Sunday 19 May 2024

Soldier Of Gods 21.

Tuledare. Border Region. 

"Why the fuck not?" growls Dorc da Orc in a tone of voice that's obviously dissatisfied as he looks over at the figure sitting on a nearby log. 
"Because he's one of us" replies Lisell Maera the scout commander, who briefly pauses before adding "Well I should say, he's Farqian". 
While she, and definitely the ork warleader are not Farqian, they do work for the Armies of Farque. 
The big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world grunts in dissatisfaction, and after muttering "Should still fucken kill him". 
He stomps away between the trees, here well before dawn, in the woodlands along the southern border region of the city-state of Tuledare. 
"I, the great sir Percavelle" says sir Percavelle Le Dic who speaks up when no one asked him to. 
"Wouldn't normally agree with that big green imbecile" continues the nobleman originally from the kingdom of Druvic, who follows that with "But the smelly festering demon could be right, wot". 
Sir Percavelle or Percy as he's more commonly called by those who know well pauses for a moment before he says "Should just kill that chap over yonder". 
After rolling her eyes, Lisell Maera the scout commander dryly says "Right Percy, that's the thing to do" then in more normal tone, she adds "And you can be the one tell Lord Farque you killed one of his people". 
The normally boisterous, overly loud and frankly pompous former paladin, shuts his mouth after wincing at what commander Maera just said. 
Then he too wanders off, muttering to himself about how things was way easier when he wasn't part of the group that he's been traveling with for the past decade or so. 
"If I may suggest" says Shur Kee the monk, who nods over at the figure sitting on the nearby log, before saying to the scout commander "I think you have done the correct thing friend Lisell". 
"Thank you councilor" says Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well. 
"Besides I do not think the company would be that happy if one their own, even one in the enemy army, would come to any harm" says the short statured monk who is an honorary member of the personal council to Lord Farque. 
The scout commander whole heatedly agrees with that. She knows her company would be up in arms if a fellow Farqian, even one fighting on behalf of the city-state of Tuledare, was killed. 
And that's just the living. If one of the undead Farqians found out one of their own who though in the enemy army was killed. Their would be consequences to be paid. 
Lis knows that the undead are fanatical when it comes to the protection of the people of their homeland. 
And they will stop at nothing to exact revenge and punishment to those who have killed one of the people of the Lands Farque. 
"I agree with the councilor" says Beldane the cleric when commander Maera looks his way. 
"There'd be hell to pay if any harm came to him" adds the powerful cleric in the church of Glaine who subdued the person in question. 
After a pause for a moment or two, the fighting cleric in the half plate armour says "The question now though, is what do we do with him?" followed by "And those of his church with him?". 
Lisell Maera softly grunts at that, and though Shur Kee the monk is the most senior here, even more so than the general, Dorc da Orc. 
It's up to her, as commander of their company when it comes to the decisions during the battle that's now underway, here in the southern border region of the city-state of Tuledare. 
"What ever you decide, I am sure it will be the right decision friend Lisell" quietly says Shur Kee the monk. 
"I hope so" wryly says the scout commander in the second division of the Fifth Army of Farque. 
Who then looks over at the person they've been discussing, and watches him for a moment or two in the moonlight that's barely penetrating the forest canopy. 
Then commander Maera who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury makes her way over to the individual sitting on the fallen log. 
Jovan Garney the cleric looks up as the commander he assumes, makes her way back to where he's sitting. 
In the trees further behind him, is his fellow church members, closely guarded by Farqian soldiers in black, who one can barely see. 
The powerful young cleric knows that they're only alive because of one thing. And that's him, being a Farqian like those who have captured them. 
The commander, a foreigner who Jovan figures is a scout commander due to her light armour beneath her black hooded cloak, sits down next him. 
And the cleric in the church of Kaēvin, is pretty certain he's met her in the past, though only briefly. 
Before she speaks, Jovan Garney the cleric quietly says "You know, we've met once before". 
Lifting an eyebrow in surprise, Lisell Maera the scout commander says "We have?". 
The cleric Garney nods, then says "About nine years ago, you were with my lord, when he visited my family's farm". 
The powerful young spellcaster, nods over to where Shur Kee the monk is standing with the cleric Beldane, and adds "The councilor was with you". 
Then with a nod in the direction that both Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Le Dic wandered off in, he adds "The ork general and the foreign knight too". 
"Ah I see" says Lisell Maera as she realizes it must of been when the cleric was about to come into his powers as a child, and that he must of been only about eight years old at the time. 
Because from what Beldane the cleric was able to gather from reading the mind of the younger monk without him knowing, is that he's only seventeen years old. 
"I forget they make you clerics leave at sixteen" murmurs the scout commander, who then tells the young cleric in the church of Kaēvin "You're only the third cleric to leave your homeland in the last dozen years or so" she follows that with "You lot aren't exactly common there". 
"I know" dryly says Jovan Garney the cleric with a slight smile upon his youthful face, then after he softly clears his throat, he quietly asks "What's to be done with me?" he briefly pauses before adding "And my fellow church members?". 
Lisell Maera refrains from sourly smiling, and instead she quietly says "Don't worry, no harm will come to you". 
The commander in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Armies of Farque then wryly adds "Your fellow countrymen would string me up if something untoward happened to you" followed by "Even though you're in the enemy army". 
The cleric Garney nods as he figured as much, then he asks "And my people?" he continues with "My fellow church members?". 
Lis looks at the cleric sitting next to her, so young with such responsibility, and she tells him "No harm will come to them either" followed by "Just as long as they continue to cooperate". 
"I'll make sure of it" says the powerful young cleric with a nod of his head, relieved that his fellow church members are safe too. 
Then scout commander Maera says to the Farqian born practitioner of magic "I understand you lot were going to return to the capital this morning". 
"We are" says Jovan Garney who is a little surprised that commander in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Armies of Farque knows this. 
"How did you" says the the powerful young cleric in the church of Kaēvin who is interrupted by Lisell Maera who nods over to where Beldane the cleric stands, and says "You're not the only powerful cleric here" she briefly pauses before adding "He's the one who subdued you". 
Nodding, Jovan Garney quietly says "Rumour was that our lord traveled with a cleric" before asking "He's the one, is he?". 
"He is" answers the Brattonburian who is a scout commander in the Armies of Farque, who gestures at the mace the cleric Garney has on his belt, and adds "He sensed your alarm spells you had up, and that magical weapon of yours". 
The cleric in the church of Kaēvin grunts, as he wandered how they got the better of him, and he only detected anyone at the last instant before he was overwhelmed. 
"I wouldn't dwell on it" quietly says scout commander Maera, who follows that with "From what I know, Beldane is extremely powerful for a cleric, and he's learnt a lot being around ah certain individuals". 
It takes a moment for Jovan Garney to realize who the scout commander is referring to, then he nods in understanding. 
The councilors Raendril and Reinholt, the powerful young cleric thinks to himself, referring to the other two spellcasters who are in the group that travels with Lord Farque. 
After a few moments of silence, the cleric in the church of Kaēvin listens to the scout commander quietly tell him "It would be in your best interest that you and your church to stay out of this conflict" she then adds in a slightly wry tone "Not that it'll last much longer". 
The cleric Garney nods, then says "I understand" as he figures the war between the city-states of Tuledare and Phamal is pretty much over, now that an army of Farque has entered on the side of the Phamalians. 
Maiya Garney looks closely at the young man sitting beside her for a moment or two, as she decides what she should tell him or not. 
Then having decided, she quietly asks the Farqian born cleric "Where's your church located in the capital city?". 
After Jovan Garney explains to her where in the city of Tuledare the headquarters of the church of Kaēvin is located, and it's surroundings in the east of the city. 
Lis nods, and quietly tells him "I'd hunker down in your church grounds when you get back" followed by "And keep away from nearby places like city guard towers or army barracks if they have them in your part of the city". 
The attractive young woman in her early twenties, pauses for a moment before continuing with "And any places like counting houses too". 
The young cleric in the church of Kaēvin slightly winces as he realizes what that means, then he quietly says "I understand". 
The powerful young spellcaster originally from the Lands Farque then quietly says "Thanks for the warning". 
Scout commander Maera grunts then quietly says "Don't mention it" then after she stretches, Lis gets up and tells him "Time for you lot to go". 
Jovan Garney nods, then stands up, he holds out his right hand, and Lisell Maera clasps his right forearm and repeats "One of us" after he quietly says it to her. 
The scout commander in the Armies of Farque looks over at Beldane the cleric and nods, and he along with Shur Kee the monk he walks over to where they're standing. 
Gesturing at the small clearing to their right, the older, and more experienced and powerful cleric says to the younger spellcaster "If you could have your people line up, you can cast a gateway back to the capital there". 
So in the moments just before dawn, as it starts to get light in the east, Jovan Garney watches as the gateway he has cast forms, and his fellow survivors from the destroyed airship, head back to the city of Tuledare over a hundred miles to the north. 
After the last of his fellow church members goes through the magical doorway, the cleric Garney nods to scout commander Lisell Maera, Shur Kee the monk and Beldane the cleric, before he steps through the gateway, and a few moments later it disappears . . . . . .

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