Monday 6 February 2017

Wonderful 13.

Five Weeks Later. On Land...

A fist backhands Lisell Maera across the face and she falls from the horse she's on, she hits the ground beside the road. That's if you can call it a road, as it looks exactly the same as the dry dirt like earth that one can see for miles around.
"Damn you Samnill!" says Halmnar from the back of his horse, Samnill just glares at the teenage girl as she lies on the ground breathing heavily on what's a hot morning, as is every morning here on the edge of the nomads plains during the height of summer.
On the ground, the orphan girl from the city-state of Brattonbury in the Southlands tests her bonds, and finds the ropes that bound her wrists behind her back are still tight.
Lisell Maera grimaces as she was hoping they would've loosened when she was knocked from the back of the horse.
"Pick her up, and put her back on your horse" says Farnell after he rides back from where he's been out front. The leader of the three men looks around then says "Don't want to be caught dwadling in these parts, there's talk of wild wyverns having cross the plains of the feral scum" Farnell continues with "Who knows what those damn beasts might do if they see us".
"Which beasts?" asks Halmnar who at about sixteen years old is the youngest of the trio, he continues with "The wyverns or the scum?" the other two men laugh at his joke, then they get ready to get underway again.
Halmnar hops off his horse, and lifts the bound Lisell Maera up, and slings her over the back of his horse this time, as he thinks it'll be easier to ride, than having her sitting infront of him as she was previously.
Samnill watches on with a smirk upon his face, he didn't take too kindly to her bad mouthing him again, so this time he gave her a backhanded punch instead of the usual slap to face and around the head he administers when she gets a bit too verbal in his opinion, which is quite often.
They start riding, and as they do, Samnill rides close to Halmnar's horse, then he leans over and smacks Lisell Maera across the buttocks, then grabs one of her butt cheeks and gives it a firm squeeze, before riding forward and laughing, while Halmnar chuckles at his friends antics.
As the orphan girl from the city-state of Brattonbury lies there like a sack of grain across the back of the horse, she endures her abuse in silence, knowing that if she is to get out of this situation, she'll have to be clever and use everything she has learnt in her life, especially in the last nearly four years since she left Brattonbury, if she's to get out of this predicament.
Or that someone is able to set her free, the now fifteen year old girl knows that she's desperate if she thinks that'll happen. For the others of the group don't know where she is, and the one person that might do, is far behind her, as they were separated upon the road when Lisell was taken captive by the trio of Samnill, Halmnar and Farnell...

... Tamric Drubine drops down beneath the sword that's swung at his head, then he guts the man swinging the sword. Who falls back landing on his rump, screaming as he grabs at his slashed opened stomach. He gets a kick in the face from the nobleborn youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin in the Southlands, which shatters his nose and front teeth, and puts him on his back.
Tamric Drubine spins around and looks at the rest of the bandits, well those who are still on their feet and are watching him. They've realised they've made a huge mistake attacking the lone traveler on the road, for out of the eight of them who thought they could've easily taken the youngster, five of them are on the ground, either dead or in the case of the last one who has been gutted and had his face kicked in, is dying.
The former heir to castle Drubine in the kingdom of Sarcrin in the Southlands is an absolute terror with the sword, easily able to deal with bandits on the road that heads southeast from the city of Falnic on the coast of the region of Belinswae.
Tamric, or Tam as the rest of the group call him, has been training with the sword since he was a young child. But in the four and half, nearly five years he's been in the company of the others, his skill with the blade has improved dramatically. Especially over the last three years, when he and the others have spent long months in the lands Farque far, faraway to the south, far south of the equator, which he's north of at the moment in the region of Belinswae.
The nobleborn boy who has been trained by numerous sword and blademasters, not just the swordmaster Reinholt who has been his main instructor of the sword since he met the group.
Is fairly certain that either Mira Reinholt or lord Farque himself will bestow the rank of swordmaster upon him in the next year or two, extremely young since he's still short of his thirteenth nameday.
Tam flips his longsword and catches it again in his right hand, and flings the dagger in his left hand he's taken from his belt, which takes one of the remaining bandits low in the groin. That bandit falls to the ground, landing on his side, screaming and shouting in pain as he starts to writhe around.
"Who's next?" asks Tamric Drubine as he looks at the two remaining men who are on their feet, the two bandits back away when the nobleborn youngster starts advancing on them, then they turn and run towards the hills to the side of the road, too scared to even gather their mounts.
Tam who knows he would of been dead if any of them had bows or crossbows, mutters "Fucking townsmen" then he dispatches the two wounded bandits with a sword slash to their throats. Then he pilfers anything of use that he can find on the dead, the only thing of real value he finds is a coin pouch with a dozen gold pieces which will always come in handy.
Tamric Drubine gathers his own mount, and three of the horses belonging to the bandits. He doesn't bother with the dead, he just leaves them where they lie, not caring if they've found. Besides he's pretty sure he's done the local justifier a favour, who in his opinion don't do enough to keep things safe outside of the cities and towns of central and northern Belinswae.
The nobleborn youngster from Sarcrin in the Southlands continues on his way, still heading southeast along the road out of Falnic, still in search of his traveling companion Lisell Maera who was taken captive by another group of bandits in a village they stopped at yesterday morning during their continuing search for those of the group who are missing...

... Lisell Maera wakes the following morning, her muscles are protesting as she stretches from her position across the rump of the horse she's on. She lifts her head, as she listens to her captors, and in the distance she spots a village. The teenage girl slightly winces as she looks further east and gets her first good look at the plains of the nomads, or what's commonly referred to as the nomads plains.
If Lis, as she's often referred to by those in the group she travels with. Thought that the surrounding countryside was pretty barren and arid, looking east at the plains it's even more drier than it is here.
The orphan teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury in the southern hemisphere, hopes her captors aren't planning to take her east into the nomads plains. She thinks not as they're townsmen who despise the nomads, but she wouldn't put it past them if her speculation about their intentions turn out to be true.
As they near the small dusty village, Lisell Maera can easily see that it's inhabitants are neither townsmen or nomads, they're those who are of mixed blood, who townsmen despise, though they do interact with and do business with them. Unlike nomads, who they kill on the spot, and vice versa, for a nomad will kill a townsmen when they see them.
They stop at the edge of the village, a woman in her long traditional veiled janis robe, grabs a child by the hand and hurries away when the horses stop next to an empty house.
A few other inhabitants of what's known as an inbetween village who are out this morning, quickly move away when they catch sight of the three riders and their captive.
Farnell dismounts and nods to Halmnar and Samnill, who also dismount, Samnill mutters "Fuck" and winces as he dismounts, then walks with a slight limp for he was kicked in the knee by Lis last night when they stopped to camp.
Young Halmnar hauls Lisell Maera off the back of his horse, she hits the ground with a thud, she slightly groans around the cloth gag stuffed in her mouth. She isn't going anywhere as her ankles are now bound, as her wrists are. Still, Halmnar puts a boot on her, and stands on her as Samnill and Farnell hitch the three mounts to a post in what can be called a stable, it has three crumbling walls and a smattering of planks for a roof, that offers shade for the horses on what's turning out to be another a hot summer's day here near the nomads plains.
Lis is carried inside the house made of a mix of mud and straw bricks, she's dumped on the dirt floor, and gets a kick in her side when she kicks out with her bound legs, and connects with Halmnar's shins, who stumbles and falls as he swears "She bitch".
A rain of punches fall down upon the orphan teenager, hitting her in the stomach and chest, and sides, she can tell that Samnill is punching her the hardest by far, he's laughing as he hits her.
"Enough" says Farnell as he calls a stop to their abuse for the moment, as Lis lies there dazed after Samnill hits her in the face with one of his punches. The orphan teenager from Brattonbury in the Southlands is breathing heavily as she hears her captors laughing as they tell a joke and they share a flask of grain alcohol, that's popular amongst the poorer sections of townsmen society.
Lis who knows she has to try and get out of this, bides her time and works out what she'll have to do, even though her body is aching, battered and bruised.
"Hold her down, I'm going first" says Farnell who continues with "I'm not going after where you two bastards have been first" which illicits a laugh from both Samnill and Halmnar, though the laugh from Halmnar sounds forced and nervous to Lisell's ears, while Samnill's sounds mocking.
Once the bonds on her wrists, then ankles are cut, and Farnell goes to pull down Lisell's briches, she fights, kicking out at him, and elbowing both Samnill and Halmnar who are kneeling down to either side of her.
"Hold the bitch down!" yells Farnell who is on his rump, nursing an ankle that hurts like hell, Halmnar who toppled over when he was elbowed in the side, kicks out and connects with Lisell's side, which causes her to groan as she goes to kick out again.
Samnill who has also fallen on to his side, goes to grab something from his belt, as he mutters "You bitch" as he tries to grab their captor who is fighting a hell of lot more than any other of those he and Farnell have captured in the past.
Lis kicks the downed Farnell again, this time in the left knee, then she screams in pain through the gag stuffed in her mouth, and looks to her left, and finds her upturned hand pinned to the dirt floor of the house by a dagger.
"Bet that hurt didn't it bitch" says Samnill, who then punches Lis in the face, right in the mouth and nose that stuns her even more "Hold her" says Samnill to Halmnar, which is reiterated by Farnell who takes his own dagger from his belt.
Not bothering to pull their captives briches down, Farnell just cuts them open as he winces in pain from both a sore knee, and a sore ankle.
"Bitch if you keep putting up a fight, Sam here will keep stabbing you until you pass out" says Farnell, who continues with "And if you die, who cares as you'll still be warm enough to enjoy" which causes Samnill to chuckle in merriment, while Halmnar nervously grins as the two of them hold down their captive.
Not like this! Lisell Maera screams within her own mind, she thinks this repeatedly over and over again. For the orphan teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury in the Southlands, who was repeatedly sexually abused when she was a child, thought she had put things like this well behind in her life.
Not so, as she's raped by her three captors . . . . . .

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