Tuesday 28 May 2024

Soldier Of Gods 24.

The City Of Tuledare. 

Maiya Garney the lead scout, along with sergeant Blufont and Carnid the sorcerer enter the Traveler's Comfort, and make their way to the upstairs room in the inn, where the meeting is to take place. 
The scout Garney knocks on the door, and it opens. She enters the room followed by the sergeant and the spellcaster. 
Inside they find people who hold similar roles to them in the second division of the Fifth Army of Farque. All members of the infiltration squads sent into the capital city of Tuledare. 
No one speaks, and most look at Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy who they're here to see. 
The elf, who is a senior commander in the Armies of Farque, and is one of the companions who travels with Lord Farque. 
Is at one of the windows, shutters open. So he can look along the street outside in both directions. Towards the south gates of the city. And the nearby garrison. Barracks of the army of Tuledare. Which until lately has been used as a staging area for many of the mercenary companies that the Tuledarians have hired in their war against the city-state of Phamal. 
A few moments later, and there's knock on the door. The Farqian infiltrator standing closest to it, opens it. And three more from another infiltration squad enters the room. Once the door is closed again, Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy turns and says "That's all of you". 
The lead scout Maiya Garney figures there must be six other squads similar to hers in the city. Then she and everyone else pays attention to the spy Tanith who gestures and says "You may begin". 
Materializing out of thin air next to the elven spy, is a tall figure of a Krean navigator. Maiya Garney glances at Carnid the sorcerer, who sees the questioning glance from the lead scout, and shrugs in reply, as he like the few other spellcasters in the room, had no idea the Krean practitioner of magic was amongst them. 
"Gather round" says Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. 
The twenty or so Farqian infiltrators gather around the table in the large room, upon which suddenly appears an image of the city of Tuledare. 
The scout Garney blinks in surprise as she sees that the image has people in it, who are moving, making their way about their morning. An airship appears to the north, and she spots a wyvern taking off from a rooftop near the city center. 
Next to her, the sorcerer Carnid mutters "Hell" in a surprised tone, then he murmurs "This is happening right now". 
The practitioner of magic in Maiya Garney's squad shakes his head at the skill, ability and sheer power it takes to cast such a viewing spell, such as the one in front of them on the table, that the Krean navigator is casting. 
"Things have slightly changed" says Dalinvardèl Tanith who then explains "The attack will be moved forward, it will now be early this afternoon, a full glass turn after midday, and not in the middle of the night as originally planned". 
They're all silent as they watch the member of the group who travels with their lord, who tells them "I've got word that the attack along the border has gone according to plan" followed by "In fact it went better than planned, and much quicker than expected". 
The spy who hails from the elven principality of Alínlae, where he previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses of that nation before joining the companions who travel with the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque. 
Gestures to outside, as he says "I doubt they even know yet that their southern border has fallen, and their forces there have been obliterated". 
The elf who is a senior commander in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Armies of Farque then says to them "Here are the targets each of your squads will observe during the attack" followed by "Remember to keep an eye out for anyone who might try to defend such locations, but more importantly any who turn up after they're attacked". 
The spy Tanith pauses before continuing with "It might prove important who turns up, considering none of their ruling council is actually in the city at this moment" he then adds "And that they only have representatives of the council members here". 
Maiya Garney who would like to know where exactly the Tuledarian council members are, remains silent as the senior commander starts delegating squads to various locations throughout the city. 
Pointing them out in the live viewing spell on the table that the dragon like Krean navigator has cast. 
When the elven spy gets to her, he says "Scout Garney your squad will be in this part of the city" followed by "And you'll observe these targets here, here and here, as well as here". 
The lead scout nods, and she sees that her assignment is predominantly in the east of the city, the more wealthy and affluent part of the capital. 
And though one of the targets is an army barracks back towards the city center, the other three, are in the quiet eastern quarter of the city of Tuledare. 
A watchtower, as well as a pair of counting houses. Which like the other ones throughout the city, will bring the city-state down once they're destroyed. 
Maiya Garney watches as both the spy Tanith and the Krean navigator point out various locations throughout that part of the city to best observe the targets. 
The lead scout, who though only in her early twenties is already in an important position of responsibility in one of her nation's armies. 
Nods and says "Yes commander" in response to the elven spy Dalinvardèl Tanith asking her "You got that lead scout?". 
Maiya Garney waits as the last two infiltration squad leads are given their orders, then she along with all the rest, are dismissed after Dalinvardèl Tanith says to them "Be safe out there" followed by "My best guess is the city will be crippled after these attacks and things might turn to chaos in parts of it" followed by "So I'll repeat it, be safe out there". Then the elven spy who is a senior commander in the Armies of Farque sends them on their way. 
The lead scout Maiya Garney along with sergeant Blufont and Carnid the sorcerer head down stairs, and make their way out of the inn, as do the other infiltrators in the second division of the Fifth Army of Farque. 
They all head off, going in different directions. Maiya Garney, sergeant Blufont and Carnid the sorcerer head to a nearby wine shop, behind which is most of their squad. 
The lead scout quietly says in the elven language "Gather the rest of the squad, and meet us" she gives directions to a place in the east of the city, then she quietly adds "The attack will be in the early afternoon now, we need to be in position before it takes place". 
Her squad moves out, and she along with sergeant Blufont head directly to the eastern quarter of the city. 
Later, and it's a little after midmorning, on what's a clear and sunny, but cold autumn day here in the capital of the city-state of Tuledare. 
And Maiya Garney the lead scout is upon a rooftop of an empty three storey house. She looks away to the left, and in the distance she sees the closest army barracks back towards the city center. 
Then she looks away to her right, and looks at a nearby watchtower of the city guard, and down the street it's on, is one of the two counting houses her and her squad are to observe. 
"Can't quite see that second counting house" quietly says the scout Garney who follows that with "The one further east". 
Nodding in agreement next to her, sergeant Blufont says "Halindrelle has got an eye on it". Referring to the elven ranger in their squad. 
Who is on a rooftop a few hundred feet away, further to their right. Here in the more wealthy part of the city. 
The two of them observe the targets in this part of the city, and their surrounds for a bit longer, then the lead scout suggests they take a closer look. 
They make their way down through a hole in the roof, though sergeant Blufont mutters "Fucking hell" after the rickety ladder they use, topples over as he's about to hop off it. 
They head downstairs in the abandoned house, with the company sergeant muttering about he should of joined the infantry instead of the scouts. 
Maiya Garney refrains from grinning as she listens to the experienced sergeant muttering away to himself. 
Sergeant Blufont finally stops muttering when they get outside, turn right and head down the street. 
As they walk in the direction of the nearby watchtower, the scout Garney quietly says in elven "Must not get that much crime in this part of the city". 
The company sergeant nods in agreement, for even the abandoned house they were just in, is in pretty good shape all things considered. 
And as they near the watchtower of the city guard, it isn't particularly busy, with hardly anyone going in or out of it, even though it's getting later in the morning. 
They continue on their way, and at the end of the street, they silently walk by the counting house on the street corner. 
And though it's not one of biggest counting houses in the city of Tuledare, it's certainly one of the more busier ones. 
As there's a steady flow of people going in and out of it, mostly merchants and business owners by the looks of it. 
"Good thing they close for lunch" quietly says the scout Garney who follows that with "And a long lunch too" she quietly adds "If not, a hell of lot of people would get killed". 
Sergeant Blufont nods in agreement with that, then he quietly asks the lead scout "The other one?". 
"Might as well, since we're heading in that direction" is the quiet reply of Maiya Garney as they cross a small square in this part of the city. 
And after they go through a covered arcade, what's called a bazaar if it was in a city along the coast of The Southlands.
They turn onto another street, at the end of it, is a street that turns to the left, on which is the other target, here in the eastern quarter of the city, another counting house. 
But before they even get to the end of the street they're on, the scout Garney suddenly grabs the company sergeant by the arm, and pulls the short, nuggety looking sergeant into an alleyway to the right. 
"What the?" mutters sergeant Blufont with a scowl upon his face, who quickly falls silent when Maiya Garney puts a finger to her lips to signify silence.
With their backs against the side of the building behind them, the two Farqian infiltrators look out the mouth of the alleyway. 
The experienced sergeant frowns as out on the street he sees a priestess and young priest, well cleric really considering he's wearing half plate armour, walk quickly by on the other side of the street. 
After wondering what church they're from, sergeant Blufont asks the lead scout "What?" when he notices a thoughtful look upon her face. 
She doesn't immediately reply, but when she finally does, Maiya Garney quietly says "That was my little brother". 
With a wince, the experienced sergeant mutters "Shit" then he quietly asks his superior "What do you want to do?". After a moments silence, the lead scout Maiya Garney quietly replies with "Follow them" . . . . . .

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