Sunday 23 June 2024

Soldier Of Gods 31.

The City Of Tuledare. 

It's the middle of the night when the Krean strikeship they've traveled on, sets down a mile or so outside of the city of Tuledare, in amongst some woods to the south of the capital city. 
They walk the rest of the way into the city, on what's a cold autumn night in this part of the city-state of Tuledare. 
Walking at the back of the group is Dorc da Orc, who as usual is scowling at his bitter rival sir Percavelle Le Dic, who is bit further in front of him. 
The large ork from the southern polar region of the world, who has a hand on one of his throwing axes that are attached to his weapon harness. 
Is contemplating throwing it at the heavily armoured knight who hails from the kingdom of Druvic. When he suddenly bursts out laughing as something else grabs his attention. 
"Do you mind" loudly mutters Malisse aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who looks back at the big burly ork at the back of the group. 
"Nah Dorc don't mind" says the chortling Dorc da Orc who finds it hilarious that the current pretendy Zubutai, as he refers to the situation that the hordes outrider from the southern tundra is constantly in. 
Is a rather slightly overweight woman of middle years at this current time. Something that Zubutai Timaginson isn't exactly pleased with. 
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who is easily distracted, and for the moment forgotten all about his bitter rival sir Percavelle Le Dic, says to the woman, who in any other context is seriously misplaced amongst the group "Me can fucken kill ya if you want?" followed by "And eats you too". 
The large ork who is a general in the Armies of Farque, briefly pauses before he continues with "Me will fucken do it in that order too" and with a wide grin on broad, green brutish looking face he adds "So you don't get all fucken pissy, and start acting like a bitch if me start chewing on your arm or something". 
"I'm honoured" sourly says the woman who is really a outrider from the Pony Archers horde, who shakes her head in disgust as the warleader of the ork race continues to chuckle. 
Looking back, Lisell Maera the scout commander says "Would you two shut up". The young woman who is originally from the city-state of Brattonbury, pauses for a moment before she realizes who she's just admonished, then she says "General" followed by "Councilor". 
And though Malisse, who is a member of Lord Farque's personal council falls silent, admittedly with a sour look upon her face. 
The large ork continues to chuckle, though not as loudly as he was just doing, as they make their way onto the main road that leads to the south gates of the city of Tuledare. 
"No guards" quietly says Beldane the cleric as they approach the open city gates, he nods when next to him, Lisell Maera quietly replies with "The attack probably killed most of them" followed by "And I bet the rest went into hiding". 
They walk through the open gates, which for the middle of the night, sees more than a few people entering and exiting the city of Tuledare. 
"What's the name of the place again?" quietly asks the fighting cleric who hails from the kingdom of Nastell. 
"The Traveller's Comfort" is the reply of the commander in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Armies of Farque. 
"It's along this thoroughfare somewhere" adds Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well. 
"Just off it, on the east side of the street" continues scout commander Maera as they head along the main street from the gates that goes north through the south of the city. 
"Not far from the army barracks" says the attractive young woman is from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, who briefly pauses before continuing in a slightly dry tone with "Well, what's left of the barracks in this part of the city". 
Beldane the cleric nods, then after he senses for something, or someone to be exact, he quietly says "Found it" followed by "Saanea is there". 
Lis nods, then they cross over to the east side of the wide street as they continue northwards from the south gate of the city of Tuledare. 
It's not long before they pass what was the watchtower of the city guard in this part of the capital city. 
It's predominantly a large crater, with piles of rubble around it, and partly in it. And though it's late at night, there's dozens of people holding torches and lanterns. 
While even more are digging through the rubble, still trying to find survivors, futilely as it turns out. From the attack upon the city that took place in the early afternoon. 
Dorc da Orc, who for the moment has forgotten about the predicament that Zubutai the barbarian hordesman finds himself in. 
Laughs instead at the would be rescuers as they walk by what was once the watchtower of the city guard in this part of the city. 
The large ork who was named warleader of his race a number of years ago by Lord Farque, says in his heavily accented common "Them cunts all dead". 
The big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, who has been heavily sniffing, putting his incredible sense of smell to use, can easily tell that there's no one living under the piles of rubble that was the city guard's watchtower for this part of the capital of Tuledare. 
"Dead, dead, dead" sings the ork weaponsmith, who follows that with "Them cunts all dead". The ork warleader in the most fake contrite tone, one could possibly hear, continues with "Aawww so sads". 
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks as the locals turn to look at him, starts laughing in a his usual crazed and demented manner, totally oblivious to what others think of him, and his behaviour. 
As the large ork continues to laugh, and his bitter rival sir Percavelle Le Dic scowls back at him as they head along the main thoroughfare in this quarter of the city of Tuledare. 
At the front of the group, doing her best to ignore what's going on at the back of the group, Lisell Maera the scout commander, quietly says in a dry tone to the powerful cleric walking beside her "Good thing no one's expecting us" followed by "With the exception of Dalin and the infiltrator squads". 
Walking beside Lis, and in front of Shur Kee the monk, the cleric in the church of Glaine, a god predominantly worshipped in the north of the kingdom of Nastell, quietly says to the young scout commander "They definitely didn't expect the attack on the city". 
The powerful spellcaster originally from northern Nastell nods to where people are still out and about late this night, and quietly continues with "I bet they're wondering if the city will be attacked again". 
Next to the practitioner of magic in the half plate armour, the scout commander in the black leather armour and cloak, Lis nods and is in agreement with him. 
"It must be around here somewhere" murmurs the Brattonburian who finds herself a commander in the Armies of Farque. 
"Just a bit further along" quietly says the cleric in the church of Glaine, who nods to further along the main thoroughfare they're on, then quietly adds "Army barracks by the looks of it" he briefly pauses before adding "Or I should say, used to be army barracks". 
The commander Maera nods, as she too sees it in the distance, on this cold autumn night in the city of Tuledare. 
Once again there's a large number of people with burning torches and lanterns. In this instance, all looking down into the various craters, where they hope to find any survivors of the attack from the afternoon. When a number of Krean warships launched an attack upon the capital of the city-state of Tuledare. 
Beldane points to a side street on their right, and he turns into it with Lisell Maera, followed by the rest of the group who have traveled with them from the southern border region of Tuledare. 
Not far along on the street, is a three storey inn, once inside, Lis spots a number of Farqian soldiers she recognizes. 
One of whom, a fellow scout who is sitting at a small table in the common room, points upstairs after discreetly giving a number of hand signals to the commander in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Armies of Farque. 
And while Dorc da Orc calls out for food and booze, and lots of it. Lisell Maera along with Beldane the cleric heads upstairs, while the rest of them remain in the common room where the sleepy looking innkeeper wonders how he'll find room for the sudden influx of new customers. 
Seeing an officer in the Armies of Farque they both recognize sitting on a chair in an alcove in an upstairs hallway. 
Lis knocks on a doorway on the other side of the hallway from him, there's a pause for a moment, then from inside they both hear a voice they recognize as Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, who says "Enter". 
After making their way into the rather large and plush looking upstairs room, Lisell Maera and Beldane the cleric, who closes the door behind him. 
Make their way to the large table in the middle of the room, where Tamric Drubine the field commander who has just looked up from the maps there, and said "Good you're here" followed by "Any problems getting here?". 
"None" replies Lis, who along with the powerful cleric in the church of Glaine, join the others around the large table. 
Where they help plan the next phase, the final phase of the war against the city-state of Tuledare, a war that is essentially over, a war which they've helped to win for the city-state of Phamal . . . . . .

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