Tuesday 24 September 2024

Soldier Of Gods 58.

The City Of Tuledare.

"Might be better to release them to the public" says Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy as they walk down an alleyway. 
The commander in the Armies of Farque, who hails from the elven principality of Alínlae, continues with "With the way things have turned out, I doubt the ordinary folk will show them any mercy". 
Next to the elven spy, the fighting cleric Beldane nods in agreement with the senior commander in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Armies of Farque. 
"Though who knows what will be done" says Beldane the cleric who follows that with "What with the new information that's been brought to light". 
The elf in the grey hooded cloak, nods as they exit the alleyway, on what's a cool autumn day here in the city of Tuledare. 
The two of them cross a small square, and enter another alleyway, which they only go down about forty feet, before they come to a stop at the rear of that seems to be an empty warehouse in this part of the city. 
The spy Tanith knocks on the back door, which quickly opens, and the two of them enter. Inside are members of one of the infiltration squads. 
One of whom points to a hallway, which the elven spy originally from the principality of Alínlae, and the fighting cleric who hails from the kingdom of Nastell make their way towards. 
About halfway down the hallway is a closed door, and after Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. 
Knocks on the door, it opens and the two of them enter what's a large room, in what's essentially the middle of the large warehouse. 
Which from the outside, looks for all intensive purposes to be empty. And not a location for what's taking place in here. 
In the room, sitting in a chair, that he's tied to. Is one of the prisoners that was captured by Helbe the elven thief. The prisoner is gagged and blindfolded, and doesn't know where he is. 
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, is standing off to one side, leaning back against the wall behind him. 
The only other person in the room is sitting in a corner, staring with intent at the prisoner, as he sharpens a wicked looking dagger with a whetstone. 
There's a gleeful looking grin upon the broad, green face of Dorc da Orc as he continues to stare at the bound prisoner, sitting on the chair in the middle of the room while he sharpens his dagger. 
Dalinvardèl Tanith looks over at his fellow elf, prince Helbenthril Raendril and asks him in elven "Where are they?". 
"Just checking on something" is the reply from Helbe the elven thief, who after a brief pause adds "They shouldn't be long". 
And as an invisible Narladene the ground pixie whispers something to the elven princeling which he intends to relay, it's Dorc da Orc who gets in first with "They fucken back". 
The large ork from where he's sitting in a corner of the room, continues with "Me fucken smell 'em". 
The ork warleader then says in a loud mutter "Specially that cold cunt Farque". Then with a guilty expression upon his broad, green feral looking face. 
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks quickly looks at the other three members of the group in the room with him, hoping they didn't hear what he just muttered. 
They did, including Beldane the cleric, whose human hearing is no where near as good as the two elves. 
Just then the door opens, and Lord Farque followed by Mira Reinholt the mage enter the room. Then the once powerful mage from the city-state of Vexil closes the door behind him. 
"Get everything from him?" asks Lord Farque as he gestures at the tied and gagged prisoner sitting on the chair in the middle of the room. 
"I did" replies Helbe the elven thief, who when he first caught the prisoner, infact all the prisoners. He read their minds to find out all their involvement in the war against the city-state of Phamal, and how it came about. 
The highly talented elven magic user, didn't go much further back from that when he read the minds of the dozen prisoners, who happen to all be members of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
"A whole lot of stuff actually" states the young elven noble who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel. 
The elf, who is a master archer, and assassin, not to mention thief, then goes onto explain what he's found out .
He does so in the elven language, much to the disgust of Dorc da Orc, who can't understand any of it, as elven is a language he cannot understand or speak. 
Though he's annoyed, that doesn't stop him from continuing to sharpen the wicked looking dagger he's holding as he watches the bound prisoner sitting on a chair in the center of the room. 
After he's explained what he's found out, Helbe the elven thief says to the large heavily armoured deathlord of Farque "Once we've finished with him". 
The elven spellcaster who is also a masterthief pauses before continuing with "Or any of them, what should we do with them?". 
The elven master archer runs a finger across his throat as he looks at the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque, with a nod towards the prisoner. 
"Not now" says the lord of the death realm, who also goes by the name of Draugodrottin, which the people of his lands know him by. 
The large, heavily armoured undead warlord who also has the elven name of Des'tier, which means The Destroyer, continues with "Might be best just to give the fuckers over to the locals". 
Beldane the cleric and Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy share a look when the deathlord of Farque mentions that. 
Then Draugodrottin adds "I figure the outrage will spread through the city, once they all know what he and his cohorts got up to". 
Both the mage Reinholt and prince Helbenthril Raendril nods in agreement to that, then lord Farque says "Though he still might die on us here". 
The lord and ruler of the Land Farque looks at the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel and tells him "Keep him alive". 
Then the lord of the death realm then tells the once powerful mage "Get that shit off him" followed by "Time he finds out who has captured him". 
The undead warlord then murmurs something to the Vexilian mage in exile, who nods his hooded head in reply. 
Then the practitioner of magic, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, stands in front of the bound prisoner. 
"Let's see if he remembers me then" quietly says Mira Reinholt the mage in the common language, before he takes the gag out of the mouth of the prisoner. 
Then the cloth wrapped around his head covering his ears, and finally the cloth covering the eyes of the prisoner, who is one of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
As the still bound prisoner repeatedly blinks as he clears his vision, as the room is quite bright due to a half a dozen lamps up on hooks lighting it. 
The mage who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, takes the hood of his own cloak off his head, so that the prisoner can get a good look at him. 
The prisoner, one Owin Falmist has been a member of the ruling council of Tuledare for a couple of decades now. 
He's in his mid fifties, and has had the third longest tenure of the current members of Tuledare's ruling council. 
Before being appointed to the ruling council, Owin Falmist worked for one of the more prominent trading companies in the city-state. 
Though that was actually a front for the military of Tuledare, one of a number of companies that did the bidding of the ruling council without the public knowing about it. 
The prisoner blinks his eyelids a few more times, then he clears his throat, to protest his treatment to the person he now sees standing still in front of him. 
He goes to say something, but frowns and falls silent as the person in black looks vaguely familiar to him. 
It takes him a few moments to realize it, then it dawns on him, who it is that's standing in front of him. 
Seeing the realization of recognition on the face of the bound prisoner sitting in the chair as he looks at him, Mira Reinholt the mage nods then says to him "So you remember who I am Owin". 
As the prisoner is silent, staring at who he assumes is his captor, the exiled Vexilian mage tells him "It's been twenty five years, I knew you wouldn't of forgotten". 
As the member of the ruling council of Tuledare remains silent, the mage Reinholt says "Well you couldn't of forgotten, after all I'm the person who essentially got you into power, and made you all of your wealth" . . . . . .

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