Sunday 2 June 2024

Soldier Of Gods 25.

The City Of Tuledare. 

After convincing the holy father to have everyone remain on church grounds. Jovan Garney the cleric started worrying about those who were out and about in the city. Especially the mistress of the pantry, Hildagar. 
And though others throughout the morning returned to the church grounds and cathedral. The older woman and one of the pages who went with her just after dawn, failed to return to the headquarters of the church of Kaēvin. 
So the young cleric originally from the Lands Farque, took it upon himself to go and look for them as it got closer to midday. 
The powerful young spellcaster along with the priestess Saleane left the church grounds in search of Hildagar and the young page. 
Who were intending to go to the morning markets here in the east of the city. 
As they walk through the streets near their headquarters, making their way to the nearby market square on this cold autumn morning. 
The priestess Saleane asks the young cleric in the half plate armour "You really think the war is done?". 
"Yes" is the quiet reply of Jovan Garney the cleric who follows that with "You were there yesterday and last night down south" he then adds "You really think Tuledare can stand against what we encountered?". 
"No, I guess not" replies the attractive priestess as they round a corner, and turn onto the main street in this part of the city. 
Though even this street isn't particularly busy, the cleric Garney keeps his voice down, as he tells his fellow church member "I'm pretty sure the forces down south on the border have been defeated" followed by "Or are about to be". 
"Because of your countrymen?" quietly asks the priestess Saleane as they turn right into a lane that connects to the next street over. 
Jovan Garney nods his head yes, then after looking at the priestess who is a few years older than him, he quietly says to her "It's no boast on my part when I say no one can stand against them". 
"If I remained amongst them" adds the powerful young spellcaster, who doesn't mention why he had to leave the nation of his birth, instead he continues with "I'd be a middling soldier at best". 
Saleane the priestess eyebrows shoot up in surprise at hearing that as they exit the lane, and turn left onto the street. 
For she knows, and has seen the young cleric in the practice yard, and knows he's a formidable fighter, having bested all who he's trained against in his short time he's been here in the city of Tuledare. 
Not to mention he's the most powerful of the spellcasters in the church of Kaēvin here in the capital of the city-state of Tuledare. And by all accounts, a fairly highly skilled practitioner of magic too. 
"Er?" says the attractive priestess with a sideways look at the teenager who already holds a position of importance in the church they're both members of. 
Jovan Garney slightly smiles, then he says "It's true" followed by "Back home, I'd be a fairly average soldier in one of my Lord's armies" he then adds "And that's with my magic too". 
"One?" says Saleane the priestess in surprise, who then asks "How many armies does your homeland have?". 
"A number of them" says the cleric Garney who doesn't go into specifics about the armies of Farque. 
Instead the powerful practitioner of magic says "We're here" as they approach the market square, he then adds "Hmmm I wonder where they are?". 
And through it's late in the morning, the market here in the east of the city, is still fairly busy all things considered. 
"I know there's a number of stalls that Hildagar frequents" says the attractive looking priestess who continues with "We'll ask the stall holders if they've seen them". 
"Good idea" says the powerful young cleric in the half plate armour, who nods and follows after Saleane who heads to the nearest stall that she knows Hildagar buys from. 
They're in luck, and the first stall holder they speak to, tells them that she saw Hildagar and the page earlier this morning. 
So did the second stall holder they speak to, a vegetable seller who sold some of his produce to Hildagar earlier. 
It's not until the fourth stall holder that they speak to. A bit of a gossip by all accounts. That they find out where the two from the church of Kaēvin went to after they left the market. 
"You know this place?" Jovan Garney asks the priestess Saleane, who nods her head yes, before she replies with "I do". 
They make their way from the market square, and as they walk side by side, the Farqian born spellcaster asks his fellow church member "What is this place?". 
"The contemplation glade?" says Saleane the priestess, the young fighting cleric nods, and the priestess tells him "It's a place of calm in the city" followed by "Amongst the trees and park like surrounds, there's statues to the gods there". 
After a brief pause, she continues with "Including ours" there's a thoughtful look upon the face of the attractive priestess, who then quietly says "I wonder". 
Before Jovan Garney can ask her, wonder what? The priestess Saleane tells him "I have a fair idea what they're up to". 
"Care to enlightenment me?" says the teenager from the Lands Farque, who wryly smiles when the slightly older priestess chuckles and says "You'll find out". 
The powerful young spellcaster refrains from rolling his eyes as they cross the street they're on, and instead he walks around a slow moving cart as they head into a lane which Saleane points to. 
As they're about to enter the lane, Jovan Garney as he unconsciously does every so often, briefly rests his right hand on the top of his mace. 
When he does this time, he suddenly stops and looks back in the direction they've come from, as he does he senses. 
"What is it?" asks the priestess Saleane, who has stopped next to the young practitioner of magic who though only seventeen, is already an important member of the church of Kaēvin here in the city of Tuledare. 
"I'm not sure" replies Jovan Garney who continues to sense after getting a brief warning from the magical weapon that he carries. 
The fighting cleric shrugs his shoulders as he can't sense anything, and when he touches the mace again, there's no longer a feeling of a threat nearby. 
"Nothing" says the cleric Garney, the priestess Saleane nods, and the two of them continue on their way through the lane they've just entered. 
Maiya Garney the lead scout and sergeant Blufont share a look, then they continue back along the street they were on previously. 
After Carnid the sorcerer who has joined them, suddenly warned them to get back, before he hurried back in the direction they've come from. 
After they round a corner and find the sorcerer Carnid at the mouth of an alley, the lead scout Maiya Garney asks him "What was that all about?". As she's more than a little annoyed that they've probably lost her brother and his companion now. 
"You could of told me your brother has a magical mace" sourly says Carnid the sorcerer, who follows that with "A bloody damn powerful one too". 
The company's practitioner of magic continues with "The damn thing briefly sensed me even though I'm holding my power within myself". 
"I don't know what it can do" says the lead scout who follows that with "It was sent to him just before he left home" after a brief pause, she adds "It was a gift from our Lord". 
While the sorcerer sourly smiles as he looks at the lead scout, sergeant Blufont rolls his eyes then shakes his head as he looks at the scout Garney. 
"Hell" mutters Carnid the sorcerer, who doesn't look like a spellcaster in the least, as he looks like a mercenary in light armour, just like his two fellow Farqian infiltrators in black. 
"If I recall, your little brother is quite powerful on his own" says the sorcerer Carnid who continues with "With that bloody monstrosity he's got, he's way more powerful than ever" after a brief pause he adds "I doubt he even realizes his full potential with that weapon he's got". 
"Our Lord tries to give them the best chance of survival when they leave" says sergeant Blufont referring to the clerics who have to leave the Lands Farque when they turn sixteen. 
"There's been so few of them in recent years" says the experienced sergeant, who nods at the lead scout then adds "It's no wonder young Jovan got given something so powerful to protect him". 
"I guess so" murmurs the scout Garney, who is silent for a few moments as she thinks of something, then she asks the sorcerer "It isn't like that mace commander Beldane has is it?". 
"No" sourly replies Carnid, who then mutters "Thank the gods" quickly followed by "And our Lord". 
The company spellcaster continues with "That thing is way worse" he then adds "That damn thing has a mind of it's own" he shakes his head before saying "How the cleric Beldane puts up with it, is beyond me". 
Maiya Garney nods her head, as she had heard rumours that Beldane's magical mace was intelligent. And they it often did things of it's own accord when it thought it was protecting the cleric who is a member of the group that travels with Lord Farque. 
The lead scout nods her head, when Carnid the sorcerer says "If you want to keep following your younger brother, you'll have to do it without me". 
The scout Garney looks at sergeant Blufont and asks him "Do we still have time?". "I'd say so" replies the company sergeant after looking up into the clear blue autumn sky, to check the position of the sun. "Though it depends where they're going" continues the experienced sergeant. 
"Right" says Maiya Garney who follows that with "We'll keep following them" she then dryly adds "That's if we can find them again". 
"That way" says Carnid the sorcerer who points to the east, the Farqian spellcaster continues with "They're going more or less in that direction" followed by "You should be able to pick them up again, considering the streets here in this part of the city aren't exactly busy". 
The scout Garney nods in agreement with that, then she tells the sorcerer in the black hooded cloak "Get back to the others, and continue to watch the targets". 
The lead scout shares a look with sergeant Blufont, who nods in reply, then Maiya Garney says "We'll be back before the strike begins". 
The sorcerer Carnid nods, then he quietly says "Stay safe" before he turns around, and heads into the alleyway they're standing at the entrance of. 
Then Maiya Garney the lead scout and sergeant Blufont head back in the direction they were previously heading. 
With the lead scout hoping that they'll catch up to her younger brother Jovan Garney, and watch what he's up to, on this cold autumn day here in the capital city of Tuledare . . . . . .

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