Tuesday 7 May 2024

Soldier Of Gods 18.

Tuledare. Border Region. 

"Tilkalothain ané lofawgì gilathai lalthaîn" quietly says Lisell Maera the scout commander to one of the squad, who nods and silently moves off, heading further into the woods. 
And though it's early evening, scout commander Maera quickly loses sight of that particular member of her personal squad. 
For the simple reason he disappears in a fine spray of mist, as he's a water elemental. One of number who are in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Armies of Farque. 
The scout commander, who is about to quietly tell her subaltern something. When she pauses as she hears magetubes firing away in the distance in the evening sky. 
After that pause, Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well, is just about to say something to her subaltern. 
When something else causes her to pause. Something that also causes her to roll her eyes, and sourly smile. 
"Hell" mutters Lisell Maera the scout commander, after hearing a familiar voice, say in a deep, growling voice "Nah cunt, the other fucken right" followed by "They that fucken way". 
The subaltern shakes her her, then quietly says to her commander in the elven language "I thought the field commander was keeping the general with him?". 
"I thought so too" quietly says scout commander Maera, who then dryly adds "But apparently not". As they both hear heavy foot steps approaching their position amongst the trees. 
Lis looks quickly to either side of her and the subaltern, and sees that those of her personal squad who are close, slipping away amongst the trees. On what's turned out to be a fairly cool Autumn evening, here along the southern border region of the city-state of Tuledare. 
The scout commander and the subaltern, who are crouching down behind a pair of trees. Get up and turn around. 
And even though it's fairly dark this evening here along the border, they can clearly see the large figure approaching them this evening. 
"Dorc" quietly says Lisell Maera the scout commander by way of greeting, which in reply earns a grunt from the large ork who is a general in the Armies of Farque. 
Dorc da Orc comes to a stop, and scout commander Maera sees that there's others following the ork warleader. 
Amongst them being Shur Kee the monk and Beldane the cleric. Along with a dozen others, Farqian scouts and rangers by the looks of things. 
Even though the big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, is her superior in the Armies of Farque. 
Lisell Maera says to the ork weaponsmith she has known since she was a child "What are you doing here Dorc?". 
After a rather dramatic pause and sigh, Dorc da Orc says "Keep an eye on you cunts" followed in loud growling mutter with "Fucken something like that". 
The scout commander faintly smiles as next to her, the subaltern dryly murmurs in elven "At least that crazy knight isn't with them". 
Then Lisell Maera sourly smiles as she hears a familiar voice approaching through the trees say "You filthy green demon, you sent me yonder in the wrong direction, wot". 
"I spoke too soon" mutters the subaltern in the elven language. 
"Percy keep your voice down" admonishes scout commander Maera, who follows that with "There could be some of them in the area". 
"No there's not" declares sir Percavelle Le Dic who comes to a stop in front of Lisell Maera, and with a hike of a thumb in the direction of his bitter rival, Dorc da Orc, the heavily armoured knight adds "The putrid smelling beast from the depths of hell says there's none of them about, wot". 
"Cunt face" growls the ork warleader with a glare directed at the nobleman originally from the kingdom of Druvic. 
The big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, grunts then says "Yeah the fucken ballbag knight bitch is right" he continues with "Me can't smell any close". 
After Lis asks him "Is Percy right?" followed by "There aren't any of the enemy about?". 
The commander in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Fifth Army of Farque pauses as you know you have to be specific when asking the large ork something. 
Then she asks the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks "But you can smell some further away, can't you?". 
The warleader of the ork race gives a positive grunt in response to that question from Lisell Maera. 
"Shit" mutters Lisell Maera, who then asks the ork who is a general in the Armies of Farque "How far away?". 
With a grunt, Dorc da Orc holds up all five fingers on his right hand, then says "About three fucken miles away". 
The scout commander sourly smiles, and though she knows the ork warleader is accurate with distances when it comes to looking at maps, map tables, or an overview or high point of a battlefield.
In fact Lis knows he's frighteningly accurate with that, also with numbers on a battlefield no matter how many there are. 
But when it comes to distances that are done by his acute sense of smell and hearing, he can be more than a little vague. 
Scout commander Maera looks over at Shur Kee the monk, as the short statured monk from the far east coast of the continent, has known the large ork the longest of those here. And for sure knows him the best. 
"I would say four miles away friend Lisell" states Shur Kee the monk when he sees the scout commander look his way, wanting an explanation. 
"That's what me fucken say" mutters Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name "You cunts not listen" adds the ork weaponsmith in a mutter. 
Lis slightly bows to the physical adept who is an honorary member of Lord Farque's personal council, then she asks the large ork "Which way are they Dorc?". 
"Fucken thataway" answers the ork general who points in the direction the water elemental scout went off a little earlier. 
Scout commander Maera shares a look with her subaltern, who then moves off to have a quiet word with members of the personal squad to Lis. 
Now the commander in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Armies of Farque who is originally from the city-state of Brattonbury, wonders why Tamric Drubine sent Dorc and the others to her. 
I'm betting Tam just wants to get them out of his hair, Lisell Maera thinks to herself, who then silently adds, especially Dorc and Percy. 
As she knows the bitter rivals can be more than a handful at the best of times. Who during a battle, are just as likely to attack one another, as much as the enemy. 
Lis knows this with certainty, as she has seen it a number of times in the past. Where the ork warleader and the former paladin would try to kill one another instead of whoever the enemy is they were supposed to be fighting. 
The scout commander looks at the bitter rivals, Dorc da Orc who sits down with his back against a tree trunk, and proceeds to pull something out of one of many sacks, and starts eating it. 
Lisell Maera doesn't look to closely at it, for the simple reason it looks to be a leg, a human leg, or what's left of one. 
While sir Percavelle Le Dic, stands against another tree, opposite his personal rival, who he's scowling at. 
Lis just shakes her head, and looks over at Beldane the cleric, and nods for him to follow her, as she walks off amongst the trees. 
Stopping about twenty yards from the others, the Brattonburian born scout commander quietly asks the powerful cleric in the church of Glaine "Why are you lot here?". 
"Like Dorc said, to keep an eye on what you lot are doing" replies Beldane the cleric who pauses as he sees in the faint moonlight penetrating the woods, Lisell Maera lift a rather sceptical looking eyebrow. 
"And because Tam wanted to get rid of those two walking catastrophes, who were starting to annoy him" adds the powerful spellcaster originally from the kingdom of Nastell, who follows that with "Well I should say, annoy him more than they usually do". 
I bloody well knew it, Lis sourly thinks to herself with a shake of the head, then after letting out a sigh, the scout commander quietly asks the fighting cleric "I gather the ground battle has got underway in those border towns and villages?". 
"It has" replies the practitioner of magic in the half plate armour, who continues with "Tovis started the bombardment late in the afternoon" he then adds "Not that long after the aircorp started attacking everything of theirs in the sky". 
The scout commander nods, as she and her personal squad definitely heard that get underway. And even now, as the evening progresses, they can still hear magetube shots firing away in the distance in the night sky. 
Beldane the cleric then says "We might of overestimated their ability" followed by "Tam as well as Dorc thinks this will all be over quicker than we originally thought". 
The cleric, whose god is worshipped predominantly in the north of his homeland of Nastell, then says "Their regular forces are fairly average, and a lot of the hired mercenary companies are not much better". 
"I suspected as much" quietly says Lisell Maera, who after a brief pause, asks the fighting cleric "Any enemy spellcasters about?" followed by "Amongst those that Dorc has caught wind of to the east?. 
Beldane, who has already sensed in that direction, quietly says to the scout commander "None" then after shrugging adds "That doesn't mean there isn't" followed by "As you know, they might have a magical charm or device that can mask them from someone trying to sense them". 
The powerful cleric in the church of Glaine, then says "Or they could just be toughing it out, and holding their own power within themselves, making it impossible to sense them". 
Lis grunts, then quietly says "We'll have something to eat, then have a little bit of rest before we move out later in the night". 
The scout commander in the second division of Fifth Army of Farque gestures in the direction that she now knows some of the enemy are, and she quietly adds "Well wipe that lot out, and move on to find the nearest lot in this area of the border, and do the same to them" . . . . . .

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