Sunday 16 June 2024

Soldier Of Gods 29.

The City Of Tuledare. 

"Anything?" asks Jovan Garney the cleric as he looks up the pile of rubble, on top of which is a number of the church guards. 
"Nothing yet father?" replies the guardsman Sammit as he and a number of the other guards search for survivors. 
Standing next to the powerful young cleric is the experienced guardsman Oldham, who sourly says "Doubt anyone survived this". 
The practitioner of magic who hails from the Lands Farque grunts in agreement with the experienced guardsman. 
Then the two of them turn, as the cleric Yuma walks up to them and says "I may be able to help here". 
The cleric Garney steps back, as does the guardsman Oldham as the severe looking, though attractive cleric casts a spell. 
Jovan Garney slightly nods as he recognizes the spell his fellow cleric is casting, a spell he has yet to master. 
The powerful young cleric in the half plate armour looks around at the surrounding area as Yuma searches for survivors in the rubble of what's left of the watchtower of the city guard, not that far from their church grounds. 
The Farqian born practitioner of magic sees people in the streets, and on rooftops looking shocked and frankly bewildered at what's happened this afternoon. 
As the watchtower, and the counting house down the far end of the street have basically been obliterated. 
And while the counting house, or to be exact, where it once stood, is nothing but a deep crater, where there's no chance of survivors. 
The watchtower of the city guard on the other hand is more of a pile of debris, a giant mound of rubble where it once stood. 
Jovan Garney slightly shakes his head as he sees the reaction of the local populace, as they finally realize that their nation is at war. 
A war that until now was distant and far away to the south, mainly in the unruled lands between the city-states of Tuledare and Phamal. 
But not now, as the war has been brought to the capital city of Tuledare, courtesy of Krean warships in the Farqian aircorp, who are fighting on behalf of the city-state of Phamal. 
The cleric Garney who knows the damage here could of been a hell of lot worse if it wasn't for the precision of the Krean aircrews who attacked on this cold autumn day. 
Turns to his fellow cleric, who has finished casting and said "There, couple of survivors" quietly followed by "They're barely alive, I was just able to sense their life sign" she then adds "They're down pretty deep". 
The powerful young cleric points to the spot his fellow practitioner of magic has indicated, and he calls out to Sammit and the other guards from the church of Kaēvin searching for survivors "Move away from there!". 
The guards scramble out of the way, and the Farqian born spellcaster, who rests a hand on his mace closes his eyes, then slightly nods as he senses the life sign of the survivors that his fellow cleric Yuma has located. 
Jovan Garney casts a protection spell around the two of them, in this case a woman and a child who are clinging onto one another, trapped in a slight gap, under tons of rubble. 
With the barrier spell around them, the powerful young cleric in the church of Kaēvin, starts moving the debris off them with another spell. 
"What are they doing?" quietly asks sergeant Blufont as he walks up to where the lead scout Maiya Garney is standing on a nearby rooftop. 
"Searching for survivors" is the reply of Maiya Garney the lead scout, who like the company sergeant is speaking in elven. 
As they're not alone up here, as a number of locals have made their way up onto the roof of the three storey building. Checking out what's just happened after the airships that attacked the city of Tuledare, disappeared just as quickly as they appeared. 
"Think they'll find anyone?" quietly asks sergeant Blufont as they watch the lead scout's younger brother Jovan, and others from the nearby church of Kaēvin, attempting to find survivors from the watchtower on the other side of the street. 
"Maybe" murmurs Maiya Garney, who then nods towards the far end of the street, where the counting house in this neighbourhood stood, and she quietly adds "More likely here, than from down there". 
As that particular counting house is no longer there, for there's just a large crater in the ground where it previously stood. 
They watch as the church guards hurry off the pile of debris across the street, and once they're off it, huge parts of the pile suddenly tumble off to one side. 
The two soldiers in the second division of the Fifth Army of Farque, part of the infiltration squads here in the city of Tuledare.
See that it's Jovan Garney who is shifting the pile of debris by some type of spell he's casting. And it doesn't take long for him to move a large section of the rubble, creating a hole underground. 
"They must of found someone" quietly says Maiya Garney, next to her, sergeant Blufont nods in agreement. 
Though he doesn't mention he hopes it's not city guards the would be rescuers have located in the remains of the watchtower. 
For he knows that they'll have to report that to the elven spy, commander Dalinvardèl Tanith. Something either one of them don't want to do, as it will implicate Jovan Garney. And though he has a certain amount of protection due to being Farqian. They know that only goes so far during wartime. 
"Sammit, you and the others start digging there" says Jovan Garney the cleric who points to a spot, where he's cleared a lot of the rubble. 
"They're not that far down" adds the powerful young spellcaster, who follows that with "A woman and a little girl, I'm pretty sure they're both injured". 
The teenager, who holds a position of importance in the church of Kaēvin, turns to the experienced guardsman Oldham beside him, and quietly says "Oldham, go keep an eye on them" followed by "Make sure they're careful". 
"I will father" says Oldham the guardsman, who hurries to where the others are digging up the rubble that's to be cleared from above the two survivors. 
Jovan Garney and his fellow cleric Yuma follow more slowly, preparing to cast healing spells upon the survivors once the last of the rubble is cleared off them. 
As they do, Yuma the cleric who has been looking around at their surroundings, as well as up and down the street they're on, quietly says to her fellow spellcaster "No one of authority has turned up". 
Nodding in agreement, the cleric Garney quietly replies with "I'm guessing because most of them are dead" he gestures at the remains of the watchtower, then adds "Or they're trapped in rubble like this". 
The slightly older Cleric, who is from the unruled lands further north in the Southlands, near the Kadel Plains, south of the kingdom of Druvic, grunts when Jovan Garney quietly tells her "I told you this war is over" he then adds "My countrymen know how to win a war no matter what, the  Phamalians got extremely lucky hiring them". 
They stop near where the others from their church are digging up the rubble, then Sammit shouts in triumph, which is echoed by some of the other guards. 
Jovan Garney glances down the street in the other direction, and spots the priestess Saleane and others from their church, hurrying to the site of the destroyed watchtower of the city guard. 
Then the seventeen year old practitioner of magic looks at Sammit who says "I can see them father, but I can't get to them" followed by "There's something blocking me". 
"Get ready to slowly and carefully pull them out" the cleric Garney instructs the guardsmen, he then asks them "Ready?". 
Getting nods in return, and a "Yes father" from both the experienced guardsman Oldham, and Sammit. 
The powerful young spellcaster originally from the Lands Farque removes the barrier spell around the two survivors who have been found. 
Then as the Kaēvin church guards pull the woman and child free, the clerics Garney and Yuma cast healing spells upon the rescued pair. 
On a nearby rooftop, Maiya Garney the lead scout and sergeant Blufont share a look, then the leader of the infiltration squad winces, then quietly says "A woman and child". 
"Hell" mutters sergeant Blufont, who after grimacing continues with "I hope to hell there's not too many innocents who have been caught up in all this". 
The scout Garney grunts in agreement with the experienced sergeant, then she quietly says "Same" followed by "Unfortunately there will be more". 
As the others on the rooftop chatter excitedly as they watch the survivors being pulled from the rubble, the lead scout Maiya Garney quietly says to the company sergeant "I doubt anyone is going to turn up". 
"We did too good of a job" dryly says sergeant Blufont referring to the Fifth Army of Farque as a whole. 
"I doubt there's any of them alive" continues the experienced sergeant, who then adds "And if there is, they're in hiding and don't want to expose themselves". 
Maiya Garney nods in agreement, then she faintly smiles as she sees the two near lifeless survivors, a woman and a child. 
Sit up, look around and wonder what's happened to them after they're magical healed by the two clerics who are amongst their rescuers. 
One of whom, is the younger brother of the lead scout Maiya Garney, Jovan Garney the cleric . . . . . .

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