Tuesday 12 January 2021

To War 90.

Summer. The Corlinda Corner.

Leading up to the east gates of castle Measum is a narrow road, a trail really.
That goes through a cutting on it's way towards the large castle that's the ancestral home of lord Measum.
The cutting is at the top of the hill, and the narrow road comes up it, while it can be seen in the distance, heading away from the large castle, to the south and east.
The road is out of view a lot of the way up the hill, as twists and turns. Going through a number of switchbacks before reaching the cutting, which is just a hundred and fifty or so feet from the east gates of castle Measum.
The east wall of the large castle, is the tallest at over forty foot in height.
But lengthwise, it's by far the shortest of the castle's walls. Not even reaching a fifth of the length of the long west wall of the ancestral home of the Measum family.
On the east wall of the large castle, is a small group of local soldiers, led by their guard captain, Domall.
With them is a handful of black clad Farqian soldiers, rangers and scouts.
Also on the parapet of the east wall, are four Farqian engineers. Who have a small, two man basket catapult with them. The only war machine on the east wall of castle Measum.
And at nightfall, they're joined by a squad of twenty five goblins in the battalion of goblins in the first army of Farque. A crazed ork, a pompous knight, and an enigmatic physical adept.
Still even with these new additions. Those defending the east wall are even less than those defending the north wall of castle Measum.
And to the north of the large castle, the terrain is rocky and dangerous. So much so, that the enemy attacking lord Measum's ancestral home.
Haven't even bothered to set anyone to watching the north wall of the large castle this evening.
As they, and just about everyone within castle Measum think attacking the north wall of the castle is a lethal lesson in futility.
The one person within castle Measum who said he'd attack the north wall of the large castle if he was with the enemy.
Grunts as he steps up onto the parapet of the east wall of the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
The evening is noticeably cooler than the warm day. A sure sign that it's definitely the second half of summer now, here in the kingdom of Melaurn.
There's a fairly steady breeze blowing across the top of the east wall of the large castle, much to the relief of Dorc da Orc.
After Teabagger the Goblin Cunt has the squad of twenty five goblins spread out along the parapet.
The ork general, and the goblin commander. As well as sir Percavelle Lé Dic, and Shur Kee the monk.
Make their way to where the captain of the guard, Domall. Is standing above the east gates of castle Measum.
The ork weaponsmith glances back at the keep and the town within the large castle.
And wonders if he should get someone to bring something up to him to eat.
As he only had a quick bite to eat during sunset over on the west wall of castle Measum.
Before Tovis the war engineer, told him to come over here, to the east wall of the large castle.
There's just a few lit torches along the top of the east wall. Not much in the way to illuminate things this evening.
That's no problem for the large ork and the goblins. As their nightvision is just as good as if they're were seeing in the middle of the day.
The ork general in the armies of Farque, sniffs and listens carefully for a few moments as he stands there above the gates.
"Some of 'em fucken cunts are coming up this way" says Dorc da Orc to the local captain of the guard.
"How many of them?" asks Domall the captain of the guard here at castle Measum.
"A few hundred or so" is the reply of the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world with a shrug of his massive shoulders.
Lord Measum's guard captain grimaces when he hears that. For even with the addition of the squad of goblins.
There's still only sixty or so of them defending the east wall of the largest castle in the entire south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
"Fucken pussy" loudly mutters the ork warleader in his own language, when he sees the guard captain grimacing.
Then Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name switches back to the common language, and points to the south side of the cutting, and says "Some of 'em fuckers gonna come up there".
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks then waves a large, meaty, skillet sized hand in the direction of the narrow road, that goes through the cutting on it's way to the east gates of castle Measum, and he says "The rest of the fucking cunts gonna come up the road".
Domall, the captain of the guard nods. As they're expecting an attack on the east wall of the large castle this evening.
Now it's confirmed by the ork general in the armies of Farque, who can hear and smell the enemy coming up the winding road.
The captain of the guard, who is careful how he says things around the large ork, asks him "What do you suggest?".
"Fucken kill 'em" is the reply of the warleader of the ork race.
"Something more specific you foul smelling beast" sourly says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who then adds a muttered "Wot".
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks, who he killed. Which was only fair, as she was doing her best to kill him at the time.
Glares at his bitter rival, the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic.
Then the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world looks at the guard captain again, and tells him "Most of 'em cunts will attack this half of the wall". The large ork gestures at the southern half of the east wall as he says that.
Then the ork general adds "While others will attack the fucken gate itself".
The captain of the guard nods his head at that. As that's more than likely to happen.
As the gates on this side of the castle, are it's weakest point. Especially in comparison to the gates over on the west wall of castle Measum.
Here on the east wall, the gates aren't banded with thick iron strips like the large gates on the west side of the castle that's been the ancestral home of lord Measum's family for centuries.
The eastern gates though solid and thick, are still just wood. The only additional support they have is the wooden bar across them on the inside. Which took six of his men to put in place before the battle got underway.
Then before captain Domall suggests what they do, the ork warleader tells him "Have most of your cunts try and stop the fuckheads from getting to the gates".
Dorkindle who knows it's the gates are the weakest spot on the eastern side of castle Measum.
Is pretty sure the enemy, who sent a force of around a quarter of their army, after they were repelled earlier this afternoon from the west side of the large castle.
Away to the south and east to circle castle Measum, to eventually get onto the road that comes up the hill, and through the cutting at the brow of the hill, where the road comes right up to the east wall gates of the large castle, that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
Will have a battering ram of some kind, which they'll use to attack the gates on this side of castle Measum.
Infact, the ork weaponsmith is pretty certain he can smell them carrying a battering ram with the some of the horses they've got.
Though to be fair, the ork general is more interested in the horses the enemy to the east of the large castle have with them, than the battering ram they've got.
Dorc da Orc then looks down at the captain of the local nobleman's garrison and says to him "You fucken do that then".
"We shall" is the reply of Domall, the captain of the guard. Who in the faint light of a nearby torch.
Looks at the small, bright green goblin, the large heavily armoured knight, and the short, statured monk wearing an odd conical shaped hat, who are with the big, burly looking ork from the southern polar region of the world.
The three of them just look back at him, without saying a word. If he thought they would say something to counter the large ork, he's out of luck.
Even the ork warleader's bitter rival, the former paladin from the kingdom of Druvic who usually argues with the large ork, is silent.
As he knows Dorkindle's rather basic plan, is actually the best thing to do if they want to stop the enemy from breaching the east gates of castle Measum.
"I'll make sure the men concentrate on stopping those attacking the gates directly" says Domall, the guard captain of the castle garrison.
The ork weaponsmith just grunts to that, then he moves off to where the four Farqian engineers are standing nearby, watching them in silence.
The large ork is followed by Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, sir Percavelle Lé Dic, and Shur Kee the monk.
Who Tovis the war engineer sent to keep an eye on the bitter rivals, the ork warleader and the member of the order of The Knights of Saint Mar-che.
Dorkindle briefly speaks with the Farqian engineers, he doesn't have to explain much to them.
As they've already set up their small basket catapult giving them a clear shot at the enemy if they come through the cutting, directly at the gates.
The ork general also has a brief word with a couple of the Farqian rangers who are on the parapet of the east wall.
The warleader of the ork race is glad he doesn't have to explain much to them. They're highly trained, and know what to do in a battle.
Now they wait, and a little while after Dorc da Orc growls to put out the few lit torches along the parapet.
One of the goblins towards the southern end of the east wall parapet, calls out something in the language of the goblin race.
"They're coming up over that side of the cutting general" quietly says Teabagger the Goblin Cunt pointing at the southern side of the cutting at the top of the hill.
The large ork grunts, while one of the Farqian rangers with his longbow, walks towards the southern end of the parapet, here on the east wall of castle Measum.
Even those without naturally enhanced nightvision spots the first of the enemy come up over the side of the cutting.
Then tumble down it towards the road with a yard long shaft, shot from a Farqian ranger's longbow through his chest.
"That is the first of them" quietly says Shur Kee the monk.
Dorkindle grunts in agreement with the short, statured monk. Then the ork weaponsmith along with the goblins hear the enemy rushing up the otherside of the road.
While more of them start appearing on the southern side of the cutting.
Then as the first of the enemy soldiers appears on the narrow road through the cutting.
The warleader of the ork race lets out a loud roar, signifying the start of the night battle, here on the east side of castle Measum.
On what's a relatively cool summer evening, here in the province of Corlinda, in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
Dorc da Orc biffs one of his longspears, which slams into the chest of one of the enemy soldiers, rushing through the cutting, trying to get to the gates in the east wall of the large castle, that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
That soldier from one of the other provinces to the north of Corlinda.
Goes flying backwards, smashing into a couple of his fellow soldiers following closely behind him.
The large ork who has ordered those defenders with ranged weapons to target the enemy whilst they're in the cutting.
As he hopes to impede their progress, and clog up the cutting. Making it difficult for the rest of the enemy to reach the gates.
Turns his head, and watches the small catapult launch a load of rocks, at the enemy who have got to this end of the cutting.
The small war machine doesn't have a particular long range. Infact it's range limit is at this end of the cutting, which is about a hundred and fifty feet from the east wall of castle Measum.
"I do believe that's scaling ladders they've got there, wot" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he can just make out some of the enemy rushing down the southern side of the cutting towards the road.
The first lot, fall and drop their ladder when one of them is hit in the throat, from an arrow shot from a Farqian scout's bow.
The next lot carrying a scaling ladder, drop it as well. When two of them fall over.
One with a crossbow bolt in the face shot from the weapon of a goblin in the squad who have accompanied their commander and general to the east wall of castle Measum.
The other with an arrow between the ribs, shot from the bow of one of the local soldiers from the garrison here in the large castle.
"I do believe it's about to get busy, wot" states sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he takes a pick hammer from his belt, and draws the sword of knockdown.
The former paladin's bitter rival, grunts in agreement with him, then Dorkindle shouts "Fucken get some!". As he throws another longspear at the enemy who are running along the narrow road, through the cutting.
Trying to get to the east wall, and the gates along this side of the largest castle, not just in Corlinda. But in all of the south of the kingdom of Melaurn . . . . . .

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