Sunday 29 September 2024

Soldier Of Gods 59.


"And do you think they will young Jovan?" asks the church leader. 
"I'm not sure your holiness" replies Jovan Garney the cleric, who follows that with "It seems a likely thing to do with what I spoke to them about the other day". 
The head of the church of Kaēvin replies with a grunt, then he looks over at the cleric Yuma, who just shrugs her shoulders in reply. 
"I'm not sure too" dryly says his holiness, who after a brief pause adds "Though to be fair, they've kept the city in order over the last couple of days, I'll give them that". 
The powerful young cleric nods his head in agreement with that from the leader of his church. 
The practitioner of magic who hails from the Lands Farque knows that only an idiot would try to cross his fellow countrymen, who have occupied the city of Tuledare since the war effectively ended. 
The head of the church of Kaēvin is just about to say something more on the matter, when there's a knock on the door to his office. 
"Enter!" calls out the church leader to whoever it is on the other side of the door, who it turns out is one of the young pages. 
"Excuse me your holiness" says the young page, who continues with "The cleric Garney has been summoned to the front gates". 
"Summoned?" says the head of church of Kaēvin, not just here in the city-state of Tuledare, but right across the Southlands. 
"By whom?" adds the head of the church of the god of Scribes and Wordsmiths. Not a particularly well known, and well worshipped god. Though relatively important all the same. For the simple reason Kaēvin is one of the human gods of war. 
"By some of the conquer er I mean occupiers your holiness" replies the page, who continues on from that with "Something about a meeting". 
"Looks like this is it" says Jovan Garney to the head of the church of Kaēvin, who nods his head in agreement, and replies with "So it seems". 
His holiness briefly pauses, then continues with "You shall speak on behalf of the church young Jovan" he then adds "And if there's any voting, you shall do it on our behalf too". 
"As you wish your holiness" replies Jovan Garney, who stands from the chair he's been sitting in, nods to the head of the church of Kaēvin, and his fellow cleric Yuma. 
Then he heads out of the office, and into the hallway where the young page is waiting. The powerful young spellcaster originally from the Lands Farque, wryly smiles as he sees the guards Sammit and Oldham loitering at the other end of the hallway. 
The page and the young fighting cleric, who is the most powerful practitioner of magic in the church of Kaēvin, make their way to the pair of guards. 
And before Jovan Garney can say anything, the young guard Sammit quickly says "We thought it best if we came along father". 
"That's if they let us come along" dryly says the veteran guard Oldham with a shake of his head, his fellow guardsman Sammit winces, then nods in agreement with him. 
The four of them set off, heading to the front doors of the cathedral of Kaēvin, which is located to the east of the city center. 
In a quiet neighbourhood in the capital of the city-state of Tuledare. Whilst most of the other places of worship in the city, are located in and around temple square. Which is to the north of the city center. 
"There's one of those strange creatures with them" states the young guard Sammit, who continues with "The two legged dragons". 
"Krean" says the young cleric, who continues with "They're called Krean" followed by "And don't offend them, they are quite war like if you don't know their ways". 
Jovan Garney who figures it's probably a Krean navigator, though he can't sense if it is. Nods his head, and says "They do". In response to the young page asking him "Do they come from your country father?". 
"In the mountains in the north of my homeland" continues the young practitioner of magic, who follows that with "They're considered the best flyers in the world, whose fleet is unmatched by anyone". 
"Well that's definitely true" states the experienced guard Oldham, who then dryly adds "You just have to look up into the sky above the city to see that". 
They all nod in agreement to that, as Krean warships have been patrolling the skies above the city of Tuledare ever since the defeat of the city-state in the war against the city-state of Phamal. 
Through the cathedral the four of them make their way, and at the front doors, which are open at the moment. 
Wait a number of church members, including the priestess Saleane, who joins the four of them as they step outside. 
"Gathered quite an audience" says Saleane the priestess as they head down the front steps, and start making their way across the large courtyard to the gates at the front of the church property. 
"Everybody wants to see what happens" quietly says the attractive looking priestess as she walks alongside the teenage cleric, who though only has been in the city of Tuledare a couple of months. 
He's already one of the most important members of the church. And as of now, is the most powerful practitioner of magic serving in the church of Kaēvin. 
Jovan Garney faintly smiles, then nods and quietly says "It's fine" quietly followed by "Besides I could do with the support ". In response to the young priestess Saleane quietly asking him "Mind if I come along?". 
The powerful young cleric sees a trio of black clad Farqian soldiers standing at the front gates of church of Kaēvin. 
Along with them is a Krean, obviously a navigator from what the cleric Garney can see. Though the powerful young spellcaster originally from the Lands Farque can't sense the Krean practitioner of magic. 
Who Jovan figures is holding his power within himself, and is in more likelihood, stronger in magic than he is. 
The powerful young fighting cleric spent a few months training with Krean navigators before he left the Lands Farque. 
And every single one of them, was more powerful than he was at magic. Not to mention far more skilful in their ability to spellcast. 
The young practitioner of magic in the church of Kaēvin brings the small group with him to a stop at the open front gates of the church grounds. 
Where one of the Farqian soldiers, a subaltern if the young cleric was to guess, says "Cleric Garney?". 
"Yes, that is me" replies Jovan Garney, who slightly nods as the subaltern from his homeland slightly bows to him after quietly saying in the dialect of the hordes barbarians of the southern tundra "One of us". 
The powerful young spellcaster who is glad that his fellow church members with him, though fluent in a number of languages, don't know the language spoken by the barbarian hordesmen of the southern tundra. 
Says in the common language to his fellow countrymen "I understand I've been summoned?". 
"You have" replies the subaltern in the same language, who follows that with "Our lord along with field commander Drubine have decided a meeting with the most important of Tuledare's citizens is necessary" he then adds "About a number of issues". 
Jovan Garney who figured as much, nods in understanding, then he gestures at the priestess Saleane and the young page and asks "Do you mind if my staff come along?". 
He then gestures at the two church guardsmen Oldham and Sammit, and adds "And my guards as well?". 
The subaltern in the Armies of Farque glances over at the tall Krean standing off to one side, who after a moment, nods his dragon like head yes. 
"Our lord wills it" says the Farqian subaltern, who then waves the young fighting cleric, and those with him forward. 
Jovan Garney, along with the priestess Saleane, the young page and the two church guardsmen Oldham and Sammit step through the open gates. 
As they do, the Krean navigator stretches out his wings, then folds them back in much to the amazement of the church guards Sammit and Oldham, the priestess Saleane and the young page. 
The trio of Farqian soldiers stand close to the Krean navigator, who says in the common language "Cleric Garney if you and the others could stand close to me". 
The young practitioner of magic nods, then he moves to stand close to the Krean spellcaster, as do the other four from his church. 
Then the fighting cleric in the church of Kaēvin suddenly senses the Krean navigator casting some kind of spell, a type of teleportation spell if Jovan was to guess. A spell far more powerful and complicated than anything the young cleric could ever hope to do. 
The powerful young cleric nods in understanding when the navigator quietly says to him in the Krean language "I wouldn't follow the spell too closely cleric Garney, it might be" he briefly pauses before adding "Detrimental to your health". 
Then suddenly all nine of them disappear from in front of the gates to the grounds of the church of Kaēvin. 
An instant later than reappear some where else, by the looks of things, inside of a large warehouse type building. 
Jovan Garney spins to the side when the young page screams in fright, and a startled sounding Oldham yelps "By the gods look at that!". 
The powerful young cleric in the church of Kaēvin finds himself looking into the eyes of a massive dog. 
"Relax, it's alright" says the cleric Garney, who follows that with "It won't harm you" he then silently adds, I hope. 
The canine which stands over six and a half foot tall at the shoulder, growls as he sits there on his haunches looking at the five from the church of Kaēvin. 
Then young spellcaster originally from the Lands Farque hears a voice off to the side say something in a language he's heard a couple times in the past before, but doesn't understand. 
The massive dog softly barks, takes a step closer and sniffs at Jovan Garney who stands absolutely still. 
The fighting cleric let's out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in, when the black beast of animal wanders away a few steps, then flops down on the floor. 
The cleric in the church of Kaēvin nods in recognition to the older man, around fifty, in the leather armour who walks up to the massive dog and stands beside it. 
"Senior handler Jessup" says Jovan Garney in the language of the hordes barbarians of the southern tundra by way of greeting. 
"Young cleric Garney" says Jessup the senior wardog handler in the same language, who then adds "I had to remind Hammer that you're one of us". 
The powerful young cleric figured as much. And is glad that the senior wardog handler did so. Because otherwise the undead wardog might of killed him. 
In fact Jovan knows if he wasn't a born Farqian, Jessup and Hammer, both of whom aren't alive. Would of killed him, as they for obvious reasons aren't particularly enamoured with clerics or spellcasting priests and the like. 
Switching to the common language, Jessup points and says in the common language "You better get going" followed by "You're being left behind". 
"Right" says Jovan Garney who sees the Krean navigator and the trio of Farqian soldiers who brought them here, are heading across the floor of the large warehouse like building. 
"Come along then" says the powerful young cleric to the four others from his church, all of whom are still staring at the massive undead wardog Hammer. 
Who is now on his back, rubbing it on the floor as he wiggles about like he's a puppy, and not a fifteen hundred pound undead dog. 
Jovan Garney then leads the others from his church with him, across the warehouse floor, to what look like rooms on one side of it. 
As he does, the powerful young fighting cleric wonders how things will proceed with Lord Farque and field commander Tamric Drubine calling a meeting of those locals here in the city of Tuledare they deem important enough to attend . . . . . .