Monday 25 January 2021

To War 99.

Summer. The Battle Of Measum Castle.

"Shit" mutters Teabagger the Goblin Cunt with a grimace upon his face as he ducks back down when an enemy crossbow bolt clanks off the corner of the merlon to his right.
The small, bright lurid green goblin who is the commander of the battalion of the goblins in the armies of Farque.
Grabs Dickhead Thirty Something, and pulls him down beside him, so he doesn't get shot by an enemy archer or crossbowman.
The two of them look away to their right when they hear a scream. And they see a local soldier from the garrison here in castle Measum.
Staggering backwards with an enemy arrow in his chest. Which he tries to grab as he falls backwards off the parapet. Where he hits the ground thirty feet below.
There's a moment's pause, then Dickhead Thirty Something says in the goblin language "Sucks to be him".
Teabagger can only nod in agreement with that. Then the goblin commander pops his head up a little bit so he look over the top of the wall between the two merlons.
The small, bright lurid green goblin slightly winces as he watches the enemy.
Who are in the middle of a full out assault upon the west wall of the large castle that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
The enemy, allies to the king and crown of Melaurn. Predominantly from the provinces of Moleau, Mofosild, and Olind.
Are enraged at what happened earlier in the morning. When those here in castle Measum, who are defending it. To be exact, Dorc da Orc.
Sent back a prisoner they captured yesterday. A nobleborn officer who was effectively their subcommander.
Seems the enemy officer was a lot more popular than what they expected.
Because after the initial shock and outrage at the way in which he was returned.
The entire army who have laid siege to castle Measum. Charged forward to attack along the entire length of the long, west wall of the largest castle to be found in southern Melaurn.
Both Teabagger and Dickhead duck back down, when a stray enemy arrow goes flying over their heads.
And the commander of the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque nods his head, when next to him, Thirty Something dryly says "I guess they didn't care about him that much".
As the enemy officer who was slung by one of the trebuchets, and ended up landing on the road about three hundred yards from castle Measum's west wall.
Is now just bloody smear on the road after being trampled by so many pairs of boots.
As the enraged army loyal to the crown and king of Melaurn. Charged the large castle that's been the ancestral home to lord Measum's family for centuries.
As the thunk of one of the two ballistas upon the top of the west wall shoots of a missile at the enemy.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt after taking a quick look over the top of the wall, says "Give me a hand with this".
The two goblins pick up one of the large rocks from the nearby pile. And keeping low, they lift it up, and push it up onto the top of the wall.
Then they roll it off the top of the wall, and hear the satisfying sound of a scream, and crashing sound, before a splash when the large rock hits the water.
The scaling ladder that was just put up against the wall right where they are, is destroyed.
And the enemy soldier who was up the first few rungs of the wooden ladder.
Is now in the moat, with a shattered right shoulder and right arm. And if no one fishes him out. Or he's unable to get to the otherside of the moat, and onto dry land, he'll most likely drown.
Then Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, and Dickhead Thirty Something both look away to their left when they hear a familiar roar.
It's their general, Dorc da Orc. Who is a few merlons away in that direction. The large ork who casually pulls out a crossbow bolt out of his right bicep, is taunting the enemy who are in the middle of a full on assault upon the west wall of castle Measum.
"Come and get some ya fucken cunts!" yells Dorc da Orc who then chuckles as arrows and bolts come flying his way.
After the large ork pulls another crossbow bolt out of himself. This one in the left shoulder.
And totally ignoring the enemy arrow that's stuck in his dreadlock topknot. The ork warleader looks up and down the moat, here on the west side of the large castle that's been the home of lord Measum's family for centuries.
In various spots in the moat, the enemy cover it so thickly you can barely see the water.
And because it's summer, and the river that feeds the moat isn't running high.
The water level in the moat isn't particularly high. And a lot of the enemy are in the waist high, and in some places, chest high water.
While others are on the rafts they've constructed ever since they turned up here at castle Measum.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world. Who didn't think his actions earlier this morning would work this well.
Grunts as he sees that across the bank on the otherside of the moat. That there's even camp followers across there. As for the most part, the enemy camp has been abandoned.
Something no doubt that will be taken advantage of. As the ork general looks around, and spots Heinë the sorceress with Tovis the war engineer on the parapuet, not far from where the gates are, here on the west side of castle Measum.
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, sees the the young engineer pointing at the enemy camp in the distance.
The powerful sorceress nods, and the next moment before the two of them duck to the side, behind a merlon.
A fireball appears above the moat, and heads away from the large castle, flying above the road, on it's way to the near deserted enemy camp in the distance. That's even out of range of the two trebuchets that the Farqian engineering corp have at their disposal to attack the enemy, and defend castle Measum.
The ork weaponsmith also spots the goblin commander Teabagger nearby, and growls at him "Teabagger ya cunt, this way".
As he gestures for the small, bright lurid green goblin to follow him.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt shares a look with Dickhead Thirty Something, then the two of them follow after their general.
Who is heading south along the parapet, to above where the gates are here, on the west side of the large castle that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
The two goblins keep low as they follow behind the warleader of the ork race.
Who occasionally stops as he walks along the parapet of the south wall of the large castle.
Dorkindle briefly stops, and picks up an arm full of large rocks from one of the piles. And in one go, he biffs them off the top of the wall.
As their general chuckles, Teabagger and Thirty Something hear the screams and shouts of the enemy down in the moat.
Who have just had a few hundred pounds of rocks shower upon them.
The goblin commander, and effectively one of his officers. Keep following the large ork, after he looks back, and growls at them to hurry up.
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world briefly stops again after they walk around one of the ballista, here on the parapet of the west wall of castle Measum.
As the closest catapult behind the wall, launches another load at the enemy storming the west wall of lord Measum's ancestral home.
Dorc da Orc leans over the top of the wall, and pushes away a scaling ladder the enemy loyal to the crown and king of Melaurn have put up.
Shouts of outrage, and a fair bit of swearing come from the trio of enemy soldiers climbing the scaling ladder.
Which falls back into the moat, and onto those too slow to get out of it's way.
More than a few of the enemy are knocked out when it falls upon them. With some of them going onto drown.
As those around them, in the water, and on the flat bottom rafts. Are too busy trying to make it to the wall.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks gets to above the gates, here on the parapet of the west wall of Measum Castle.
The ork warleader as he pulls out an enemy arrow that's in the side of his neck, which barely penetrated his thick skin.
Scowls as he spots his bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Who is further south upon the long, west wall, of the largest castle to found in all of southern Melaurn.
Then the son of the previous matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks. Who he killed, which was only fair, as she was doing her best to kill him at the time.
Looks down at Tovis the war engineer, as next to the captain in the armies of Farque.
The sorceress Heinë who has just sent another fireball away to the enemy camp in the distance.
Drops an energyball down off the top of the wall. And when it hits the moat. There's an explosion of water, rafts, and bodies.
"It's going a bit more than i expected Dorc" says Tovis the war engineer, as water sprays up over the top of the wall where they're standing.
"Yuck" mutters the ork general, who wipes drops of water off his brow. Which briefly cooled him on this warm and sunny summer morning. In the northeast of the province of Corlinda. In the area known as The Corlinda Corner by the locals.
Dorc da Orc grunts, then says to the commander of the engineering corp in the first army of Farque "Yeah cunt".
Waving a large meaty, skillet sized hand at the enemy, the ork weaponsmith adds "Least the cunts are here, and haven't fucked off".
The young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic nods his head at that.
As that's ultimately what he wants to happen. To keep the enemy in this area of the province of Corlinda. Occupied here at castle Measum. So that they don't do further south into the province of Corlinda. Or cross over the border into the province of Karricaw.
As the war between the king and crown of Melaurn, against the Karricawian nobleman, lord Gormica of Salmah Forest continues.
Behind their general, both Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, and Dickhead Thirty Something are dripping wet.
As quite a lot of the spray that come up over the top of the wall, hit them.
There's also a severed arm lying infront of Teabagger, that come over the top of the wall with the spray of water from the recent explosion caused by the sorceress Heinë's energyball.
The goblin commander picks up the arm, and flings it away, back over the top of the wall.
While slightly behind, the small, bright, lurid green goblin who is the commander of the battalion of goblins in the armies of Farque.
Thirty Something, who is one of his officers, grabs a head of an enemy soldier by the hair.
And tosses it back over the top of the wall, between two of the merlons, from where it came from.
Dickhead Thirty Something crawls up beside Teabagger, and dryly says to him in the goblin language "Beats getting shot at i suppose".
The goblin commander nods, then wipes his wet face again. Wishing his general got hit by more of the water that sprayed up over the top of the wall.
As the large ork absolutely stinks in this warm summer weather they've been having here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
"Huh?" says Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, who then adds in the common language "Yes boss, i mean general".
When Dorc da Orc looks back at him, and says to him "You hear that cunt?".
The large ork grunts, then adds "Make sure them fuckheads don't let any of them asscunts in".
The goblin commander nods after Thirty Something quickly tells him what their general and captain Tovis were talking about.
Teabagger then calls out to some of the nearby goblins here on the parapet of the west wall of castle Measum.
Ordering about ten of them off the wall, and down to help protect the main gates of the large castle.
And though the gates have banded iron strips in a crisscross pattern over it. Some of the enemy are using axes in the gaps, trying to make holes in the thick wooden gates. Which in actuality, is the underside of the drawbridge used to cross the moat.
Both Teabagger the Goblin Cunt and Dickhead Thirty Something get up into a crouch, after their general says to them "Stop fucken lying there ya pussies".
The two goblins make sure to keep lower than the top of the wall between the merlons.
As they, unlike their general, they're unable to withstand getting shot by an enemy archer or crossbowman.
While in the distance, the enemy camp starts to burn without anyone there to put it out.
Dorc da Orc continues to watch the enemy who are loyal to the crown and king of Melaurn, storming the west side of the large castle, that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
"Fucken down there" says the ork warleader to Tovis the war engineer, followed by "Fucken more of them that fucken way now".
As he gestures to where more of the enemy are trying to gain the top of the west wall of castle Measum, further south of here above the gates.
Dorkindle loudly mutters "Gonna fucken get some" then he turns and says "Come on cunts" followed by "Let's go".
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, and Dickhead Thirty Something share a look.
Then after nodding at Tovis the war engineer and Heinë the sorceress. The two of them follow after their general who is heading south along the parapet of the west wall of Measum Castle.
As they keep low as they follow the large ork who is their general, Dickhead Thirty Something quietly and dryly says in the goblin language "Tell me again, why this is a good idea?".
As enemy arrows and bolts go flying at the ork warleader infront of them. As he's by far the largest, and easiest target upon the parapet of the west wall of the large castle.
Teabagger just shrugs, then grimaces and ducks down lower as an enemy crossbow bolt clatters off the corner of the merlon right next to him.
As the battle of Measum Castle continues to rage on . . . . . .

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