Monday 27 February 2017

Wonderful 28.

Three Weeks Ago. The Great Western Ocean...

Tirelessly, and effortlessly, lord Farque puts one arm infront of the other as he swims through the tropics in the Great Western Ocean, north of the equator.
The undead warlord hardly even looks up as he swims on the surface of the warm water as he heads eastwards towards where he knows land is.
The heavily armoured deathlord as he swims, briefly turns his full helmed head to the right, and watches in the distance, a fifteen foot long shark approaching him.
Once the shark gets within fifty yards of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, it veers sharply away and goes off in an entirely different direction.
The shark, like all creatures of the sea, small or big, dangerous or not, keep their distance from the deathlord of Farque. And with good reason too.
The undead warlord continues on his way, swimming effortlessly in his heavy plate armour, not stopping, as he continues on his way eastwards towards land.
After swimming through another night, and into the morning, the heavily armoured deathlord stops for the first time since he came up onto the surface last week. Lord Farque lifts up and looks to the north a bit where he's spotted something about a mile away, after a few moments, the undead warlord heads in that direction.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque stops just back from the stern of a shipwreck, he stands, and starts walking along the sandy floor of the ocean, and onto the mid ocean beach that the remains of the ship is upon. The vessel, a twin masted cutter that's familiar to him, is broken up, with only the hull, below the water line still intact where it obviously ran aground, a sure sign that it's been here for more than few days, even longer. The deathlord of Farque can see debris floating in the water, that the currents have moved in and away from the wreck, which looks like it's been burnt if the black scorch marks along what's now the top of it is anything to go by.
"Well somebody obviously escaped" lord Farque dryly murmurs to himself, he figures it was Dorc da Orc, for if Mira Reinholt the mage did it, the vessel would be blasted into pieces, with only debris scattered in all directions on the surface of the water, which by the time the undead warlord arrived, it would of been gone.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque figures the ork warleader found a way to escape, due to the fact that he can not sense his sword anywhere. And he knows that in rare times the Sword of Power Ryn will allow Dorkindle to carry her around, she wouldn't let the mage Reinholt do so. Besides the Vexilian mage in exile would struggle to carry the Farque family sword due to it's size and weight.
"Now what about you mage?" murmurs the heavily armoured deathlord as he stands upon the mid ocean beach and he looks off to the east in the morning sunshine, the undead warlord senses as far as he can, then not finding anything he wants to, he shrugs his broad, armoured shoulders, walks into the water, and starts swimming in the direction of where he knows land is.

Two Weeks Ago. Belinswae...

Once upon land, lord Farque quickly found the fishing village in the south of the region of Belinswae where not just Dorc da Orc came ashore. But where previously, Mira Reinholt the mage and his captor, the elven magic user Kaldeàlil Haldéilv also came ashore.
Finding out which direction they went, the undead warlord headed north along the coast. The deathlord of Farque ran night and day without stopping, until he went inland a bit, to a river town. There lord Farque, discovered that the mage Reinholt and the elven magic user Haldéilv, along with a pair of mercenary guards, headed north on one of the river boats.
There was no word of Dorc da Orc, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque figures, correctly too, that the Sword of Power Ryn would have the large ork travel at night, and to keep him away from people, which is the smart thing to do, as the ork warleader is bound to do something idiotic and violent that will get him in trouble.
Lord Farque sticking to land, and not bothering to go on one of the river boats, as he can travel faster on foot, continued northwards, keeping more or less to the course of the river that he finds out, empties out into the Great Western Ocean just to the south of the port city of Falnic.
On the day he was about halfway to Falnic, the undead warlord when he stopped at a town to find out any more information, learnt of the the elven principality of Maladimbáh to the north of the nomads plains, which is further inland of the town he briefly stopped at.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque knows he could continue north, close to the coast and make his way to Falnic, but he decides to go further inland, and from there to head north to the principality of Maladimbáh, where he figures Kaldeàlil Haldéilv has taken Mira Reinholt too, a place of familiarity to her, where she can hope to lure the person she's after to.
After acquiring some maps of Belinswae, the nomads plains and Maladimbáh, for he doesn't know this part of north of the equator, as he's only traveled in the south of Belinswae before. Well over a decade ago, when he and Dorc da Orc were chasing after Mira Reinholt the mage for the wrong that he did to them at the battle of Vexil. A chase that led them to the far eastern coast of the continent, over ten thousand miles away.
The heavily armoured deathlord heads inland, still going slightly north, but heading east all the same as he heads through Belinswae, towards the nomads plains .
A few days later and the undead warlord is in a village, known as an inbetween village, populated by half bloods. It's here the lord and ruler of the lands Farque learns the differences about the societies in Belinswae and the nomads plains.
Lord Farque who already knows that the hordes barbarians of the southern tundra, which is south of his own vast lands. Are descended from the nomads of the arid plains to the east of Belinswae. And that they share a fairly common culture, and the same dialect, an off shoot of the common language.
What he found surprising is how deep the hatred between those who are locally referred to as townsmen, and the nomads who dwell in the plains. With the half breeds, or as they're also know by, half bloods. Stuck in the middle of the two societies that have a deep hatred for one another.
Knowing this, the heavily armoured deathlord, who always attracts attention wherever he goes, due to his size, and what he wears. Heads out towards the nomads plains after hearing about sightings in the area of a green monster, that was seen going out into the hot dry plains where the tribal nomads dwell.

A Week Ago. The Nomads Plains...

One day as he's crossing the crossing the nomads plains, lord Farque stops and looks up and watches a flight of wild wyverns, one of which breaks off, and heads downwards to where the heavily armoured deathlord stands upon the banks of a dry river bed, which probably hasn't seen water coursing through it in thousands of years.
The undead warlord bends down and picks up a fairly decent sized rock, and as the wyvern dives down at him, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque throws the rock at it, he throws the rock hard too.
The head of the large winged creature snaps to one side when it gets hit in the skull, the wyvern that measures about forty feet from wing tip to wing tip, plummets to the ground, completely knocked out.
It smacks into the ground after dropping nearly hundred feet, it's not moving, but the deathlord can sense that it's still alive, and he can hear it snoring as it lies there blacked out, completely oblivious to it's surroundings, and to what's happened to it.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque looks all around as he senses, then he heads off to the east, going a little to the south, the direction the flight of wyverns are heading.
A short time later, and a few miles further on, wyverns screech and squawk, then take off in fright when lord Farque approaches, calling out something in a language they've never heard before, but they instantly understand, and obey.
After the wyverns take off, scatter, and fly away, the undead warlord looks around at the nomads camp that the wyverns were scavenging from.
The deathlord of Farque sees the bodies lying everywhere, he sees that they've died by weapons, well those that he can find and see that haven't been half eaten by the flight of wild wyverns.
The undead warlord spots a number of dead townsmen amongst the dead nomads, and about fifty yards from the camp, lies what's obviously a tame wyvern, which was killed by the nomad fighters.
After walking around the camp, where the tents resemble the dry, sandy looking surroundings, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque who can tell that the raid here by a group of townsmen, happened two days ago, continues on his way east and north across the nomads plains, leaving behind the dead.
Two days later, and early in the morning before dawn, lord Farque stops and looks east, and a bit to the south, the heavily armoured deathlord who is continually sensing in all directions. Senses something very familiar about fifteen miles away in that direction.
Ryn, says lord Farque by way of mindspeech to his sword.
My lord, replies the Sword of Power Ryn.
The two of them briefly converse in the language of the Greater Dragons. The undead warlord who makes up his mind to leave his family's sword with Dorc da Orc for a little while longer as he goes in search of Mira Reinholt the mage who is likely in trouble he can't get out of at the moment.
Faintly smiles as he hears the dry tone of the voice of the soul of the Greater Dragon that inhabits his sword, as she'll have to be with the large ork, who has just fallen asleep after spending a busy night out on the nomads plains, for a little bit longer.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque who is of the opinion that Dorc da Orc will be as much hindrance, than help trying to free the mage Reinholt, and that Ryn the Sword of Power can control the ork warleader enough that he won't get into too much trouble. Tells her that he'll return for her as quickly as he can once he has the Vexilian mage in exile who is the prisoner of the elven magic user Kaldeàlil Haldéilv.
The deathlord of Farque then continues on his way, still heading north as much as east.
Two days later, and lord Farque stops, and as he looks due north, he can clearlybsee the foothills along the very north of the nomads plains, and beyond those, he sees the mountains of the elven principality of Maladimbáh.
The undead warlord heads towards them to find Mira Reinholt the mage, and to free him . . . . . .

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