Sunday 15 September 2024

Soldier Of Gods 55.

The Border Region. 

"Their defences collapsed fairly quickly" says Tovis the war engineer, who then looks over at the figure in the black hooded cloak, who is slumped in a chair, looking more than a little dizzy. 
"Is he okay?" asks the war engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, who follows that with "He doesn't look that good". 
"He's fine" states Lord Farque who continues with "It's just going to take him a little time to adjust being back". 
Though he's a little skeptical about that as he looks at Mira Reinholt the mage, the war engineer who is a commander in the Armies of Farque, nods his head before returning to the conversation he's having with the undead warlord. 
They're in the kitchen of a half destroyed farmhouse, in the southern border region of the city-state of Tuledare. 
Tovis who is acting commander of the bulk of the Fifth Army of Farque, points at one of the maps on the table, and says "Tam took the capital yesterday afternoon" he then adds "They've probably surrendered by now". 
The lord and ruler of the Lands Farque nods his full helmed head as the war engineer explains how field commander Drubine took the city of Tuledare. 
"I assume the rest of the group is with Tam?" asks the lord of the death realm, who then sourly smiles behind the visor of his full helm, when Tovis tells him "They are, though Helbe went missing a few days ago, took a Krean scoutship with him too". 
The undead warlord who also has the name of Draugodrottin that his people know him by, just shakes his head, then sourly says "The royal thief will turn up eventually". 
Then the undead being, who is more than glad his armour has returned to it's normal state, now that he's back on the physical world of Volunell, says "If Helbe isn't keeping an overall eye on things, then who is?". 
"Jessup is with us" replies the commander of the engineering corp in the Fifth Army of Farque, who continues with "He's got Hammer with him". 
Tovis follows that with "They're up in the capital, on the Krean flagship, quietly keeping an eye on things". 
The large, heavily armoured undead warlord nods, and commander Tovis tells him "When you went ah" he briefly pauses, before saying "Missing?". 
"More or less" dryly says the lord of the death realm with a sideways look at the still disoriented mage Reinholt. 
"Kreece asked Jessup if he could go along with the Fifth to make sure things ran smoothly " says Tovis the war engineer. 
Draugodrottin grunts, in approval more than anything else. Glad that his seneschal, the mage Kreece Van Der Linden had one of the undead of Farque accompany the Fifth Army. 
The undead warlord who has the elven name of Des'tier, which means The Destroyer. Left the physical world before the Fifth Army of Farque fully deployed. 
He was present during most of the negotiations with the Phamalian ruling council, who were looking to hire a mercenary army for their war against the city-state of Tuledare. 
But before the bulk of the Fifth Army had even begun to deploy. Mira Reinholt accidentally cast a portal, which sent him to another plane of existence, which turned out to be a shadow realm. 
Which Lord Farque entered, to search for the missing mage who is a member of his personal council. 
"They've been keeping up with their payments?" asks the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque referring to the ruling council of the city-state of Phamal. 
"They have" replies the war engineer, who continues with "No problems with that" followed by "And Helbe checked to see if they were on the level" he then adds "And they are". 
The heavily armoured deathlord nods his full helmed head, and looks at the maps on the table, here in the kitchen of a partially destroyed farmhouse. 
The lord of the death realm is silent for a few moments, then he says "Good planning" followed by "I can see how it went fairly easily here on the border, and down in the unruled lands". 
"Tam and Dorc came up with it" says the war engineer, who along with Helbe the elven thief contributed to the plans to attack the Tuledarian forces. 
But it was primarily the plans of Tamric Drubine the field commander and the ork general, Dorc da Orc. 
"That big green fucking psycho is good for something I guess" dryly says the large, heavily armoured deathlord of Farque. 
Then the undead warlord who falls silent again as he looks at the maps on the kitchen table, wonders what the Phamalians will do, now that they're victorious thanks to his Fifth Army led by Tamric Drubine the field commander. 
"Any word on what Phamal will do now that we've given them a fairly easy victory?" asks Draugodrottin when he finally breaks the silence. 
As he was gone before any discussion about the chances of Phamal defeating the city-state of Tuledare, and the aftermath. 
"The only thing we got from them is that they wanted to take some of the territory in the unruled lands" says the war engineer Tovis, who is still fairly young, only being in his mid twenties. 
"Down south, near their northern border" continues Tovis, who follows that with "As for what they want done to Tuledare, I'm not too sure". 
The war engineer, who previously served a nobleman in southern Druvic, before he joined the group that travels with Lord Farque, then says "All I know is that they don't to want to run the place" he then adds "But they want trade routes opened up again, land, river, air, you name it ". Tovis continues with "And for trade to resume as quickly as possible". 
The large deathlord in the black, blue suit of heavy plate armour nods, then when the war engineer falls silent, the undead being muses "Wonder why the Tuledarians went to war against Phamal in the first place?". He continues on with "It's not as though Phamal is Vexil, who the Tuledarians actually hate". 
The commander of the engineering corp in the Fifth Army of Farque, nods in agreement with the deathlord of Farque, then says "I've wondered the same thing". 
Tovis briefly pauses, before he continues on with "I suspect Helbe has found out why it all started" he then adds "We'll probably find out, when and wherever he turns up again". 
Des'tier grunts in agreement with that, then the undead warlord who is just about to mention something else, falls silent and rolls his eyes, as a loud groan comes from the still dazed mage Reinholt. 
"Pussy" mutters lord Farque as he looks at the once powerful mage, who is originally from the city-state of Vexil. 
"Shall I send for a magic user, a healer perhaps?" says Tovis the war engineer with a nod at the figure in black, slumped over in one of chairs here in the kitchen of a half destroyed farmhouse. 
"Like I said, he's fine," says Draugodrottin, who then explains "He took a healing potion when we got back" followed by "And when we entered camp here, one of the healers looked him over". 
The lord of the death realm then adds "He just needs time to readjust to things here". 
The once powerful mage, who looks like he's had untold numbers of bottles of hard liquor to drink, and who feels like it too, looks at the other two in the kitchen, with bleary eyes. 
The Vexilian mage in exile groans again, then puts an arm down on the table, and rests his head on it, after a rather dramatic sounding sigh escape his lips. 
Causing Lord Farque to roll his eyes, then mutter "Drama queen" as he looks at the practitioner of magic from the city-state of Vexil, who is a member of his personal council. 
Then the deathlord of Farque glances at the open window, and towards the afternoon sky and he says "Ship rift" he briefly pauses before adding "It's the same one returning". 
The war engineer who hails from the south of the kingdom of Druvic, where he was previously employed by one of the more wealthy nobles in that part of the kingdom, looks out the window, and up. 
And a few moments later, a sky rift appears, and out of it shoots the Krean scoutship he sent off to the capital, carrying word that Lord Farque and Mira Reinholt the mage had returned. 
As the small, sleek, dark mastless vessel slows, then starts to circle, the war engineer spots a pair of Krean leap off the deck, and fly down to the partially damaged farmhouse, near the center of the camp, which Tovis is using as his temporary headquarters. 
Lord Farque nods his full helmed head in agreement with the Druvician born war engineer who says "Messengers no doubt". 
"Enter" calls out Tovis a short while later when there's a knock at the kitchen door, and a Krean air marine enters, carrying a satchel full of missives. 
"My lord" says the Krean air marine after bowing to the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque, who nods in reply. 
And after greeting Tovis, he hands him the satchel, then exits the kitchen after the war engineer asks him to wait outside. 
The temporary commander of the Fifth Army of Farque quickly goes through the messages, then says to the lord of the death realm "They surrendered this morning" he briefly pauses then adds "And Helbe has returned". 
The war engineer reads on, then murmurs "Oh shit" and he hands the message to the undead warlord. 
Who quickly reads it, then says "Well I guess we're going to the capital" Draugodrottin then says "Was that Korvan I saw earlier?". 
"It is" replies Tovis, who then nods when the deathlord of Farque tells him "Put him in command here, you're coming too". Referring to the sub field commander, who is Tamric Drubine's second in command. 
"Come on mage, we're going" says Lord Farque, which illicits a groan from Mira Reinholt the mage who doesn't want to go anywhere at the moment. 
Tovis briefly grins as the large, heavily armoured undead warlord goes over and picks the drowsy mage up, and slings him over his right shoulder. 
Then the war engineer follows the deathlord of Farque out of the kitchen, and the partially destroyed farmhouse, and has the Krean scoutship drop down to the ground, so they can make their way to the city of Tuledare . . . . . .

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