Tuesday 3 September 2024

Soldier Of Gods 52.


Mira Reinholt the mage falls asleep sometime during the night. A strange time in this strange place. 
As the moon's of Volunell, and the stars in the night sky. Are about the only things here that aren't some shade of red. 
They're silver white in colour, similar to what they are in the physical world of Volunell, but not truly the same. 
The once powerful mage as he's over the right shoulder of Lord Farque, just before he fell asleep. 
Thought that the trio of moons, and the stars in the night sky, are about the only normal thing in this strange place, that the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque mentioned was a shadow realm. 
The spellcaster who hails from the city-state of Vexil, wakes in the morning, sometime just before dawn. 
He wakes to the steady sound of Lord Farque running, as the undead warlord didn't stop at all during the night. 
As the reds of this strange place takes effect, as the pinkish red sun rises in what the mage Reinholt assumes is the east. 
He yawns, then sourly smiles when Lord Farque says to him "See you've had your beauty sleep mage". 
Mira Reinholt the mage grunts, then asks "Much further to go?". As he suspects the deathlord of Farque has run hundreds of miles non stop since he found him yesterday afternoon. 
"A little bit" replies the lord of the death realm who continues with "Should get there well before midday". 
The practitioner of magic who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, nods. As he can move his head, and limbs are bit more easily now. 
Though he wouldn't want to stand for too long anytime soon. As for walking, he can forget about it for now. 
The mage who is a member of Lord Farque's personal council, lifts his head up, and looks around, then he asks the undead warlord "Any of those creatures around?". 
"Nothing during the night" replies Draugodrottin, who continues on with "They're not active during the night". 
"We'll probably come across some of them as the morning progresses" adds the deathlord of Farque, who then says "I saw them every day I searched for you". 
The spellcaster, who is in exile from his homeland of Vexil. Though technically he's allowed to return, as he helped to defeat the city-state of Tuledare in the last Tuledarian, Vexilian war. 
Slightly grimaces, before he says "You fought those things every day for three weeks?". 
"Nah" replies Lord Farque who leaps down a hillside, then after a few fifty foot bounds, he continues with "Only when the fucking things spotted me". 
The undead warlord who has the elven name of Des'tier, which means The Destroyer, tells the once powerful mage that the creatures have poor sight for their size. Even though they have the advantage of flight. As most flying creatures no matter what plane of existence they're on, have excellent vision. 
"They don't need to see us now" says the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque, who after a brief pause, and a sideways glance at the mage Reinholt, he dryly adds "What with you being alive and all". 
The Vexilian mage in exile winces, as the undead warlord has already mentioned that the creatures who attacked yesterday, are attracted to the life force of the living. 
The practitioner of magic who only has a fraction of his once mighty powers. Not that he can feel any of his magical powers in this particular place. As his magic is denied to him, due to a quirk in the make up of this strange place he finds himself in. 
Feels the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque going up hill again, and soon they're running along a plateau. 
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster drops off to sleep again, as Lord Farque continues on his way. 
The Vexilian mage in exile wakes again, he doesn't know how long he napped for. But what he does know is that the deathlord of Farque is slowing down. 
"What's happening?" asks Mira Reinholt as he lifts his head to look around, and finds that they're in a rock formation, upon a ridgeline, in what appears to be hill country. 
"We're near it?" adds the once powerful mage referring to the portal that he accidentally cast back on the physical world of Volunell. 
The undead warlord doesn't answer immediately, but he eventually does when he comes to a stop at the top of a hill. 
"It's nearby" says Des'tier which is Lord Farque's elven name, who takes the mage Reinholt from his right shoulder, and sits him down at the base of a boulder. 
Leaning back against the rock behind him, the swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil lifts a questioning eyebrow, and asks "What's going on?". 
Then Mira winces as the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque draws his massive sword from across his back. 
"Oh fucking hell" says the Vexilian mage in exile after the lord of the death realm walks away towards one of the nearby rock formations. 
"Am I bait?!" demands the mage who is part of Lord Farque's personal council. 
"Looks like it" replies Draugodrottin without looking back at the practitioner of magic. 
"Ah shit" mutters the mage Reinholt as the large, heavily armoured deathlord leaps forty feet to the top of the nearby rock formation. 
Mira who feels like he could stand, but probably not take more than a few steps before he fell over. 
Looks across the red landscape below, in the direction he sees the lord of the death realm looking. 
"Fuck me, look at those things" murmurs Mira Reinholt as he spots a couple of the creatures heading in this direction. 
They fly not that far above the ground, and they fly like a water snake across the surface of water. 
The once powerful mage who feels so helpless at the moment, calls out "You can take care of them, can't you?". 
"Relax" calls back Lord Farque from on top of the nearby rock formation, who then adds "Stop being a little bitch". 
"Fuck you" mutters the mage Reinholt under his breath, who continues muttering with "You're not the one sitting here, feeling utterly useless you asshole". 
He then winces when the lord of the death realm dryly calls out "I heard that". 
The swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil watches the two creatures, both over a hundred feet in length, slither through the red skies of this realm, heading upwards across the Ridgeline, towards the hill he's on. 
Mira quickly looks up to where Lord Farque is standing up on the nearby rock formation, then back towards the massive serpent like creatures heading this way. 
Well, this fucking sucks, the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation, to be found anywhere in the Southlands thinks to himself. 
Then the creatures, one in front of the other. Who have sensed him from miles away. Spot him sitting at the base of the boulder. 
The mage Reinholt winces as they pick up speed and head directly for him, their flight more straight than the wiggling back and forth that they were previously doing. 
The Vexilian born spellcaster looks quickly back up to where the deathlord of Farque stands upon the nearby rock formation, which rises a good forty feet above the hilltop. 
Then when the first of the serpent like creatures is less than a hundred feet from the prone practitioner of magic. Lord Farque moves. 
Not that Mira actually sees him, as the large heavily armoured undead being, whose armour looks completely different in this shadow realm, is just a blur to the eye of the once powerful mage. 
The exiled Vexilian mage looks quickly at the first of the creatures, which along with the following one, is letting out a loud screeching roar. 
At around fifty feet from the mage Reinholt, the roar is suddenly cut off from the lead creature. It's not the only thing that's cut off. 
It's crocodilian like head in a dark black reddish spray of blood just suddenly falls off from the rest of it's body. 
And as the head falls to one side, the rest of it's serpent like body plows into the side of the hill with a loud thud. 
Just down from where the mage Reinholt sits , causing the ground to shake. And the once powerful mage to push his hands down into the ground so he doesn't topple over. 
Then the Vexilian swordmaster in exile suddenly spots Lord Farque just thirty feet away to his right and down the hill from him a bit. 
The undead warlord leaps upwards and forwards, swinging his massive sword as he does. As the second creature heads directly towards the once powerful mage. 
Then Mira briefly sees a blue glow from the eyes of Lord Farque behind the full dark visor of the strange looking helm he's wearing. 
The mage Reinholt then losses sight of the lord of the death realm who just becomes a blur of movement, before he disappears from view of the spellcaster who is also a swordmaster. 
Mira winces as the loud roaring creature flies directly at him. Until suddenly at thirty feet from him, at least half of it's snout like head goes flying off to the side in a bloody spray. 
The hit that took most of it's ten foot wide head off is so violent, that the rest of it's trailing body flings off to the left, then smashes into the nearby rock formation that Lord Farque was previously standing on. 
"I bet that fucking hurt" dryly murmurs Mira Reinholt the mage after the remains of the second serpent like flying creature hits the ground with a loud thud, and rolls down the hill after smashing into the nearby rocks. 
Then the once powerful mage spots Lord Farque who has suddenly appeared just down from him, returning his sword to across his back, and is walking back up to the boulder, where the practitioner of magic is sitting. 
"Come on mage, time to go" says Draugodrottin who picks up the mage Reinholt and slings him up onto his right shoulder. In moments Lord Farque crests the hill, and is running down the other side. 
Mira Reinholt lifts his head and looks forward after the undead warlord says "Time to head back to the real world". 
The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands. 
Breathes a sigh of relief when he spots in the red landscape of this shadow realm, the portal he accidentally cast, is less than half a mile away, and is getting closer as the undead warlord runs towards it. 
And in what feels like no time at all, Lord Farque with Mira Reinholt over his right shoulder, go through the portal, and return to the physical world of Volunell . . . . . .


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