Don't actually sign up" followed by "You'd be fighting against your own side if you do".
Hamblin slightly grins, then says "I'll find out as much as i can". Then the aide to Arveem the undead heavy foot trooper.
Heads off, making his way across the empty parade grounds to the barracks of lord Dameér's garrison, here in the city of Julmard.
While Lis waits in the shade of the end building in the row. Seeing that near the palace and the army barracks.
It isn't particularly busy compared to the middle of the small city, which is the largest population center in the south of the province of Moleau.
The attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands, who is a part of the group that travels with lord Farque.
As she waits for young Hamblin to return. Watches the palace grounds, and the palace itself. More than the barracks the young officer in training has just entered.
The scout Maera waits awhile, and eventually she spots movement across the roof of the palace.
Lis knows if she wasn't looking directly at that part of the palace roof.
She wouldn't of briefly caught sight of the dark blur that streaks across the top of the palace roof.
She immediately comes to the conclusion that it's Arveem. As she suspects that Dargarven would be far quicker.
And even to get a brief sighting of him as he moves so quickly, would be nothing short of a miracle.
The dark blur disappears, she doesn't know exactly where. But her best guess is off the north side of the palace.
Where the wall isn't all that far from the barracks and the parade ground infront of it.
A little bit later, and young Hamblin makes his way from the city garrison of lord Dameér's army.
The teenage officer in training spots the scout Maera in the shade next to the building at the end of the row of them, and he joins her there.
"Not many people in there" quietly says Hamblin in the elven language.
"Just a recruitment officer and a handful of soldiers" adds the teenager from the northwest of the lands Farque.
The aide to the undead heavy foot trooper Arveem then tells Lis that the recruitment officer would take Hamblin on as a camp follower. Someone to help cook and clean, and hand out supplies. And that's about it. As there's no time to train youngsters at the moment.
The attractive looking young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, faintly smiles.
As she knows at just fourteen, young Hamblin is probably a better soldier than most of the soldiers in the local lord's army.
And he's probably been in more battles than a lot of them in his short life.
"Well that's something i guess" dryly says Lis when Hamblin with a straight face, tells her that the recruitment officer needs his parents permission to take him into the army.
"At least they're not pressing anyone into service" quietly says the adjunct in training.
"Yet" adds the Brattonburian born scout in a dry tone of voice.
The member of the group who travels with the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, then asks the youngster from northwestern Farque "Get a look at their infirmary?".
"I did" replies Hamblin, who continues on with "It's empty with the exception of a couple of officers by the looks of it" followed by "Recuperating from their injuries".
Lisell Maera nods, then quietly says "While most of the returning injured are over in that church in the south of the city".
The attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands, who is now serving in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque, quietly says "Which is even more quieter than here".
Lis then says "They definitely don't want word to spread throughout the city that they've had defeat after defeat".
The young officer in training nods in agreement with the scout. Who is just about to say to the Farqian teenager that they should move on.
When she spots a massive, and familiar figure making their way from around the barracks. And head across the parade grounds, heading in this direction.
"Wonder what they got up to?" quietly says the young officer in training, Hamblin.
Turns out they got up to a lot. For when Arveem the undead heavy trooper joins them in the shade of the building at the end of the row of buildings facing the palace grounds.
He quietly says in elven to the two of them "We probably want to leave".
The massive, heavily armoured undead being after a slight pause, then adds "Now".
"Oh hell" mutters Lisell Maera, who then asks Arveem "What did you lot do in there?".
Arveem coughs behind the faceplate of his full helmed head, then he quietly says in a slightly dry tone of voice "We might of just killed that lord Dameér".
Lis rolls her eyes, and along with Hamblin follows Arveem who gestures to start walking to the street on the otherside of the row of buildings.
The young teenager from the northwest of the lands Farque wouldn't dare to question the Farqian undead.
Not so the attractive young woman who hails from the city-state of Brattonbury.
"You do it?" quietly asks the scout Maera when they turn onto the street behind the row of buildings.
"Of course not" says Arveem the heavy foot trooper in a slightly offended tone of voice.
"It was that brother of mine" adds Arveem in a slightly dry tone of voice, followed in the same tone with "He deemed it appropriate".
The scout who is a member of the group that travels with lord Farque doesn't bother with asking about why Dargarven killed the local lord.
Instead she says "We better go and tell Tam" Lis continues with "He should probably know about something like this".
"My brother and the spouter are already heading back to our army" says the massive, heavily armoured, undead foot trooper, who then adds "Dar will inform the field commander of what's happened".
Lisell Maera nods, then she and young Hamblin follow Arveem, who points to a street to their left, that goes north through the city.
As he does, he quietly tells the two of them "We'll find out more about the city before we join back up with the others".
And although the local lord is now dead, and most of his army is away with the other allies to the crown and king.
Who are at war with lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, who has hired the first army of Farque to fight on his behalf.
Arveem says to his aide, and the scout "You never know, we might be back here one day, and the more we know about the city the better".
Both Lisell Maera the scout and Hamblin the adjunct in training nod in agreement with that, as they follow the undead heavy foot trooper through the streets of the city of Julmard, here in the south of the province of Moleau . . . . . .

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