Wednesday 27 January 2021

To War 101.

Summer. Southern Melaurn.

A soldier from the province of Moleau tops the west wall of castle Measum. He's about to jump down, when he's shoved off from the side by a goblin.
Who was actually trying to stab him with his shortsword, but missed. And ended up pushing the enemy soldier back off the top of the wall.
The soldier from the province of Moleau falls back first into the moat. Luckily missing any of the rafts in the water, not to mention other soldiers from the provinces of Moleau, Mofosild and Olind.
Who comprise most of this army that's loyal to the crown and king of Melaurn.
Who are attacking the large castle that's been the ancestral home of lord Measum's family for centuries.
The soldier from Moleau splutters and coughs as he comes up out of the surface of the moat.
And gets his feet under him as he stands up in the waist high water after falling thirty feet from the top of the west wall of castle Measum.
He's about to walk over to the ladder that he used to climb up to the top of the wall.
When suddenly his head explodes when a large rock thrown with force from the top of the wall, hits him square in the forehead.
Dorc da Orc bursts into laughter as he sees the headless body of the enemy soldier he just threw a rock at, sink beneath the surface of the water.
Before it pops back up, and just floats there. Just like quite a lot of the bodies of the enemy dead are doing.
Here on the west side of the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
"Out the way cunts" growls Dorc da Orc, a few of the goblins hurry out of their general's way.
Then the large ork reaches over the top of the wall, grabs the top of the scaling ladder that the enemy are using to get up to the top of the wall.
Then he drags it up, and over the top of the wall. All the while, two of the enemy soldiers are clinging onto it for dear life.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt hops back, and out of the way. As does Dickhead Thirty Something.
And they watch the ork warleader tip the thirty foot tall scaling ladder up.
One of the enemy soldiers, screaming in fright. Let's go off the ladder he's trying to cling onto.
He drops, and falls down upon the corner of a merlon. Smashing open his face, and the side of his head. Before he falls dead to the moat below.
The other enemy soldier is upside down, and still clinging onto the scaling ladder. When the ork weaponsmith biffs it down to the open ground behind the west wall of castle Measum.
The wooden scaling ladder lands with a clatter, while the enemy soldier holding onto it for dear life.
Hits the ground with a clearly audible thud, that many upon the top of the wall, including the humans.
Can clearly hear over the chaotic noise of the battle for the large castle that's been the ancestral home of lord Measum's family, for centuries.
Further back along the southern half of the western wall of castle Measum.
Another scaling ladder hits up against the face of the longest wall that the large castle has.
A soldier from the province of Olind, who was on the ladder as it was being put up. Scrambles up it as four other soldiers from his province. Are in the water at the base of the wall, holding the ladder steady.
The soldier from the province of Olind, is quick and nimble as he climbs the scaling ladder.
And with shortsword in hand, he's quickly to the top of a section of the west wall of Measum Castle.
He's about to hop onto the top of the wall between two of the merlons along the southern half of the west wall of the large castle.
When suddenly someone grabs the blade of his shortsword, and yanks it out of his grasp.
Next thing he knows, he's getting punched in the face, by a fistful of steel.
And though dazed and with a bloody face, he's able to keep a hold of the ladder as he realises he's just been punched by someone wearing steel gauntlets.
Next thing he knows, he's punched hard in the face again. And he hears a rather pompous sounding voice say to him "Take that you villain".
The soldier from the  province of Olind can no longer hold onto the ladder, and he falls from it.
In his dazed state as he falls backwards off the top of the scaling ladder, down to the moat. He hopes he hits the water.
That's what exactly happens, missing those in the water who are close by.
The water shocks him out of the daze, and though sore and winded from the thirty foot drop to the moat.
He's quickly to his feet, and standing in the waist high water.
Until he falls back into it, clutching at his throat and neck. As his own shortsword is now in it, after it was thrown down at him from the top of the west wall of castle Measum.
"Jolly good shot there Percy old chap" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic after throwing the shortsword at the enemy soldier he took it off.
The large, heavily armoured knight then says "Come on little fellows, let's give these chaps a hand, wot".
The former paladin, along with the two goblins. Who he's learnt are named Fat Cunt and Fuckity Fuckfuck.
Take a nearby polearm, and help a couple of local soldiers from the garrison here in castle Measum.
To push the enemy scaling ladder off and away from the west wall of the large castle that's been the home of the Measum family for centuries.
It takes a few moments, but eventually the scaling ladder falls backwards from the face of the wall.
It hits the water, and a couple of enemy soldiers too slow to get out of the way.
And though one of them is screaming in pain from a shattered shoulder.
The other is floating in the water, dead after his head was cracked open by the falling ladder.
Knowing it'll take a bit of time to pick up that now watersoaked ladder, sir Percavelle Lé Dic looks away to his left along the parapet.
And scowls as he sees his bitter rival, the ork warleader, Dorc da Orc. Still heading southwards along the parapet of the west wall of castle Measum.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic says to the two goblins who have been following him "Come along chaps, let's get moving, wot".
The two goblins, Fat Cunt and Fuckity Fuckfuck share a look, then they follow after the large, heavily armoured knight who continues along the parapet of the west wall of the castle that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
Across the moat, an archer from the province of Moleau let's an arrow fly from his weapon.
He's aimed for the largest, not to mention easiest target amongst the enemy upon the section of the west wall of castle Measum opposite him.
He frowns as the shaft he just shot off, hits the massive green figure up on the parapet in the head and bounce off it.
The archer from Moleau has heard some of the others in his company, mention that there's an ork amongst those defending the large castle.
And he we dismissive of them. Though now he's not so sure. As he's pretty certain only an ork could survive a direct shot to the head from a longbow.
As others to either side of him, hop in the water, to cross to the otherside of the moat.
The soldier from the province of Moleau takes another arrow from his quiver, and puts it to the belly of his bow.
He draws it back, as he looks to the top of the west wall of castle Measum.
Intending to shoot what he has come to believe actually is an ork, in the throat with this shot.
As he does, he sees that the ork is looking directly at him, and that it's got something in it's right hand, which it's in the act of throwing.
As he goes to shoot the arrow off, the archer from the province of Moleau sees that it's a large rock the ork is throwing.
"Got the cunt" says Dorc da Orc with a chuckle, as the large rock he just threw across to otherside of the moat.
Has hit the enemy archer who shot him in the forehead a few moments ago.
The enemy bowman is flat on his back, dead. After the large rock thrown by the ork weaponsmith.
Hit him square in the chest, breaking his arms and his longbow in the process.
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, nods in satisfaction, then says to Teabagger the Goblin Cunt and Dickhead Thirty Something "Come on cunts".
As he spots some of the enemy have topped the wall, further to the south on the longest wall of castle Measum.
A soldier serving in the army of a nobleman from the province of Mofosild.
Holds on to a scaling ladder, as others from his lord's army lift it up against the west wall of the large castle, that they and their allies from the provinces of Moleau and Olind loyal to the crown and king of Melaurn.
Are assaulting, here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda, in the area known as The Corlinda Corner by the locals.
He's holding onto the rung two from the top of the ladder as it hits up against the wall.
He grins as those below who lifted the scaling ladder, and others in the water. Cheer as the ladder is put up against the west wall of castle Measum successfully.
He grimaces as a fairly large rock falls by, barely missing him after someone pushed it off the top of the wall.
One of his fellow soldiers from the province of Mofosild down in the moat who helped to lift up the scaling ladder isn't so lucky.
As the large rock hits him in the top of the head, killing him instantly as it shatters apart his skull.
The soldier from Mofosild who is up the ladder, scrambles up the last two rungs of it, to get to the top of the thirty foot tall wall.
Hoping that the enemy doesn't push another rock off the top of the wall at him.
Or a crossbowman leans over and shoots down at him. As he's totally defenseless as he climbs to the top of the west wall of the large castle, that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
He gets to the top of the wall without incident. Then he blinks in surprise as he finds himself facing a large, heavily armoured figure, who is on the parapet, looking at him.
The soldier from the province of Mofosild, who has his small axe in hand. Realises it's a knight he's looking at.
Not a local knight for sure. As this one is in a highly burnished steel plate armour that gleams in the sunlight.
Which has a white cape attached to the roundrels on the shoulder plates.
The knight is also holding what seems to be a long dagger, or shortsword of some kind. Though it resembles a longsword.
As the soldier from the province of Mofosild goes to swing his axe. The enemy knight stabs at him with the odd looking shortsword.
It just touches him in the chest, barely poking his leather vest.
"Take that sonny" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who then adds "That's a good one, wot".
And chortles as the enemy soldier who just topped the wall between two of the merlons, here on the southern half of the west wall of castle Measum.
Goes flying backwards after the point of the magical Sword of Knockdown touches him in the middle of the chest.
The enemy soldier goes flying all the way back across the moat before dropping out of the air.
He hits the ground on the otherside, back first with a thud. Killing him instantly from the forceful impact.
The former paladin steps back and out of the way. To allow four local soldiers with two polearms, to push away the scaling ladder that the enemy soldier used to get to the top of the west wall of the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
With a nod of his full helmed head at the two goblins, Fat Cunt and Fuckity Fuckfuck, the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic says "Come along chaps" followed by "Let us continue on our way, wot".
As the Druvician nobleman sees further along the southern half of the west wall of castle Measum.
His bitter rival, the ork general, Dorc da Orc. Is walking along the parapet followed by the two goblins, Teabagger the Goblin Cunt and Dickhead Thirty Something.
Heading towards the southwest corner tower of the large castle, as the fighting down near there, is particularly heavy at the moment.
As a number of the enemy have topped the west wall down there.
As the battle for Measum Castle continues, on this warm and sunny summer day, here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda . . . . . .

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