Tuesday 14 May 2024

Soldier Of Gods 20.

Tuledare. Border Region. 

Before going to sleep, Jovan Garney the cleric cast a couple of spells to help keep himself, and the others with him safe. 
In what's obviously a dangerous zone, down here in the southern border region of the city-state of Tuledare. 
The powerful teenage cleric, who finds himself in command of more than fifty souls from the church of Kaēvin. Those who survived the destruction of their airship from a Krean strikeship. 
Wakes up, sometime well before dawn, on what feels like it's going to be a cold autumn day here in the woods near the border. 
The cleric Garney who just hopes he's rested enough, so that he cast a gateway to the capital city of Tuledare. Feels the last of the residual heat from the fire that's gone out behind him. 
And though he'd prefer to keep sleeping, the powerful young spellcaster originally from the Lands Farque, knows that he better get up. 
For the sooner they leave this area of the border region, the sooner they'll get to safety. For the young cleric in the church of Kaēvin knows this area isn't particularly safe. 
Jovan Garney lies there for a few moments, listening carefully. He's glad he no longer hears magetubes firing. Which he and the others heard for quite sometime during the night. 
In the darkness before dawn, there's no sound of any magetubes. Infact there's pretty much no sounds at all. Apart from the occasional movement of those sleeping nearby, and those who have the last watch of the night. 
The young cleric in the church of Kaēvin frowns as he struggles to hear anything else apart from those here in camp. 
Then the powerful practitioner of magic quickly sits up, flinging the blanket on him, off. And looks around in the darkness of the surrounding trees. 
The cleric Garney quickly senses, making sure to hold his power within himself as much as possible. 
He doesn't sense any other spellcasters about, but that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't any other practitioner of magic nearby. 
The powerful spellcaster looks about as he gets into a crouch, he spots one of the temple guards close by, leaning against a tree, and peering into the woods further to the south. 
Jovan Garney looks in that direction too, sensing as he does so. Then the young cleric shakes the shoulder of the guardsman Oldham who was sleeping next to him. 
Waking with a grunt, Oldham the senior guardsman mutters "Hell" before quietly asking "What is it father?" as he notices the young cleric crouching beside him. 
"I'm not sure" quietly says the cleric Garney who follows that with "But it's too quiet". 
The experienced guard in the church of Kaēvin listens carefully for a few moments, then he quickly gets up, and nods in agreement with the young cleric. 
As Oldham quietly wakes up Sammit who is on the other side of him, and quietly tells the younger guardsman to start waking the others up. 
Jovan Garney carefully checks the spells he cast during the night. He slightly nods to himself, as they haven't been triggered. 
But one of the spells, has definitely noticed movement that wasn't particularly natural, wether it be animal or bird life here in the woods. 
The powerful young cleric puts a hand on the haft of his magical mace, and it gives him a slight warning. 
Jovan now knows that there's something or someone nearby who is a threat to him and the rest of the survivors of the church airship. 
"Something or someone is close by" quietly says the young cleric in the church of Kaēvin to Oldham the guardsman. 
"Fairly close" quietly continues the powerful young spellcaster, who follows on from that with "Less than thirty yards from our camp". 
The practitioner of magic slowly takes his mace from his belt loop as he peers into the darkness through the trees to the south. 
And though there's two of the three moons of Volunell still in the night sky, not much of their illumination is penetrating the forest canopy. 
The cleric Garney is just about to tell the experienced guardsman Oldham to get ready for anything, when all hell breaks loose here in the woods in the southern border region of the city-state of Tuledare. 
As shouting and yelling fills the campsite, Jovan Garney holds his mace up, and unleashes one of its powers. 
"Close your eyes!" yells the powerful young cleric in the elven language, a language that pretty much everyone in the church of Kaēvin speaks and understands. 
Jovan Garney who doesn't need to close his eyes as the wielder of the magical weapon, he's immune to it's effects. 
So he watches as a bright white light bursts into existence, lighting up the woods, making everything visible for quite some distance in all directions. 
The powerful young cleric sees that some in camp didn't heed his warning, and they're momentarily blinded by the sudden appearance of the bright white light. 
But what grabs the attention of the young cleric in the church of Kaēvin is something else, which causes his blood to run cold. As he immediately recognizes what it is, or to be exact, who it is. 
Seeing some of those in camp already fall, and knowing that this can only end up in one way. 
Jovan Garney does the only thing he knows that will save his life, and those of his church that he finds himself in charge of. 
The powerful young spellcaster shouts out a word, and one word only, hoping to his god, Kaēvin that this works. 
"Dragodrottin!" shouts out Jovan Garney the cleric as he watches the fast moving figures all in black heading through the woods that have been lit up in a bright white light by his magical mace. 
With that one word, they suddenly stop and all look in his direction. The young cleric is about to breathe a sigh of relief. When he's knocked to the ground by an invisible force. And he's unable to move, apart from his eyes. 
As he lies there upon the ground, he still has a hold of his mace, so the bright white light continues to illuminate this area of the woods they're in. 
"Tell them to drop their weapons" says a voice from behind the prone cleric in the church of Kaēvin. 
"You can talk" adds the voice which is speaking in elven, and coming from somewhere behind the powerful young spellcaster, who finds he's unable to cast. 
Jovan Garney calls out to his fellow church members to drop their weapons, and does so again when out of the corner of his right eye, he sees a rather reluctant looking Sammit, not all that keen on dropping his sword. 
The experienced guardsman Oldham also calls out for the church members to drop their weapons, as he realizes they're surrounded on all sides by figures in black armour and cloaks. 
After weapons fall to the ground, well from those who took up their weapons, and not those who were temporarily blinded by the bright white light emanating from the cleric Garney's mace. 
Another voice comes from behind the prone spellcaster, this one female, who says in elven "And who might you be?". 
"Allandél nū Des'tier" is the reply from Jovan Garney. Person of The Destroyer. Des'tier or The Destroyer being Lord Farque's elven name. While the word he called out earlier. Dragodrottin is lord Farque's name in the ancient language used by just a handful in the Lands Farque. Those who are handlers of the undead warlords wardogs. A name that all in and from the Lands Farque know from when they first learn to speak.
There's an audible pause from the female voice behind the prone cleric, then after a couple of moments she asks in an abrupt manner "Name?". 
"Jovan Garney" replies the young cleric in the church of Kaēvin who is originally from the Lands Farque. 
"Garney?" says the female voice in surprise, who follows that with "Any relation to". 
"Better not speak in elven" says the powerful young spellcaster as he interrupts whoever is speaking. 
The cleric Garney who is now speaking in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, for the simple reason he knows that no one in his church speaks that language, then says "My fellow church members speak elven, along with other languages, but not this one". 
The first voice that spoke, the male one, says in the hordes dialect "Their god is the book god, well I should say the god of scribes and wordsmiths" followed by "They're highly educated, even the lay members of the church". 
The woman grunts, then mutters "Great, smart religious fanatics fighting for the enemy" then after a slight pause, she says "Now cleric Garney, give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you, and this lot with you". 
After a moment where he swallows a suddenly dry throat, Jovan Garney in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra says "Because I'm one of you" followed by "And these people are under my protection". 
An audible sigh comes from the female voice, then in the distance a roar can clearly be heard. 
"Hell" mutters the female voice, who then says to someone else "Go and stop that giant idiot, before he blunders in here and starts killing everyone". 
She follows that with "Release him". The cleric Garney finds himself no longer being held down by that invisible force, obviously a spell of some kind. 
"Get up cleric Garney" says the female voice, who continues with "We need to have a word with you" then after a brief pause, she adds "And put out that damn light, I'm pretty sure you can see the bloody stupid thing for miles around". 
Jovan Garney gets up off the ground, and has his magical mace put out it's illumination function, then he turns around to see who has been speaking to him . . . . . .

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